Fran Drescher and The Rock are apparently both fielding requests to run for president

Why do people want actors to run for president so badly?

Aux News Fran Drescher
Fran Drescher and The Rock are apparently both fielding requests to run for president
Dwayne Johnson; Fran Drescher Photo: Scott Taetsch; David Livingston

Guys, remember the last time we had an entertainer run for president? That didn’t turn out too well, did it? Or go back even further: the last time a popular actor—one who was also once president of SAG!—became President of the United States? That kind of took a long-term toll on American politics, didn’t it? Do you really want to see that happen again? If the answer is no, then maybe stop telling people like Fran Drescher and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to get into politics!

Drescher’s popularity is at a new peak in the wake of the SAG-AFTRA strike, and now that the thing’s finally over, she has a little more time on her hands. Musing about her future with The Hollywood Reporter, The Nanny alum said she doesn’t “really see politics per se, but I do see myself doing something where I can leverage this for the greater good and be able to use my sensibility, which I think people respond to because it’s more authentic than maybe they’re used to from a lot of people that are out there.” Drescher said she now has time to “see what this was meant to do,” but added with a laugh, “Meryl Streep said to me, ‘This is great, now go run for president.’”

Meanwhile, people have apparently been telling The Rock that for years now, to the point where in 2022 “I got a visit from the parties,” he told Trevor Noah in an interview for Noah’s podcast (via People). Unclear which parties he was referring to, but “They asked me if I was going to run and if I could run—and it was a big deal. And it came out of the blue, and it was one after the other.” While Johnson called the situation “surreal” because his “goal has never been to be in politics,” he said the mysterious parties “brought up their own deep-dive research and data that would prove, should I ever decide to go down that road, that I would be a real contender.”

Back in 2021, a poll from Piplsay suggested 46% of Americans would support Johnson in a presidential election. But why, oh why, do people want actors to lead the whole country? Johnson has an idea: “I mean, it either means you are the paragon of what people would hope a leader would be, or it means things have gotten so bad that they are like, We need somebody who’s going to come in here and lay the smack down on everybody,” he said.

Yes, clearly things have gotten bad enough if someone wants a former WWE star to be our president. (Again, we kind of already had one, and it was awful.) Luckily, Johnson would rather be present for his children than President of the United States. But “If that’s ultimately what the people would want, then of course I would consider it.”

And if people other than Meryl Streep wanted Drescher to run for office? “No, I don’t want that job,” she laughed again. “Oh boy. But I do think that we’ll see. Time will tell.” Hopefully, time will tell these guys to stick to their day jobs.


  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

    Because most Americans are fucking morons and you’re political process is broken? 

  • milligna000-av says:

    “Or go back even further: the last time a popular actor—one who was also once president of SAG!—became President of the United States? That kind of took a long-term toll on American politics, didn’t it?”Er, because GOP policies aren’t good for America? Drescher wouldn’t be pushing GOP policies in this fantasy scenario. Did you think Reagan being President of SAG is what caused the long-term toll, and not the hard right policies he promoted and passed?What a weird take. Be fun to see her run for Governor, tho.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    Didn’t Rock make himself President in his TV show.I saw a couple episodes, and I was surprised how good it was.Not good enough to watch regularly, but way better than I expected. Pre-streaming it might have been.

  • donatelloesq-av says:

    “Why do people want actors to run for president so badly?”Name recognition.

  • killa-k-av says:

    I wouldn’t have guessed anyone was clamoring for Fran Drescher to run for president based on the media coverage of her this year.

  • adohatos-av says:

    No one wants to see Dwayne Johnson as President. No one even wants to see him as a superhero, albeit an obscure one. People want him to make action movies and that’s it. He does best playing an FPS protagonist but appears to be as devoid of thought, emotion or unscripted lines as any NPC.As to Drescher, never while hearing Trump ramble have I wished that his voice was raspier, higher pitched or that his accent was stronger. That’s what Fran Drescher brings to the table as a presidential candidate. A reason to avoid listening to the news. Maybe even an Indian summer for newspapers.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Ok, but how about a movie where Dwaynetherockjohnson plays the President and he has to use machine guns, kung-fu and maybe even Machine Gun Kelly to save his family from machine gun-toting bad guys?

    • radarskiy-av says:

      “No one wants to see Dwayne Johnson as President.”The kind of people who would back Zaphod Beeblebrox would back Dwayne Johnson.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Why do people want actors to run for president so badly?Politicians have always been actors too. As they say, “Washington DC is just like Hollywood only uglier.” Maybe Americans don’t want to bother with the pretense and just hire the person who actually puts “Actor” on their resume?

  • badkuchikopi-av says:

    Meanwhile, people have apparently been telling The Rock that for years now, to the point where in 2022 “I got a visit from the parties,” he told Trevor Noah in an interview for Noah’s podcast (via People). Unclear which parties he was referring to, but “They asked me if I was going to run and if I could run—and it was a big deal. And it came out of the blue, and it was one after the other.”I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I have a really hard time believing that happened as described. Maybe a republican and a democrat both spoke to him about a run, which he’s been floating for years now. Like in a casual “hey when are you gonna run for president?” kinda way. I could totally see some republicans trying to get him to run as a third party vote syphon. What serious democrat would have been pushing him to run last year? It doesn’t make sense. He’s obviously not as bad as Trump but it does feel like he shares some of Trump’s narcissistic tendencies. My brain practically inserted “the best people, the best people from both parties begged me to run!”

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Apparently Drescher’s campaign slogan “Vote for a Nanny State” isn’t going over too well…

  • gterry-av says:

    Considering that you can’t really diagnose someone with CTE until after their death and football players and pro wrestlers are at a higher risk for it (The Rock was both), having Dwayne Johnson as POTUS could end up going very badly.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Can we elect someone really hott? Just so I know what it’s like to rub one out to The President.

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