Frank Miller to co-write a YA book and Netflix series about King Arthur's Lady Of The Lake

Aux Features TV

According to Deadline, comic book creator Frank Miller and Puss In Boots writer Tom Wheeler are developing a 10-episode Netflix series and a YA book about the Lady Of The Lake from the King Arthur legends. Titled Cursed, the story is about Nimue, a teenage girl who is destined to live in a lake and protect a magic sword who goes on a quest with a man named Arthur to try and find another man named Merlin. Along the way, she’ll “become a symbol of courage and rebellion” against the evil Red Paladins and King Uther, which will most likely lead to her lake-based status in the normal King Arthur stories in some way.

Both Miller and Wheeler are writing the Netflix series, with Wheeler also writing the book and Miller creating illustrations to go along with it. As far as Deadline knows, this is the first time the same creative team has written a book and a TV adaptation of that same book at the same time. One thing that remains to be seen, though, is how well Miller will be able to reign in his usual misanthropic and misogynistic tendencies for something that’s a little more YA-friendly. This is the guy who made Sin City and The Dark Knight Returns, after all, so it might be tough for him to work on Cursed without doing some horrible things to these characters.

The Cursed book is supposed to be released later this year.

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