Freshly minted Emmy winner Jason Bateman might star in and direct the new Clue movie

Aux Features Film
Freshly minted Emmy winner Jason Bateman might star in and direct the new Clue movie
Photo: Dan MacMedan

With all due respect to fans of Zathura and Candyland: The Great Lollipop Adventure, Jonathan Lynn’s 1985 comedy Clue has a pretty firm lock on the contentious “best movie based on a board game of all time” throne. A fast-paced blend of mystery and farce backed up by a devastatingly talented cast of comedy ringers, Lynn’s film has steadily, and rightfully, risen from the ashes of box office bomb-hood into its rightful place in the canon of cult films. Last year, Ryan Reynolds announced that he intended to do a remake of the film, working with his Deadpool writers to put together a script. Now, Variety is reporting that Reynolds’ old Smokin’ Aces buddy, Jason Bateman, might be getting in on the Communism red herring fun as well.

Bateman—all hopped up on having somehow beat Game Of Thrones for Outstanding Direction In A Drama Series at last Sunday’s Emmys, for Ozark—is reportedly in talks to both direct and star in the Clue reboot. He’s directed two films previously, 2013 spelling bee comedy Bad Words, and 2015's The Family Fang. There’s no word yet on when this latest Clue project might make its way off the ground.

Anyway, enough of all that; here’s the late, great Madeline Kahn doing the “flames on the side of my face” bit:


  • tinyepics-av says:

    I’ll be going home to sleep with my wife, instead of ever watching a Clue remake.

  • natureslayer-av says:

    I’m just going to hope this will be good. The world needs, or at least I do, more high farce in TV and movies.

    • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

      Right? You can have a guhbillion CSI and Law n Order shows but we only have ONE Clue out there?. With all the variable plot threads and motives built right into its’ matrix, you’d think we’d already have numerous big-name versions of Clue coming out every 5 or 6 or 7 years.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      That’s why I love me some French cinematic comedy. ‘The Dinner Game’ is one of the great farces of all time.

  • dirtside-av says:

    Hot take: No matter how good it is, the remake will never hold the same place in the hearts of those of us who grew up with the 1985 one. Hotter take: And that’s fine.

    • g22-av says:

      What if a Clue movie starred Alicia Silverstone, Paul Rudd, Donald Faison, Jeremy Sisto, Breckin Meyer, and (UGH FINE) Stacey Dash?RIP Brittany Murphy, who would’ve made a dynamite Miss Scarlett…

  • oopec-av says:

    Under/Over for singing telegrams in this movie?

  • taumpytearrs-av says:

    Wow, I didn’t know anyone felt passionately enough about Ozark to give it awards. I haven’t seen it, but the few people I know who did watch it offered “its alright” as their most effusive praise.

    • sorscia0-av says:

      It’s my significant others’ favorite show and I know Stephen King loves it as well.  So there’s 2 people.

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        Man, its amazing how productive King is considering it seems like he spends even more time watching TV and movies than I do.

    • HALLOWEDPOINTS-av says:

      i sort of feel the same way. it’s a decent show, but i don’t think its even close to breaking bad levels (although in fairness, most shows aren’t but that’s the closest parallel in terms of story and feel).it definitely feels like the netflix algorithms went through the process to check off all the specs needed for a drama and spat out ozark (mob, town with secrets, drugs, organized crime, family man gone wrong). the most fun thing are the little symbols at the beginning where you try to guess how they relate to the episode’s plotlines.

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        Yeah, the impression I always got from early reviews and chatter was “Netflix’s off-brand Breaking Bad,” and they even cast an actor mostly known for comedic roles as the dramatic lead just like BB.

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:

      I’ve tried watching it but I can’t see anything. Why is it so fucking dark???

    • looseseal2austero-av says:

      “Emmy love Michael”

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      My boss regularly sings it’s praises, and compares it favorably to Breaking Bad. 

    • keregi-av says:

      We travel in different circles then.  I loved season one and starting season two soon.  All the people I trust with TV recommendations loved it.

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      Ozark is really entertaining with great work by the cast, but incredibly stupid and unbelievable. I enjoy watching it, but other than a some of the acting it shouldn’t be anywhere near an Emmy.

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    i can’t help it.  i love jason bateman.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    It was Jason Bateman in the studio with the sharpened frozen banana.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    And obviously this movie won’t be directed by a guy who killed three people.

  • grogthepissed-av says:

    I love the original ever so much. I like Bateman. I loathe Reynolds (except as Deadpool, where somehow my distaste for him and my distaste for the character combine with the absolutely perfect casting to make the Deadpool movies the only two forms of media in which I’ve enjoyed either Reynolds or Deadpool and they both somehow wrapped around to be wonderful)…I guess I’m saying I’ll probably watch it and hope for a Tim Curry cameo. 

  • yummsh-av says:

    I’m alright with this, but if anyone dares to remake ‘Murder By Death’, I’m cracking skulls.‘A white wang?’

    • rogue-jyn-tonic-av says:

      Chef’s kiss!Tess Skeffington:  He was my uncle. He was very good to me, he used to take me to the circus and give me candy. We stopped going when I was… about twenty-six.Sam Diamond: Twenty-six? What the hell kind of circus was it?

      • yummsh-av says:

        That cast is probably one of my favorite ensemble casts of all time. There isn’t a dud in the bunch. Say your goddamned pronouns!

    • Mr-Micah-av says:

      Peter Sellers doing his chinese impression with an actual adopted chinese man to make fun of was just to racist for me. I only lasted twenty minutes into this movie.

    • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

      “Frenchie? I’m a Belgie!”

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Madeline Kahn. She’s possibly the best part of ‘Young Frankenstein’, a film made up exclusively of best parts.

  • velvetal-av says:

    Something I had never thought about before this year, but now I can’t stop thinking about it because it makes no sense. In the world of the game, why is the rope a possible weapon? Wouldn’t it be obvious whether or not Mr Boddy had been strangled or hanged? A gunshot or a knife wound would also be obvious but at least those weapons could also be used to bludgeon him. Is it possible to bludgeon someone with a rope?

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      You could string a rope across some stairs, sending the victim tumbling to their broken-knecked doom!

    • ionchef-av says:

      It’s there to represent strangulation.Hard to do that with a knife or gun.

      • velvetal-av says:

        My point is that from an in-game point of view, there should no mystery as to whether or not the rope was the weapon used. Either he was strangled or not (and the assumption is that only one weapon was used). So the characters would know from the onset if the rope was the murder weapon. If he was bludgeoned to death, the gun and knife would still be in question because they can be used in that manner to kill someone.

  • looseseal2austero-av says:

    That would be a terrible mistake.

  • peterjj4-av says:

    I don’t really care for Jason Bateman (he’s alright but he’s just…very samey and a bit grating), and I’m not entirely sure he is the right fit for Clue because he’s a very self-aware performer. So is Reynolds, to a degree. The joy of Clue is that none of the characters were aware of ANY of their own failings – they were all hilarious and horrible people. Even Wadsworth, who on paper could have been the voice of reason, was quickly shown as not being anywhere near what he thought he was. If they have to remake, then remake with unknowns. Or, if you can’t do that, then have people who play big and loud and in a way that is not in any way conscious of itself. I’d say something like what James Ransone did in It 2. 

  • nerdybirdy84-av says:

    I have never not wanted a remake more.I’m pretty sure that’s English.

  • comicnerd2-av says:

    If they do make this movie, I hope they don’t move the story to modern day.

  • skeptcalatbest-av says:

    the first movie is near perfect. i dont know why we need another. I am very much looking forward to Knives Out, hopefully that will have a similar feel. 

  • minimummaus-av says:

    How about we just watch the original Clue and Game Night as a double feature instead?

  • bradaboutyou-av says:

    They’re remaking Clue?

  • scja-av says:

    It BETTER have three endings released randomly into theaters!

  • sena2885675765-av says:

    t­i­l ­i ­l­o­o­k­e­d ­At t­h­e ­p­Ay­c­h­e­c­k w­h­i­c­h ­h­A­d s­A­i­d $9436, ­i ­h­Av­e ­f­A­it­h t­h­At ­my ­c­ous­i­n w­oz ­l­i­k­e t­h­ey s­Ay tru­l­ly ­br­i­n­g­i­n­g ­i­n ­m­o­n­ey ­i­n t­h­er­e s­p­Ar­e t­i­m­e ­fr­o­m t­h­e­ir ­c­o­m­put­er.. t­h­er­e ­n­e­i­g­h­b­or st­Art­e­d ­d­o­i­n­g t­h­is ­f­or ­o­n­ly ­A­b­out 19 ­m­o­nt­hs ­A­n­d r­es­A­nt­ly ­c­l­e­Ar­e­d t­h­e ­m­or­g­A­g­e ­o­n t­h­e­ir ­A­p­Art­m­e­nt ­A­n­d ­b­ourt ­A t­o­p ­o­f t­h­e r­A­n­g­e ­m­Az­d­A ­mX-5. w­e ­l­o­o­k­e­d ­h­er­e,­g­o t­o t­h­is s­it­e ­h­o­m­e t­A­b ­f­or ­m­or­e ­d­et­A­i­l>>>>>

  • luismvp-av says:

    I hope it’s more of a re-adaptation than a remake. It’s such a loose concept and there’s no “original” story out there to adapt so I see no reason to retread the same plot as the ‘85 movie.Find the right cast and lean into their strengths as comedic actors to craft something new that just so happens to be about the murder of a host during a dinner party and the guests with the names from the board game. Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds are a good start to that cast and done right this could be very funny.If it really is just a remake of the original I’ll be pretty disappointed, but the idea has potential.

  • hickspy1-av says:

    When people got all pissed off about the possibility of a Princess Bride remake, we DIDN’T mean we wanted a Clue remake instead.

  • bostonbeliever-av says:

    Clue works because it’s camp. It’s ridiculous and zany and juuust self-aware enough. Any remake is already starting at a point of over self-awareness because the performers and audience are already aware of the tone of the original film. Also it won’t have Tim Curry coked out of his mind, which is a loss.

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