Gail Simmons says she's had a crush on Sir Patrick Stewart for over 30 years

TV Features patrick stewart

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Padma Lakshmi and Tom Colicchio get a lot of credit as the hosts of Top Chef, and they deserve it, but ask any longtime fan of the show, and they’ll tell you that Gail Simmons holds down that panel just as intelligently and eloquently as her compatriots—and that she always looks great doing it. From what we’ve heard, she sits on top of many people’s television crush lists, and she’s rapidly working her way up ours after the Love Week interview above. In it, Simmons expounds on her excellent decades long crush on Sir Patrick Stewart—she had a life-sized cutout in her dorm room!—talks about her dislike of tripe, and dishes on what she’d put on a crush-worthy playlist. We also talk Top Chef love connections, her parents’ love story, and the truly romantic value of one parent letting the other sleep in on weekends.

Top Chef will return to Bravo on April 1, with the launch of Top Chef: Portland. Simmons is also hosting Top Chef: Amateurs, which should premiere sometime later this year as well.


  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Gail Simmons says she’s had a crush on Sir Patrick Stewart for over 30 yearsGet in line!

  • nobodyhere123-av says:

    Gail has always been my favorite judge/guest on Top Chef. Her criticism is always honest and direct, but not cruel. She’s always struck me as a truly nice, smart, classy person and I’m looking forward to seeing her on the new show.

    • moswald74-av says:

      Have you read her book? It’s excellent. It’s called Talking with My Mouth Full: My Life as a Professional Eater. 🙂

  • TimbreChopper-av says:

    Ironically I’ve had a crush on Gail Simmons for almost 15 years (when Top Chef started).

  • moswald74-av says:

    I have a lady crush on Gail Simmons. 

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    In it, Simmons expounds on her excellent decades long crush on Sir Patrick Stewart—she had a life-sized cutout in her dorm room!

    Huh. Imagine that. I may or may not have a life-sized cutout of Gail Simmons in my room.

  • hankdolworth-av says:

    pfft….those aren’t even the original ST:TNG Action figures!She does get bonus points for having removed them from the boxes; not in terms of collector’s value, but in terms of being crush-worthy herself.(I feel like I should also lobby for full coverage of Top Chef: Portland when it comes out, rather than the spot coverage we’ve been accustomed to over the last few years.  It sucks that this site is covering the freakin’ Batchelor while not giving the reality show OGs (this & Survivor) the attention they deserve.)

  • rauth1334-av says:
  • bryanska-av says:

    Finally! We can have a Sexy Cakes episode!

  • redyetti-av says:

    Are decades long celeb crushes unusual? I’ve been smitten with Christina Ricci for 28 years at this point

  • capquinn-av says:

    LOL she rules.

  • saltedgailthesnail-av says:

    I’m a straight male and I’ve had a crush on Patrick Stewart for over 30 years.

  • normchomsky1-av says:

    Haven’t we all?

  • rarely-sober-insomniac-av says:

    Sir Stewart threw a hump at pretty much everyone he worked with, and quiet a few people that I didn’t expect decided to catch the aforementioned hump.She’s got pretty good chances if she wants to take it easy on the old fellow, is what I’m saying. His ticker isn’t what it used to be, and neither is his heart at his age.

  • jpilla1980-av says:

    Such a huge crush on her. One of my favorite Gail Top Chef moments is when she showed Brooke real kindness and encouragement when Brooke was eliminated in Top Chef: Charleston. She said something like ‘’Don’t confuse emotion with weakness’’ or something like that and that moment always gets me. 

  • anon11135-av says:

    Who the fuck is Gail Simmons?

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