Gal Gadot shows off Kristen Wiig in Cheetah costume for first time in new Wonder Woman 1984 trailer

Aux Features Wonder Woman 1984
Gal Gadot shows off Kristen Wiig in Cheetah costume for first time in new Wonder Woman 1984 trailer
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman; Kristen Wiig as Cheetah in Wonder Woman 1984 (Screenshot: DC FanDome) Graphic: The A.V. Club

It’s been a long, strange trip for Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman 1984, her follow-up to 2017's highly successful first solo outing for Gal Gadot’s Diana, princess of Themyscira. Even before the COVID-19 lockdowns, the ’80s-set sequel faced a few major delays, hopping on the schedule from late 2019 to early 2020, and then from there to its current (and still, frankly, hypothetical) resting spot on October 2 of this year. All of which means that the film is still in the pending stages as DC’s FanDome event rolls around, so, hey: New trailer.

Gadot and Jenkins were both on hand to show off the new footage at the virtual panel, digitally alongside a returning Chris Pine, plus newcomers Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal. “What an incredible way to engage with the fans,” Jenkins said of the “new and interesting way” they gathered compared to when they released the first trailer for the film at a convention in Brazil eight months earlier. The discussion kicked off with acknowledging the film’s delay: “We believe in putting it in the cinema, but I cant wait for you to see more today,” said Jenkins. Added Gadot: “As much as we want to share the movie with the world, at least we found creative ways for us to communicate with [them.]”

Then things transitioned into a fan q&a that included pop ins from tennis star Venus Williams and TV’s Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter, who opened up about how her own daugther finally understood the power of the character thanks to Gal’s portrayal.

As for the “second official trailer” trailer itself, it featured footage of young Diana training on Themyscira, Gadot’s Diana and Pine’s Steve Trevor walking about Washington, D.C., Pascal’s Maxwell Lord being nefarious in the White House press room, a few new action sequences, and—the main event—Wiig in her Cheetah outfit going toe-to-toe with Wonder Woman.

Here’s the full trailer:


  • laserface1242-av says:

    I’m just gonna remind everyone that up until the Countdown to Infinite Crisis, Maxwell Lord not only had nothing to do with Wonder Woman, he was also not a villain. Hell, Martian Manhunter read his mind, found he wasn’t a bad person, and gave him a JLI Badge.But than Geoff Johns did what Geoff Johns does and retconned it so that he was evil the whole time and than proceeded to shoot Ted Kord in the head and got his neck snapped by Wonder Woman.

    • greatgodglycon-av says:

      To this day I have no understanding for why he went that way with Maxwell Lord. Maybe because he is rich and his name sounds somewhat rich guy villainous? No clue.

      • greatgodglycon-av says:

        also fuck Johns for killing Ted Kord

        • ruefulcountenance-av says:

          On the one had yes, I agree, on the other hand, best comic death ever. He outclassed the entire DC hero roster, including Batman, when everyone had abandoned him, even the saintly Wonder Woman. Then, he didn’t put up with any of Max’s shit, got a seemingly pointless death but actually tipped all the heroes off. Splendid. Plus, it had shades of the much later ‘My name is ASAC Schrader and you can go fuck yourself’.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        Well he did kind of weasel his way into being the public face for the JLI and they were a bit hesitant to trust him at first IIRC. But that’s as far as it went. And they did try to later explain that his mom died when Mongul blew up Coast City to justify his Face-Heel Turn.Also, in Booster Gold’s series prior to Flashpoint, Booster, Jaime Reyas, Dan Garret, and a guy who claimed to be the Blue Beetle from the future went back in time to save Ted.They then went on whacky time travel adventures for a while.

        • medacris-av says:

          Side note: Why hasn’t DC done a Blue Beetle movie yet, specifically with Jaime Reyes? I feel like a geeky Latino kid with an alien gadget would appeal to a lot of people.

      • bobusually-av says:

        Because Johns is a fucking hack. His entire career is basically two things: this sort of “what if what you know about this character is actually… the opposite!?” and” what throwaway line from an Alan Moore comic can I turn into a year-long event?”

    • yawantpancakes-av says:

      I read that it was going to be Maxwell Lord or Mr. Jupiter.It should have been Mr. Jupiter. It makes sense, being that he seemed like a sleazy bastard.But, like you said, Johns does what he does. Fan fiction for the comics of his youth with added grim-dark, no parents, lost limbs and everything connected. Whether it makes sense or not.As you can see, I’m not a fan. 

      • nilus-av says:

        I have not idea what you mean. Mr Jupiter is a good guy. I mean sure he once gassed the teen titans with balloons filled with hallucinations but that was to teach them something.  

      • anthonystrand-av says:

        I loved Johns so much when I was in high school/college. As I got older, I found his work increasingly off-putting. But this summer, I went back and reread his original Flash run (the Wally West one from 2001-2005), and it’s *so bad* for all the reasons you just said.I have so much affection for his JSA run – I liked that even more than Flash at the time – but this made me definitely want to never revisit it.

      • thekosstamojan-av says:

        I can see you’re not a fan. Probably because you’ve never read Geoff Johns. His entire schtick has literally been the revitalization and rebirth of superheroes -from Barry Allen to Hal Jordan to freaking Booster Gold. Doomsday Clock was all about how Superman is the great symbol of hope around which the entire DC multiverse pivots and that his power to bring goodness overwhelms even the darkest people, including Dr. Manhattan. You don’t like Johns? Fine. But making him sound like Frank Miller is just egregiously wrong.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      With a strong rogues gallery, a hero’s franchise is in good shape villain-wise. But with the superheroes that don’t have that luxury, Producers basically just cherry-pick anyone from the larger comic pantheon to use, and hope no one cares. I mean, Ghost had nothing to do with Ant-Man (and was a different gender entirely) but was still used for the sequel and no one seemed to mind.

  • chriszededed-av says:

    Check out that digital fur technology!

  • laurenceq-av says:

    The cheetah CGI looks lousy, but the rest looks great. So many creative uses for the lasso!That said, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stomach a movie character that even vaguely evokes Donald Trump ever again.Which is a shame, because Jon Glover is fucking brilliant in “Gremlins 2.”

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      I was kind of pumped for WW2 (ha)  until I saw Kristen Wiig was in it.  Just gives off a terrible Richard Pryor in Supe 3 vibe (especially since she isn’t 1/4 as funny as Richard ever was)

      • imodok-av says:

        Wiig was not hired to be a clown. I find her funny, but humor is subjective, so to each their own. The reason she was hired, however, was not because she is a comedian: it’s because her performances always mine the anger, bitterness, and selfishness of the characters she portrays. Rage and envy are traits which define Cheetah.

        • hercules-rockefeller-av says:

          I’ve always been a fan of comedic actors playing dramatic or villainous roles. honestly I think there are comedic actors who are much more talented actors than the typical “dramatic” actor and who never get the recognition for it. Of course there are also comedic actors who rely on catchphrases, wacky facial expressions, etc. But IMO a the really good comedic actors are actually really talented actors, no need for the qualifier before it.

          • imodok-av says:

            It’s much more common that comedic actors are also great dramatic actors than the reverse.

          • hercules-rockefeller-av says:

            There are a few examples (Alec Baldwin and John Hamm come to mind), but there are a LOT of exampls of dramtic actors in comedies where they can’t do much more than mine laughs by playing against type. Sure, there’s some comedy to be had from getting Robert DeNiro to say “I have nipples, could you milk me?” in a movie, but that’s not what I would call great comedic acting. 

          • imodok-av says:

            Josh Brolin always impresses me with how he can be hilarious by not going for laughs, but by playing characters completely straight no matter how absurd they are.

          • austenpaul-av says:

            Also his Tommy Lee Jones impression is amazing.

          • paulfields77-av says:

            Hamm is a better comedic actor than a dramatic one – he’s hilarious in any comedy he appears in.

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Doesn’t look like she’s trying to be funny here.

      • dremiliozlizaardo-av says:

        What SJW trash. Wonder Woman flies without her jet now. And Cheetah looks like a reject for the CATS movie. This is going to tank so hard. LOL!

      • necgray-av says:

        Fair re: her comic talent. On the other hand, Pryor wasn’t 1/4 the actor Wiig is. As annoying as I frequently find her, she is a good actress.

    • bio-wd-av says:

      Well at least he’s mostly Ted Turner.  That makes it easier.  Because Trump would never colorize Citizen Kane due to never seeing it.

      • roboj-av says:

        Not only has Trump seen Citizen Kane, but its one of his favorite movies ever. Though it seems like he missed the point of that ending.

        • bio-wd-av says:

          Im well aware he claims to have seen it.  But I’m more likely betting he heard its the best film ever and just repeated that.

          • roboj-av says:

            Or, like I said, he probably only just watched and liked the parts about Charles Kane rise to power and the election part. He probably didn’t watch or get the ending or the meaning of Rosebud. He’s been known to fast forward scenes of movies he doesn’t like. 

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Didnt he say the moral is women ruin everything?  Yeah he didn’t get it.

    • nilus-av says:

      Cheetah looks like CGI character in a DC movie, ie like shit. Like what does Warner Brothers not have access to that every CGI character looks like complete dog shit.  

    • qwedswa-av says:

      It will not be Kristin Wiig’s performance that bothers you. You will apparently be surprised to discover that she is an excellent actress.
      But the CGI will be shitty. You can tell because the action scenes are all in the dark, and they do that thing where it goes really fast, then slows down for a screenshot, then speeds up to a blur again.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Does Cheetah have a butthole?

  • yawantpancakes-av says:

    Cheetah looks bad. Perhaps they should have not gone full furry.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    I had no idea that the sequel to Wonder Woman was adapted from that “Cat Person” short story.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Judging by the look of Cheetah, I’d say the best cat-related CGI artists were all busy working on Cats.  

    • anotherburnersorry-av says:

      I mean, can’t they just put Wiig in a goddamn real costume instead of cloaking her in CGI that’s going to look horribly dated within a decade?

      • nilus-av says:

        It’s like Warner/DC hasn’t seen the last 20 years of CGI in film and realized less is more. A practical costume and makeup touched up with CGI would look just as good but also have weight and light was actual hitting it.  

        • defuandefwink-av says:

          How do you know that’s not what the case is?  The character poster revealed a while back seems to show exactly what you are referring to..

        • capeo-av says:

          While I don’t disagree at all, the are fully CGI characters in other movies, and in their main competition the MCU, that look waaaay better than what the DCEU movies keep putting out. I don’t get it. Do they refuse to do mocap or something? 

          • reglidan-av says:

            I have to agree.  Thanos and Rocket and Groot look like they were animated in completely different decades than Steppenwulf and Doomsday and this character.

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      Burn of the week right here. 

    • dremiliozlizaardo-av says:

      What SJW trash. Wonder Woman flies without her jet now. And Cheetah looks like a reject for the CATS movie. This is going to tank so hard. LOL!

    • defuandefwink-av says:

      You can tell that from a dark and very brief trailer scene?  I want your powers!

  • bags-of-mush-av says:

    i think i missed the middle 83 installments 

  • kevinsnewusername-av says:

    I would care about this if I was 11.

  • castigere-av says:

    Well. At the risk of being called a toxic fanboy…. That looked terrible. I don’t read DC comics. Does her lasso extend hundreds of feet and latch onto lightning in the books? Wiig is doing a take on Pfeiffer’s Catwoman, here?I loved the first WW. Saw it twice, then another time after Movies With Mikey did a great video essay on it. Hope there are trailers that make this look better.

    • dremiliozlizaardo-av says:

      What SJW trash. Wonder Woman flies without her jet now. And Cheetah looks like a reject for the CATS movie. This is going to tank so hard. LOL!
      The original was barely watchable with that terrible third act, but this looks like Superman III levels of craptitude.

      • castigere-av says:

        You wrote that five frickin’ times.   Are you workshopping it, or something?

        • yawantpancakes-av says:

          That is the fake Dr Emilio Lizardo. You can tell by his posts and by looking at his username. I hope you were not the one to take him out of the greys.Yes, the real Dr Emilio Lizardo know about this idiot. Best thing to do is to flag and dismiss him.

          • srocket4229-av says:

            I wondered about this. I always enjoyed his posts and then he’d show up at The Root being an overt racist. Here he’s ragging on SJWs which doesn’t make sense. How does one differentiate from the good Dr. and this bad one? 

          • yawantpancakes-av says:

            You can tell by his posts and by looking at his username. He can’t use the same username, so he spells it slightly different. Enough so if you’re not paying attention, it looks the same.The one he’s using today is “dremiliozlizaardo”.He has no life. The only way he get his kicks (besides the meth), is to impersonate somebody on a message board to post racist, incel shit.All because he doesn’t have the balls to use his own name to say this bullshit.

          • castigere-av says:

            Right. I’d forgotten about him Thanks.

    • capeo-av says:

      In the comics the lasso can extend infinitely, can’t be broken even by the most powerful beings, and has been show to be capable of doing basically anything the current writer needs it to do. Cheetah is arguably WW’s longest running adversary, going all the way back to the Golden Age of comics. That said, that CGI did not inspire confidence.

    • hellosparky-av says:

      They’re actually going with “Nerdy scientist type gets powers and
      becomes a supervillain” because they apparently haven’t seen Batman
      Forever, Catwoman, and Amazing Spiderman 2? The first WW movie was
      great, but this is a tired trope.

      • castigere-av says:

        I agree that it’s a tired trope. You’d think they’d be tired of the “mousy, frizzy haired scientist lady” thing. It’s as cheap as the “hot chick who wears glasses and that makes her a nerd for half the movie” gag of the 80s.On the other hand, though, there aren’t many ways to gin up a super power origin story. 1. Science on purpose.2. Science by accident.3. Mystical forces just cuz.4. Random Arbitrary Space Selection.(5. You’re a Mutant.)All of those are tired tropes. The trick would be to come up with a new one that seems viable in context

  • docprof-av says:

    Oh yeah, I forgot Kristen Wiig was going to ruin this movie.

  • schwartz666-av says:

    Has anyone else seen the horrible, MST3K-worthy movie
    “Half-Caste” about wereleopards in Africa? Cuz I got major Half-Caste
    flashbacks from the full-on Cheetah scenes (not in a good way).That being said, I did think it was pretty cool watching WW literally riding the lightning, regardless of DC comic lore.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      I haven’t seen it, but I’m gonna say this image doesn’t look that bad to me. But I’m also gonna say I don’t really know if there even ARE examples of Cat-Humans that look good in live action? This may be the best we can do

      • schwartz666-av says:

        Well that poster is definitely better than the movie itself. Wish I could find a trailer, but it doesn’t exist on YT which is surprising.You are correct about about Cat-Humans though. Having seen pics of the original Cats musical costumes, it look stupid whether its makeup or CG!I guess I have no alternative but to start my Cat-Human Actor genetic hybridization project posthaste!

  • dremiliozlizaardo-av says:

    What SJW trash. Wonder Woman flies without her jet now. And Cheetah looks like a reject for the CATS movie. This is going to tank so hard. LOL!

  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    Steve Trevor peen at 2:16!

  • schmapdi-av says:

    So Wonder Woman travels by swinging on her lasso from lightning? Can’t she just, you know, fly?

    Also I give zero shits about Steve Trevor.  The sooner they separate the WW storyline from her boring boyfriend the better. 

    • cropply-crab-av says:

      I dunno, if we separate this WW from her boring boyfriend we’re just left with a boring Wonder Woman.

    • usus-av says:

      Her invisible plane is in the shop.  The mechanic is having a hard time sourcing invisible wing flaps.

  • secondsnice-av says:

    I’m hyped for this movie, but my first thought on seeing Cheetah was “they’re making a Cats sequel already?”Not that there’s even anything wrong with it, but it’s too soon for another CGI human-cat monstrosity.I kid. Can they just release it on streaming already? It’s going to be months before it’s safe to go to theaters again, and I want to watch Chris Pine marvel at all the futuristic wonders of the ‘80s.

  • mysteriousracerx-av says:

    Some neat stuff, plenty already said about the janky CGI, but here’s something I kind of don’t get: in the previous movies, WW is a “goddess”, trained as the ultimate warrior, she fights huge monsters, gods, powerful multidimensional beings from other worlds, tosses tanks around, can fire bolts of mystic energy – and here’s she literally swinging through the sky from lightning bolts – and Cheetah is like sort of quick and strong.Having already made WW so cosmic in BvS/JL, and at the end of the previous movie, the power scale just seems totally out of whack …

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Blame comics. Wonder Woman is all these things and still fights Cheetah in those too.

    • capeo-av says:

      Some of the Barbara Minerva versions of Cheetah are stupidly powerful in the comics. She’s basically a demigod herself. She can physically go toe to toe with WW and she actually bit through Superman’s skin at one point.

      • soildsnake-av says:

        she actually bit through Superman’s skin at one point.

        She was defeated immediately with a squirt bottle and then spent the rest of the afternoon sulking under a couch.

  • schwartz666-av says:
  • ghboyette-av says:

    Really miss the Blue Monday song. That was cool as hell.

  • erikveland-av says:

    Huh. This was a very VERY different trailer from the one they showed before Tenet. That one was longer, more epic, less funny and had a seriously kick ass orchestral rendition of Blue Monday and a slitscan version of the logo.EDIT: Oh right, the first trailer that was released eight months ago.

  • scottscarsdale-av says:
  • shadowplay-av says:

    I’m getting a Catwoman/Max Shreck vibe here. Which is a shame, because it didn’t work for me in Batman Returns

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    Saw the toy in Walmart before the reveal. *shudder*

  • dudebra-av says:

    I have always preferred Marvel to DC. The DC movies have been okay. They suffer from comparison to the Marvel Cinematic Universe which has been amazing. Gal Godot as Wonder Woman has been an exception to Marvel cinema dominance. I can’t wait for this movie.Honorable Mention to Margot Robbie. She was Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey was fun. It was also the last movie I saw in a theater. I miss that and I don’t know when I will ever do it again.

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