Game Of Thrones’ Natalie Dormer totally gets the “Kermit The Frog’s girlfriend” thing

Aux Features TV

Spy Publishing Partners’ old “Separated At Birth?” feature, consisting of two unrelated celebrities put side-by-side to point out likenesses, was a lighthearted goof that used to appear in print media, back in the bygone days when words used to get printed onto paper. It seems a few people have been doing their own version of that lately, with Game Of Thrones’ Natalie Dormer and the new love interest for Kermit The Frog on ABC’s The Muppets, a character accurately named Denise The Pig. Happily, Dormer isn’t thrown by the comparison—according to Entertainment Weekly, she thinks she may have brought it on herself.

There’s a scene in season 3 where I’m walking on all the cliffs with Sansa, and I’m telling her how I was teased as a young girl for my nose. I asked in a dinner with David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss], ‘Please, can you put in a line about a pig nose?’ I was bullied at school, I used to get told I had pig nostrils. I said for my own demons, it would be sticking two middle fingers up to the bullies of my childhood. If you watch the DVDs, you’ll see me oinking backstage. When I saw that Kermit had a new girlfriend, I thought I might be responsible for that. I brought up the pig subject myself.

So, you see, she’s not offended, because she already processed any possible jokes about her pig-like nose through a tossed-off line on her hit show. And Muppet-style pigs are adorable, so there’s also that. Oh, and being named one of GQ’s Hottest Women In Culture 2014 might help mitigate the pain of that whole “ugly pig-nose” taunt from her childhood. Not to endorse arguably sexist body-image standards, but Natalie Dormer isn’t too worried about being compared to an anthropomorphized pig. Besides, everyone knows frat boys have cornered the market on being human pigs.

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