Get Involved, Internet: help Run The Jewels remix RTJ2 using cat sounds

Aux Features Music

RTJ2 isn’t due for another month, but there’s already a Kickstarter in place for a special remix of the forthcoming Run The Jewels album. A fan of the duo has set up “Meow The Jewels” with this pretty straightforward mission statement: “I really want my two favorite artists, Killer Mike and El-P, to remix ‘Run The Jewels 2’ with all cat sounds for the music. #MTJ.” Killer Mike and El-P have apparently taken this anonymous fan up on their challenge, and have agreed to actually make the album if the goal is met.

The funding goal is set at $45,100, with a deadline of October 28. Gifts for backers include digital copies of the album ($10), official MTJ catnip ($50), having your own cat’s noises on the record ($1000), and a limited edition vinyl copy “autographed by Mike and El-P and maybe a cat” ($5000). El-P announced via Twitter that he intends to donate any profits from Meow The Jewels to “somewhere that will directly benefit the families of Eric Garner and Mike Brown.”

Run The Jewels released a single from the upcoming, non-feline version of RTJ2 last week, so if you want to know what Meow The Jewels will sound like, imagine this, but with cats.

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