Gina Carano to star in movie backed by far-right slugs

Carano was once going to star in a Star Wars spin-off based on her Mandalorian character, Cara Dune

Film Video Gina Carano

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  • milligna000-av says:

    Why bother giving these creeps marketing and a SEO boost? Cover more indie productions from people who aren’t fucking scumbags that might goose the clicks.

  • nx-1700-av says:

    Looks hilarious ,can not wait to see it !

  • sandsanta-av says:

    Sucks because I was looking forward to her spinoff from the Mandalorian. Been hoping that she would come to her senses, apologise and maybe at least return for some small parts.Instead it seems she’s really determined to fuck up her career and life as much as possible…

    • dudebra-av says:

      Fascism is a deadly mental illness.Unfortunately, it is most deadly to those innocents near the fascist.

    • taco-emoji-av says:

      Eh, her wooden mockbuster-level acting was easily the worst part of The Mandalorian

    • beefyjerky-av says:

      since when the fuck has groveling and apologizing to the insane left shitheads ever done anything to help?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I don’t get the “why doesn’t she come to her senses and apologize”, “why is she determined to fuck up her career and life”
      She thinks she’s right. Have you ever dealt with someone who thinks they’re right? They double down, they dig their heels in, they become aggressive. Because they think they’re right.
      As for her career and life, I’m sure her life is just fine. And I’m sure her career will be just fine. Louie CK bounced back fine; Bill Cosby committed actual crimes and he’s going on tour!

  • grantagonist-av says:

    Don’t watch this video. Read this non-video post about it (that, ironically, I saw linked from here yesterday in the sidebar):

  • giintak-av says:

    Is this all still from her setting her Twitter pronouns to R2D2 sounds for Star Wars Day? 

  • jgp1972-av says:

    Yeah, she fucked herself. She said some dumb shit and doubled down on it. Cant believe she didnt forsee the outcome and apologize, or shut up.

    • anandwashere-av says:

      Pride comes before the fall, as they say, and boy has she fallen.

    • tron84-av says:

      What did she say?

    • jalbrit-av says:

      LOL – everything she posted is now known to be 100% correct – and she is now more popular than ever.  Do you think she misses working for Disney Pedos and Groomers?  How was Mando Season 3? Oh, yeah it’s not out yet after 2 years.  Face it wankers…. Disney fucked themselves and Gin Carano is doing better than ever.  Live with that.  

  • dudebra-av says:

    My Son Hunter.Is
    that the one where Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka take little Hunter’s lunch
    money and roll it over in to a Russian gangster, Chinese factory boss
    and Saudi oil magnate funded untraceable trust managed by lil’ Jared?Whatever MAGA con-men complain about most loudly they are actually doing, except at least a thousand fold worse.

  • jalbrit-av says:

    STFU you misinformed lying sack of shit.  Gina Carano NEVER posted anything harmful, hurtful or abusive toward anyone – much less racist or transphobic, you scumbag.  Disney needs her much more than she needs Disney…. if you have not noticed everything they have put out since firing her is complete crap and their stock is in the tank.  “Right wing slugs” huh? This movie is completely factual and will garner some major attention.  Gina is doing better than ever.  

  • lmh325-av says:

    In fairness, Carano is a right-wing slug so…

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