Gina Carano will also play someone who is not Boba Fett in Disney+'s The Mandalorian

Aux Features TV

Yesterday, one of the many guys who is famous for dying on Game Of Thrones joined the cast of Disney+’s The Mandalorian, with Pedro Pascal set to play the “lead” in the streaming series—though we don’t know if that means he’s the eponymous non-Boba Fett that we’ve seen in the teaser image. Now, we know at least one person who will be joining Pascal in the show, with Variety reporting that Gina Carano from Deadpool (and some things that aren’t as good as Deadpool) will also pop up in the show as a secret character. We don’t know anything about who Carano will be playing, both because Disney isn’t going to give any information about Jon Favreau’s Star Wars show until it absolutely has to and because The Mandalorian takes place in a relatively unexplored section of the modern Star Wars timeline (post-Return Of The Jedi and pre-The Force Awakens).

Now that we think about it, though, Boba Fett was a clone and his dad was deeply involved in some cloning shenanigans, so maybe Gina Carano will be a clone of Boba Fett? And maybe Pedro Pascal is a different clone of Boba Fett?Maybe Werner Herzog is old Boba Fett? Maybe we’re all a clone of Boba Fett, and that’s why we all look so cool in armor?


  • notthesquirrellyourelookingfor-av says:

    She’s not a good actor and I don’t give a shit about MMA, but I always root for her to end up with a nice film career for some reason. Soderbergh got a really good film out of her and I’ve liked her ever since.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      “But she was good in Haywire!”
      – every defense I’ve heard about Carano’s acting skills, parroted a thousand timesThat said, I too hope for her to be successful someday.  I root for any new talent frankly.

    • dantevue-av says:

      I love Pedro Pascal and I love (and hope for great things for) Gina Carano, so I’m actually looking forward to this show now.

    • halloweenjack-av says:

      I always root for her to make me her houseboy. It’s just… I think that I would really work well in the position. 

    • suisai13-av says:

      Damn her acting, but I did think she was going to be the next female
      action movie star. At any rate, I been a newborn sucker for this lady
      ever since..

  • giamattisaves-av says:

    Haywire is so, so much better than Deadpool

  • baniels-av says:

    a less good sabine

  • g22-av says:

    Every time i see her I think “Whoa, Ruby Rose hit the gym…”

  • oljaybles-av says:

    More like BABE-a Fett, amirite?!

    • agobair303-av says:

      They should remake Robocop with her and call it RoboBabeThey should remake Lincoln with her and call it Babe-rham Lincoln

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    This is fine but how have they not already made a movie where Gina Carano alternately fights and makes out with Ronda Rousey

  • slander-av says:

    I really like Gina and Pedro. What she lacks in acting acumen, she makes up for in badassitude. He’s got so much charisma I’m honestly shocked he isn’t already a bigger star. I’m looking forward to this show even more now.

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