Guns, monster trucks, and Jesus: New teaser for The Righteous Gemstones season 3

The Gemstones are back, and just as violent, profane, and evangelical as ever

Aux News The Righteous Gemstones
Guns, monster trucks, and Jesus: New teaser for The Righteous Gemstones season 3
The Righteous Gemstones Photo: Ryan Green/HBO

Because nothing says “a devout pursuit of Christian values” like running over cars with a monster truck, firing off lots of guns, and telling your siblings to shut the fuck up, we’re very happy to note that The Righteous Gemstones is on its way back to TV. Danny McBride’s exploration of the excesses of a family of Christian televangelists looks to be as excessive as ever, too, going off of a new teaser trailer for the show’s third season released today, which shows the Gemstone kids trying to run the family business as their father takes a step back.

The Righteous Gemstones Season 3 | Official Teaser | Max

Take it as read that the Gemstone family has not been humbled by two seasons of frequent failures and, more often than you might expect, high-speed car chases with “ninjas” on motorcycles. This year, they’ll apparently be gearing up to fight an actual God-blessed militia, under the control of a very wig-equipped Steve Zahn. There’s also a whole NASCAR thing going on, too, with a rivalry between McBride’s Jesse and what looks to be some Bizarro Gemstones in the form of Stephen Dorff and his Simkins clan. And also, Baby Billy is there, because it just wouldn’t be The Righteous Gemstones without nigh-toxic levels of exposure to Walton Goggins’ spray-tan.

The Righteous Gemstones last aired new episodes back in February of 2022; the series is set to return for its third season on June 18. The series stars McBride and Goggins, plus Adam DeVine, the incomparable Edi Patterson, Tony Cavalero, Cassidy Freeman, Skyler Gisondo, Gregory Alan Williams, Tim Baltz, Jennifer Nettles, and, of course John Goodman, who—despite being entirely silent in this teaser trailer—continues to loom large over his family as “America’s Jesus Daddy,” Eli Gemstone.


  • neanderthalbodyspray-av says:

    Wait…is that Shea Wigham?

  • blpppt-av says:

    Dammit. I was all set to cancel my HBO subscription after Succession. Oh, you sneaky executives.

    • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

      That is one thing that HBO has been very, very good at in recent years. They ramp up something good just as another tentpole is winding down. Recently, you’ve had The Last of Us overlap with Perry Mason which ended as Succession and Barry ramped up. And now those will end as Gemstones comes back. HBO knows how to use scheduling to retain viewers. I’m always flummoxed that Netflix hasn’t caught on to this. 

      • blpppt-av says:

        Netflix has a different release strategy, though—they dump every episode at the same time, which would mean that they’d have to release new, highly watched content at a faster pace than the weekly release services.

        • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

          I know, that’s basically the point I was making. With their struggles to keep subscribers over the last few years, you would think that Netflix would look at that strategy, compare it to HBO’s and think, “Maybe we’re fucking this up by dumping an entire season’s worth of content in one fell swoop.” But they don’t appear to be that introspective. Binge-watching doesn’t encourage sustained membership. 

          • blpppt-av says:

            I agree 100%, but my reason for wanting Netflix to go with the weekly episode releases has to do with 2 things:1. Spoilers2. You don’t get the sense of personal interaction with weekly episodes when the whole thing is available from start to finish.

          • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

            Exactly. There are so many reason to choose a weekly release format, not the least of which is that the binge watching model gives shows a shelf life of about 3 days. After that, no one is talking about it anymore. Netflix poured a ton of money into Queen Charlotte, and it was a thing people talked about for a few days at most. It’s been out a week, and I doubt anyone will write about it in another week. But if you release an episode per week, then you’ve got 6 weeks to build buzz and have conversations. You give pop culture sites an opportunity to work for you by doing recaps and weekly articles. Instead, Netflix seems content to let so much of its content die swift, anonymous deaths. I’m sure Netflix spent millions on Queen Charlotte, all to let it die a swift death because of how they chose to release it. 

          • tvcr-av says:

            Never heard of Queen Charlotte.

          • tvcr-av says:

            My wife informs me that I have heard of Queen Charlotte, and have watched two episodes of it. I regret any harm I may have caused.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    The Gemstones are back, and just as violent, profane, and evangelical (and American) as ever

  • luasdublin-av says:

    I’ve never watched Succession , but I assume its basically Gemstones without the religous overtones.

    • blpppt-av says:

      The one thing that could make Succession even better is Baby Billy Freeman as a long-estranged Roy family member.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Bizarro Gemstones in the form of Stephen Dorff and his Simkins clan. Is that Jennifer Aniston in a floofy wig holding his hand ? Because it looks like Jennifer Aniston in a floofy wig holding his hand.Apparently its not

  • wellgruntled-av says:
  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    FUCKIN’ A.

  • weltyed-av says:

    I demand a Six Pack remake with McBride in the Kenny Rogers role and six foul-mouthed kids running his crew!

  • 4jimstock-av says:

    I love this show but none of my friends and family have heard about it, what kind of ratings does it have? Not enough people are watching it.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      it’s doing fine, but why don’t you tell your friends and family to watch it? that’s how word-of-mouth works!

  • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

    This makes me wanna run around the house with a pickle in my mouth! 

  • captaintragedy-av says:

    One of the best shows on television. Can’t wait!

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