Gwyneth Paltrow shares nepo baby thoughts, plan to “literally disappear”

The Goop founder is has also never been motivated by money, she shared in a recent interview

Aux News Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow shares nepo baby thoughts, plan to “literally disappear”
Gwyneth Paltrow Photo: Monica Schipper

Gwyneth Paltrow is blazing a bold new path for women afraid of getting older. None of that “aging gracefully” nonsense for the Goop founder and Iron Man truther. Nope! She’d rather just go away altogether.

“I thought in my 50s I could downshift for some reason. I don’t really know why I thought that would happen. I was talking to my friend who’s in her 60s, and she’s like, ‘Oh, no. No way. You got 15 more years.’ I was like, ‘Oh, my God,’” Paltrow said in a recent interview with Bustle.

Still, even though she’s feeling a bit overloaded getting her kids into college and running her major business (“I’ve burned three things in the oven this weekend, just stuff like that, where you’re like, ‘What the fuck?’”), Paltrow loves the stage of life she’s in. “I don’t give a fuck what anyone says about me, thinks about me, this is who I am,” she shared. “I felt like 50 was a deepening into myself. And, apparently, that just keeps getting better.”

Until you’re around 75 when “everything starts to hurt,” that is. In response to a question about whether she would be the one “who teaches us all how to head into our 70s and 80s with grace,” Paltrow responded “I’ll probably try, knowing myself.” (Earlier in the interview, she lamented the fact that “we as women are so programmed to be busy.”) Then again, she also “might be like, ‘Fuck this.’ I might just disappear, and no one will ever see me again.”

That’s clearly the route Paltrow actually wants to take because she brings up the fantasy yet again, many questions later, in response to her plans whenever she decides to sell Goop. “I will literally disappear from public life. No one will ever see me again,” she said.

But before Paltrow makes her dramatic, Bilbo Baggins at his eleventy-first birthday-style exit, she just wants her nineteen-year-old daughter, Apple Martin, to be spared from the nepo baby allegations. “Now there’s this whole nepo baby culture, and judgment that exists around kids of famous people. She’s really just a student, and she’s been very… She just wants to be a kid and be at school and learn,” Paltrow said.

“There’s nothing wrong with doing or wanting to do what your parents do. Nobody rips on a kid who’s like ‘I want to be a doctor like my dad and granddad,’” she continued. “I think it’s kind of an ugly moniker. I just hope that my children always feel free to pursue exactly what they want to do, irrespective of what anybody’s going to think or say.”

Maybe by shunning the nepo baby label, Paltrow’s kids will grow up to be as “unfortunately not” motivated by money as (she at least thinks) she is. “I don’t make choices to build value in the wrong way. I’ve always done independent films,” she said. (Community note: Paltrow has appeared in seven Marvel movies.) “I don’t know. Money has never been my thing. It’s never been my driver.”


  • hayley23-av says:

    Wow, she’s so brave.

    • tvcr-av says:

      I guess she did the Marvel movies she didn’t remember appearing in for something other than the money.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        Not to rush to this rich woman’s defence or anything, but she might have done the movies to work with actors or directors she admired. Acting is fun, and I honestly think that’s why most people do it. But it’s still a job, so who doesn’t want to get paid for their work?

        • tvcr-av says:

          She just specifically said that money’s never been her thing. I don’t really think she has a well thought out philosophy on life, and anything she says is just a load of shit she hasn’t really thought about very deeply. I assume her claiming this is just something rich bitches say when they’re not shoving jade eggs up their goop.

  • gterry-av says:

    The flip side of the whole nepo baby thing is I feel like if Gwyneth hadn’t become an actor there probably wouldn’t be a lot of other career options for her. So if the options were either nepo baby actress or trust fund kid who does nothing, she probably made the better choice.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      It actually doesn’t matter that she’s a nepo baby.  No one ever said that children of actors shouldn’t become actors.  Just that, hey, let’s acknowledge all those advantages you had along the way.

      • Rev2-av says:

        You also need to acknowledge successful people take advantage of the opportunities in their lives and figure out how to live your own… Everything she said was absolutely reasonable, no need to try to spin it.

      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        And at least do the minimum and adopt a stage name that dissociates you from your famous family like Nick Coppola did when he decided to go by Cage. Sure, the people in power in Hollywood probably aren’t really fooled, but it’s an attempt anyway.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          I don’t even care if they do that. I don’t care if people use their connections or their family’s name. I don’t think people should have to deny their family. I care that they use their connections and then pretend that they got there only by natural talent and hard work and pretend that people who aren’t as successful just didn’t have the talent or do the work (such as Kim Kardashian claiming “no one wants to do the work” and that’s why we’re not all as rich as she is). I just want us all to be honest about what’s going on and how people get where they are and why some people might not get as far.

    • dxanders-av says:

      I don’t get this argument. If she hadn’t become an actress, she’d still have a headstart on pursuing education for practically any career she wanted thanks to the wealth and influence of her family.I’m also not sure that becoming a rich and famous actress is really that more admirable than being a trust fund kid? It’s not like the world is better off for having her in Shakespeare in Love or Iron Man 2.

      • gterry-av says:

        My point was that in every interview or quote I read from her she comes across as kind of dumb. So trying to picture her in like any other job is kind of hard for me.

    • Bazzd-av says:

      She majored in art history and speaks several languages fluently. She’s also part of a family tree of incredibly rich people who have never had to work a day in their lives and several members of her extended family are legitimately billionaires other than herself.She could have done something interesting, and she probably really enjoys the thing she could have been paid for when she does it for free, but she’s never had to think about doing that thing as a job.

      • kirivinokurjr-av says:

        She could at least have been a docent at the Louvre!

      • briliantmisstake-av says:

        She never graduated from college and only got into UCSB because Michael Douglas made a few phone calls for her (allegedly). That said, I do think there would have been other career options for her. Aside from being rich and privileged, she does seem to have a decent work ethic.

    • gregorbarclaymedia-av says:

      Really? Her only options:ActorNothing at all forever?

  • murrychang-av says:
  • marty-funkhouser-av says:

    It’s super easy for her to not care or be motivated by money when she has millions. So brave of her. But she is right about how much easier it is to not give a fuck as you get older. 58 years old here and less and less tolerance for everyday bs more and more.The old saw that ‘youth is wasted on the wrong people’ is certainly true.

  • kinopio69-av says:

    Successful doctors spend years getting advanced degrees and training. They save lives. It doesn’t matter if their parents were doctors or not. Nepo Baby Gwyneth did none of that. She just used her parents connections to get jobs and become more rich. Pretty disgusting comparison she made.

  • mortimercommafamousthe-av says:

    Nobody rips on a kid who’s like ‘I want to be a doctor like my dad and granddad,’”That’s because people whose parents or grandparents were doctors still have to attend medical school and earn their very own doctorate. Actor children only need mommy to hook them up with studios and producers.

    • cranchy-av says:

      That will get you some shots early on and maybe a small career out of B movie roles and guest appearances, but to keep getting the big parts you need more than just connections. Robert Downey Jr. didn’t get to play Iron Man just because someone owed Robert Downey Sr. a favor.

      • gregorbarclaymedia-av says:

        Yeah, sure, but you already live in the city, your folks have connections with managers and casting agents, and you probably don’t have to work another job whilst waiting on auditions… It’s still a fucking whopper of an advantage for an actor just starting out.

  • bc222-av says:

    I mean, I didn’t need to know any of this, but everything she said sounds… fine? Seems fairly level-headed and reality-based, which at this point is honestly just kind of refreshing.

    • murrychang-av says:

      It’s easy to be level-headed and reality-based when you’ve got a jade egg stowed in your cooch.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      “Seems fairly level-headed and reality-based”LOL Does it? Like the part where she says no one rips on a kid who wants to be a doctor like his dad and grandad? Ignoring the fact that no one “rips” on nepo acting babies either—they just note that they have a lot of extra advantages, which is exactly the same as people say about “nepo doctor babies”? Or the part where she think she can “teach us all how to head into our 70s and 80s with grace”? Or the part where she lies about how she conveniently forgets the big budget films she’s been in, or says she hasn’t been motivated by money and failing to mention that it’s easy to not be motivated by money when you’ve never had to worry about it?I’m not saying this is the worst stuff she’s ever said, but calling it reality-based is a stretch.  It’s important to remember where the bar is.  Is this the most batshit thing she’s ever said?  No.  But that doesn’t mean it’s actually level-headed or reality-based, and we should make sure not to compliment people for the mere fact of not saying something insane.

      • briliantmisstake-av says:

        Yeah, I have no issue with a kid that wants to be a doctor like their parents or grandparent. I have an issue with- The kids parents gaming the system to give their kid an advantage- The kid never acknowledging their success is largely due to their connections – They aren’t working to level the playing field and create a system that is more equitable and has more opportunities for everyone. 

        • gargsy-av says:

          Kill. Yourself.

          If your life is so fucking empty of people that love you and support you that you need to lash out at people who have loved ones, fucking kill yourself.

        • Bazzd-av says:

          No one’s mad if your kid does the same job as you. They’re going to be mad if you make a phone call to get your kid the same job as you and then call it genetics, natural talent, or a generational predisposition to hard work preluding success within the myth of meritocracy.If your kid goes by a stage name, finds their own agent, never mentions you by name, never walks the red carpet with you, never gets an introduction to a producer, never gets you to fund a pet project, and generally just forces themselves to do it the hard way along with everyone else out there, then… well, they’re still growing up incredibly rich and with the resources that go with it, but at least they’ll just be some privileged rich kid and not a nepo baby.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Ignoring the fact that no one “rips” on nepo acting babies either”

        Sure, let’s all agree with your blatant lie.

      • presidentzod-av says:

        Dude. Relax. 

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      but everything she said sounds… fine?

      Except that she’s a con-artist, and everything that comes out of her mouth is bullshit.

  • a-goshdarn-gorilla-av says:

    It’s probably a lot easier to not be motivated by money when you’ve never had to worry about it for one second of your life.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Exxxxxxactly. As if her daughter is so much wiser than other kids who are motivated by money because, you know, they like to eat and have a roof over their head and stuff.It’s funny to me because I’m not rich by any stretch but I make enough that my kids don’t have to worry about stuff.  My 8 year old has NO interest in money.  She doesn’t want money from the tooth fairy–she wants the tooth fairy to write her a note.  She literally couldn’t care less about money and it’s not because she’s such a good person (she is, but that’s beside the point).  It’s because she has been lucky to not know the role money plays in our lives and why we need it.   Which reminds me I need to teach her about money.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        “The Tooth Fairy gives you money? How transactional. The Tooth Fairy and I share a correspondence.”

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          One night she left a note for the TF asking her to leave her signature, and also to wake her up for “a night out together.”  Like…what am I supposed to do with that? lol

    • gargsy-av says:

      Yes, it probably is.So. Fucking. What? She should be penalized for that?  Man, fuck you and your pathetic life. Go lick an electrical socket.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Nailed it.

  • itstheonlywaytobesure-av says:

    If you’re born with the advantages of wealth, connections, business relationships, life will be easier for you, especially if you choose to leverage the wealth, connections, and business relationships.People can’t help what family they’re born into.It’s totally natural that someone who grows up in a household with a certain lifestyle/business will A) be attracted to that lifestyle/business and be more likely to emulate that lifestyle/business and B) be able to successfully navigate that lifestyle/business.Nepotism can only get you so far; eventually the talented will shine and the real trust fund kids will be found out for frauds. This doesn’t mean the inverse is true though — many (most) who can only leverage talent alone will fail even sooner than the untalented but well-connected, sadly.Nepotism + talent is an almost unbeatable winning combo; nepotism alone means you’ll be a laughing-stock who will cry yourself to sleep in a Scrooge McDuck pile of money for the rest of your embarrassing, worthless, pampered days; talent alone won’t get you very far. I have no problem with people leveraging the advantages and privileges they’ve been handed, or trying to set their kids up for success; it’s only natural. But it does bother me when those advantages and privileges are un-acknowledged. Don’t tell me having a famous parent who was a director/star/agent/producer, or being part of a goddamn Hollywood dynasty, didn’t give you a leg up in the business, or somehow made it harder for you. GTFO with that nonsense. Cash your winning lotto ticket but be humble and gracious about it, and yea, maybe try to give a little bit back and make the universe a little bit fairer too.

  • mckludge-av says:

    Until you’re around 75 when “everything starts to hurt,” that is. Jokes on you, it starts happening in your 50s. 

    • murrychang-av says:

      Everything started hurting for me when I was in my early ‘20s. I’m in my ‘40s now and my back actually hurts less because 24″ good quality monitors don’t weigh 80lbs each these days and I’m in better shape than I was 20+ years ago.So when everything starts hurting worse again it’ll just be a return to form.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Shit I’m in my 40s and it’s already starting.  Everything doesn’t hurt.  But some stuff hurts for no reason.

    • moxitron-av says:

      not when you’re rich jade-cooch rich…

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    “Still, even though she’s feeling a bit overloaded getting her kids into college”Aunt Becky has some tips.

    • murrychang-av says:

      Don’t do it on the cheap, donate enough money for a building and nobody will give a shit if your kids go there.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Affirmative action for the rich will never die.

      • Bazzd-av says:

        I was a middle class kid with civil servant parents who went to an Ivy League school where I lived in a dorm bought and built the year before by the parent of a student who lived in that exact same dorm that year and was basically forced to wear a T-shirt and take a group photo in front of the dorm to thank the parent of the student who bought that goddamn dorm. And I guarantee she will not think that is at all something messed up. That basically sums up higher education in this country.

        • murrychang-av says:

          I thought the TA I had one time who couldn’t speak English but was teaching a 400 level logistics class because the professor couldn’t be assed to bother showing up summed up higher education in this country pretty well, but yeah, you got it too.

  • isaacasihole-av says:

    Nobody cares that kids of actors want to do the same thing as their parents. They are calling out the fact that those kids often get a fast pass to stardom, leaping over the gatekeeepers that the regular actor has to face and overcome. The barriers to entry for being a doctor, or a plumber or whatever nepotism analogy you want to make are not the same, as high, nor the odds of success as steep as they are in the entertainment industry.

    • mytvneverlies-av says:

      Aren’t “Legacy Admissions” an official part of most college’s/med school’s/law school’s official policy?And things may have changed now, but having a relative in a union was the best ways to get into a union in places where that was necessary in the trades.In both cases, it’s one of the reasons things stayed so white, and why affirmative action was necessary.

      • isaacasihole-av says:

        What you say is true, but I also said, it’s not the same thing by orders of magnitude. You can work hard and become a doctor, lawyer, or plumber without those advantages, just maybe not as easily and or prestigiously. The entertainment business is fickle and not a meritocracy at all. There are legions of talented, hard working and deserving actors / writer/ musicians / etc. who just never get their shot, because they don’t get the right exposure, opportunities or moment to prove themselves, things nepo babies get by virtue of their birth. Nowadays, while it’s easier to make things and get it out there because of the digital revolution, it’s also much harder to stand out amidst the noise and make a living at it. Nepo babies can leverage their name to get exposure, and usually don’t have to worry too much about making a living.

  • unfromcool-av says:

    Okay but did anyone here smell her vagina candle? I’m morbidly curious. 

  • reddye6-av says:

    I have also “is has also never.”Or maybe I never hasn’t.

  • briliantmisstake-av says:

    “I don’t give a fuck what anyone says about me, thinks about me, this is who I am”This would be more admirable if she weren’t selling snake oil that in some cases can actually be dangerous. Maybe give a fuck about what the medical experts say?

  • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

    So… she did Marvel movies for the art?

  • gargsy-av says:

    “(Community note: Paltrow has appeared in seven Marvel movies.)“

    Commenter note: SHE WAS FUCKING RICH BEFORE SHE EVER MADE A SINGLE MARVEL MOVIE, you fucking knobheads.

  • timetravellingfartdetective-av says:

    It is easy to not care about money when you have always had it abundance, you dingus!

  • apewhohathnoname-av says:

    Nothing says, “I don’t care,” like a published interview emphatically stating how much one doesn’t care.

  • dxanders-av says:

    The way she’s threatening to disappear herself is probably due cause to file a restraining order against herself.

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    “I’ve always done independent films,” she said. (Community note: Paltrow has appeared in seven Marvel movies.)And how does that refute the fact that she has, indeed, always done independent films?

    • bubblesorter-av says:

      Yeah this seems unnecessarily hostile of the writer. As does the whole article. 

    • glabrous-bear-av says:

      Imagine typing that out and thinking it’s not a massive self-own that you’re a professional writer pretending to believe that “I’ve always done” is the same as “I’ve only done”.

    • gregorbarclaymedia-av says:

      And she was basically a day-player on like four of them…

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    Gwyneth Paltrow shares nepo baby thoughts, plan to “literally disappear”Promise?

  • bubblesorter-av says:

    This article seems unnecessarily hostile. She probably does want to drop it of public life, she’s been doing it long enough to be tired of it. Pointing out that she also did Marvel movies is a shitty (and failed) attempt to undermine the fact that she did, in fact, do low budget movies and so was not always motivated by money. And what else can she say about her kid that would make you happy? Yeah she’s rich and kooky and I’m not especially a fan but I don’t see why you have to be such a jerk either.

  • tarst-av says:

    I’m happy to see that if she sells her company she has decided to disappear entirely from public life. More people like her should follow that path. JK Rowling could have done this after acquiring more money than God, but she decided to crap on her legacy instead. Just take your money, go to your castle, and shut up.

    • gregorbarclaymedia-av says:

      In fairness to Paltrow, other than being a bit silly and picking the pockets of middle-class moms’ for a decade or so, she’s not that odious. The comparison to Rowling isn’t particularly fair – Paltrow’s not actively trying to make the world a worse place (with the possible exception of any room that contains a candle that smells, for some reason, like her minge)

      • tarst-av says:

        I don’t think I said that anywhere. My point is more wealthy people should take Paltrow’s suggested route rather than hang out in the public eye and do weird, legacy-wrecking shit.

      • rogueindy-av says:

        The problem with snake oil isn’t just the scam aspect, it’s also the normalisation of alternative medicine by a prominent celebrity.

  • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

    Very reminiscent of an interview with her that I read, well, must have been 25 years ago, where she talked about having to struggle waiting tables for 6 whole months before her uncle Steve gave her a job (that being Spielberg, the job being Young Wendy in Hook) and how different she was at a mature 25 compared to who she was at a naive 24.I found her obnoxious, self absorbed, and unlikeable then. Nothing since has changed my opinion. But as she said, she doesn’t care, so good for her.

  • donnation-av says:

    “I don’t give a fuck what anyone says about me, thinks about me, this is who I am,” she shared.That’s good, because no one likes you. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Makes about as much sense as everything else she’s said in the last few years…decades?

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