Gwyneth Paltrow, vindicated, releases first post-trial statement

Terry Sanderson, who accused Gwyneth Paltrow of causing a skiing collision, also revealed what she whispered to him on the way out of court

Aux News Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow, vindicated, releases first post-trial statement
Terry Sanderson and Gwyneth Paltrow in court following the verdict Photo: Rick Bowmer-Pool

In what normally would have been the biggest legal news of the day, Gwyneth Paltrow was found not responsible (or, as Variety delightfully put it, “Gwynnocent”) for a 2016 skiing collision on Thursday. She was brought to court by retired optometrist Terry Sanderson, who claimed she caused him broken ribs and brain damage. Both parties argued that the other had been the one to run into them on the slope; Paltrow was awarded $1 in her countersuit.

“I felt that acquiescing to a false claim compromised my integrity,” Paltrow posted on her Instagram Story following the verdict from a jury that surely did not consist of Paltrow’s peers, considering the Goop CEO presumably doesn’t have any. “I am pleased with the outcome and I appreciate all of the hard work of Judge Holmberg and the jury, and thank them for their thoughtfulness in handling this case.”

The two-week civil trial produced a number of memes and viral moments, and the conclusion was no exception. Images of Paltrow stopping to murmur in Sanderson’s ear (above) before exiting the courtroom immediately made waves. While Twitter users proposed many amusing alternatives to what Paltrow may have said in the moment, Sanderson told reporters outside the courtroom she graciously whispered, “I wish you well.”

Asked by reporters if he felt the lawsuit was “worth the trouble” (per Deadline), Sanderson admitted, “Absolutely not.” As to whether his legal opponent was lying, he said, “I believe she thinks she has the truth.”

“You get some assumed credibility from being a famous person,” Sanderson lamented while expressing his disappointment in the trial’s outcome (via CNN). “Who wants to take on a celebrity? No wonder I hesitated, right? It’s difficult. Who wants to do that? Someone who learns lines, learns how to play someone else’s part and be believable, be credible, wins awards? Who wants to go on that path.” Now we know what happens when you mess with the Goop.


  • leobot-av says:

    I guess only Sanderson knows, but Paltrow does not strike me as a person to GRACIOUSLY/sincerely WHISPER “I wish you well.”But I’m mostly judging her by her terrible, harmful company, Goop. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    mess with the Goop. . . something something . . . the poop.

  • lmh325-av says:

    I’m pretty sure Sanderson had the burden of proof in this instance and he struggled with that. His texts and emails about fame and such didn’t help. It seems crazy that no one seems to have actually seen it which probably didn’t help.Pulling out his old brainscans to suggest previous cognitive impairment was probably a move he wasn’t expecting.

    • motox-av says:

      It seems crazy that no one seems to have actually seen it which probably didn’t help.His friend claimed to have seen the crash, but the jury apparently didn’t find him credible. The ski instructor didn’t see the crash itself, but he did see Sanderson ski by at a high rate of speed and the jury found him more credible.

      TLDR: it makes more sense that an expert skier Sanderson was going much faster while he was heading to the the chairlift, than intermediate skier Paltrow who was pacing/following her beginner level kids during a ski lesson. Also note that Sanderson is blind in his right eye… and observed making wide turns.

      I’ve been snowboarding for ~25 years at around 500 days on the snow… that’s not as much as a local… but more than the typical weekend warrior.

      In my mind, the fact that a “intermediate skier” like Paltrow was following her kids down a green slope (you can see the “Bandana run” on Youtube) as they we getting a ski lesson… means she couldn’t have been going that fast…. otherwise she would have outpaced her kids

      On the flipside… Sanderson was a veteran/expert skiier… and I see the Bandana is not only a green run… but the primary trail to go from the green/blue Flagstaff peak area… to the blue/black Empire peak area. I can easily imaging an expert skiier/rider going super fast down the slope to get to the other chairlift they were actually heading for (it’s pretty common for experts to blast through green slopes on their way to the expert chairlifts). Add in the fact that Sanderson was partially blind in his right eye and was cutting across the slope from the left to the right… makes me think he’s the one at fault.

      • ohnoray-av says:

        very well said! I’ve been skiing not as long as you, but a chunk of my life! there’s a lot of incorrect commentary floating about that really doesn’t capture how a ski hill works. He was fortunate she only applied the Symbolic Dollar.Regardless, this case had so many cartoonish moments and I’ll miss the highlights each day.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Hang in there. It won’t be long ‘till another celebrity does something dumb. Or has something dumb done to them.

      • jshrike-av says:

        This is one of the most objective and comprehensive synopsis of this thing I’ve seen, and I thank you for it. I also appreciate that your TLDR is the long part.

      • capeo-av says:

        Also, much of Sanderson’s claims about the impact of the accident on his life after it were contradicted by evidence. Neither he nor witness called on his behalf seemed credible. He also went batshit on the stand and basically said that if celebrities don’t get their comeuppance it ends up leading to a mass pedophilia situation, presumably referring to Epstein. The judge stuck it on objection but the jury still heard it. He just came off as a nutjob. 

        • motox-av says:

          Also, much of Sanderson’s claims about the impact of the accident on his life after it were contradicted by evidence. Neither he nor witness called on his behalf seemed credible. He also went batshit on the stand and basically said that if celebrities don’t get their comeuppance it ends up leading to a mass pedophilia situation, presumably referring to Epstein. The judge stuck it on objection but the jury still heard it. He just came off as a nutjob. I do think Sanderson inflated/exaggerated some of the physical ailments he suffered after the accident, however I can believe that he has actually suffer noticeable mental decline since 2016 (hence why he seemed so unhinged on trial)… but I think there’s a good chance those came as an effect of the his previous mental issues (long term depression, a previous stroke that lead to vision/hearing loss) as he had visited the doctor 72 times in the 3 years before the accident (that’s twice a month for 36 months straight). Combine that the natural decline in age and the pandemic which a lot of people went a little crazy… and I can see him someone who has bouts of paranoid, incoherent outbursts.

          I think the accident just ended up becoming easy target to project all his project all his life problems onto (like people who go down the QAnon, Jan 6th or other conspiracy theory rabbit hole).

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        So this really is just “guy bumps into celebrity then trys at her large money.” that’s mildly disappointing.

  • simulacrum001-av says:

    “By the way, please buy GOOP products. Thank you.”

  • gargsy-av says:

    ““You get some assumed credibility from being a famous person,””

    Yep. Everybody, without exception, fucking LOVES GWYNETH PALTROW.

  • bcfred2-av says:

    What she really said:“Yo Sanderson, shove this up your ass.  On me.”

  • joe-mamma01-av says:

    I’m all for the hate on this woman but it seems like this was a total cash grab from this old buffoon. Someone with her money, probably can ski very well. She’s 50 and comes from wealthy parents, in NYC. I’m sure she was skiing from a young age.

    • motox-av says:

      Paltrow as was following her kids during a beginner ski lesson. She couldn’t have been going that fast if she was keeping pace with them.
      On the flipside, I checked the trail map and that beginner Bandana run is the primary way to get to Empire Peak, which has intermediate/expert runs… anyone who has ski/snowboarded a bit… knows that some people often to blast through the bottom green runs to get to the chairlift faster.

      Sanderson is an expert skier (he still is skiing after the accident), it’s unlikely that he was going slower than a beginner (Paltrow’s children) getting lessons on a green run. He was observed by the ski instructor to be going fast and cutting across the slope from left to right in a wide turn… and he happens to be partially blind in his right eye.

      I can believe he didn’t “see” Paltrow when he crashed into her and thought she crashed into him in that moment. Afterwards, I think his ego/dementia refused to let him admit he might have been at fault… cognitive dissonance means he either swallow his ego… or rejecting evidence that challenges his self-image and imaging “alternative facts”

      • joe-mamma01-av says:

        That or he had an attorney or someone barking in his ear that people don’t like her, and that this was a guaranteed victory. 

      • gernn-av says:

        Perhaps Paltrow paused to answer her phone and then raced to catch up with the ski lesson. Then she collided with the dude.

        • motox-av says:

          “Perhaps Paltrow paused to answer her phone and then raced to catch up with the ski lesson. Then she collided with the dude.”

          Your theory is contradicts what both the defense (Paltrow’s team) and the plantiff eyewitness testimony. They both provided eyewitness that said she was keeping pace with her beginner level child.

          The ski instructor said that while he wasn’t looking at Paltrow during the split second during the collision itself, he had seen Paltrow closing following behind them.

          The plantiff lawyer said the same thing, only that the entire group was going so fast that they overtook the expert skiier and crashed into him… on a beginner slope designed for novices (although it as just below a expert ski run).

  • jplearn-av says:

    Usually on the mountain, its a one time learning experience when you learn the rule of right of way. It hurts, but only for a little bit. One of these two people found out the much harder way and hopefully will be skiing better and more safely as a result

  • p-d-morgan33-av says:

    So she gets the $1 plus legal fees correct?  I can’t even guess what that will total to.  I’m sure that number will hurt a lot more than the pain of losing the case.  I hope that number becomes public at some point.

    • mytvneverlies-av says:

      The judge will decide if she gets legal fees.It was a kinda stupid suit, but not completely stupid, so I’m guessing no.If his lawyers were working for a contingency fee, they’re SOL.
      They eat their own fees, including all the experts they hired, and Sanderson walks away $1 poorer.I wonder who’d have to pay Paltrow’s fees. The client or the lawyers.

  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:
  • kinosthesis-av says:

    “I felt that acquiescing to a false claim compromised my integrity”Oh honey, that ship sailed long ago with your vagina candles.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Is it called “GOOP” because it’s her initials?
    Gwyneth Ophelia Oliphaunt Paltrow?

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    I hate Goop also, and the way Paltrow speaks, but it was abundantly clear from the beginning that this guy is a nut, that his being a nut is not 100% attributable to a ski accident, and that he was completely at fault.  This wasn’t just an exercise for Gwyneth to promote a line of Court clothes.  He probably got into the accident at a different time and skiied into her after.  I’d say it’s a shame that he is being taken advantage of, but he seems like a jerk.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Let Gwynneth Paltrow’s rampage of ski slope terror continue, present beware, and future beware! 

  • wangledteb-av says:

    Wait, she only got 1$? Is that a typo? I feel like most rich people in a situation like this would absolutely shake the other party down for all they were worth if they could lol

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    “Paltrow was awarded $1 in her countersuit.”All that commotion over a buck.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    “An Optometrist, blind in one eye” sounds like the setup for a joke. Was he sitting in a bar with a Rabbi?

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