Halyna Hutchins’ parents are suing Alec Baldwin now, too

After setting a suit with the Rust cinematographer's husband, Alec Baldwin is now being sued by Halyna Hutchins' parents and sister

Aux News Alec Baldwin
Halyna Hutchins’ parents are suing Alec Baldwin now, too
Halyna Hutchins memorial; Alec Baldwin Photo: Sam Wasson; Mark Sagliocco

There continue to be legal ramifications in the death of Halyna Hutchins, the cinematographer who was shot by Alec Baldwin on the set of Rust. Baldwin has been formally charged with involuntary manslaughter by the New Mexico District Attorney’s office. Now, he faces another lawsuit from Hutchins’ family, this time from her parents, Anatolii Androsovych, and Olga Solovey, and sister Svetlana Zemko.

The new suit names Baldwin, assistant director David Halls, armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, and Rust Movie Productions, LLC. as defendants, according to NBC News. The allegations against them include battery, negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress and loss of consortium, which attorney Gloria Allred described as “a claim which seeks to recover compensation for damages to certain relationships that are mutually dependent.”

If you’ve been following the Rust case, language from this new lawsuit will sound familiar. The filing argues that safety protocols on set “were ignored” and “actions that were taken were against all industry norms.” It accuses Baldwin of playing “Russian Roulette with a loaded gun without checking it and without having the Armorer do so,” per NBC News.

The filing goes on, “The fact that live ammunition was allowed on a movie set, that guns and ammunition were left unattended, that the gun in question was handed to Alec Baldwin by the Assistant Director who had no business doing so, and that safety bulletins were not promulgated or ignored, coupled with the fact that the scene in question did not call for a gun to be fired at all, makes this a case where injury or death was much more than just a possibility—it was a likely result.”

Baldwin settled a previous lawsuit with Hutchins’ husband, Matthew Hutchins, in October 2022. “We are now representing others in the family,” Allred said in a news conference on Thursday. “And there has been no settlement for them … there has been no outreach to them by Mr. Baldwin to even say that he was sorry. We want accountability and justice for them. It’s as simple as that.”

Allred stated that Hutchins provided financial support for her family, meaning that “in addition to this tragedy, they have to try and cope with that loss while living in Ukraine in the midst of Putin’s war,” Allred stated. According to CNN, Hutchins’ mother is a nurse treating wounded soldiers outside of Kiev, and her brother-in-law is currently fighting in the war.

A video of Hutchins’ mother and sister was played at the conference, per NBC News, in which her sister said (translated from Ukrainian), “To lose my sister … was a horrible experience, and it is one of the biggest losses of my life. And even more devastating is to see the utter suffering of our parents and how their health has sharply declined … I believe to let this go, and to leave this unpunished, is unallowable.”


  • oodlegruber-av says:

    Super classy choice and arrangement of header photos.

  • whaleinsheepsclothing-av says:

    I’d probably have no issues w/ Gloria Allred if it weren’t for her lying bullshit. She knows why Baldwin can’t apologize and that the family’s connection to conflict in Ukraine has nothing to do with this. Won’t stop the press tour though.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    So now the war in Ukraine is Alec Baldwin’s fault too, classy.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    “…to leave this unpunished, is unallowable.”

    I get that her sister died but I don’t think she knows the difference between a workplace accident and a murder. I don’t go looking for someone to punish after a workplace accident. Jesus Christ this has gone so fucking far beyond.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      I don’t know where you work, but do the accidents turn into fatalities?

    • somethingwittyorwhatever-av says:

      I don’t go looking for someone to punish after a workplace accident.Lawyers do.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      People sue over accidents all the time.  There’s an enormous area of tort law that focuses on accidents.  Pretty much the whole first semester of law school torts covers this.  Accidents happen, but it doesn’t mean no one is at fault, and if you failed to observe an appropriate standard of care, then by law you are liable for that accident.

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      I don’t know, let’s say that a microwave in the breakroom exploded and caused a fire and my sister died of smoke inhalation. Then I discovered that her workplace hadn’t updated the wiring in decades, the smoke detectors didn’t even have batteries in them, and the emergency exit was bricked over. Yeah, I think I’d want to see her workplace punished, even if the immediate cause of my sister’s death was an accident.

  • leogrocery-av says:

    I’d be interested in hearing why Ms. Allred thinks her clients have standing to bring suit. Unless Baldwin’s lawyers are completely incompetent the release the husband signed would have been on behalf of all heirs – even financially dependent parents. As for the balance of the claims: battery, negligence, and intentional infliction of emotional distress are personal to the victim or her estate. These claims likely died with her. As for loss of consortium – huh? Even negligent infliction of emotional distress, which is typically the only claim that non-heir family members could bring for themselves requires the plaintiff to have had contemporaneous observance of the injury being inflicted. At some point if there’s nothing on TV I’ll pull the complaint and see what it says.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      “Unless Baldwin’s lawyers are completely incompetent the release the husband signed would have been on behalf of all heirs – even financially dependent parents.”The husband wouldn’t have standing to sign a release binding all the other heirs.

      • leogrocery-av says:

        You’re right of course. What I should have said is that all heirs would have to have been present in the released action.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          Yes, the lawyer could have insisted on bringing in the other heirs before settling, but maybe the other heirs refused. I wonder if they just have a nuisance budget they’re willing to pay in settlements.What annoys me about this one (and about Allred in particular) is that she says it’s about “accountability and justice,” but we all know that’s not true. He’s already been held accountable to the husband and he’s facing criminal charges. What else do you want? She saw a deep pocket and she’s finding every possible avenue to dig into it, and it’s pretty gross. I don’t like Alec Baldwin at all even before all this, so I don’t really care that he’s getting hosed, but I don’t like that Allred is pretending this is about “justice.”

      • jim199-av says:

        He does actually. A wrongful death and associated charges suit can generally only be filed by the spouse OR next of kin, not both. In the case of multiple suits the judge regularly combines them. Allred is trying to double-dip on this by waiting till one was settled to start a new one. The only new part to this one is the mutually dependent relationship part, but that might still not be enough to get this to proceed. Think of it like double jeopardy, in a sense. He can’t just be perpetually sued by every individual family member for the same accident.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          If the judge combines them, then the judge combines them. But in this case the judge didn’t combine them, and the husband on his own can’t sign an agreement binding other people to the terms.He can be perpetually sued by every individual family member. Being sued just means someone files suit against you. Anyone can do that at any time. Whether the complaint is dismissed for failure to state a claim is a separate issue.

    • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

      This is the 21st century.  There’s ALWAYS something on TV.  And the AV Club is always here to try to persuade you it’s worth watching.

  • ryanlohner-av says:
  • delete-this-user-av says:

    This is IMO just a horrible calculated money grab, about the loss of a meal ticket, nothing to do with losing a beloved family member. The extended family of the dead woman have had a good long look at Alec Baldwin’s net worth and decided they would quite like some of that, thank you. And that lawyer should be ashamed of herself for enabling this. Disgusting.

  • vayde-av says:

    So after this who’s gonna be next? Aunts and uncles? Nieces and nephews? The familiy pet?

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