Hamas TV kills Mickey Mouse lookalike

Aux Features Newswire

The infamous Mickey Mouse double "Farfour"—who garnered worldwide attention for preaching the evils of Israel to Islamic children on a Hamas TV children's show—was killed off today in the show's final episode. Farfour, a giant black-and-white rodent who spoke in a high-pitched voice, was beaten to death by an actor posing as an Israeli official (whom Farfour called a "terrorist" shortly before dying). The show's teen presenter, Sara, then informed the viewing audience that "Farfour was martyred while defending his land," and that he was killed "by the killers of children." Farfour's show, Today's Pioneers, was reportedly taken off the air to make room for new programs, though station manager Mohammed Bilal said there was no word on what those may be yet. Might we suggest Jim Henson's Jihad Babies? Call us, Bilal!

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