Happy Memorial Day from The A.V. Club

Aux News David Duchovny
Happy Memorial Day from The A.V. Club
Living the dream. Photo: H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock

It’s Memorial Day in the United States, the day during which we, as a country, honor our fallen soldiers and veterans, mostly through the grilling of various meats. (Also: Veggies.) As such, we here at The A.V. Club are taking the day off, to reflect on a great many things, including, in purely practical terms, our hopes that people do not shortsightedly kick off a new COVID spike with their newly resurgent BBQ fervor.

Rest assured, though: We aren’t leaving you in a content-less lurch. We’ve got new installments of What’s On Tonight and Watch This for you to drag your eyeballs across, allowing you to escape the dark uncertainty of not knowing what or when to watch. We’ve also got a brand-new interview with David Duchovny, talking about Mulder, Judd Apatow, and more, plus our regular Wiki Wormhole, diving into the history of 1859's infamous Pig War.

Meanwhile, you can also take some of this leisure time to peruse some of our recent features on the site. If you prefer your battles to be fought between small, magical animals, for instance, you might want to check out our rundown of some of the strangest Pokémon competitors over the decades. Or you could dip into our analysis of the problems facing the upcoming Dear Evan Hansen adaptation. Or just take a look at all our recent movie reviews, helping you to pick out what films—Army Of The Dead, Cruella, the upcoming In The Heights—that you’re going to check out soon, in whatever format feels most comfortable to you.

Most of all, though: We hope you find some peace this Memorial Day, however that makes sense in your personal framework. We’ll be back tomorrow, with more attempts to make sense of the increasingly absurd entertainment world.


  • pompadorusrexx-av says:

    Yes! So happy! All that death!

  • gaith-av says:

    Sigh… guess I’ve gotta make the point once again: would you wish someone a “Happy Holocaust Day”? Is “Have a Peaceful Memorial Day” too hard to express/too much to ask for?

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      For the last time…do you want a burger or a smokie? Look, until you’ve made up your mind just move out of the line.And slow down on that beer. It’s not even noon yet.

    • shipman7-av says:

      As a Canadian, this is something I’ve always found baffling. Right now FB, IG, etc are all full of posts from people wishing everyone a happy Memorial Day while lounging on the beach in their stars and stripes swimsuits and there are ads everywhere you look for Memorial Day sales.In Canada, no one wishes you a “happy Remembrance Day” and the only businesses that do Remembrance Day sales are American ones who are new to Canada and honestly don’t know any better (but are very quickly schooled).

    • docprof-av says:

      Get over yourself.

  • perlafas-av says:

    Thank god dead soldiers were always on the good side. Thank god they’ve always been blindly firing at the people designated by the most righteous finger. Thank god for the flags and uniforms that make you a hero by definition.

    • daveassist-av says:

      I suppose you could think back to your own family or friend history for today?
      Did you have a relative that stood in the way of a Nazi drive?
      Or that was a part of the force that said NO to the Taliban when they insisted on keeping Bin Laden safe?
      Did you have a friend that still isn’t acknowledged for any role in keeping Boko Haram and allies from turning various places into carnage to rival Rwanda in 1994?
      Did you have anyone that served as a local medic for Saigon locals and American service personnel both, suffered trauma from Viet Cong bombings, and then after returning home, was denied work for years because somehow, he was personally to blame for all the controversy around Vietnam, finally succumbing to their own untreated mental and physical injuries?All of those can be reasons to reflect today.

    • pompadorusrexx-av says:

      Ken Klippenstein just tricked Matts Gaetz and Schlapp and Dinesh D’Souza into retweeting a photo of Lee Harvey Oswald in his Marine uniform: “My grandfather would love it if you made his photo go viral,” basically. Of course, they fell for it.

      Scoundrels wrapping themselves in patriotism, you know….

  • dinoironbodya-av says:

    When’s the next Home Video Hell? I was under the impression it was on the last Monday of each month.

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    Let’s show true patriotism, happy memorial day sales everyone!

  • mr-threepwood-av says:

    Hey, happy holidays etc.Two things.
    First: it’s too bad there’s now no link to just a list of newswires. I used to have as a bookmark, it wasn’t overloaded with big images and links to articles I don’t care about. Navigating this site has got just a bit more shitty, which is par for the course.
    Second: I have my own stalker now who goes around telling me that “no one in the world cares what I think about anything”. He promises. Which is, frankly, hilarious. He’s in the greys, so I’m not replying to him so he stays there and I can’t even remember his name, but if he thinks this is how one can get to me… Yeah, he needs to try harder. Funny that this particular line was used on me before. I don’t see it on reddit, just here, on the AV Club. Which is just so weak. Are they trying to hypnotize me?

    • daveassist-av says:

      Wow? I suppose you said something that he disagreed with and he went stalker-psycho on you?
      What I do is to snip a screen-shot of a grey reply, and then post a reply to myself with that picture, if I want to show a grey’s statement but not bring that one out of the grey in the thread.I realize my grey status in AVClub is ironic, but I suppose they don’t feel that I contribute constructively to the conversation enough here?

  • carol5323-av says:

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  • anguavonuberwald-av says:

    Okay, what has happened to this site? The organization is so off now that I don’t see many articles, like, at all. This is the first time I saw this one, after spending yesterday wondering why there were no new news articles (I’m in Canada and didn’t realize it was Memorial Day in the US until the evening). This morning seemed to be the same, until I clicked “Latest” and found this, which would have been nice to see yesterday. I have been following the Lucifer reviews, and didn’t see yesterday’s until this morning. I realize the writers have no control over this, but I thought I would write a comment because this is just the worst. This is possibly worse than the great Kinja takeover. If I can’t find the new content, why would I visit the site every day? Seems like a great way to lose eyeballs.

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