Harrison Ford finally weighs in: It’s ok to punch Nazis

Not only does Ford think it’s cool to punch Nazis, he thinks Indiana Jones would push people out of the way to get the first crack

Aux News Punch
Harrison Ford finally weighs in: It’s ok to punch Nazis
Harrison Ford Photo: Pascal Le Segretain

Six years after the “Is it ok to punch a Nazi” discourse took over the internet, Harrison Ford has finally weighed in on the subject. Finding a question about one of his characters that he likes answering, Ford told Yahoo that not only would Indiana Jones punch a Nazi, but he’d push others out of the way to get the first crack at one.

“He’d push them out of the way to get in the first punch,” Ford told Yahoo’s Kevin Polowy. “As well he should.”

“Would Indiana Jones punch a Nazi” isn’t a debate because no less than two movies are filled to the brim with Ford clocking Hitler’s sycophants with glee. But with another Nazi-punching installment on the way, Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny, Yahoo Entertainment figured it was an excellent time to get Ford’s final say on the matter.

Ford will be punching Nazis again in Dial Of Destiny, which sees the forces of fascism making a comeback. “That was a black-and-white world,” Ford said of the rise of Hilter’s Germany. “This evil presented itself to the world. It’s incalculable that this vision of evil not be confronted.”

“To see a threat of it in 1969, to know that Wernher von Braun was a Nazi and worked for America on the space program after all we knew about his history and who he associated with. I mean, these are shades of gray in a world we’d thought was black and white.”

The debate entered the cultural conversation during the 2017 presidential inauguration when neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, who coined the phrase “alt-right” and received glowing profiles in national newspapers for wearing a suit and having a haircut, was punched in the head as he showed off his little froggy pin. Spencer has since disappeared from the public eye after a nasty divorce where it was discovered, among other revelations, he had abused his pregnant wife.

Viewers can enjoy watching Indiana Jones punch Nazis to their heart’s content in Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny on June 30.


  • dinoironbody7-av says:

    Unfortunately I bet most WW2 vets voted for Trump.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    They’re putting politics into Indiana Jones movies now?

  • blpppt-av says:

    See a Nazi—PUNCH a Nazi.Words to live by.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Hey, it’s cheaper to go to a Trump rally than the gym and you’ll get more of a workout punching everyone there.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    I hate those guys.

  • John--W-av says:

    “HEIL HIT…”

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      I could watch this all day. That brief second of “Actually, I think I’ve stopped condoning violence.”. Cracking.

    • dudebra-av says:

      If only ignorant, hateful assholes self-segregated themselves and then wore a marker so we knew who they were…

      • vanheat-av says:

        See, Dudebra, they do, but’s not a physical marker. It’s an ideological marker. Social Justice activists view anyone who strays from the true tenets as a Nazi. I just watched a video in which a gay college professor was fired for criticizing Islam. He was called a Nazi by an angry mob and had to sue to get his job back, so they are segregating themselves. There’s the illiberal social justice movement, and there are those who simply have different ideas, and they are segregating themselves, hence the current culture wars.The people you view as hateful; assholes…yeah, I’d say 99% just disagree with your ideology. There are very, very, very few White Supremacists and Nazis in America. But you’re getting your wish. You demonize the unbelievers and they segregate themselves on alt media platforms…and free speech and the art of debate dies. Because you will not debate them. I know your history here; you are a blinkered ideologue. You think half the country are Nazis.You are wrong. 

      • dudebra-av says:

        “vanheat”, you are an asshole, you are a white supremacist, you are a Nazi but most of all, you are an idiot. Idiots like you spout pseudo-scientific racist drivel and repeat the lie that you and your fellow racist idiots are “half” of the country. You aren’t even all of the very much a minority Republican Party. A percentage of 20 or so percent is nowhere near half.It must be frustrating to you to peck away on your greasy little keyboard. Struggling to release your dark thoughts and twisted world view. It must be doubly frustrating to have your moral and intellectual superiors flag your droppings as hate speech and dismiss them. Look up buttercup. At least you aren’t getting the punches you deserve.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Dude he actually pulled off that punch a bit right at the end. A bit more follow-through and he might have actually separated that Nazi cosplayer’s head from his neck.

    • budded-av says:

      Always punch nazis!!

  • bc222-av says:

    I really need him to weigh in on a much more relevant situation in my life:Is it ok to feed a guy to alligators if he tries to remove your still-beating heart from your chest?

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    the rise of Hilter’s Germany.Who exactly is Hilter?

  • dudebraa-av says:

    Killing Nazis was cool until liberals ruined it.

    • dirk-steele-av says:

      Shut the fuck up, chud.

      • lilnapoleon24-av says:

        Liberals aren’t leftist at all, liberals are the ones who help fascism grow

        • dirk-steele-av says:

          That’s true. It’s also true that this Dr Emilio Lizardo imposter is a chud who should shut the fuck up.

        • mangochin-av says:

          Why do I only read this sort of thing from goose stepping neo-nazi chuds?

        • vanheat-av says:

          Nah, liberals built the society you live in, you fucking moron. Free speech, civil rights, free expression, liberty…all of them have been handed to you and you don’t care about it because you think half the country are Nazis. Your statement that they help fascism grow just means they let other people who disagree with you speak. You are an illiberal, progressive, Social Justice ideologue. Just stay indoors. It’s better for you.

    • blpppt-av says:

      Libruls are Commie-Nazis, you pinko!

    • headfulloffarts-av says:

      Weird thing for a Nazi to say but okay.

    • abortionsurvivorerictrump-av says:

      I wonder if you appreciate the irony of a trolling shit bag (you), who chose an avatar based on a movie character (Lizardo) who was a racist, that itself was deliberately modeled after a notorious fascist (Mussolini) lamenting liberals punching Nazis.Nope. You do not.

    • mangochin-av says:

      My grampy was OG Antifa. He loved dropping high explosives and incindiaries on their homes in a B-17. His regret was that some were left alive after bombing runs. 

  • rollotomassi123-av says:

    I wouldn’t recommend punching anything at Harrison Ford’s age.

  • hamiltonistrash-av says:

    punching is fine if you don’t have a firearm or explosives handy

  • daveassist-av says:

    The Dr Emilio Lizardo (account:
    paging-doctor-parody) imposter
    account posting here in this thread
    is NOT the long-established
    account user known in the Giz
    shriveled-soul imposter has
    several accounts being used to
    harass Kinja users, by posting sexist,
    racist and other vileness here , but
    primarily on The Root and on Jezebel,
    trying to discredit the actual,
    long-established account users.If the real Dr Emilio does post here, it’ll be account: dremiliolizardo and won’t be racist.

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    No ticket! 

  • been-there-done-that-didnt-die-av says:

    Punching should be a last resort. You should first try smashing their face in with a brick, beating them with a baseball bat, shooting them in places that wont cause instant death.

  • izodonia-av says:

    This is why I laugh when people call Saving Private Ryan an “anti-war movie.” Right, because the man who directed the Indiana Jones films (and Schindler’s List, for that matter) was suddenly opposed to killin’ Nazis.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    He hates those guys.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    What if it’s a pregnant lady nazi?My protocol is wait until she goes into labour, has baby , then find a like minded woman to punch her for me , but I think I may be overthinking it.

    • notlewishamilton-av says:

      This is a tough one.Well, first: A Nazi is a Nazi is a Nazi. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a man, woman or non-binary. Punch away!But, yes, this Nazi is pregnant. Wait until she’s given birth and is out of the hospital. Then? Punch away!

    • mangochin-av says:

      Even better. You’re preventing the next generation of Nazis. Just like grampy was doing when he firebombed their homes from a B-17.

    • mykinjaa-av says:

      The ol’ “Banana Peel On The Stairs” trick works every time.

  • jpfilmmaker-av says:

    I was driving the other day and saw a Porsche with the license plate “Aryan 14″, in what had to be a custom paint job because it was perfect brown-shirt tan. Of course it was fucking Indiana plates.

    Never wanted to sideswipe someone more in my life.

  • steve-o-reborn-av says:

    Really, Kevin? THAT’S who you call the ultimate Nazi puncher?Steve Rogers punched HITLER in the face. And what did Indy do when he went eye to eye with Der Fuehrer? That’s what I thought.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “Ok Fritz, here’s my right-hook of freedom!”

  • GameDevBurnout-av says:

    Aatami Korpi called. Punching isn’t enough anymore.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    It’s okay to punch actual Nazis. Not people who you disagree with and label “nazis”.Thanks!

  • coatituesday-av says:

    Jack Kirby showed us the way in 1941.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    …and Confederates and Klansmen and MAGAts and FOX News Pundits and Bill Maher and Proud Boyz and Oath Keepers and those attempting a coup…

    • vanheat-av says:

      Ridiculous. There are so few Confederates and Klansman left…It’s preposterous to think they are a threat. MAGA and News Pundits and Bill Maher just disagree with you. You are an ideologue. The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are losers and are being dealt with. Those who attempted the coup have been locked up since. But I would bet my sister that you view half the country as Nazis and would gladly punch them when they just disagree with you. Again, you’re ideologue. Illiberal. Totally deluded about the “white supremacists” who supposedly mob the streets. You know who mobs the streets? I’m talking killing dozens of people and destroying billions in property—a lot of which belonged to minorities…people like you. Crazed Social Justice ideologues. They have been rioting for years, and I bet my sister your support them.

  • dirk-steele-av says:

    It’s always been ok to punch Nazis.

  • mangochin-av says:

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