Harry Styles has been hit with something (again)

The singer who has been hit with the most things has been hit with another thing

Aux News harry styles
Harry Styles has been hit with something (again)
Harry Styles Photo: Gareth Cattermole

The weird and stupid trend of throwing stuff at singers while they’re onstage has now become so prevalent that Harry Styles has become a repeat victim… again. Because this has already happened to him multiple times. The latest attack on Styles’ face came Saturday night in Austria, with Deadline saying that he was hit in the face with something while “walking across the stage between songs.” He apparently “bent over, covering his eyes with his hands and wincing in pain.”

Deadline doesn’t say what was thrown, but he’s been hit with Skittles and chicken nuggets in the past. Hopefully this time it was at least something with greater nutritional benefits. Maybe some broccoli. Maybe a solitary pea. Maybe a vitamin. Or, better yet, don’t throw anything. We went over this the last time a famous person got hit by something, but there are rarely ever any situations where a person needs to throw something at another person, especially if that person hasn’t been adequately warned about it first.

This trend of performers being hit by stuff is apparently part of some dumb viral trend where internet people think they will become less stupid if they pelt a famous person with something. So far it has not worked out that way for any of the people throwing stuff, with Kelsea Ballerini, Bebe Rexha, Pink, and Ava Max previously being it with stuff before Styles. Also, after Styles, because this keeps happening to him and happened to him before all of those other people got hit by stuff.

The solution to all of this, especially for Styles, is to start wearing Daft Punk-style helmet while onstage. Every famous singer can design their own helmet to protect them while onstage, but they’ll have to wear it all the time to foil any attempts to throw stuff, otherwise people will just be waiting 24/7 with Skittles and chicken nuggets at the ready.


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Ok, I’ll read the piece just as soon as I can wipe the afterimage of that pic from my retinas. And soul.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Really burying the lede that Styles apparently has a huge butterfly tattoo on his abdomen. He didn’t even bother to use it to cover those two unsightly moles on his midsection. Also, better keep that six pack, buddy, unless you want a moth on your belly.

    • furioserfurioser-av says:

      I know, right. What are the chances that a huge butterfly lands on your abdomen right in the middle of a song?

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    Britney Spears strikes again. 

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Road House solved this problem years ago.

    • mrfurious72-av says:

      And The Blues Brothers before that!

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      This article immediately made me think of the scene from Howard the Duck where Lea Thompson’s band has to play behind a cage, and at the end of the film they get to play without a cage because they’ve “made it.”  How times have changed!  Nowadays you have to have made it before you get stuff thrown at you.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Announcer: The American Association of Shot Put Throwers would like to welcome to the stage, Harry Styles!
    Harry Styles: Uh oh…

  • dirtside-av says:

    “The weird and stupid trend of throwing stuff at singers while they’re onstage has now become so prevalent”Oh yeah, this brand new phenomenon of people throwing stuff at singers on stage. Yeah, this is a new trend and definitely doesn’t go back literal fucking millennia.

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      Literally an entire album (Metalllic KO by the Stooges) recorded with shit being thrown at the entire band. 

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      Literally an entire album (Metalllic KO by the Stooges) recorded with shit being thrown at the entire band. 

    • radarskiy-av says:

      Throwing a) hard objects at b) a performer that the thrower supposedly likes is the novelty.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    On the one hand I wish him well . but on the other after constantly having to hear about him here so much as ‘paid for buzz’ for some shitty film (I forget what it was about but I think Olivia Munn and Florence and the machine were in it), I’m sick of the wavy haired tosser ..and I’m not seeing a problem with this

  • schwartz666-av says:

    Maybe he got hit with a douchebag, cuz that would be fitting.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    latest attack on Styles’ face came Saturday night in Austria,

    As an Australian I had to read this twice just to make sure.

    • captainbubb-av says:

      Not unlikely that it could’ve been a typical AVC typo, but the Deadline link does specify that it happened in Vienna.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        Not unlikely that it could’ve happened in Australia too.  😀

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Just put plexiglass around the stage. Problem solved. Maybe bullet-proof too. These days I wouldn’t expose myself like that. People have lost their damn minds.

  • kencerveny-av says:

    Has anyone investigated whether Styles has a “Throw shit at Harry when he’s on stage” person in his entourage? Every time it happens he gets press coverage so it might be worth the expense.Conner4Real would have a “guy” for that reason.

  • sirslud-av says:

    Solution: only do gigs for like .. an audience of 3 or 4. Then it’ll be really obvious who threw it.

  • xpdnc-av says:

    The solution to all of this, especially for Styles, is to start wearing Daft Punk-style helmet while onstageThis will only lead to an arms race, with audience members escalating what is thrown, and how it’s thrown, in an every increasing effort to score internet points.

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