Hayden Christensen says returning to Darth Vader for Obi-Wan Kenobi was “cathartic”

Christensen admitted his re-entry to the Star Wars universe was a “very emotional experience”

Aux News Darth Vader
Hayden Christensen says returning to Darth Vader for Obi-Wan Kenobi was “cathartic”
Hayden Christensen Photo: Gareth Cattermole

Hayden Christensen is just as emotional as the Star Wars fandom about returning for Obi-Wan Kenobi. During a Disney+ press conference, the actor gushed over the opportunity to once again don the infamous Vader suit.

“I got a message from somebody first saying you might be getting a phone call very soon and immediately my imagination started to run wild. Then I got the call saying that Deborah Chow wanted to get together and talk about this Obi-Wan Kenobi show that she’s doing with Ewan,” he said, according to Insider.

“I was just thrilled,” he continued. “This is a character that means so much to me, and to get to come back and do more with it was just a thrilling opportunity.”

Per IndieWire, Christensen admitted it was a “very emotional experience” to embody Anakin later in his career as a Sith Lord. (He even reportedly binged all of “all of the modern Star Wars canon,” including the animated series, to prepare.)

“Obviously, it brought up a lot of feelings of nostalgia but it was also very cathartic in a way too, just because this is a character that means so much to me and has really sort of stayed with me over the years,” Christensen said.

Chow, the director, reiterated as much: “He’s been living with this character for a very long time, so he brings a tremendous amount to it. It just felt very organic and it felt like we really needed Hayden back in this story, particularly in relation to Obi-Wan.”

Christensen will be living with Anakin for even longer when he appears in Ahsoka, one of Disney+’s upcoming television installments in the Star Wars universe. Now that we’ve finally got him back in the suit, it looks like he won’t be getting out any time soon!


  • mavar-av says:

    BREAKING! ‘Goodfellas’ Star Ray Liotta Dies at 67https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/goodfellas-star-ray-liotta-dies-160516150.html

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    They put one of those tubes in his pee-hole? Why?!

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I never really thought of Sith Lord as a career.
    Like, “So tell me, Lord Nihilus, where do you see yourself in 5 galactic standard years?”

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      What about the other side of that interview.“What’s healthcare coverage like? Does it covered severed body part reattachment? Or just prosthetic replacements?”

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      “I see myself in your job in 1/2 that time.”

  • presidentzod-av says:


  • sentientbeard-av says:

    I know I should save my pity for people who aren’t multimillionaire movie stars, but I can’t help but feel kinda bad for a guy who landed such a huge life-changing acting gig only to turn in such a disappointing performance, largely for reasons outside of his control.

    • killa-k-av says:

      To be fair, I wouldn’t call him a movie star by any stretch of the imagination and by extension, it’s unclear if he is, or ever was, a multimillionaire*.*Yes, the prequels made a ton of money. But it doesn’t really affect Hayden unless his agent specifically negotiated points on the gross.

    • rogueindy-av says:

      See, this is why I’m all for those Star Wars projects that people like to decry as “unnecessary”. I can’t begrudge the prequel actors another shot at being in Star Wars (and say what you will about Boba Fett, but it was fun to see the character actually do stuff).

  • mc3isworse-av says:

    Star Wars sucks.

  • brobinso54-av says:

    Curious how they deal with his voice. I don’t see James Earl Jones on the cast list. Will they try to explain why he sounds so different?Also, Sung Kang is in this series, so the “Hot As Fuck” quotient just went up some more!

  • garland137-av says:

    Star Wars fans can be a vicious bunch, I’m glad he’s getting to return to the role and actually enjoying it.

  • docprof-av says:

    He’s had a pretty successful acting career and got to date Rachel Bilson for years. I will never feel the least bit bad for him.

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