Hayley Atwell found her Doctor Strange 2 cameo a bit “frustrating”

Peggy Carter "had less to do than what she did before she had the shield,” Atwell quipped while discussing The Multiverse Of Madness

Aux News Hayley Atwell
Hayley Atwell found her Doctor Strange 2 cameo a bit “frustrating”
Hayley Atwell Photo: Lisa Maree Williams

Actor Hayley Atwell has been making the rounds this week, promoting her new film Mission: Impossible—Dead Reckoning Part One while the promoting was good. (I.e., before the oncoming SAG-AFTRA strike shut all such promotional efforts down.) Said tour saw Atwell dip in to Josh Horowitz’s Happy Sad Confused podcast, where conversation turned, perhaps inevitably, to her long stint in the Marvel Cinematic Universe—and, more specifically, to her brief role as an alternate universe version of Peggy Carter in last year’s Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness.

And while Atwell sounds mostly upbeat about the process of shooting her role in the movie—which a) was infamously secretive, and b) ended with her character getting abruptly murdered by a rampaging Elizabeth Olsen—there are some traces of unhappiness that sneak in around the edges. She notes at one point that the decision to kill off the Captain Carter incarnation of the character so abruptly “doesn’t really serve Peggy very well.” Atwell: “When she was like, ‘I could do this all day’ and then followed by she’s immediately cut in half by a frisbee. And the audience being like, ‘She can’t do it all day. Apparently you can’t, so, egg on your face.’”

Hayley Atwell talks MISSION IMPOSSIBLE DEAD RECKONING, Tom Cruise, Captain Carter, & MCU

Atwell also contrasted her brief appearance in the movie with the meatier role she had in the Disney+ What If…? show, calling the Sam Raimi-directed movie “a frustrating moment” in contrast. “She had less to do than what she did before, before she had the shield,” she quipped. That being said, Atwell still expressed her joy at getting to do the stuntwork in the movie—having come in to film her cameo in the midst of shooting M:I 7, and thus thoroughly in the action movie mode—and doesn’t sound overly aggrieved about the entire process. Also, she has a pretty good story about having to wait on a very slow, very loud motorized scooter during the big reveal of one of her co-stars for the sequence, so at least she got a strange laugh out of the whole experience.

[via Variety]


  • stalkyweirdos-av says:

    “My cameo appearance was less fulfilling than my starring role.”

    • gospelxforte-av says:

      That summarizes it extremely well.Like it wasn’t clear that it was fanservice and a means to servicing Wanda’s character by showing off her power level.

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        Wanda’s powers appear to also include rewinding Captain Carter in time from when she threw the shield from a front-on position (and hence always being in position to catch it when thrown back) to somehow be still turning to be in position when Wanda threw it back.There’s a reason the other multiverse movie of 2022 won the Academy Award for Best Editing and this film didn’t (and that Everything Everywhere All at Once won almost all the major awards at all the major awards ceremonies on its way to being the most awarded film in history and this got 3 People’s Choice Awards but that’s a whole other story – a much better one at that).

        • gospelxforte-av says:

          Everything Everywhere All at Once was a completely different and altogether better film, but it has nothing to do with the conversation other than to compare films with multiverses. What does this other film have to do with Hayley Atwell?

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            DS2:MoM is a multiverse film, EEAAO is a multiverse film, Hayley Atwell’s character’s death in DS2:MoM is nonsensical due to a really bad edit, EEAAO had by awards definition, the best editing of the year both films came out.

          • gospelxforte-av says:

            No. Just no.

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            Do I need to make like Charlie Day and draw a map?

          • gargsy-av says:

            “Hayley Atwell’s character’s death in DS2:MoM is nonsensical due to a really bad edit”

            No, it’s not.

          • necgray-av says:

            Bad editing is bad but it’s not remotely the reason why EEAAO is the better film. It’s the writing. The MoM narrative is dogshit.

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            I know! That’s the whole other better story I was alluding to!(The makers had a choice between EEAAO and Loki. They chose wisely.)

          • necgray-av says:

            Okay, but you were weirdly focused on an editing mistake.Regardless, we mostly agree anyway. I say mostly because all due respect to everyone who lost their shit over it, I’m pretty meh on EEAAO. It’s a good film but the hype is vastly overblown.

    • drips-av says:

      cool take bra

    • TRT-X-av says:

      Yeah I didn’t read the article either.

  • bio-wd-av says:

    I am still irate that Agent Carter died so soon.  Its still better then the vast majority of Mavel TV shows.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Season 1 was great, Season 2 not so much.  But, yeah, most Marvel shows are fairly bad. 

      • bio-wd-av says:

        It wasn’t as good but it was still very enjoyable and that puts it well above Loki, or… god what are half the recent Marvel shows?  The one with Oscar Issac?

        • laurenceq-av says:

          I agree.

        • akabrownbear-av says:

          I mean Agent Carter came out around same time as AOS and Netflix shows and was cancelled a considerable amount of time before any of the D+ shows. And I liked Agent Carter but AOS and Daredevil were better shows IMO.

        • nilus-av says:

          Moon Knight! but you nailed the issue on the head. The problem with so much Marvel TV is that its so fucking forgettable. I enjoyed What If? but completely forgot about it until it was brought up in this article. Moon Knight, Falcon and Winter Soldier, and She-Hulk all just wiped. I remember Miss Marvel but I know that a lot of that is personal. Being a big fan of the character and being married to a Pakistani American comic book super fan whos favorite character growing up was the original Miss Marvel. But even most of that show is forgettable sadly. Loki and WandaVision are the only two that seemed to do anything more and I even think that they are diminished by what has come after. Doctor Strange 2 didn’t server Wanda well and the multiverse stuff setup by Loki is not paying off and the Kang reveal is all messed up now that Quantmania sucked so hard and Jonathan Majors is turning out to be a real piece of shit person.

          • tarst-av says:

            There’s a joke in here somewhere about the inate forgetability of Hawkeye.

          • bio-wd-av says:

            Moon Knight!  Yeah that’s it.  I genuinely couldn’t remember it.  I only remember Wanda Vision because that annoyingly mattered for Strange 2 and Loki because Kang.  Everything else is in one ear out the other. 

    • mr-rubino-av says:

      Could have been worse. Her regular-universe counterpart could have been a warship-punching cosmic menace while she on the other hand dies by having a really heavy thing fall on her.

    • rpdm-av says:

      Hayley Atwell looks AMAZING and has AMAZING body too… !!! – hema, cairo, Egypt, March 2015

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Meanwhile, Anson Mount is just like “I got work!”

  • gterry-av says:

    If she feels that alternate Peggy getting killed off was bad, how does she feel about Original Peggy, supposedly being a legendary spy but not noticing that Hydra had infiltrated SHIELD for decades. 

    • fianna-av says:

      And that the idea that Steve somehow went back in time, married her, had kids with her, and never told her about Hydra being secretly in control of SHIELD.

      • bodybones-av says:

        We see from agents of shield that different timelines and going between them is a thing. Cap could have made another split lived in that timeline where he fixed things then came back though the idea he did via ageing hurts this theory…im guessing he just didnt change things so that the timeline would stay in tact. Dont wanna fight thanos again. That was for all the fights they had…still the hardest even if its as long as all the other final fights…it felt so on the edge of losing. Im guessing thats what people are missing in the new films. Stakes are high but were just not getting invested. Maybe its just us. 

    • djclawson-av says:

      Oh that’s a good point. She really fell down on that.

      • gterry-av says:

        Which was especially annoying since anytime anyone mentioned Peggy Carter either in the movies or on Agents of Shield she was held in super high regard. But she never noticed that she had a bunch of evil Hydra people working for her. At least Nick Fury eventually noticed something was up.

        • djclawson-av says:

          He “noticed” when they locked him out of the system and shot him a bunch of times.

          • gterry-av says:

            Well he must have noticed before that right, since he hired the mercenaries to hijack the SHIELD ship.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “But she never noticed that she had a bunch of evil Hydra people working for her.”

          Yeah, isn’t it weird that a field agent wouldn’t know that the people above her pay grade were double agents?

          Oh, it’s not?  The foot soldiers AREN’T generally aware of what’s happening above them?  Huh.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      Well, apparently Nick Fury had a whole bunch of Skrulls working for him who also missed the Hydra takeover and then Tony did download all of SHIELD’s files and had them analysed but *also* missed it.Then again, what can you expect from an organisation that can’t even stop a small plane full of Russian spies they were shooting at while taking off from flying from Ohio to Cuba despite all the stops it needed to refuel along the way plus also, you know, appearing on radar?

  • karen0222-av says:

    I loved Agent Carter. Her banter with the butler was pure gold!

  • milligna000-av says:

    I guess that overstuffed film should’ve halted in his tracks and expanded her cameo into a 40 minute sequence to keep her happy.

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      Or, simply been better written and edited and shown a little less contempt for the character that was compressed into nothing more than a vehicle for a “Haha, you liked a thing, fuck you” moment. Two things can be bad about a movie, lol.

      • paulkinsey-av says:

        “Haha, you liked a thing, fuck you”Raimi having contempt for Marvel fans was the best part of the film. And I say that as a Marvel fan. Have a sense of humor.

        • pgoodso564-av says:

          Ah, come on now. I do. And I don’t think he had contempt for fans. I think he had contempt for the film itself, as well as Marvel and their requirements for him. Which, from an abstract artistic perspective, and from an I-like-Sam-Raimi perspective, is fine.From a “I would like to enjoy this movie” perspective, while it’s intriguing how well Raimi’s irritation with his own movie is communicated to the audience, it sure makes it a slog to sit through. In the midst of that, Worf-ing the charming Ms. Atwell was salt in the wound, not the wound itself. To paraphrase my kinja avatar, don’t reference better Marvel content in your crappy Marvel content, lol.

          • paulkinsey-av says:

            It would have been a lesser film if we’d gotten a bunch of big hero moments from the fanservice characters. Taking them out like he did made the film much better. I didn’t take it as contempt for the film at all, but rather a fun joke to play on the audience.It really baffles me that so many seem to get angry when a film defies their expectations rather than appreciating it. It’s the same reason so many people hated The Last Jedi.

          • pgoodso564-av says:

            It wasn’t about defied expectations, per se, but hopes snatched away, lol:I’m watching a bad movie. I’m bored. And irritated. All of a sudden, I see Haley Atwell! Oh, yay, I like he-oh, wait, nope, dead, back to bad movie.You seem to be describing my argument as “This crappy movie would have been improved by extended sequences with ancillary characters I like”. That’s not it at all. It’s “Wow, I wish I was watching a movie about these people instead of this mediocre-at-best bastardization of two major Marvel characters”. An adjacent argument, granted, but not really the same, hehe.Again, don’t put good movies in the middle of your crappy movie.

          • tvcr-av says:

            It was done better in Deadpool 2 when they immediately killed almost every member of X-Force.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Or, simply been better written and edited and shown a little less contempt for the character that was compressed into nothing more than a vehicle for a “Haha, you liked a thing, fuck you” moment.”

        Or you could make up some bullshit about it being a fuck you moment, because you aren’t adult enough to accept fucking cameo for what it was?

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      overstuffed? Check your runtimes. Strange 2 was the shortest entry in phase 4. I’m constantly sorry that film had the “wrong” cameos for you but it was actually one of the better recent MCU films when ur not being a whiny incel about it.

      • ciegodosta-av says:

        “ Strange 2 was the shortest entry in phase 4.”Yes, that’s one of the reasons it is overstuffed.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “overstuffed? Check your runtimes.”

        Imagine if you understood that overstuffed means too much stuff in a relatively short runtime, huh moron?

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        It’s possible to not like a film and not have that dislike be a political or culture war statement.

      • necgray-av says:

        What the fuck does “incel” have to do with hating MoM?

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      I’d watch that.

      • rorothegreat-av says:

        Any sequence with Hayley Atwell will be worth watching.  

        • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

          If they still made phone books I’d watch her read one, amirite?

        • bio-wd-av says:

          I watched a PBS version of Howards End she was in because she was in it.  I didn’t regret it she’s a genuinely good actress and an all round lovely lady.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      No one’s asking for that, including Atwell.

  • thegreatkingchiba-av says:

    To be fair, that wasn’t Agent Carter. That was some elseworld Peggy Carter variant who in no way represents the Agent Carter of the main line universe.

    Agent Carter didn’t die in Strange 2, she was probably old person dancing with Steve while that was going on.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      We saw what happened to Agent Carter in Winter Soldier/Civil War. Well, at least one version of it anyway.

      • thegreatkingchiba-av says:

        Either way, the point still stands that the one who got killed in DS2 was not “our” Agent Carter. She might not have even necessarily been a good guy in that universe, she could have been like Pro-registration or something and her version of Stark have been the good guy.

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    I’m totally okay that the Illuminati got swatted by Wanda, they’re a bunch of alt. reality chumps, not from *our* MCU (Earth-199999 4 life by the way ala Spider-Verse and not them coming up with 616). They’re there to get wrecked by the Scarlet Witch to show how powerful a menace she is. It’s fine.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      Given at least three of the Illuminati could on their own end all life on Earth, they might have overdone it with the power scaling for Wanda, though.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    So I watched the part of the nearly one-hour interview where she talks about her cameo. It’s all her joking around with the interviewer about her cameo and all of the quotes from her in this article feel like tongue-in-cheek commentary. There are literally no conclusions to be drawn here.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      Well, the actual movie was a massive pile of shit but I deduced that from the actual film at the time.

      • refinedbean-av says:

        Dude, you have a massive hate-on for that film and it’s kinda weird.We all liked EEAAO. Many people also liked MoM. It’s gonna be okay. Breathe.

        • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

          The wasted potential of DS2: MoM frustrates me more than the film itself. It should have at least been better than an average episode of Sliders (another show it stole from).

        • leobot-av says:

          I mean, I also thought it was a massive pile of shit. My hate-on is more due to the complex emotional arc that WandaVision promised for Wanda that was not delivered by MoM.

          • murrychang-av says:

            WandaVision ended with her reading the Darkhold, her arc in MoM was basically exactly what I expected it to be based on that.  Reading the Darkhold=very quickly becoming evil.

        • murrychang-av says:

          Some people are really salty that MoM wasn’t exactly what they thought it would be. Me, I thought it was a fine film with some fun cameos and Rami stealthily sneaking some Evil Dead shit into the MCU.

          • genejenkinson-av says:

            Me, I thought it was a fine film with some fun cameos and Rami stealthily sneaking some Evil Dead shit into the MCU.There are dozens of us. Dozens!!

          • refinedbean-av says:

            I enjoyed the movie and I actually thought it did (but only briefly) some VERY fun multiverse stuff in comparison to EEAAO, which was basically hotdog hands, ratatouille, and rocks. EEAAO just had more heart because of COURSE IT FUCKING DID.

          • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

            … I just wanted it to be good? Or failing that, not bad?

    • icehippo73-av says:

      AV Club takes a humorous comment and blows it way out of proportion? What a shock!

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Well by all means we must generate as much content as possible from this.

  • mwake1-av says:

    It’s ok Hayley, that shits over and you got a much better franchise now

  • Shampyon-av says:

    Honestly, all the multiversal cameos in DS2 felt kinda mean-spirited in a childhood bully way. I’m fine with the characters dying, it was the execution that felt off. Instead of using familiarity as a shortcut to make us feel the impact of their deaths, they just dangled some fanservice then shit all over it. It was like someone offered me a soda then spat in the cup.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      I reject their reality and substitute this for it!

    • necgray-av says:

      Maybe a film shouldn’t have to rely on familiarity with external sources to make the audience feel the impact of deaths at all? Maybe don’t count on fanservice to sell your IP bullshit? Maybe stop drinking soda?

      • TRT-X-av says:

        You didn’t have to know shit about anything outside the MCU to be excited and interested in John Krazinski and Patrick Stewart.It’s no different than Drew Barrymore in Scream.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Two things can be true:1. It was a cameo.2. It was a shameless, meaningless, fanservice cameo that basically gave a “big bad” a bunch of brand-approved superheroes to kill.I’ll throw in a third:3. It was both the eye-rollingest part of the movie AND one of the only reasons to watch the movie.

    • paulkinsey-av says:

      I loved it. I find it hilarious that Raimi introduced a bunch of fan-service characters only to kill them off in brutal ways immediately. Why even watch a Raimi film if you’re not looking for stuff like that? The zombie stuff towards the end was pretty great too. Really felt Evil Dead adjacent with the whip-pans and such. It’s a flawed but fun film that gets too much hate.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Why even watch a Raimi film if you’re not looking for stuff like that? I wasn’t watching a “Raimi film.” I was watching a Raimi film under the imprimatur of the MCU.If it had been a standalone Raimi flick? Sure, I’d roll with it.As an MCU flick? Not my cup of tea. Points to him for leaning into the gruesomeness, but the shock death well is one that Marvel draws from too damned often (comics and shows/films).Like…I watched the thing twice in the same week, specifically because I wanted to be sure I was giving it a fair shake (sometimes I see a movie I dislike so much that it’s like, “Wait, is it ME?”; EXAMPLE: The Many Saints of Newark). I did not enjoy it, and I wanted to.

  • bashbash99-av says:

    I think if you are a fan of marvel’s female characters in general that MoM is a tough sell. but i just don’t really this movie in general, so much squandered potential just to force some  watered down Raimi into the mcu

  • murrychang-av says:

    But was it a fridging?

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      “Should I be threatened by this woman speaking?”

      • murrychang-av says:

        I have no clue what you’re talking about, have a star!

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Okay, buddy.

          • murrychang-av says:

            Your non sequiturs are amusing, keep ‘em coming and have another star!

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            It just seems like you continue to be haunted by that one time you had to read about a literary trope derived from a feminist lens.It’s gonna be okay, buddy.

          • murrychang-av says:

            And it just seems to me like you really, really want me to not be a feminist and be threatened by women because that fits the picture of me that you’ve set up in your head based on one conversation thread where you didn’t actually read what I was writing. Since you stereotyped me as an anti feminist, you then get to feel superior to me and then take that feeling to other threads to continue getting that dopamine hit. Which actually makes you look even sillier because you’re now trying to one up me over what is obviously a joke post.I’m absolutely fine and am not in any way ‘threatened’ by women speaking(literally all of my closest irl friends are women, I’m going to a concert with 3 of them tonight), but you might want to look into your need to feel superior to internet people that you don’t actually know. There’s a hole in your life somewhere. Find it, do something about it and you’ll feel a lot better about yourself and how you relate to the world around you.Have a nice day!

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            My dude, you got real upset the other day about this concept existing, so much so that you needed a callback today. I get that it’s a joke. The joke is that examining your interests through a different lens is terrible.Weird humblebrag there, though. I didn’t say you were threatened by women, my dude. Knowing women and being a feminist aren’t the same thing, and that “my best friends are…” bit has kind of been laughable since before we were born. Have a fantastic weekend!

          • murrychang-av says:

            My dude my dude my dude!“My dude, you got real upset the other day about this concept existing, so much so that you needed a callback today.”No, you got really upset the other day because we had a disagreement over the application of the concept. You invented the idea that I disagree with the whole concept so that you could feel superior to me. And now you brought it to another thread.
            “I didn’t say you were threatened by women”You actually did, though, my dude my dude my dude! You do know I have access to your previous posts, right, my dude? You literally did say exactly that: “Should I be threatened by this woman speaking?”You see, I read the things you actually write, I don’t make stuff up about you, my dude.
            “Knowing women and being a feminist aren’t the same thing, and that “my
            best friends are…” bit has kind of been laughable since before we were
            born.”I say ‘all of my closest friends are women’ and to you that means I know women…see you’re just not good at reading what I actually write, you’re just making shit up.Thanks, I will!

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Wow, someone really hates AAVE.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            I take it you do NOT have any black friends, huh?

          • murrychang-av says:

            Yep, a couple.  Just played cards with one last night.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            This is the most real story I have ever heard.

          • murrychang-av says:

            Wait, you actually think I’m lying about playing cards with a friend who is black last night? There were 2 white guys besides me there too, we played vanilla MtG LotR commander precon decks that we each bought, the game took like 3 and a half hours and the Elf deck ended up winning. The black guy had the Frodo/Sam deck and he came in 2nd.
            But seriously, fuck you for calling me a liar. Life will be a lot easier for you if you stop making stuff up just so you can slot people into stereotypical boxes you’d like them to be in. 
            Do better.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Consider how much your response to everything has aligned completely with the most transparent bullshit deflections that people have used in these cases since, fuck, the 1960s.Making fun of black people for using a dialect and then being proudly ignorant of the existence of that dialect isn’t a great look. But I get it. In future, you would prefer “m’lord.” Now we understand each other.

          • murrychang-av says:

            “Consider how much your response to everything has aligned completely with the most transparent bullshit deflections that people have used in these cases since, fuck, the 1960s.”Consider how you made shit up about me and then followed me to a totally different article so you could continue doing that and then call me a liar. Because that’s literally and specifically what you did.
            “Making fun of black people for using a dialect and then being proudly ignorant of the existence of that dialect isn’t a great look.”Except I was making fun of you, my dude, specifically, not ‘black people’, because you overused ‘my dude’ in your post, my dude. Turning this into me somehow making fun of black people is a really bad look, but it’s typical of your playbook. Not to mention that, as far as I can tell, ‘my dude’ isn’t actually AAVE, which is why I posted that link.
            “In future, you would prefer “m’lord.”I didn’t say anything like that but if your brain says that’s a thing you should do then I won’t stop you.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            I didn’t follow shit, son. On this new article, you called back to the old one.Allow other people to have different experiences than you without this unearned nerd condescension.And you got mad at me because I twice used a construction that is unique to black rather than white English. That’s super!

          • murrychang-av says:

            I mean you came here, saw my comment and started right back up with the same shit.
            “Allow other people to have different experiences than you without this unearned nerd condescension.”Oh you’re allowed to have different experiences than me, but I’m allowed to call you out when you make shit up and call me a liar, because you made shit up and called me a liar. Hell, you made a snarky post about me being threatened by women and then denied you did that just a few posts later! You’re technically ‘allowed’ to do that, I have no way at all to stop you from doing it, but there’s no way I’m not going to point out the things you said. 
            “And you got mad at me because I twice used a construction that is unique to black rather than white English.”No, I made fun of you because you overused the term, my dude. A term that, as far as I can tell, originated in the southwest sometime in the mid ‘00s and is in no way unique to black English.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            I didn’t deny saying your post suggested you were threatened by women: you’re threatened by a reframing of the narrative that doesn’t put you in the center. But sure, guy who doesn’t know what AAVE is: share your well-researched theories of how it works. FYI: “dude” was always black English, but it was co-opted by white people, who particularly used “dude” as a form of address (to wit: Cowabunga, dude!). Black English does not use “dude” that way, so it always takes a modifier. I used a phrase TWO (2) times, but because it isn’t in your lexicon, you chose to mock it. Everyone, you included, uses some terms and phrases more than others, but you singled this one out to mock on account of your dialectic condescension.

          • legomenon-av says:

            Reading this guy’s posts in a Jon Lovitz voice from now on.

          • necgray-av says:

            Not the first nor likely the last time Senor Chang has pulled that particular “Some of my best friends are X!” card.

          • pjrussell-av says:

            I’ve seen this movie before. Murray Chang and Multitudes are both Ed Norton.

          • necgray-av says:

            Having been supremely annoyed at both in the past, I appreciate this.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Well, yeah, that’s the entire point of the scene. The heroes of this universe are a bunch of smug assholes convinced everything they do is automatically justified for “the greater good,” and they get their just desserts for arrogantly going up against an omnipotent reality warper who can take them all down in seconds.

    • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

      They beat Thanos on Titan, something the mainline Avengers fucked up spectacularly. They’re allowed to be confident. Too bad they got reverse plot armoured to death.

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