HBO Max picks up '70s feminist porn comedy Minx

TV Features HBO
HBO Max picks up '70s feminist porn comedy Minx
Ophelia Lovibond (Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Vanity Fair) , Jake Johnson (Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images for IMDb) Image: The A.V. Club

As announced today in a press release, HBO Max has given a series order to Minx, a comedy series created by Ellen Rapoport and produced by Lionsgate and Paul Feig’s Feigco Entertainment. The series is about an “earnest young feminist” in ‘70s Los Angeles who teams up with a “low-rent publisher” to create the first porn magazine targeted toward women, with Ophelia Lovibond and Jake Johnson set to star—because who says “L.A. guy in the ‘70s publishing an erotic magazine for women” better than Nick Miller? (Absolutely nobody.)

In a fun behind-the-scenes detail (based on more than one of the “we’re excited to make this TV show!” quotes that people share when making announcements like this), it sounds like part of Rapoport’s pitch for this project involved showing up at Lionsgate HQ with either “stacks” or a “trunkful” of old porn magazines, which is the sort of stunt that only really works when pitching a TV comedy about ‘70s porn. The quotes also tease that the show is “fun, feminist, and wholly unique” (that’s according to HBO Max’s Head Of Original Content Sarah Aubrey), which certainly sounds good.

Minx will also star Idara Victor (Shameless), Jessica Lowe (Wrecked), Lennon Parham (former sniper and current instructor with the STARS program), Michael Angarano (This Is Us), and Oscar Montoya (Reno 911!).


  • tokenaussie-av says:

    Ah, gotta love how “porn” gets cleansed after about 50 years or so. In 2070, there’ll be a new wave of people nostalgically looking back on how that 18-year-old ramming three 18″ rubber dongs up her tradesman’s for her OnlyFans subscribers as empowering.

    • knopegrope-av says:

      Puritanism? Really? 

      • tokenaussie-av says:

        I’m not American. Far from it. I’m just wondering why the porn of today isn’t considering as wholesome as the porn of yesteryear. I imagine it’s because a lot of young people don’t see the pornstars of yore as direct sexual threat.

        • dxanders-av says:

          That strikes me as a pretty weird interpretation of just about everything happening here.

        • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

          Well, I’m not sure you could call the porn of the 1970s “wholesome” (I think that’s kind of when it started getting raunchy) but certainly porn of earlier decades (and the related “pinup” art of the 1940s/1950s) were just about showing an attractive person undressed or scantily clad. They weren’t using dildos or fucking a donkey. You could appreciate them in the same sense as looking at a Greek statue or something.

          • greenspandan2-av says:

            man you are a weird puritanical dipshit.

          • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

            The seventies was kind of a golden age, though. It produced gems like Alice in Wonderland, after all. Nowadays, your choices are basically just someone masturbating or someone accidentally dropping their dick into their sister-mom.

          • tokenaussie-av says:

            Why don’t you ask Linda Lovelace how she feels about it?

          • toddisok-av says:

            Because the judge said I’d be in big trouble if I contacted her one more time.

          • theodorefrost---absolutelyhateskinja-av says:

            You do realize this said it’s about porn marketed towards women right? And it’s about a magazine, not a film studio? 

          • harrydeanlearner-av says:

            It was definitely the golden age in that it reached almost mainstream accessibility. Deep Throat was a huge hit and for a real brief window it wasn’t just the trench coat guys on 42nd street who were watching porn.Although the 70’s also had a LOT of sickies: stuff like Water Power and the Zebedny Colt films are pretty vile.

          • mikolesquiz-av says:

            This is absolutely not correct. There are Victorian daguerrotypes of women sucking off ponies. In the olden days, anything went when it came to porn, because even by showing ankle you were already considered maximally degenerate and might as well blow some animals and shit on a corpse while you were at it.

          • ericmontreal22-av says:

            Well mainstream stuff anyway–I think the raunchier stuff has always existed on some level.

          • thegobhoblin-av says:

            It is said the first moving image was of a horse running and the second moving image was of people fucking. Such is the way of media technology.

          • ericmontreal22-av says:

            Exactly–it just seems so off to actually believe that before the 1970s all porn was artistically shot pictures of women (and men–muscle mags etc) standing around nude.  Although of course you had to work harder to find other stuff (being born in 1980 I still remember how different it was just to get your hands on a fuzzy video of porn or some magazines–scary to think how quickly that all changed.)

          • dougr1-av says:

            Betty would disagree with you

        • phonypope-av says:

          I imagine it’s because a lot of young people don’t see the pornstars of yore as direct sexual threat.From what I’ve heard, Ron Jeremy is still a direct sexual threat.

        • mr-threepwood-av says:

          I certainly don’t see porn stars of today as any kind of sexual threat and I enjoy their work. Why are you talking about it from this generalized perspective when it’s just yours?

        • menage-av says:

          Image quality and venue’s for starters, porn used to be a cinema thing even.And there’s a definite line between hardcore and soft-core, lot’s of grey in between.You ramming of dildo’s is another’s vague hint of bush.

        • knopegrope-av says:

          First of all, your entire premise is nothing but a fallacy. No one is arguing that porn of any era is “wholesome” or that the porn of any era is “more wholesome” than any other. Nor is anyone trying to argue that all women have to be “ramming three 18″ rubber dongs up her tradesman’s for her OnlyFans subscribers” in order to feel empowered. But if that works for one individual or any number of individuals, who are we to judge? THAT is why your puritanical comment misses the mark.I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea that “a lot of young people” see the pornstars of now as a “direct sexual threat,” but considering how wrong you’ve been about everything else, I’m assuming that’s just your natural tendency towards error manifesting itself multiple times in one comment. And in case you didn’t know, Puritanism was invented in Europe. America just happens to be where it was most prominently exported.

          • tokenaussie-av says:

            I’m not European, either. But keep trying. One my missions in life is slowly expand Seppoes’ minds beyond “hurr durr, there’s just ‘Murrica and Europe”. Keep trying. You’ll get there. But for now, I guess you guys only bother to acknowledge the wider world when you’re looking for brown people to drone strike.I’m not wrong.For one, the very fact that HBO is making a show about this very subject, and that AVC is promoting, proves me right in that it’s viewed by many a profitable and popular – and that the very American definition of “good”, no?
            Nor is anyone trying to argue that all women have to be “ramming three 18″ rubber dongs up her tradesman’s for her OnlyFans subscribers” in order to feel empowered. Really? I never said anything one way or another about whether or not I thought it was empowering. I was commenting on how it was view – specifically, how it’s viewed by American puritans, because I know my audience…hence the provocative imagery.Nothing in my original comment is my opinion, merely an observation, but the fact you’re getting so bent out of shape over it really uncovers your neuroses. Methinks thous doth protest too much, and all that. Americans view all sex workers as tragic, fallen, victims – at least popularly – yet you’re having a hard time trying to get it to gel with the fact that it’s also empowering. And that’s the hypocrisy, or at least the paradox, I was pointing out: “SEX WORK IS BAD- wait- NO IT’S GOOD! Wait- NO IT’S BAD!!!”It’s really quite amusing when you’re outside of it. But I guess you wouldn’t understand that.

          • mattballs-av says:

            You are making a lot of really, really wrong assumptions here, bud. Maybe when literally everyone is telling you you are wrong, you might want to consider listening instead of making an even bigger ass of yourelf.

          • tokenaussie-av says:

            I’m sorry that you feel fitting in with others is more important that sticking to your principles. Really, I am.

          • mattballs-av says:

            LOL. You big free-thinker you, so much smarter than all us sheep because you…think that people are threatened by porn actors, or something. We are all super impressed!

          • tokenaussie-av says:

            You’re definitely threatened by me pointing it out, but. Look how angry you all are! And some free advice from the guy who got you out of the greys: life’s not a popularity contest, and desperately pleading for the validation of people on the internet ain’t healthy. 

          • mattballs-av says:

            Bahaha. Yeah, I’m super angry, you can tell because I keep laughing, like angry people often do. You’re really smart. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

          • tokenaussie-av says:

            Still groping for my validation, eh?

          • mattballs-av says:

            No, just making fun of you.

          • tokenaussie-av says:

            I’d have to feel insulted by you for that to be true.

          • mattballs-av says:

            I mean, the fact that you think I care is sorta cute, I guess.

          • tokenaussie-av says:

            You’ve said as much: you view internet comments an in-group you feel everyone wants to be a part of:Maybe when literally everyone is telling you you are wrong, you might want to consider listening instead of making an even bigger ass of yourelf.You made it pretty clear you’re just looking for a parasocial relationship, which is why you’re so reflexively defensive about camgirls…

          • mattballs-av says:

            No, I said that when a large group of people all tell you you are wrong, you might want to figure out why that is, and that it is more likely that YOU are wrong as opposed to everyone else being wrong. Not sure why you are trying to read so much nonsense into what was a quite straight forward and clear post. And I didn’t say a word about cam girls, what are you even talking about?

          • smokehouse-almonds-av says:

            “For one, the very fact that HBO is making a show about this
            very subject, and that AVC is promoting, proves me right in that it’s
            viewed by many a profitable and popular – and that the very American
            definition of “good”, no?”Regardless of how HBO and/or the AVC feel, regardless of whether it’s wholesome or not, or less wholesome than it used to be, one thing is clear, porn has always been “profitable and popular” and that likely won’t change anytime soon.

          • knopegrope-av says:

            Um, I don’t know what you think is going on here but I’m not playing some game of Guess Your Continent. I don’t care. You don’t need to be from a certain place to be a misogynist, which you clearly are. As for the rest of your hilariously desperate anti-American bullshit…

          • tokenaussie-av says:

            You started the game of “guess your continent”, you failed at the very game you tried to play, and now you’re pretending you never wanted to play in the first place? Sweetums, you started it. Also, I’m still waiting on proof I’m a misogynist, other than “Cough’s post made me feel uncomfortable because I’m unable to reconcile my inherent American hatred of sex with what I think passes for open-mindedness”. 

          • knopegrope-av says:

            “you started it”Oh, ok, so I’m dealing with a child here. Run along, child. 

      • toddisok-av says:

        Oh Puritans never shave their bushes. To them, every year is 1975.

    • dead-elvis-av says:

      ramming three 18″ rubber dongs up her tradesman’s for her OnlyFans subscribersUp her tradesman’s what?

    • mr-threepwood-av says:

      It is already considered empowering. The fact that misogynists love to make their little jokes about OnlyFans doesn’t mean it’s not.

      • tokenaussie-av says:

        Does being a passive-aggressive cunt make you a misogynist?Luckily, I’m not a misogynist who’s cracking jokes about this, else I might be offended. 

    • DudleySpellington-av says:

      It’ll be about Rule 34 and/or furry artists. 

    • south-of-heaven-av says:

      She’s making her own money & not giving it all over to an abusive man for “protection”, good for her!

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Paging HBO Max CEO of Dicks.

  • samursu-av says:

    A porn magazine for women?? So… excerpts from the latest Harlequin book?

    • 10cities10years-av says:

      This was a miss, brah.

    • mattballs-av says:

      Or, like, actual porn for women. 

    • theodorefrost---absolutelyhateskinja-av says:

      I don’t get the reference but I’m glad someone in the comments understands it’s about porn aimed at women and not just Deep Throat/Debbie Does Dallas like the weirdo a few comments above arguing that all pornstars are sex offenders or something.

  • tuscedero-av says:

    Ophelia Lovibond’s porn name:  Kitty Winter

  • paraduck-av says:

    So… Playgirl?

  • toddisok-av says:

    70’s porn? Get ready for a lotta afros and winter bushes.

  • teageegeepea-av says:

    Is this indicative of regret on their part at not giving The Deuce another season?

  • DudleySpellington-av says:

    Will it be a shared universe with The Deuce? 

  • kleptrep-av says:

    Bro at least cast real pornstars in these roles? We flip a table when a non autistic person plays an autistic person but we don’t care when non pornstars play pornstars? The hell dude? Where’s Sean Lawless? Anri Okita? Tommy Pistol?

  • chriska-av says:

    Minx, Jinx, Mank, Monk, why do they keep naming shows the same thing?

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Sounds like it’s time for me to get back in the merkin biz.

  • mdiller64-av says:

    Evangelicals and a subset of feminists are going to absolutely hate this. Trans rights brought TERFs and evangelicals together, and nostalgia for 70’s-era feminist porn (and the question of whether such a thing can even exist) will repeat the process. Personally, I think it’s a good rule of thumb: if the people who agree with you on a topic are otherwise absolutely abhorrent, maybe take a second look at your assumptions.

  • mustachiocat-av says:

    because who says “L.A. guy in the ‘70s publishing an erotic magazine for women” better than Nick Miller? Julius f***ing Pepperwood, that’s who

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