
HBO’s Four Hours At The Capitol grimly documents a nightmare that’s yet to end

Directed by Jamie Roberts, the documentary about the January 6 insurrection is closer to a horror film

TV Reviews HBO
HBO’s Four Hours At The Capitol grimly documents a nightmare that’s yet to end

Photo: HBO

HBO’s documentary Four Hours At The Capitol doesn’t present the events of January 6 as one-time explosion of collective madness. The interviews with the insurrectionists who attacked Congress are bracing in their sense of calm. No one raises their voice, and despite having months to reflect on their actions, no one expresses genuine regret. That’s what is most frightening, as the documentary makes clear that January 6 wasn’t just the end of a movement but the beginning of a dark chapter in American history.

Directed by Jamie Roberts (The Rise Of The Murdoch Dynasty), the documentary begins with Washington, D.C., Capitol police officer Michael Fanone saying, “January 6 started off pretty much like any other day.” This makes it sound like 9/11, when the attack on the World Trade Center caught Americans off-guard. However, the storm that erupted on January 6 had been brewing for months.

Trump first cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election before a single vote was cast, and when the race was officially called for President Joe Biden on November 7, Trump refused to concede. For the next two months, Trump cried fraud, with no evidence, and filed frivolous lawsuit upon frivolous lawsuit, with no grounds. He pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” votes for him and demanded that Republican governors not certify election results that he considered fraudulent for no reason other than he’d lost.

A sore loser parade was expected on January 6, when Congress met to officially certify Biden’s victory, but few imagined that the simple administrative task of certifying Biden’s win would instead prove a day of reckoning for the MAGA movement and a day of infamy for the U.S. itself.

Four Hours At The Capitol puts us inside the twisted minds of the insurrectionists who attacked the seat of government, but at no point are viewers compelled to sympathize with them. The filmmakers let the rioters speak for themselves while contrasting their words with footage of their shocking deeds. The interviews play out like conversations with members of a cult. These people exist in an alternate reality where Donald Trump isn’t a malignant narcissist whose fragile ego wouldn’t let him accept so public a defeat.

A deluded supporter compares Trump to Jesus Christ. He is their “savior,” even though he wouldn’t bother to spit on them if they were on fire. Someone suggests that Trump was “anointed by God” to serve as president. What’s horrifying is that their adoration remains undiminished. They are more than willing to embark on another crusade on Trump’s behalf.

Proud Boy member Bobby Pickles makes it clear that the mob headed to the Capitol on Trump’s instructions. This was not a spontaneous demonstration. The attack happened because Trump deliberately incited a mob during an unhinged speech where he repeated more lies about the election and encouraged his devoted audience to “fight like hell” or they “wouldn’t have a country anymore.”

The documentary features never-before-seen footage inside the Capitol on January 6. We’ve usually seen the mob as an enraged weapon aimed at democracy itself, but Four Hours At The Capitol also shows the rioters savoring the moment of their apparent conquest, like the psychotic droogs in A Clockwork Orange. One man lights up a joint to celebrate, and he offers spares to his fellow seditious travelers. It’s like they’re at a party while terrified women tremble in darkened offices just a few feet from them. A voice offscreen asks someone, “Why are you smoking weed in the Capitol?” and the response is sudden and revealing, “Because I can!”

Four Hours At The Capitol is most effective at shattering the complacency of anyone who still wants to dismiss Trump as the bombastic clown who appeared in Home Alone 2 or stuffed-crust pizza commercials. The documentary reinforces the power he still commands over a significant segment of the population. His opponents from both parties have dismissed him as a con man, but that misses the mark. Con men can be exposed and Trump’s supporters will never see that their emperor has no clothes. Worse, when Trump tells them his fancy robes were stolen, they believe him without question. Four Hours At The Capitol is a sober warning of what Trump’s supporters might do again, either in 2022 or 2024.

The interviews with the insurrectionists showcase the pride and perverse patriotism they feel about breaching the Capitol, and the documentary trusts viewers enough to let the their self-delusion speak for itself. Couy Griffin, one of the “cowboys for Trump,” insists you can’t prove the violent insurrectionists were Trump supporters—just because they were wearing Trump hats while storming the Capitol in his name.

Four Hours At The Capitol devotes significant time to the true victims on January 6, and the interview with a visibly traumatized Leah Han, an aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is especially compelling. It’s heartbreaking to watch Han hold back tears as she describes hiding with colleagues in an office, hearing the mob pound on the door and questioning if she’d leave the Capitol alive.

Forty to 50 officers fought 1,500 people for hours on January 6. It was exhausting and overwhelming, but they were determined not to lose the Capitol. This might make the subject of an uplifting movie starring Bradley Cooper some day, but Four Hours At The Capitol focuses instead on the harrowing reality. The mob has superior numbers and batters officers like rag dolls. Officer Daniel Hodges confesses that he feared the mob would drag him into the crowd and lynch him. While this was happening, the man who was still president of the United States watched the insurrection from the White House with reported delight. It wasn’t until 4:17 p.m. that he sent a wishy-washy message that still insisted the election was stolen, but called for the mob to go home.

Four Hours At The Capitol concludes with these tragic statistics: 140 officers were injured on January 6. Fanone specifically suffered a mild heart attack and traumatic brain injury. Officer Brian Sicknick, also a Trump supporter, was assaulted at the Capitol and died the next day. Four officers so far have died by suicide in the aftermath.

During the documentary’s final moments, Democratic Rep. Jim McGovern shares how he assumed that January 6 would be a 9/11-like event where Democrats and Republicans united as one (if you’re inclined to believe that’s what happened). Yet nine months later, the Republican Party remains fully in thrall to Trump and his lies.

Jimmy Kimmel described the events of January 6 as the Trump era’s “treason finale,” and the image of Donald Trump’s supporters storming the Capitol can feel like the cliffhanger moment in a badly written TV drama we can’t switch off. But after watching Four Hours At The Capitol, the January 6 attack feels more like a horror film, one that ends with the monster still at large.


  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    This might make the subject of an uplifting movie starring Bradley Cooper some day I’d rather a Tarantino fever dream version, in which…fuck…Brad Pitt and Daniel Bruhl turn gatling guns on the insurrectionists, or something.

  • demsarebadnocap-av says:

    this is just a bunch of bullshit they know people are sheep and retarded so putting this out there will only make the enemy look good … JAN 6 is – was not the next 9/11 I bet they wont put the police chiefs or officers in there cause they’ll say they got orders to lay back a bit BS

  • demsarebadnocap-av says:

    this is just a bunch of bullshit they know people are sheep and retarded so putting this out there will only make the enemy look good … JAN 6 is – was not the next 9/11 I bet they wont put the police chiefs or officers in there cause they’ll say they got orders to lay back a bit BS

  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    They’re still out there. Openly planning — openly continuing — their coup efforts. National Guard should have been there and should have opened fire with live rounds. Fuck these traitors and terrorists.

    • demsarebadnocap-av says:

      they more like paid people and smart people and see they got you sheep . America is litteraly found on free speech, and its the people against the crook sleepy joe 

    • themaskedfarter-av says:

      Wow the national guard opening fire at a political protest I’m sure after it happens it would never happen again to a BLM rally.

    • bryanska-av says:

      This was the moment when “Movie America” was revealed to be a complete invention. We aren’t the big sinister machine people think we are. We’re a lattice of sugar. 

    • marceline8-av says:

      That’s the real problem. Until these folks get treated like the terrorists they are they will keep escalating. They need to catch hands and bullets.

    • gone83-av says:

      Trump really needed to face the consequences of inciting it. I know he technically said to be peaceful, but that whole speech was full of obvious doublespeak. A shit ton of those people were just dumb enough to be led to believe Trump’s lies (and that the president could authorize them to storm the Capitol). I’m not saying they shouldn’t face consequences, but I think Trump’s guilt mitigates their culpability a bit, in some cases.  We just have no way to actually establish that guilt, apparently.

    • pewpewitguy-av says:

      Flip’em to full auto boys!

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Sadly, the “Liberal” mainstream media has quickly shifted from “hey, maybe there should be accountability for Trump and his henchmen!” to “how are Democrats going to beat Trump in 2024 with Biden’s Presidency in shambles?!”(which of course, it’s nowhere near true). As a result, odds are none of the Republican big players (nevermind Trump) is likely to face some justice for the failed Jan 6 insurrection, and the Party will end up making a comeback in the midterms, because we are a nation full of numbed, ADHD imbeciles who can’t remember (or don’t care about) what happened more than 2 weeks ago.

    • asynonymous3-av says:

      I REALLY hope Trump runs in 2024; not only would he split the GOP vote and guarantee a Democratic victory, I’d just love to see him utterly destroyed in the campaign.

    • themaskedfarter-av says:

      Who could identify with either of those rapists 

    • normchomsky1-av says:

      I’m semi-confident if Biden is alive he can weather a reelection storm. He just won’t have the House, and will lose the Senate by 2026 if not beforehand. 

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      I’m just blown away that, not even a year later, a significant portion of Americans can say, “I voted for Biden last time, but Covid’s not over yet, and Biden is having trouble getting his agenda through an evenly divided senate, so I’ll probably vote for Republicans in 2022. They’ll be the ones to pass universal health care, higher taxes on the rich, and all the other stuff that I’d like to see happen.”So many people know so little about politics that all they can do when things aren’t to their liking is vote for the other party, even if what they want is antithetical to that party. An acquaintance of mine on Facebook, who lives in a rural area wrote a diatribe a while ago about the good, hard-working people in her area, and one thing she mentioned is that sometimes they vote Republican and sometimes they vote Democrat, but still nothing changes, and I wanted to scream at her, “That’s why nothing changes, you tool! Vote one or the other consistently until you get enough of them in office that they’re capable of something other than obstruction and they’ll actually be able to enact their program.”

      • spanky1872-av says:

        You’re clearly the tool in this scenario. There are no “left” or “right” politicians, they all play for the same team—their donors. And the really big donors—the ones that do the most harm to our country—contribute heavily to both sides (was does that tell you?). Things are pretty bad when a hopeful hayseed like your acquaintance, who is open to anyone—red or blue—to do something for the people, rather than filling their pockets at their expense, is regularly disappointed either way. It seems that—with open hearts and minds—folks like them have sadly come to an understanding that you yourself are still a bit too slow (or more likely too privileged) to understand. You keep at it though and someday, you might understand things that a 3rd grader can parse out and these country bumpkins will no longer be running circles around you intellectually. I’m not hopeful for that outcome.

      • beertown-av says:

        Anyone who votes for a Republican at this point has always been one, and they just didn’t know it yet. They very clearly and cleanly tell you what they’re the party of: White fucking power. They couldn’t be more direct about it.

        • ray6166-av says:

          “Republican” voters have been voting against their own best interests for decades now… and sadly sanity will never deliver them from their mass psychosis.

  • dfpp-av says:

    few imagined that the simple administrative task of certifying Biden’s win would instead prove a day of reckoning for the MAGA movement and a day of infamy for the U.S. itselfYou’re kidding me, right? In the days leading up to this, my wife and I predicted a bloodbath. I’m surprised Jan 6 wasn’t as violent as I expected.

    • dinoironbodya-av says:

      I would’ve thought December 14 would be more appropriate, being the day the Electoral College voted.

    • nilus-av says:

      I had been following the QAnon chatter only for years by then and the post election discussions were ramping up the calls for violence and “revolution” to insane levels.   I was honestly surprised we didn’t see smaller riots break out in other states as well. 

    • rollotomassi123-av says:

      I expected a riot, but figured it would be confined to outside the capitol.

  • jonfwtoo-av says:

    How is it “yet to end”?  The succession of power was peaceful and there’s been zero incident in 10 months.

  • erikveland-av says:

    It feels like a bad comic book plot. Like something out of Transmetropolitan.

  • samursu-av says:

    Oh my friggin’ goodness, what a crazy fever dream from a “writer” who thinks publishing “Capitol police pfficer Michael” is acceptable LOL.1) In 1954, Puerto Ricans shot up the Capitol, injuring five members of Congress, including one who nearly died. But remember, January 2021 is the “worst attack EVAH” on the Capitol.2) Trump did NOT call Raffensperger to pressure him to do anything except ensure that there was no fraud. WaPo literally released the full audio and transcript of the call, so you can read/listen to it for yourself. Good luck finding anywhere where Trump says “find me some votes, Brad.” 3) Proud Boys were full of FBI plants and undercover agents, so whatever they say on camera is worthless.4) On January 6, when speaking to the crowd BEFORE they moved to the Capitol building, Trump LITERALLY told everyone to remain peaceful. He also tweeted it. He also told people to go home. But of course, nobody wants to hear that.5) Officer Sicknick was NOT assaulted, and implying he died “the next day” as a result of his injuries is pure BS. In fact, Glen Greenwald wrote an entire article about how this lie keeps on propagating. 6) I’m not quite sure how “40-50 officers FOUGHT” 1,500 unarmed people for four hours or how they managed to “win” that “fight.” Oh right, by shooting an unarmed woman in the head… after being “battered like ragdolls,” which sounds like a kitchen recipe instead of English. 7) Not quite sure why police officers committed suicide or had heart attacks after doing the job they were trained to do, but hey, whatever pays the bills. And were their radios broken? Could they not call for backup, or what? Last but not least, it’s so lovely to hear Americans participating in a PEACEFUL and largely rather silly protest (doing things like wearing goofy hats and smoking joints) described as violent religious nutjobs and a “mob” hell-bent on “insurrection,” as if what? They were trying to foment a coup and make Trump the Emperor of the United States? Beyond ridiculous.Every single person who was protesting at the Capitol that day wanted a free and fair election. That’s it. You can sneer at them and say “it WAS fair, dummies!” or disagree with their faith in Trump, but quit acting like they wanted to kill Congress members and instill a dictatorship or whatever. And, in case you forgot, you’re talking about at least 80 million of your fellow citizens who voted for the guy.PS – I didn’t vote for Trump and he’s not my savior.   PPS – You forgot to mention all the people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who was “shaking with fear” in terror of being “torn apart by the mob” but were actually in a totally different building where zero “insurrectionists” went.  Remember, THEY are not the crazy ones :))) 

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      I, too, enjoy blatantly ignoring actual words that people actually said.

      • mifrochi-av says:

        Don’t bother – it’s a gimmick account where a bunch of roommates try to outdo each other from one paragraph to the next. It’s a big house, which is why the posts are so long. 

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          I cannot imagine that people actually believe this: Not quite sure why police officers committed suicide or had heart attacks after doing the job they were trained to do, but hey, whatever pays the bills. And were their radios broken? Could they not call for backup, or what?So we’re talking either fencepost dumb, or performance art. And online performance artists are, indeed, fencepost dumb, so it’s a “six of one, half dozen of another” kinds of things.

      • beertown-av says:

        Who allowed this fucking piece of shit to come out of the greys?

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          It was out when I got here.

        • mifrochi-av says:

          The account is ten guys who share a house in Madison Wisconsin, and these posts are part of a pretty complicated masturbation ritual. One of them went to high school with an avclub editor’s cousin’s wife, so they worked that family connection (a phrase that no doubt inspires furious masturbation around the shared house).

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            Whatever keeps them from throwing parties, hazing people into injuries and raping women… 

        • galvatronguy-av says:

          We can’t see or reply to the greys anymore, you know that, I think this thing coalesced into existence somehow

    • mifrochi-av says:

      This is my favorite gimmick account. Now do 9/11 !

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      Thanks for clearly exhibiting the kind of ignorant trash that Trump has left behind and will remain to be flotsam in the electorate for years to come. Trump. Lost. Fuck right off

    • souzaphone-av says:

      “1) In 1954, Puerto Ricans shot up the Capitol, injuring five members of Congress, including one who nearly died. But remember, January 2021 is the “worst attack EVAH” on the Capitol.”

      I mean, I know you are very dumb, but are you able to read and do basic math? 140 officers were injured in this attack, and five have died. That *is* a worse attack.

      Also, one assumes the Puerto Rican terrorists were not acting under what they believed to be the authority of a sitting president. “2) Trump did NOT call Raffensperger to pressure him to do anything except ensure that there was no fraud. WaPo literally released the full audio and transcript of the call, so you can read/listen to it for yourself. Good luck finding anywhere where Trump says “find me some votes, Brad.”

      He literally said “I just want to find 11,780 votes,” the exact number he needed to win. But I’m sure he did his research and found that conveniently that the was the exact number of votes that were legitimately in question, even though that number is closer to zero. “3) Proud Boys were full of FBI plants and undercover agents, so whatever they say on camera is worthless.”Wow, the Proud Boys must be really dumb!“4) On January 6, when speaking to the crowd BEFORE they moved to the Capitol building, Trump LITERALLY told everyone to remain peaceful. He also tweeted it. He also told people to go home. But of course, nobody wants to hear that.”

      That’s all in the review that you did not read.“5) Officer Sicknick was NOT assaulted,”

      This is a lie. You are a liar. Sicknick was not attacked by a fire extinguisher as many first reported (that was an entirely different officer, which doesn’t exactly make the actions of the rioters any better), but he absolutely was assaulted.

      “and implying he died “the next day” as a result of his injuries is pure BS.”

      He did die the next day. If you believe that is totally unrelated to his injuries (how did he get them if he was not assaulted?), I can see why you are gullible enough to be a Trump supporter.

      “In fact, Glen Greenwald wrote an entire article about how this lie keeps on propagating.”

      LMAO, Glenn can’t find a fascist he’s too embarassed to simp for, so no wonder you’re using him as a source. “6) I’m not quite sure how “40-50 officers FOUGHT” 1,500 unarmed people for four hours or how they managed to “win” that “fight.” Oh right, by shooting an unarmed woman in the head…”

      An unarmed woman who broke a window while leading a violent mob after repeated warnings. Every conservative in this country believed that to be a shooting offense until Ashli Babbit did it.

      “after being “battered like ragdolls,” which sounds like a kitchen recipe instead of English.”

      No idea what you’re even talking about at this point “7) Not quite sure why police officers committed suicide or had heart attacks after doing the job they were trained to do, but hey, whatever pays the bills.”

      Wow, you’re just a terrible person.

      “And were their radios broken? Could they not call for backup, or what?”

      And you’re both arrogant AND incapable of doing basic research to find out why backup was unavailable even though this has been public knowledge for months. Again, typical Trumper.“Last but not least, it’s so lovely to hear Americans participating in a PEACEFUL and largely rather silly protest (doing things like wearing goofy hats and smoking joints)”

      Do you think pointing out that some people wore goofy hats and smoked joints will make us forget about all the assault and brutality? We’re not as stupid as you are.

      “described as violent religious nutjobs and a “mob” hell-bent on “insurrection,” as if what? They were trying to foment a coup and make Trump the Emperor of the United States? Beyond ridiculous.”

      That’s literally what they did and what many of them SAID they wanted.“Every single person who was protesting at the Capitol that day wanted a free and fair election. That’s it. You can sneer at them and say “it WAS fair, dummies!” or disagree with their faith in Trump,”

      Ah so the only problem is that the things that motivated their violent riot were false rather than true. Well how can we be mad at them then?

      “but quit acting like they wanted to kill Congress members”

      Many of them did. They said they did.

      “And, in case you forgot, you’re talking about at least 80 million of your fellow citizens who voted for the guy.”

      No, we’re talking about the rioters. “PS – I didn’t vote for Trump and he’s not my savior.”

      Wow, and you’re still willing to humiliate yourself this much for him? What degredations will you visit upon yourself for the person you did vote for?“PPS – You forgot to mention all the people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who was “shaking with fear” in terror of being “torn apart by the mob” but were actually in a totally different building where zero “insurrectionists” went. Remember, THEY are not the crazy ones :))) ”

      Misleading, which is an upgrade from your earlier lie about Sicknick not being assaulted, at least. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-aoc-instagram-live-video/fact-check-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-did-not-claim-that-she-was-in-the-capitol-during-siege-nor-that-rioters-entered-her-office-idUSKBN2A51RK

    • daddddd-av says:

      i know this is a troll, but the spins on this are fun.we watched it live man. sorry but like 100k people watched bakedalaska leading chants of “hang pence” in the capitol on his own livestream, saw people beating cops and anti-protestors, it’s not like any of this was hidden. and #4, do you genuinely not remember trump waiting to tweet to “stay peaceful” over an hour after they breached the grounds and formed a mob and were fighting cops and about a half hour after they broke in, *after* tweeting blaming pence. like, that was a huge thing on the day-of. did you just piece all this together after the fact from whatever source made you feel good?“Every single person who was protesting at the Capitol that day wanted a free and fair election. That’s it.” hmm no. Trump at that rally: “We will never give up. We will never concede. We will stop the steal!” do you not realize we can also read the countless groyper alt-right telegrams and shit where people were cheering it on so enthusiastically? or that every parler video on that was day scraped and mirrored and with a tiny amount of digging you can watch dozens of hillbillies on the grounds explaining their desire to overthrow the government that day to wannabe youtube shitheads? it’s hard to hide behind “it’s just irony /pol/ dont real” after the, like, 8th shooter manifesto, or when parler and such were poisoned with this shit: https://imgur.com/a/FVtdguni totally agree that the “this is the worst day since 9/11″ shit is overly dramatic, but i mean c’mon man, you’ve got the GOP backed VA gov nominee leading a pledge to a Jan 6th flag. this shit is psychotic. there’s no sense in downplaying it as a big party

    • yllehs-av says:

      So a large crowd of people who you know hate you break into your office building despite armed guards being there, chant how they want to hang someone in the building, and you’re going to be feeling hunky dory because you were moved to the building next door?

    • clarkyboy-av says:

      So…trolls, huh? Nice. Just what the world needs: a room full of sexually repressed incels taking a piss in the comments section of a entertainment magazine. 

  • themaskedfarter-av says:

    If people are left wing anti capitalist isn’t the end goal to eventually take down the white house? I mean is there not a more evil place in the history of man kind, like yes the conservatives are awful and evil too, but if you want revolutionary change this is what it will look like, without the racism and trump hero worship

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Four hours? Feh! These MFer’s only needed like five minutes.

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    I found two errors in this article:police pfficer —> police officercaught Americans off-guard —> caught Americans off guard

  • marceline8-av says:

    Does the documentary cover the other terrorist who died that day? They guy who tased himself in the nuts or woman who got trampled? (Don’t Tread on Me, amirite?) I want their memories to be a burden on their families.

    • yllehs-av says:

      There was a statement at the end that 4 (I think) of the protestors died from medical problems, but nothing about trampling or nuts.

  • bdylan-av says:

    “Four Hours At The Capitol concludes with these tragic statistics: 140 officers were injured on January 6″

    as a firm believer of ACAB this doesnt sound really trajic

  • hapaboi-av says:

    Trump first cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election before a single vote was cast, and when the race was officially called for President Joe Biden on November 7, Trump refused to concede.People sure have fucking short memories. The 2020 presidential election was the third cycle of the Big Lie. Trump did it first in 2016 when he claimed Hillary Clinton did not win the popular vote, saying the nearly three million more votes she received were all from “illegal immigrants”. He even commissioned an official government investigation into it, which of course cleared Clinton of any wrong doing (like all investigation into Hillary throughout all of history).

    Even before Trump, though, Bernie Sanders planted the seed for the Big Lie to grow. Throughout the 2016 Democratic primary, he claimed the whole contest was rigged against him. At first it was just him whining about how the vast majority of super delegates (many of whom were his own congressional colleagues) were not supporting his takeover of a political party he had previously refused to officially join. When that failed to swing loyal Democrats to his side, he started complaining it was unfair that his supporters (who largely rejected the label Democrat) were unable to cast votes in closed primaries. He made it seem like this was the Democratic Party’s nefarious doing despite each state legislature determining how their elections are conducted. Even when it became clear to everyone that his anti-Democratic supporters were going to be unable to defeat Clinton, he claimed he could still win with the remaining primaries despite the math just not being on his side.

    Finally, Sanders took the most undemocratic actions of all when he claimed it was still possible for him to win the nomination at the Democratic National Convention. He encouraged the super delegates to overturn the will of the people, and install him as the nominee. This directly resembles Trump’s action prior to the January 6th Electoral College vote count. He whipped up his supporters into a frenzy, giving them false hope that he could be crowned the winner despite not receiving enough votes. This sent them into a craze both inside and outside the convention when it became clear Bernie was not going to overturn the results of the Democratic presidential primary. While a heavy security presence prevented any severe violence, the unhinged behavior of the Bernie-or-busters was broadcast for the world to see. Even other Bernie supporters, like Sarah Silverman, called out the bad behavior of these conspiracy theorists, but the damage was done as they made sure to boo every speaker who supported the rightful winner of the Democratic nomination.

    Bernie’s actions throughout the 2016 primary fed into the idea that the Democratic Party had the power to swing the results of elections in multiple states and territories. This is of course ridiculous since the primaries are controlled by the election officials of their respective state governments. In fact, the only contests the political parties control are the caucuses, which Bernie overwhelmingly won. However, Bernie and his more demented followers did not let the facts get in the way of their opinion that the 2016 primary had been rigged. They pushed that lie for the next four years, and Bernie made it a part of his 2020 presidential run.

    As we see in videos about QAnon protests, Bernie supporters may disagree ideologically with most MAGA folks, but they have no problem colluding to spread lies about Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic Party. Both of Putin’s little puppets helped grow the Big Lie tree, and they should be held morally and legally responsible for the consequences of spreading this misinformation. Unfortunately, it seems both men will be able to avoid any accountability for their deplorable behavior.

  • thenewloon-av says:

    Can we stop pretending? Can we? Jan 6th wasn’t a thing…stop trying to make Fetch happen

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