Here are over 15 minutes of deleted Young Frankenstein scenes for your enjoyment

Presumably, the footage was left on the cutting room floor for being too "Abby Normal"

Film Features Young Frankenstein
Here are over 15 minutes of deleted Young Frankenstein scenes for your enjoyment
Screenshot: YouTube

It’s hard to think of a more perfect comedy than Mel Brooks’ Young Frankensteinthe casting, the constant jokes, the copious amounts of ritz being put on… to be honest, most of us probably have the entire movie memorized verbatim at this point. Knowing all that, we were pretty damn surprised to come across a bevy of deleted scenes from the 1974 classic available to check out over on YouTube

Alright, so the nearly 17 minutes of Young Frankenstein outtakes aren’t the best scenes (hence, y’know, them being cut from the final version), but many of them are still pretty damn funny. What’s more, it’s pretty interesting to see the creative process behind such a beloved movie. Plus, who’s gonna say no to any kind of long-lost Gene Wilder content? Check out the video below, why don’t you?

Although the lengthy will-reading scene is a bit “meh,” seeing Wilder attempt to recall the speed of light (or is it sound?) romantically feels like it could have easily made it into the final cut.

None of it perhaps matches Gene Wilder and Peter Boyle parading across a Broadway stage in tailcoats, but then again, what is? Late last year, Brooks explained in his memoir, All About Me!, that the scene was actually Wilder’s idea from the get-go. “I was afraid it might have made the screenplay border on being unbelievable. I insisted that it was too silly,” Brooks writes. “I have never been so wrong in my life.”

Don’t think that we only can look back on Mel Brooks’ prolific career, by the way. Lest we forget, there’s that news about his intentions to finally make a History of the World, Part II miniseries for Hulu from just last year.

[via BoingBoing]

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