Hillary Clinton's working on a political thriller that sounds an awful lot like our reality

Aux News Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton's working on a political thriller that sounds an awful lot like our reality
Photo: Drew Angerer

On Tuesday, Axios reported that Hillary Clinton is teaming up with Still Life author Louise Penny to write an international political thriller novel, titled State Of Terror. The novel will be out in October and both Simon & Schuster and St. Martin’s Press acquired the rights to the book.

The reality of Trump’s presidency was an utterly horrifying state of terror that will continue to haunt us for years to come, so how can Clinton’s fictional version of U.S. politics be somehow more terrifying than reality?

Here’s the synopsis given by Axios:

A novice Secretary of State joins the administration of her rival, a president inaugurated after four years of American leadership that shrank from the world stage. A series of terrorist attacks throws the global order into disarray, and the Secretary is tasked with assembling a team to unravel the deadly conspiracy, a scheme carefully designed to take advantage of an American government dangerously out of touch and out of power in the places where it counts the most.

Oh, so it’s the same as our actual nightmare. Got it.

In a statement given in the press release, Clinton wrote about her collaboration with her friend: “Writing a thriller with Louise is a dream come true. I’ve relished every one of her books and characters as well as her friendship. Now we’re joining our experiences to explore the complex world of high stakes diplomacy and treachery. All is not as it first appears.” Hey, at least they’re not writing a novel about a pandemic.


  • robert-denby-av says:

    Chapter 10: the Secretary’s philandering husband is killed in a terrorist attack, and after a compressed-for-space mourning period she realizes that the only way get justice is to win the presidency and go after the bad guys.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Bill Clinton is also writing one. His is called ‘Party President’ and is about a President who parties, which is still better than his successor’s coloring book.

  • mythoughtsnotyourinferences-av says:

    Genuine lol. But oh my word too fuckin’ easy.

  • ricardowhisky-av says:

    Ah great, another piece of work about how much America needs to be the world’s police, because that’s turned out so great in all of the countries we’ve done regime change in, including several that Hillary had a direct hand in (Libya, Haiti). Hell, even the “anti-corruption” judges and lawyers who are now Bolsonaro lackeys in Brazil (and are embroiled in their own corruption scandals) were trained by Obama’s DOJ. But yeah, we definitely need American leadership. It worked so well under the last 6 presidents, the world is in great shape.

  • anthonystrand-av says:

    We’re gonna have a lot of jobsJobs like building infrastructure andcodingCreating new appsI don’t know who createdPokemon GoBut I’m still trying to figure outHow we get ‘em to havePokEMonGo-To-The-Polls

  • toddisok-av says:

    As long as she agrees to read the audio-book in that shrill, exasperated lunch-mother voice.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Trump’s gonna blow a fuse when he reads it.Look, I made a funny.

  • murrychang-av says:

    Well that’s a book I have to make sure doesn’t find its way onto my reading list somehow…

    • tokenaussie-av says:

      Is…is this her power fantasy of where she gets to work with Trump? Really? That synopsis sounds fucking awful.

      • murrychang-av says:

        I know, right?  It definitely sounds like a power trip fantasy for her.

      • doobie1-av says:

        I’m pretty sure the “rival” in that paragraph is Obama, and it’s literally just her life with some Ocean’s 11/Jack Ryan stuff thrown in there.

        • percysowner01-av says:

          The rival also might be Bernie Sanders. She’s definitely not working for Not-Trump, but for whoever is cleaning up after him.

  • ducktopus-av says:

    Asked to sincerely investigate?  That doesn’t sound like the Trump admin at all

  • barrythechopper-av says:

    Books that sound like a cheap throwaway joke on the Simpsons

  • squamateprimate-av says:

    Aristocrats ghost-writing novels again. Okay

  • roadshell-av says:

    On one hand I think Hillary was massively misrepresented and treated unfairly by wide swaths of society and deserves some sort of public redemption. On the other hand her polarizing features make her not terribly helpful as a public feature and as a result think the best way she can serve her country is by retiring somewhere in upstate New York never to be seen again. I certainly don’t think she should be co-writing terrible self insert political fanfic.

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      I’m no fan of hers, but I’m going to have quote her:  ‘At this point what difference does it make?’

      • murrychang-av says:

        It just kinda rankles that she never seemed to take the POTUS race very seriously and has never really had the decency to apologize for that.All corporatists need to stfu and go the hell away, her included.

    • murrychang-av says:

      On one hand, she’s definitely been given WAY more shit than she deserves over the years.
      On the other hand she’s a corporatist who always seems insincere when relating to regular people and delighted in throwing $1k+/plate dinners for rich people where the press wasn’t allowed while she was running for President, so she pretty obviously has no grasp of how she comes off to people either.

      • doobie1-av says:

        We’ll be untangling the legitimate criticism from the misogynist bullshit surrounding Clinton for the rest of my life; ample amounts of both no doubt exist.

        That said, U.S. politics wasn’t meant to be dominated by like three families.

      • mytvneverlies-av says:

        And then there was that time when she gave the biggest polluter in her state $1,000 to invest and he gave her back $100,000.

      • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

        After putting it off for several years (because I just couldn’t) I finally read Shattered after Trump lost last year.It’s fascinating to see how over-confident her team was, as well as totally oblivious to the mounting horror of what was about to happen.I’ve started reading Hillary’s What Happened. It’s not a bad read so far.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    Where does this fall on the “I swear we’ll never talk about Trump again” scale?

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    FUCK NO.

  • tokenaussie-av says:

    For someone who lost to Trump she’s doing pretty fucking well for herself.

  • martianlaw-av says:

    “Madam Secretary, looks like you’re a pretty good crime fighter.”“Let’s just say… it pant-suits me.”

  • thomasjsfld-av says:

    holy shit this sucks. is a failed political career the new mfa program? god.

  • praxinoscope-av says:

    I’m no fan of Hillary but I still feel she is entitled to some justice with ole Donnie Darko, like going full Eva Braun all over his face on national television.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    The whole politicians-writing-novels thing appears to be about control, creating a world they can shape to their liking. It’s pretty telling Newt Gingrich has written, like, twelve.  

  • bonerofalonelyheart-av says:

    Hillary Clinton’s working on a political thriller that sounds an awful lot like our current realityFTFY

  • the-hole-in-things-av says:

    I won’t read this but I’m definitely looking forward to the inevitable Chapo reading series on it.

  • augustintrebuchon-av says:

    “How much will she actually write vs how much will she put her name to” should be a more interesting thriller than this.

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