Hot on the heels of murdering Satan, Lil Nas X destroys the lesser demons of Twitter

Music Features Twitter
Hot on the heels of murdering Satan, Lil Nas X destroys the lesser demons of Twitter
Screenshot: YouTube

It’s been less than a week since Lil Nas X released “Montero (Call Me By Your Name,” an accompanying music video in which he gives the devil a lap dance before breaking his neck, and a pair of evil sneakers. As we noted around the time the video came out, “he knows what he’s doing, he’s doing it on purpose, and he’s more than happy to let people fall into the trap of exposing their own prejudices by trying to say that he’s doing something wrong.”

That said, Twitter freaks, religious nuts, and conservative commenters, eager to enjoy another opportunity to voluntarily humiliate themselves online by reliving last summer’s outrage over Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s “WAP,” have latched on to “Montero” as the new culture war battlefield.

Lil Nas X continues to be very good at Twitter, though, and, as he puts it, has “had 9 months” to prepare for this shit. When Candace Owens suggested that the video is more harmful to Black Americans than, uh, white supremacy, Lil Nas X bypassed a clearly shitheaded argument to respond: “you know you did something right when she talks about it” and “don’t care and ur a flop.” When Nick Adams replied to this with, “Clowns like @LilNasX & @iamcardib couldn’t last 30 seconds on a debate stage with the likes of @RealCandaceO!,” Nas just returned with, “u can’t last 30 seconds in bed with your wife.”

An internet weenie asks if he’s “proud” to be “riding satan in your new music video” and Nas just types “yes.” The Gun Girl tweets that she’s “thankful to be blocked by Lil Nas X.” He writes that he can “still see ur tweets shitty pants.” Her attempt at a comeback—”Do you still see your dad?”—is met with, “yep and i might fuck yours.”

This is how it’s done. The arguments posed by the kind of people outraged over an artistic statement made in direct response to the sort of hateful rhetoric they promote are either totally disingenuous pot-stirring or so blatantly prejudiced that they don’t deserve any benefit of the doubt.

And, as Lil Nas X has pointed out plenty of times now, his video really isn’t something worth getting upset about in light of actually pressing issues, like the pandemic and mass shootings, America currently faces. When Governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, tweets that Nas’ spooky shoes represent an important battle in the “fight for the soul of our nation,” he reminds her that she’s “a whole governor and u on here tweeting about some damn shoes.” When someone tweets that “Montero” is part of a “system [that] is targeting kids,” Nas replies that he’s an adult who makes decisions on his own and that he’s “not gonna spend my entire career trying to cater to your children. that is your job.”

Basically, the dude is ready to handle whatever garbage drifts his way.

[via LGBTQ Nation]

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  • avclub-cfe795a0a3c7bc1683f2efd8837dde0c--disqus-av says:

    “u can’t last 30 seconds in bed with your wife.”

    That is mean-spirited, petty, immature, and *hilarious*. Nice.

    • goddammitbarry-av says:

      “yep and i might fuck yours” is… ::chef’s kiss::

    • nilus-av says:

      I really like his response to shitty pants asking if he sees his dad.   It was such a racist comment and his response was chef kiss level brillant

  • harrydeanlearner-av says:

    I’m old and don’t know much about this gentleman, but he has my whole hearted endorsement. He rules and he’s fabulous. 

  • bogira-av says:

    I appreciate Lil Nas X getting in the ditches with these idiots but this is exactly how they operate.  If he kept rattling off how it was a discussion of the criminalization of homosexuality in Christianity and general culture they would have less of a leg to stand on but I’m ok with a guy with average IQ just browbeating these fucks endlessly.  He’s playing well in the Gen Z meme war style and that’s fine for now.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      I appreciate it for what it is, but I have to agree, there’s waaaaaay better ways to destroy these people. 

      • max_tsukino-av says:

        such as?

      • austinyourface-av says:

        …is there? These are not people that a nuanced argument is effective against. These are not people coming a place of good faith or rational thought. Lil Nas X released his sincere artist’s statement about what the song and video mean. Now all he’s doing is making these people look like the fools they are. 

        • yesidrivea240-av says:

          While what he said was effective, I still believe there’s better responses other than insults that wouldn’t sound out of place coming from a middle schooler, no matter how dumb the people he’s insulting are.Personally, I’d probably link to something they absolutely hate and double up on my attack.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    Reid, instead of writing a dumb article about “slaying” on Twitter, why don’t you just be direct and ask Mr. X out on a date? He seems like a nice man and I’m sure he’ll give you an honest and polite answer. There’s no need to be so, as the kids say, “thirsty.”

  • martianlaw-av says:

    I love how every time someone responds to the Gun Girl they always mention how she shit her pants. It’s going to be on her gravestone.

    • nilus-av says:

      Its because its funny as hell and she is the absolute worst of the worst.  Most of these far right media influencers can at least muster a little fake sincerity and hide the racism a tiny bit, bit not her. She is all our in front of it.  She is about a week away from doing a live stream where she shows everyone how to sew a Klan robe for your husbands

      • bogira-av says:

        She spun a career out of being an asshole who wore an AR-15 to graduation.  This is the entirety of her academic and intellectual stance.  Worse yet, she graduated from Kent State, the site of the worst government-backed massacre on University grounds.  So she’s just a low-grade troll that just can’t accept her 15 minutes were up before they started and her shitting herself just makes it that much easier to dismiss her.  

  • spacewalk1-av says:

    Maybe he’s so “good at twitter” due to his past history of running a Nicki Minaj “barb” account full of spammy content, stolent content, and outright Islamophobia. And then of course there’s the other account he used to run full of even worse stuff such as fat shaming celebrities, perpetuating racist stereotypes, sexualizing a 3 year old among other offenses.

  • spacewalk1-av says:

    Maybe he’s so “good at twitter” due to his past history of running a
    Nicki Minaj “barb” account full of spammy content, stolent content, and
    outright Islamophobia. And then of course there’s the other account he
    used to run full of even worse stuff such as fat shaming celebrities,
    perpetuating racist stereotypes, sexualizing a 3 year old among other

  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    The arguments posed by the kind of people outraged over an artistic statement made in direct response to the sort of hateful rhetoric they promote are either totally disingenuous pot-stirring or so blatantly prejudiced that they don’t deserve any benefit of the doubt.I kind of arrived at this point when I realized my last conservative aquaintance lost his goddamn mind. It coincided with Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, no surprise there. I used to find value and enjoy a spirited debate. But you need a good-faith partner to do so, and there is no such person left on the Right, nor are there any serious policy ideas remaining. They have been so aggressively, proudly anti-intellectual and intentionally ignorant they have completely destroyed their capacity to govern — even when they control two and a half branches of the federal government and the majority of state governorships. It’s just a horde of racists and fascists hellbent on “triggering the libs”, no matter how self-destructive that may be, facts and reality be-damned. This is no longer a two party system but one party and one tribalist mob.

  • seinnhai-av says:

    “You wouldn’t last 30 seconds with Candice Owens”  He’s probably right.  After 25 seconds of listening to easily disprovable bullshit that comes out of her mouth, my eyes would roll so far back in my head I’d probably pass out from the strain.

  • graymangames-av says:

    I don’t always dig his music, but I respect Nas X’s capacity for not giving a fuck. We need more of that right now. 

  • jmg619-av says:

    I love me some Lil Nas X snark but not really feeling his music. And I love all of this generation’s music from Megan Thee Stallion to The Weeknd. I heard and watched the video for Montero and honestly I like this better than Old Town Road. That song never did it for me like the rest of the world. I’m sure he will find a producer that will have him breakout maybe even bigger than OTR. Hopefully he won’t be only known for OTR, musically. I just started to follow him on Twitter just to see all the clapbacks he’s giving these trolls.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    seeing this guy’s Twitter game makes me wish—almost—that Dipshit was still on Twitter for this guy to slam. Wow that would be fucking epic. But I’m enjoying the silence too much so I’ll be content with what could have been.

  • absolut-alcoholic-av says:

    I know it’s trash talking and won’t appeal to everyone, but it’s very refreshing to see someone argue at the same level as the Right wing trolls. He’s treating them the way they treat others and it will probably work better than trying to take the intellectual high ground.

  • south-of-heaven-av says:

    This kid is absolutely metal. I like to think that Jeff Hanneman and Ronnie James Dio are looking down (or possibly up) at him with pride. THIS is how you use “evil” visuals to piss off conservatives & make their kids lifelong fans. Awesome.

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