How much shit can Jeff Goldblum be fascinated by in the span of a 2-minute trailer?

Aux Features Coming Distractions

Please consider this a condensed and curated list of all the things Jeff Goldblum is currently fascinated by, per the trailer for his new Disney+ show The World According to Jeff Goldblum, a 2-minute video that somehow encompasses more “Mmms” and “Ahhhhs!” than human science previously thought possible:

  • Ice cream
  • Sneakers
  • Tattoos
  • Describing things as “off the beaten track”
  • Korean barbecue
  • The camera
  • Shopping
  • Denim
  • Jewelry
  • Weird vibrations
  • Swimming
  • Singing weird little songs to himself
  • Pool noodles
  • Horses
  • Ghosts
  • Annoying sailors
  • Notting Hill
  • What songs does Jeff Goldblum know?
  • Dance Dance Revolution
  • Vacuum cleaners
  • Puns
  • This little purr thing he does as 0:23 that is very unsettling
  • Swimming
  • Basketball
  • And, of course, Jeff Goldblum himself

Anyway, we’re sold. The World According To Jeff Goldblum debuts on Disney+ on November 12.


  • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

    Looks fun. Will watch. Still holding out hope that the Grandmaster is gonna show up again, too. 

  • worldwarphil-av says:

    So, bits of Travel Man (Richard Ayoade’s show where he sadly became overexposed), Louis Theoroux (without the intersting insight) but with Jeff Goldblum. Ok fine I guess, but I’m not entirely thrilled about it.

  • nilus-av says:

    Damn, that was the third pair of pants today!

  • quasarfunk-av says:

    Jeff Goldblum is a national fucking treasure and I can’t wait for this. 

  • arcanumv-av says:

    Looking at more things than Kim Jong Un!

  • yummsh-av says:

    This is Mr. Wizard on microdots.

  • thepantweaver-av says:

    Honestly, it both tempts me and wearies me.

  • greatgodglycon-av says:

    There is no way I’m not going to love every second of this show. Jeff Goldblum has always…what’s the word?…intrigued me. Yes. Intrigued.

  • arundelxvi-av says:

    Jeff Goldblum’s resurgence as a found-object of mirth and nostalgia is interesting. Shame about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, I sort of love how our former regular Zodiac Motherfucker recently reviewed The Big Chill on Twitter, “WHAT A BUNCH OF ASSHOLES”, and he is kind of right. What a bunch of assholes in The Big Chill. Oooh, we love Motown, we’re so edgy! That film is peak baby boomer being entitled assholes. Zodiac Motherfucker was correct. What a bunch of 80s assholes. They really all sucked. Really basic bitches with zero creativity in their lives.Jeff Goldblum spent most of that movie macking on the teenaged girlfriend of the dead friend, and everyone else in that movie thought it was adorable.

    • ineedyarn-av says:

      “WHAT A BUNCH OF ASSHOLES”, and he is kind of right. What a bunch of assholes in The Big Chill. Oooh, we love Motown, we’re so edgy! That film is peak baby boomer being entitled assholes. Zodiac Motherfucker was correct. What a bunch of 80s assholes. They really all sucked. Really basic bitches with zero creativity in their lives

      My impression was that that was the point of the movie…..that these people WERE assholes and the fact that there really was no payoff just reinforces that. As to your assertion that Goldblum’s friends thought he was being “adorable” when he was hitting on Meg Tilly, I have to disagree. (She was young, but I don’t think she was a teenager.) They were pretty clear that they thought it was gross. What I found even more gross was that William Hurt basically roofied Goldblum so that he himself could hit on her…..and he ended up with her! And that seemed to sit well with the other friends. You’re right, they were jerks….but I still like that movie. And the soundtrack is pretty great.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • norwoodeye-av says:

    Love Jeff Goldblum. But lately, the weird wonderfulness of Jeff Goldblum reactions seems to be all that we’re getting sold. There is a point where that can’t be enough.Honestly, I’d rather watch him roam about a film like ADAM RESURRECTED than watch hours of this glib, ooo-and-ahh nonsense.

  • villings-av says:

    just watch this

  • donaldblakemore01-av says:

    Huell Howser.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Looking forward to watching this from the comfort of my Schlaaang Super Seat.

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