“Woke” Howard Stern declares end of friendship with Bill Maher

Bill Maher complained about how much Howard Stern talks about his wife, and Stern is ticked

Aux News Bill Maher
“Woke” Howard Stern declares end of friendship with Bill Maher
Bill Maher; Howard Stern Photo: Michael Kovac; Kevin Kane

Oh, to love anything as much as Bill Maher loves saying controversial things. At least when he faced backlash over his comments on the writers strike, it was relevant to current events. These latest remarks about Howard Stern’s marriage are completely unprovoked and quite befitting his podcast name, Club Random. But if the goal was to get Stern’s attention, well, it worked.

According to People, Maher recently opined on his pod that Stern should be less vocal about his love for his wife. “How does this gushing about the second wife—how does that make the first wife feel?” Maher wondered. “Could we just not gush about the person while the other person can still hear it?”

Bizarre thing for Maher to care about, and if you ask Stern, Maher “ought to shut his mouth.” During his radio broadcast on Tuesday, Stern responded “What a sexist thing to say! Like, what a convoluted, nutty thing to say. It’s assuming that he knows something about my first marriage. That, of course, the man must be leaving the woman and the woman must be devastated and be sitting around pining away for her famous man.”

If Howard Stern, of all people, is calling you out for sexism, you know you’re in trouble. This is a guy who was not that long ago quite infamous for the degrading things he’d say about celebrity women. A 2016 New York Times profile of the shock jock recalled a conversation between Stern and Donald Trump in which they rated the looks of the Desperate Housewives cast. “Would you go out with Marcia Cross, or would you turn gay, Howard?” Trump asked in the 2005 conversation. “She’s got a good body. Just put a bag over her head,” Stern replied.

But that was an old version of Howard Stern; the Howard Stern of 2023 is woke and proud. “I’ll tell you how I feel about it. To me the opposite of woke, is being asleep,” he said on his show this week (via Variety). And if woke means I can’t get behind Trump, which is what I think it means, or that I support people who want to be transgender or I’m for the vaccine, dude, call me woke as you fucking want.”

Stern went on to praise access to updated COVID vaccines, adding, “This fucking country is so great… I am woke, motherfucker, and I love it. I want to be awake. I want to read legitimate news sources. Here’s how woke I am. I believe the election was not rigged. I am woke. I think that’s a compliment.”

As for Maher, Stern said, “I haven’t spoken to Bill Maher in so long…. I had years when I didn’t talk to him when we were not friends. I did [Real Time] as a favor to him because we were repairing a relationship.” Consider it now unrepaired, as Stern specifically said he thinks they’re “no longer friends” (per Entertainment Weekly). In fact, “I wrote in an email, I said, ‘Why don’t you give me a phone call? Why don’t you tell me what you think about my life and my marriage?’ But of course he never wrote me back. I just wanted to see how brave he was. If he was brave enough to call me and actually get on the phone with me, and zero response.”

And one last writers strike potshot for the road: “This is what happens when Bill doesn’t have writers,” Stern quipped. “He just goes on a ramble about somebody’s life that he doesn’t know. But who cares in the end?”


  • dudebra-av says:

    Bill Maher is a dick. He was never a liberal. Seeing how he just barely got scared off from being a scab is more evidence of his unprogressive ways. A real progressive never would have even floated the idea of crossing a picket line. He just seems good at pissing everyone off.Keep on waking up, Howard. You can be funny and be a decent person.

    • jessiewiek-av says:

      Maher has always been a boring libertarian. 

      • dudebra-av says:

        Yes, he’s a dick.

      • bigbudd45-av says:

        socially liberal, fiscally conservative.  The people who say they arent racist and homophobic, but at the ballot box put their tax cuts first.  Maher was definitely on the left side of the spectrum with some social libertarian streaks…but for the past i dont know 8-years (started before trump) he was more and more “get off my lawn you kids” and railing against, video everything else his “ive been rich and famous for 30 years” lifestyle cant comprehend.  He was anti vax for a while, and is now one of those “Cancel culture” is the worst thing threatening America types.  Covid broke that guys brain (and it wasnt 100% prior).  I used to enjoy maher, but he definitely isnt the guy he was even 10 years ago.  I know we all change our views.  But as I have gotten older Ive gotten more liberal, and maher has just turned into a fucking crack pot.  Fuck that guy.

      • dapoot-av says:

        Those are the worst. Woketards really hate people who agree with them on somethings but not others

      • ernstblofeld-av says:

        He definitely sounds smarter when he has writers

      • wirthling-av says:

        libertarianism has been ruined by idiots calling themselves libertariani know i am tacking into a no-true-scotsman thing but come on, bill supports the death penalty, gun control, aggressive foreign policy, green policy, banking regulation, and so on; none of those are libertarian stancesi think some folks have a sort of libertarian-as-cool-cowboy myth they want to lean into more than they care about the basic principle of maximizing liberty, which is the big thing these self-professed libertarians all fail at, much akin to people calling themselves jesus-loving christians and then spitting on immigrantsthese people ruin the thing for everybody else

      • mangochin-av says:

        Which is basically a neo-nazi who thinks they will be part of an elite class. 

      • kca915-av says:

        Maher called himself a Libertarian because he wanted weed decriminalized. But any honest look at his politics reveals he wants access to the things he likes, and he wants to restrict the things he does not like, and there is no clear ideological theme to any of it. If there is, it’s definitely not liberty.If I called him anything, it’d probably just be an arrogant douchebag.

    • slurmsmckenzie-av says:

      He’s a copro democrat/centrist, mainly because he sees Republicans as rubes and he wouldn’t dare be associated with that.

    • Ruhemaru-av says:

      Bill Maher is the real life version of Brian from Family Guy.
      That there was an episode where Maher tore down Brian was oddly… fitting.

    • andtrollingishalfthebattle-av says:

      The only reason why liberals liked Bill Maher is because he had absolutely no problem bashing religion. Eventually it became apparent he was just a rich white man with rich white man ideals who happened to be an atheist.

    • dapoot-av says:

      Fo sho. A true woketard never deviates from the circlejerk

    • saidear-av says:

      young, ignorant me used to see Maher as a liberal.. but once I realize he’s just basically an asshole in a suit, I stopped caring for him.  I can generally pick the opposite of most of his take and come out on the better side of history.

    • dudull-av says:

      What if both liberal and conservative can be a dick too?

    • vanheat-av says:

      Progressives aren’t liberals, friend. Progressives are anti-free speech, anti-free expression, and judge everyone based on immutable traits. Maher is just a boring old liberal. Stern is a ridiculous progressive.Both suck, but get your political compass right.

    • kinjakungen-av says:

      Peak Bill Maher was when he spent an entire “New Rules” segment ranting about him getting criticized for flying private jets all over the country doing his comedy performances (despite supposedly being a global warming ‘believer’), and telling himself doing that was 100% OK and legit, because flying private jets is what everybody else wants to do, and would be doing if only they could.I’ve never seen anyone so self-deluded I think, including fucking Donald Dump.

    • elloasty-av says:

      I also have to roll my eyes at these older supposed liberals (Elon Musk falls firmly into this category too) who now claim their ideologies have remained consistent and it is the mainstream liberals that have moved away from them. Any person who follows politics and seriously thinks that there is more daylight between Bill Clinton —> Joe Biden than there is between George HW Bush —> Trump is absolutely full of shit. Their only issue with “wokeness” is that there is now a vocal chorus of people that will call them out on their bullshit.

    • stoppumpingchina-av says:

      Being liberal used to be a lot different than the current tranny rights, reparations make everything free current definition.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    In that photo Howard Stern looks like Bruno from Encanto.That’s all I have to add to this discussion.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    Two shock jocks stirs shit and pretend to hate each other for attention.

  • bupkuszen-av says:

    Two people that grow gradually less appealing with time…or is it maturity?

  • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

    howard stern use to say and do vile shit that would get him canceled today, all that race shit he would say with his producer robin? ARe you kidding me, this guys a zombie. I don’t think much of bill mahr either, he’s kind of dumb

  • mach-snell-av says:

    Bill Who?  ass.

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