The 15 best films hitting Hulu in June 2022

Alien, Aliens, Predator, Die Hard, Prometheus, The Fifth Element, and other out-of-this-world genre favorites are among the titles added to Hulu in June

Film Lists Films
The 15 best films hitting Hulu in June 2022
Screenshot: 20th Century Fox

Ridley Scott’s 1979 sci-fi masterpiece Alien, James Cameron’s sequel Aliens, and Scott’s prequel Prometheus are just three of the many notable movies that are premiering on the Hulu streaming service in June. There’s also Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element and Die Hard, a gory summer horror flick by Eli Roth, and a 2004 cult comedy that encouraged us all to “Vote for Pedro.”

previous arrowAlien (1979) (Available June 1) next arrow

Everything came together so scarily well in Ridley Scott’s 1979 sci-fi horror masterpiece that sequels, spin-offs, and rip-offs are still being made today. Alien introduced the world to the terrifying three life stages of the acid-blooded xenomorph designed by Swiss artist H.R. Giger, as well as Sigourney Weaver as Lt. Ellen Ripley, arguably the strongest female character ever to grace the screen in a role that was originally intended for a man. Even though you’ve seen it before, watching the lengths the last survivor of the space freighter Nostromo will go through to blow an alien out of an airlock is forever intensely satisfying. Watch again to see the connective tissue between this movie and its first prequel, Prometheus.


  • peon21-av says:

    Wait, Cameron Diaz retired? I missed that. I’m going to go re-watch The Last Supper by way of tribute.

  • jdwrites100-av says:

    Yeah, sure, “The Worst Person In the World” was one of the most acclaimed films of 2021, but you know what’s better than that? That one mediocre Schwarzenegger film from the mid-90s!

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    When I worked at a movie theater, they asked me and the other new hires what’s your favorite movie. I answered “The Last Waltz”. They didn’t specifically say why they were asking. When I started work they gave me a nametag with my name and “Slumdog Millionaire” printed underneath. I’ve never seen “Slumdog Millionaire”. I guess the customers thought that was my favorite movie, and I guess I can’t blame them. Why else would it be printed underneath my name when I was working at a movie theater? But I’ve never seen “Slumdog Millionaire”. So, inevitably, customers would ask me what was my favorite part of “Slumdog Millionaire”. I got tired of answering “I’ve never seen it” and the inevitable follow-up “Well then, why is it printed on your nametag, there, Mr., ah, ‘Spider’*, is it?” So I started answering “My favorite part was when the dog became a millionaire and was able to move out of the slum.” I must’ve not been even close judging by the looks I got. But, hey, sometimes it takes a few minutes to warm up those shitty pretzel bites and garbage excuse for pizza and fill the enormous vat full of cola (no ice, please) that you need to get through a 90 minute feature; and a lot of people seem to confuse “using a lot of words” with “friendly”.
    I’ve never seen “Slumdog Millionaire”.
    * Not my real name.

  • sncreducer93117-av says:

    “Prometheus” is empty trash, they should have stopped after “Aliens,” thank you for coming to my Ted talk

  • killdozer77-av says:

    Oh wow a bunch of 20 to 40 year old movies I’ve already seen (multiple times.) I’m totally going to sign up for the premium package to access that content.

  • stevenspillyau-av says:

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