Hulu’s Predator prequel Prey puts survival to the test in full trailer

The film starring Amber Midthunder will be available for streaming on Hulu August 5th

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Hulu’s Predator prequel Prey puts survival to the test in full trailer
Amber Midthunder in Prey Screenshot: Hulu

Hulu’s action-packed Predator prequel Prey is two months away, and a new trailer puts its protagonist, young Comanche warrior Naru (Amber Midthunder) to the test against a legendary otherworldly foe.

The film is helmed by 10 Cloverfield Lane director Dan Trachtenberg, and the trailer initially follows Naru as she fights for trust from her tribe to go out and hunt like her elders.

With her dog by her side and a bow and arrow at her back, Naru embarks on a hunting mission that sees her shoot (and infuriate) a grizzly bear, who chases her. As the bear is about to attack, something bigger and more sinister levitates the bear off the ground and kills it in an instant. Enter: Predator.

The film’s producer Jhane Meyers, who is a member of the Comanche nation herself, brought in a cast of mostly Native and First Nation peoples to complete Naru’s tribe, and the trailer introduces viewers to a larger portion of the group as they try to defend their home from the mysterious invaders. Actors Dakota Beavers, Stormee Kipp, Michelle Thrush, and Julian Black Antelope round out the cast.

Though the film is only set for a streaming release, the trailer teases multiple big-screen worthy fights, including a nighttime battle that introduces white settlers with muskets into the fight against the Predator.

At the heart of the trailer, however, is Naru’s dedication to protecting her people and triumphing over the foe, which she demonstrates throughout a variety of badass training montages (if there were ever a movie to inspire someone to take up axe-throwing, this is it.)

“It knows how to hunt,” Naru says in voiceover, referring to the Predator, as she practices wielding a host of different weapons. “I know how to survive.”

Prey will be available for streaming on Hulu on August 5th.


  • scottsummers76-av says:

    even for sci fi this premise is fucking ridiculous. How the hell is this chick gonna beat a predator by herself, with 17th century technology? They just barely beat it in the 20th century with a pack of professional killers. I like Midthunder, but…no. Just, no. no fuckin way.

  • scottsummers76-av says:

    Im predicting a lot of insane contrivances, and heavy duty plot armor and Deus Ex Machinas.

  • murrychang-av says:

    I don’t care about any of the Predator movies after 2 but I am here for Amber Midthunder vs. Predator.

  • putusernamehere-av says:

    There’s also a Comanche language version with English subtitles, which sounds cool as hell.

    • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

      That may be how I watch it. I think that’s great

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      While I don’t like watching subtitled movies (having to read the dialogue makes it more difficult to take in the facial expressions and body positioning of the performer), I also find it a little silly when movies have characters that are supposed to be non-Anglophone in a non-Anglophone setting speaking English with an accent. The whole trailer I kept coming back to “Those characters wouldn’t sound like that IRL.”It’s not something I’d seek out, but it’s neat for a movie to be in the language that it’s characters would actually be speaking, particularly when it’s not produced in a place that speaks that language.

      • skipskatte-av says:

        I prefer THIS where the actors speak English in their natural accent (with the understanding they aren’t actually speaking English) rather than everybody speaking in vaguely Native American-y accented English to each other like English is their second language. 

        • jasonstroh-av says:

          Yes, accenting the English makes zero sense. The choice they made for Chernobyl was the right one. It’s stupid to have English speaking actors speak English with Russian accents, that’s not more realistic and it only adds a layer of unnecessary difficulty for the actors. It’s not like audience would be stupid enough to constantly think, “Wait, Chernobyl was run by Brits?”

      • radarskiy-av says:

        Just to make it weirder, she also has non-English lines in that trailer.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      To be clear it’s dubbed in Comanche. They didn’t film the movie fully twice with the actors all speaking Comanche.

      • shandelman-av says:

        It wouldn’t be without precedent. RRR was apparently filmed that way. 

      • bigal6ft6-av says:

        ok, english version it is. I really don’t like live action dubs. Oddly in animation it doesn’t bother me, probably because animated vocals for the mouth moving isn’t as intricate as actual humans talking. 

      • browza-av says:

        That was my immediate question. That’s a shame; I’d rather they’d filmed it in Comanche and made the English version a dub. Or just don’t dub, I prefer subs anyway (there’s one thing Mel Gibson did right).

        • capeo-av says:

          There’s not many native Comanche speakers left. The most recent stats I could find are from 2013 and there were less than 30 native speakers left. None of these actors, at least not the main actors I’ve looked up, are Comanche nor speak Comanche, so filming in Comanche wouldn’t really be plausible.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      That’s awesome literally my first thought was “why are they speaking English” when watching the trailer. 

      • capeo-av says:

        Aside from the obvious commercial reasons the actors are speaking English, none of them can speak Comanche. That’s why it’s a Comanche dub. 

    • docprof-av says:

      Reading about it now, it’s a Comanche dub. Which kinda sucks cause then it won’t match up. But I was wondering how the hell else they would do it aside from shooting literally every single camera facing dialogue scene twice, which is not at all feasible.

      • marsilies-av says:

        Films have been shot dual language before. Considering most shots are going to have multiple takes, they could just shoot a few more takes in another language. Of course, that’s assuming all the actors can speak both desired languages.

        • docprof-av says:

          Well that’s a pretty cool thing that I honestly didn’t really know had happened.

        • capeo-av says:

          Shooting in two languages, meaning you do takes with the actors speaking in one language, then do takes with them speaking in a different language is exceedingly rare. It was actually more common in the 30s and 40s on some studio films where they’d have the actors say the lines phonetically in Spanish even though they had no clue what they were saying. That one extra shot was cheaper than a dub back then. In more modern times, I’m unaware of anyone who has actually done that for a feature film. I recall Angelina Jolie initially said she was doing that for Land of Blood and Honey, but that didn’t really materialize. There are obvious reasons for why that is impractical. It’s shooting and editing two seperate movies.More importantly in this case, none of these actors can speak Comanche.

        • thenuclearhamster-av says:

          That would double their production time. On an action movie like this, unlikely.

      • briliantmisstake-av says:

        There is a Welsh series (Hinterland) that did that with English and Welsh. They admitted it was kinda exhausting though.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    i still can’t get over how incredibly sick the name is.

    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      Prey, or ‘Amber Midthunder’? Because Prey is a pretty decent name for a movie in the Predator series, if a little bit ‘I can’t believe no one thought of it before now’. But I was thinking through the entire trailer that ‘Man, Midthunder is such a cool last name’.

  • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

    This trailer kicks ass. I can’t wait

  • inspectorhammer-av says:

    So the predator wins, right? I’m guessing no, since I’ve got to imagine that ‘technologically advanced being wipes out Native American tribe’ is going to be a hard sell for a movie these days. But it’s kind of hard to reconcile the idea of a being with the capabilities demonstrated in the trailer being vanquished by a group of stone-age people.  It’s quite the situation to try and write a happy ending for, but I’m curious.  Looking forward to reviews in a few months, not having Hulu myself.

    • endsongx23-av says:

      I mean, it’s not like Arnold’s team of elite black ops peeps made any difference, and we see her lay in mud at some point, so I’m guessing it’ll play out similarly cuz that’s for some reason the only way to end a predator movie. I don’t mind but its definitely not outside the realm of possibility that she gets him with a knife, not sure why you’d think it would be when we’ve seen a few people take one out without tech involved, or with minimal “stone age” tech

    • gwc12345-av says:

      Arnie defeated the one in the original with similar levels of weapons and skills so it shouldn’t be that far of a stretch.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:
        Actually, Arnie’s character Dutch doesn’t defeat the Yautja (the species we call Predators or Hunters). The Yautja self-destructs when it realises it’s out of options.
        The first time we see a human actually defeat a Yautja is in Predator 2, when Danny Glover’s character Lieutenant Mike Harrigan effectively eviscerates the Predator with it’s own throwing disc. Hence why after the group of Yautja arrive, one steps forward and rewards Harrigan with an antique flintlock pistol saying “Good game.”
    • suckabee-av says:

      The first Predator was defeated by mud.

    • dirtside-av says:

      Yeah, or, it’s a draw. They team up against the white man, and the Predator’s like “aight, you’re cool, I’m gonna stop hunting you now.” Or something like that.

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        Holy shit that would be awful. It would be like going deer hunting and then the deer you’ve been stalking gets in a fight with another deer and you’re like ‘Fuck you, other deer for messing with the deer I was gonna kill! I’m gonna kill you now, instead of the first deer that I was gonna put on my wall!’

    • orbitalgun-av says:

      The Predator race have a warrior’s sense of honor, so I’m guessing it’ll be something about the natives eventually earning the Predator’s respect. Maybe they even team up to defeat the common enemy of the white guys with guns.And Predator 2 ended with a Predator elder handing Danny Glover a flintlock pistol with an engraving dated 1715, while Prey supposedly takes place in 1719. So I’m guessing we’ll see the Predator take that gun off of some dead white dude.

      • schmapdi-av says:

        It’s been a looooong time since I saw Predator 2 – but wasn’t that gun his great great great grandad’s gun or something along those lines?

        • rev-skarekroe-av says:

          Still doesn’t preclude Glover’s great x 7 grandad being one of the trappers we see in the trailer.

        • capeo-av says:

          No, it’s the gun of a pirate. There was a comics short story that showed how the predator got his gun.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        “The Predator race have a warrior’s sense of honor” This Dark Horse Comics garbage is way overblown and not very present in the non-AVP films

    • unregisteredhal-av says:

      Regardless of who the protagonist is, I don’t think “Predator easily wipes everyone out and then goes home” is going to go down very well. These movies are all basically underdog stories about a technologically disadvantaged but badass hero squaring off against and defeating a relentless monster. My guess is that the white settlers who show up will provide a lot of the body count, but that some important Native American characters will die to provide up the stakes and the tragedy before the Amber turns the tables. That said, I doubt they will follow the “last woman standing” plotting of the original movie.

    • wrecksracer-av says:

      Didn’t Arnold beat the Predator with a giant tree stump?

    • el-zilcho1981-av says:

      Well, it takes place 300 years ago. They aren’t a “stone-age people.” Besides, Predator technology so far advanced that the gulf between the tribe’s technology and the Predator’s can’t be that much different than the gulf between Arnold’s and the Predator.And Arnold ended up killing the Predator with crudely crafted traps and a big log. They had big logs 300 years ago!

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        Well yeah, stone age people. If a group is still making tools out of stone, then they’re in the stone age, even if other parts of the world are not. (For instance, the current age that we live in would probably be called the Information Age – but I somehow doubt that anyone would refer to the Sentinelese as an Information Age people.)And while I take your point about the traps in the first one, it was still after learning the majority of his information about the Predator from probing the jungle with firearms as part of a highly-trained team of veterans of modern conflicts. And the technological gap between Arnie’s team and a Comanche tribe is huge. We’re only 35 years out from it, and we’re not that far off of some of the Predator’s equipment (While the invisibility cloak is likely still some years off, the modern equivalent of the CIA hit squad from the first movie would probably be able to see the Predator using the real-world equivalents of some of the Predator’s vision modes.)Like I said, it’s a tough scenario to write a satisfying ending for, and I’m looking forward to seeing if they do.

        • dumbusers-av says:

          Not only are you confused by what ‘stone age’ means, you missed the entire point of Predator, perhaps one of the dumbest movies ever made.

        • capeo-av says:

          This takes place in 1719. The Comanche were using steel arrowheads and axes almost exclusively for over a century at by that point. Steel tools start showing up in Comanche archeological sites in the 1500s due to trade with Europeans and by the 1600s were prolific. There’s even earlier bronze arrowheads, tools and jewelry from trade Native Mesoamericans but these weren’t commonplace.  In addition, the survival skills and hunting ability of Native Americans of that time would far surpass Arnie’s modern commando group. It’s not like modern weapons helped the group in the original movie. They all get easily slaughtered and their “probing” doesn’t offer any info. At one point Arnie’s character Dutch comes up with idea that the Predator won’t shoot at you if you don’t have a ranged weapon out of the blue, and later lucks into getting covered in mud and deduces the predator sees heat. I’m sure in this movie they’re going to use some “predator honor” clause to help even up the fight. Even though that clause wasn’t even consistent in the first movie, let alone the sequels. In the first movie the predator shoots Duke’s character in the face while he’s laying on his back unarmed, for instance. I have a huge soft spot for the original Predator because it was a well shot, propulsive action movie with amazing Stan Winston practical effects. If you give any real thought to it though it all falls apart, but it’s so tightly paced you can roll with it. Unfortunately it has spun into endless sequels, which force you to think about how silly the idea of a hyper-technological, space-faring race traveling galaxies to “hunt” is.

          • sinatraedition-av says:

            “The Comanche were using steel arrowheads and axes almost exclusively for over a century at by that point. Steel tools start showing up in Comanche archeological sites in the 1500s due to trade with Europeans and by the 1600s were prolific.”Really most North American natives were stone age for nearly their entire existence. They got bronze and steel just in time for their near-extinction. 

          • teageegeepea-av says:

            I hadn’t heard of the use of bronze in the Americas.

    • antsnmyeyes-av says:

      Stone age people??

    • mrfallon-av says:

      Isn’t the whole point of Predator that ingenuity, not superior firepower, is what wins the day?

      • rev-skarekroe-av says:

        Yeah.  This isn’t the first time I’ve seen that weird take.  It’s like people misremember the first movie and think Jesse Ventura beats the Predator with his giant machine gun or something.

        • mrfallon-av says:

          I suspect it’s one of those situations where the people who tracked the franchise through the spinoff media while it was off screens have a significantly different perception of the character and of what’s important in a Predator story than the rest of us. Alien is another one like that really. There’s a whole army of fans out there who just want more iterations of Aliens ad infinitum.To me a good Predator story is one where people are hunted through a natural environment and then they outsmart the killer. The whole point is that technology, modern industrialized civilisation itself by implication, will not shield you. That’s the story. The reason there’s never been a good Predator sequel is because there’s no story more interesting than that to tell with this character.I cannot think of a less controversial or more reliable take on a Predator sequel than to do it in the way Prey is doing it, quite frankly. It’s genuinely the first time I’ve gone, “I will be checking out this Predator sequel without low expectations”, specifically because it appears to hew pretty close to what works.

    • kca915-av says:

      stone-age peopleMuskets are stone-age, now? Or can you just not envision native people without thinking of them as backwards?

    • lookatallthepretties-av says:

      Prey | Official Trailer | Hulu at 1:46-1:47 what she does with her hand not the tomahawk cruise missile threat what she does it’s a tell baton twirler dancer like the way Jessica Chastain gets up from the chair in the lobby in the movie Zero Dark Thirty dancer the way Emily Blunt gets up from the chair in the office in the movie Sicario dancer the way Isabela Moner sits in the chair in the headmaster’s office in the movie Sicario Day of the Soldado killer for what it’s worth the actress in this movie trailer doesn’t have it she isn’t a killer victim you fucked up. again

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Um have you seen the first Predator? 

    • dennisdiclaudio-av says:

      This your first time seeing a movie?

  • kreegz-85-av says:

    Please re-work that shitty CGI bear before release.

  • refinedbean-av says:

    Honestly would’ve been even cooler if it was pre-white settlement, but hey, I’ll take this.

  • zwing-av says:

    I’m so pissed I’m not going to be able to watch this in theaters. 

  • docprof-av says:

    Amber Midthunder was pretty awesome in Legion, so I may actually check this out.

  • laracroft-av says:

    Whelp.. there’s a dog in this movie and it’s a horror film so I won’t be watching this. NOPE.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Hi, I’m here from the future to tell you the dog is fine at the end of the movie, just a bruised tail.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Fan film or not, still one of the best Predator films. For free to watch and cost about 5000 pounds. Still fantastic IMO.

  • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

    “Female Native American versus the Predator” sounds like a terrible woke idea.But I’ll watch it because Trachtenberg is directing.

  • nilus-av says:

    This looks awesome. I do get a feeling there is a twist though. I think we are gonna find out the Predator this time is a female of the species. That isn’t bad or good per say. I just know they always like to make these Predators different in some way every movie and I don’t think we’ve seen a female one(although being Alien maybe we have and just don’t realize it). Anyways actual First Nation people starring in a period Predator movie is awesome.  

    • lmh325-av says:

      Or in true prequel fashion, it’s going to be like “and that’s how the predator learned to do that thing from the original movie.” 

  • cscurrie-av says:

    Ms. Midthunder can play the New Mutants’ Danielle Moonstar/Mirage.  Bring her on for the next mutant-based film or TV show.

  • brianyatman-av says:

    Sequel pitch: VVitch vs Predator

  • mavar-av says:

    I wish they didn’t speak english, so it seemed more true to the era. I don’t mind subtitles.

  • John--W-av says:

    Looks good.Poor bears, can’t get a break.

  • darthnader-av says:

    The Scorpio….is reeeeeadyyy!

  • float2kegs-av says:


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