Hunter Schafer arrested at ceasefire protest during Joe Biden’s Seth Meyers appearance

Hunter Schafer was part of a demonstration outside NBC while Joe Biden appeared on Late Night With Seth Meyers

Aux News Joe Biden
Hunter Schafer arrested at ceasefire protest during Joe Biden’s Seth Meyers appearance
Hunter Schafer Photo: Andreas Rentz

Hunter Schafer of Euphoria and The Hunger Games: The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes fame was arrested during a demonstration outside the NBC building at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. Schafer was part of a pro-Palestine protest organized by Jewish Voices for Peace to disrupt President Joe Biden’s appearance on Late Night With Seth Meyers. A spokesperson for the New York Police Department told The Hollywood Reporter that “30 individuals were taken into custody and issued two summonses for trespass and disorderly conduct before they were released.”

“Hundreds of anti-Zionist Jews and allies just took over NBC’s famed 30 Rockefeller Center headquarters in NYC to disrupt President Biden’s appearance on @LateNightSeth. Biden’s deadly foreign policy has funded and fueled genocide in Gaza. 50 protesters were arrested by the NYPD and Secret Service,” Jewish Voices for Peace wrote in a statement on its social media. “The President needs to start listening to the American people—not the far-Right Israeli government indiscriminately bombing the people of Gaza, destroying 70% of infrastructure, including hospitals, universities and the electricity and water grids.”

Schafer can be seen in photographs wearing a “Ceasefire Now” shirt and holding a banner that reads “The world is watching.” A spokesperson for the organization told People, “Hunter was arrested at the protest, along with 50 other people. We commend her commitment to Palestinian freedom and to a future of justice for everyone.”

Biden did address the conflict during his appearance on the late-night talk show (he made international news by saying he expected a ceasefire on Monday while enjoying an ice cream cone with Meyers before the taping). “I make no bones about it, I get criticized for having said a long time ago, you need not be a Jew to be a Zionist. Were there no Israel, there’s not a Jew in the world [that would] be safe,” the president said. He promoted a “process to get to a two-state solution” that starts with a “temporary ceasefire” that would provide “peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians who are being used as pawns by Hamas.”

“Israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations. If it keeps this up, without this incredibly conservative government they have… they’re gonna lose support from around the world,” Biden concluded. “And that is not in Israel’s interest.”

President Joe Biden Addresses Concerns Over His Age and Shares His 2024 Agenda


  • murrychang-av says:

    “Were there no Israel, there’s not a Jew in the world [that would] be safe,”
    Fresh malarkey, get your fresh malarkey here!

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Yeah, kind of looking like that is running the other way lately, unfortunately.

      • murrychang-av says:

        Not really though? There are 7.6 million Jews and, though anti semitic violence has increased lately, I’m pretty sure the vast majority of them are perfectly safe.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          My point is that the actions of the state of Israel are currently making diaspora Jews less safe. I don’t think that’s in dispute at this point.

          • murrychang-av says:

            Ahh ok I won’t argue that but there are still, factually, loads of perfectly safe Jews.

    • taco-emoji-av says:

      Yeah what does that even mean? How does the existence of Israel affect the safety of e.g. American Jews?

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Basically the war is making things more fraught stateside, and there have been upticks in (legitimately) anti-Semitic activity. Which is especially frustrating in some cases, as there’s not monolithic support of Israeli policy. Far from it, depending on the area.

    • Fieryrebirth-av says:

      Keep in mind that Israel is ruled by Zionists, and the Jewish community, even Holocaust survivors have been stressing that they don’t represent their views let alone nor support the ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people. The Zionists are literally using Judaism as a weapon despite their Jewish ancestry to deflect criticism.

      • murrychang-av says:


      • dadamjamieson-av says:

        How are you defining Zionism?

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Yep. And I’ve noticed a “fun” little dividing line, anecdotally.Jews who haven’t gone on a Birthright trip? Markedly critical of Netanyahu, the Gaza settlements, and active war crimes.Jews who have gone on a Birthright trip? Full-bore Zionist.Had an ex who reacted VERY strongly at the idea that Birthright trips are basically propaganda in vacation form, and I was like, “Okay, so they paid for you to take a trip to Israel, with curated content from an almost exclusively one-sided perspective…what might you call that, if not propagandizing?”

        • Fieryrebirth-av says:

          Yeah, this doesn’t surprise me; it’s just harrowing nonetheless! North Korea does something a bit similar with visitors and their military tours. What I found the more interesting other than how they utilize propaganda to “convert” visitors, is how in the rest of the world global powers that Zionists effectively control(They’re heavily abusing the US military for example), is how you rarely hear about Israel’s culture in the mainstream media.
          Because when you do your research from other sources, you’ll learn that it’s a culture full of psychopaths with fascistic aspirations, an apartheid state. The most disturbing thing I haven’t 100% confirmed, were that sexual predators and those who love engaging in criminal or socially taboo acts would see Israel as a good “sanctuary” and may unofficially get relocated there.

    • Bazzd-av says:

      Israel needs people to believe there is no safe place for Jewish people outside of Israel in order to stop its hemorrhaging population due to a rise in fascism and curtailed civil rights domestically.Without an artificially bolstered voting population, it can’t pretend that it’s a “Jewish democracy” — the whole reason they genocided/ethnically cleansed Christians and Muslims from their borders in the first place.

    • yttruim-av says:

      Israel has made Jews not only in the region but around the world markedly unsafe. Hell there is no greater unsafe area for Jews than Israel. The Israeli gov takes no issue with jailing and beating jews if they speak up against the government.

  • dudebra-av says:

    Israel is an omelette that can’t be unscrambled. A two state solution is the only road forward. The alternatives are unthinkable. I support Palestinian statehood and for Israel to withdraw from the West Bank. I also want unrepentant fascists like Netanyahu to be punished for their crimes. Everyone needs to put pressure on the Biden administration for a ceasefire, recognition of Palestine and a reckoning for Israel’s, specifically Netanyahu’s, criminality. Doing that, we have to remember that a Trump administration would really be genocide for Palestine.There is no easy answer and Israel and Palestine are going to have to accept compromise.

    • brianfowler713-av says:

      Except the closest we ever came to a two state solution was almost thirty years ago, when I was in high school.
      That ended with a bang, literally, when an Israeli extremist shot and killed the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        I mean, sure, but the other main option is to just stand back and watch one side wipe the other out. Which doesn’t so much solve the problem as reframe the problem.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        On a different note, you inadvertently spurred me down a rabbithole, and this article is fucking wild, considering the players today.“For Amir and other religious extremists in Israel, Netanyahu has proved to be a bitter disappointment. Amir has said he shot Rabin out of religious conviction, to prevent the return of the West Bank to the Palestinians. But Netanyahu has not prevented that return, and a Palestinian entity – if not a state – now exists on land formerly held by Israel.Amir believes that Netanyahu is going out of his way to punish extreme right-wingers like himself, and that Netanyahu deserves to lose.”Like…wow.

        • dinoironbody7-av says:

          Sounds like the Israeli equivalent of “Fox News totally sold out, man!”

        • furiousfroman-av says:

          It’s just wonderful that journalism has long opted for broadcasting the viewpoints of the monsters we ought to be burying. Why WaPo felt the need to share this murderer’s views is a mystery to me.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            I mean, it pre-dates true crime podcasts by a decade, so it looks like they were ahead of the curve!Anyway, I can see the value in a piece that confronts a terrorist with the fact that their murderous bullshit led to nothing approaching their end goal. Though, in this case, it was more of a “just you wait!” on the part of Netanyahu. 

    • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

      I don’t even see how a two-state solution works if your Palestinian state is non-contiguous. That would require some kind of free travel across Israel that Israel is quite frankly never going to allow. How do you have a functional Palestinian state, if its people cannot freely travel from the West Bank to Gaza? But if you shift to considering a three-state solution, it doesn’t get any easier.  Egypt and Jordan don’t want any part in the three-state solution that existed in 1949 (where Egypt occupied Gaza and Jordan annexed the West Bank). So then do you make Gaza and the West Bank each independent in their own right? That is setting both up to become failed states. 

    • universalamander-av says:

      There will be two states, alright; East Israel and West Israel.

    • dikeithfowler-av says:

      I think it echoes the problems between Ireland and Northern Ireland, so surely the best solution would be that all those from Israel move to Ireland (and there’s lots of space to build new homes, etc) while everyone from Palestine relocates to Northern Ireland, and yes, this clearly is a plan that simply can’t go wrong!

    • Bazzd-av says:

      I find it amusing that we talk about compromise as if Israel isn’t the one in violation of international borders.There’s a compromise. Israel accepts the UN resolution 242 and Palestine gets its borders back. After that, they can negotiate their relationship to each other and move toward peace.But what the West has not-so-tacitly voiced over the last 60 years is that Israel can be a rogue state and everyone has to tiptoe around them to avoid hurting their feelings. It’s revealing that whenever Israel builds more settlements, the US acts like this is a hindrance to peace and not — as the Geneva Conventions clearly state — an explicit “crime against humanity” above and beyond normal war crimes.

    • yttruim-av says:

      A two state solution is the most centrist do nothing milquetoast bs there is. A two state solution keeps Israel as an apartheid state, it would also also Israel to drive out the remains palestinians, muslims and christians living in its borders. It would also permanently cut off religious and historic lands from the palestinians, and christians living in the region. Israel has not done an ounce of good for anyone in the region since it was created, it has made Jews around the world less safe, okay it has made pedophiles safe (the largest population of them in the world) It always should have been and the only option to be a singular secular state. There are still many Jews living in Israel that consider themselves Palestinians first. Create a Nuremberg like proceeding and prosecute very Israeli gov official and member of the IDF over the last 75 years for their crimes, along with those of Hamas. To not dissolve Israel, and yes it can be done, the US has proven this with Iraq, and Afghanistan, is to keep the fascist elements alive and well. Not all that different that pushing the Nazi’s back to the german borders and then wiping off hands and saying “work done” Israeli gov officials have openly stated that without US funding the country would fall apart in 5 weeks. Israel was created by western nations, it can be unmade. People can choose to stay and live in the new state if they want. 

  • mahfouz-av says:

    “Were there no Israel, there’s not a Jew in the world [that would] be safe”Nothing that has made Jews, especially Jews in American, less safe than hardcore Zionists/fascists/ethnic supremacists in Israel wrapping themselves in the Star of David and insisting they’re acting in the name of Judaism and that any critique of Israeli policy is by extension antisemitic. This suggests there’s no daylight between Jews (whatever their beliefs may be) and Israeli policy — including genocide. The settlers, the Haredim, Likud, Bibi, not even APAIC give a shit about Jewish lives, certainly not American Jews. They care about their own brand of Zionist fanaticism. This is why APAIC was so quick to give Elon Musk a pass once he started parroting their script about Palestine and criticism of Israel. They don’t care that Musk has given a platform to neo nazi racist weirdos. They hate Palestinians more than they care about Jews in America. If anything, putting American Jews in the crosshairs helps them; it gives them grievance ammo to continue playing a nuclear weapons-armed victim, dropping $14B worth of bombs and bullets on children armed with stones.

    • Fieryrebirth-av says:

      Yep. Zionists have been taking pages out of Nazi practices to a T and literally using Judaism/Star of David as their war banner. And now, Zionists are entrenched in every major global power.

    • drewtopia22-av says:

      The zionist-nonzionist thing makes sense and reminds me of islamophobia after 9/11 (any beyond) where some people cast the whole religion as its most violent, extremist elements and then people act on it

    • Bazzd-av says:

      The children aren’t even armed with stones, now they’re getting shot in the back of the head while waiting in line for food. At this point, Israel’s declaring to the world that there is a very big barrel in need of some fish and the US is providing the guns and bombs to tear that barrel to shreds.
      Israeli politicians use the rhetorical sleight-of-hand of “The Jewish State” to impose a false political unanimity on the majority of Jewish people who have never even set foot in Israel. Hell, Jewish people in the US are not only less likely to be killed by some random dude for being Jewish than in Israel, they also get to enjoy things like gay marriage and not being forced on punishment of prison to kill minorities for a bunch of fascists.And I listen to Republicans shout, “This white Christian nation” day in and day out and the last thing I think is, “Oh, clearly beacons of freedom and democracy.” Ethnostates are fascist. Theocracies are fascist. No one gets a free pass.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    I also usually protest a completely different country’s leader to get some other country to do stuff.

    • laylowmoe76-av says:

      Tell me you don’t know where your tax money is going without telling me etc. etc.

    • mahfouz-av says:

      The US has repeatedly vetoed UN Security Council resolutions calling for a cease fire, and has pledged some $14B in military aid to Israel.You either know this and are some kind of asshole, or just have no fucking idea what you’re talking about and should probably keep your profoundly stupid opinions to yourself. 

  • Fieryrebirth-av says:

    Biden admitted to be a Zionist, which is the modern-day Nazi party.

    Wow, this is grim.

  • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

    Funny, not a lot of comments about Hunter Schafer for this article, whose arrest was the main point of the story. Just a lot of apparent foreign policy experts who have all of the answers on a fucking AV club comment section. Anyway, the “arrest” of celebrities who are protesting normal things (global warming, genocide) is really tame; I expect her to get a slap on the wrist and now it looks cool for her to say she got arrested. Reminds me of a beaming Ted Danson a couple of years back getting arrested so that he could say he got arrested.

    • nimbh-av says:

      Yeah we shouldn’t be talking about a genocide we should be crying about celebrities. Bitch please.

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