
In "Bye, Zombies," iZombie's 3 are off to go steal a cure

TV Reviews Recap
In "Bye, Zombies," iZombie's 3 are off to go steal a cure

I have a theory that it is impossible to make a bad heist episode of television, as long as there’s even a modicum of effort. However, it is possible to have a bad episode of a heist show. Food for thought. Even in a season as uneven as this one, there’s very little chance that iZombie could have gone wrong with “Bye, Zombies.” I have another personal theory that Diane Ruggiero-Wright (who penned this episode) is the Spondoolieverse (what I decided to call Rob Thomas shows in my Veronica Mars season four reviews) writer who holds all of this together. Her specialty has always been really highlighting in the humor of these worlds in conjunction with that world-building that’s always so important, so it makes absolute sense that this would be her last episode of the series. “Bye, Zombies” combines the humor of the heist with the culmination of major plot points from this season and beyond. In addition to the heist, there is the greenlight on the zombie-human war heading into the finale—as well as Major finally being ousted as Fillmore-Graves captain—as well as Blaine finally, completely reveling in his villainy

Retinal scans, key cards, Russian accents—“Bye, Zombies” has it all. As a farewell to the series, it makes sense that there would be one last mission for the original trio. (The episode even features a scene with all five of our heroes in the same room together.) As Ravi reminds Clive here, he’s a cop with “partners,” plural, and we can’t forget that.

Because of the heist dynamic and how much goes on in the rest of the episode, “Bye, Zombies” makes it easy to forget how rough of a start it has. It opens with a Liv voiceover, and it’s clear that she is stressed the hell out. But that opening voiceover isn’t just a look into Liv’s state of mind—as it’s not even on the forefront of her mind soon enough—it’s an up-close look at just how contrived and miserable this season has been:

“Another beautiful day in New Seattle. Shame the terminally ill kidnapping victims can’t go sight-seeing … No classes today, kids. That tutor you all loved? He was lying to us and helped with a plan to spread zombieism outside the wall. Yes, my long-lost dad, the drug addict who accidentally created zombies, was one of the masterminds, but he had a change of heart right before I watched him get killed … Radical humans want zombies dead. Radical zombies want humans dead. There’s still a threat we’ll all be nuked, and, oh, yeah, the city is running out of brains … I want to lay down right here, in this very spot and never move. But I won’t. The cure is coming. I have to believe that everything is gonna be okay because what’s the alternative?”

Liv’s optimism at the end highlights what makes her a good character, but the voiceover is another reminder of how much the light and fun have been taken out of iZombie. That’s why it’s the rare late-season show where the cases-of-the-week are far more welcome than the larger arcs because those at least feature the charm that this show used to have in spades. Not just in little bursts. But then the episode becomes a heist episode, complete with the Ocean’s 11/Hustle/Leverage score that comes with it. There is no case-of-the-week this time, just the hunt for the cure this time. And because this isn’t really for a case, “Bye, Zombies” is the rare episode of iZombie where Liv (and Ravi) is actively using brains for the purposes of something cool. The “something cool” is still a mission though, and it’s with this that it strikes me: Had iZombie went to the mission well for brains (and the picking and choosing to do it), it probably would have had fewer issues with brain personalities being too overwhelming.

At the same time, the lengths Liv and Ravi have to go to in order to get some of these brains would make it kind of hard to root for literal grave robbers. But using brains in a much more precise way could have really opened up the world of iZombie, even if it wouldn’t necessarily be the best for cases. (“Five, Six, Seven… Ate!” is the smaller-scale version of this from this season—specifically tied to a case—with Liv eating both victims’ brains.) Clive as the George Clooney of the trio allows Malcolm Goodwin to cut a rug in a way I didn’t know Clooney (or any Batman) could, while pickpocket Liv’s frustration with Ravi’s no-nonsense Russian hacker personality through the first phase makes them feel like a real heist team. It’s also amazing which brain personalities just seem natural for Rose McIver to play, because pickpocket brain really, really does. It all especially works because every bit character they encounter during the heist has a personality as well, from Gladys the frisky head of HR, to the racist security guard, and the CDC employee who gives Russian Ravi a piece of her mind about the time he nailed and bailed. (Not the best, Ravi. Not the best.)

The heist actually goes off without a hitch, even with the final twist of them convincing Saxon to unlock the safe for them. It’s all predictable, but predictable isn’t bad, especially when the point is to prove you know the genre. (It’s surprising director Michael Wale hadn’t directed another heist episode or show before this.) You also want predictable here—from the heist plan rundown on—especially when that leads to our heroes finding the cure.

Speaking of predictable, despite Major (especially) and the rest of the gang’s talk about wanting to avoid war, it’s been clear this entire season was always going to lead there. The problem is, it’s not just an organic war between humans and zombies; it’s a war between humans who follow Dolly Durkins and zombies who follow Enzo Lambert. Ideally, this type of conflict would at least be written in a way where both sides have at least a single good point, even though iZombie clearly wants its audience to root completely for the third option (the cure) and not those first two or the fourth (nuking the whole city). But the Dead Enders are bigots and domestic terrorists, while the zombies—due to Martin’s influence—are now just “white” supremacists. (While this season of iZombie eventually pumped the brakes on trying to create a one-to-one comparison between its world and the real world, Spud’s/Tater’s “White Lives Matter” line from “Dead Lift” still happened.) This season has been quite convoluted, yet it wants simplicity when it comes to the sides, by actively avoid the possibility of having its audience consider for even a second that any non-cure side is a viable option.

But a large part of this also comes down to who the faces of these regimes are. Enzo isn’t a good villain. He’s not even a good character. In professional wrestling terms, he’s a heel with go-away heat: You don’t want to see him get his ass kicked, you don’t want to see him get his comeuppance. You simply don’t want to see him, plain and simple. Even worse, you don’t want to hear him. Dolly Durkins, on the other hand, showed promise at the beginning of the season, but as things have progressed, she’s only remained one-note. (Hey, where’s her zombie son that only existed to inform us she has a zombie son she disowned? Did he join Enzo’s side? Did he die?) In fact, that’s the problem with Dolly and Enzo, and it was even the problem with Martin until it was decided that all he needed to change his insane beliefs was the love of his estranged daughter. Honestly, maybe this season shouldn’t have featured the return of Mr. Boss, because having a really compelling, layered villain waiting in the wings only highlights the competition’s weaknesses. Technically, Blaine is the true Big Bad of the season, but that has been simmering; these are the faces of the civil war, which means they should still matter as more than just human Bad Guy and zombie Bad Guy.

This final season has been committed to reminding the audience that Blaine is a monster. It doesn’t matter how charming or witty he can be or how much he looks like Sark from Alias: He is evil. Having the Freylich kids kidnapped and smuggled into Seattle should have done the trick to prevent anyone watching from ever asking if Blaine would have redemption in the end; but assuming it didn’t, this episode’s actions must.

Blaine: “Wait. Were you… Sweetie, honey, baby. Were you still secretly hoping I was a good guy? Yeah. I was too.”

This isn’t just Blaine asking Peyton, this is Dianne Ruggiero-Wright and all of iZombie making a definitive statement about Blaine and his alignment, which is something rare in genre shows. Especially on The CW, where everyone is swoon-worthy. The “Yeah. I was too.” shuts the door on the possibility that he can change, unlike his attempt this season at a Peyton do-over in the form of Gage Golightly’s Al. Blaine is a murderer (children, adults), a kidnapper (children, adults), and a smuggler (children, adults). He’s a megalomaniac who cares only for material possessions and thinks of women as property. (Aly Michalka sells Peyton’s fear and resignation that there really is no good in him well.) So he’s also a much better villain than both Enzo and Dolly combined.

While Blaine has done all these terrible things, he doesn’t regret them for even a second. At the same time, this entire season has featured Ravi blaming himself for so much. For everything, really. He blames himself for Isobel, he blames himself for the Freylich kids being targeted, he blames himself for not being able to create a cure. So with Saxon taking the tainted Utopium formula for himself to work with a pharmaceutical company—not on a cure but instead a chronic treatment that will make more money—he also blames himself for handing over the Utopium to Saxon in the first place. So when Saxon’s reaction to the trio getting to the formula is not to admit his wrongdoing but instead to try to bribe Ravi, of course Ravi goes into full-on zombie mode (for the first time). He has spent a season—a series, even—watching people like Blaine and Saxon get away with everything, while he does the right thing and keeps getting screwed. He’s, understandably, tired of the fact that people keep getting hurt and he’s just supposed to move on like it’s okay. It’s not okay.

Next week’s series finale has a lot of work to do. It’s unclear if it will be able to retroactively improve this season or not, but it also has the task of wrapping up an entire series and its world. There most likely won’t be another heist during that episode, so it’ll have a lot to do in order to succeed.

Stray observations

  • Thanks to Ashley for filling in for me last week. All I really have to add about last week’s episode is that we now officially have confirmation that the Martin story was a waste of time. Or really, more of a stall tactic until we could get to… this.
  • General Mills orchestrates a massacre at his own daughter’s human-zombie memorial. I certainly won’t miss him after next week.
  • While heist movies and shows have a very specific type of score to get you in the mood, the episode’s sound mixing is quite distracting before it gets to that point. The score during Liv’s opening voiceover about all of the things that have happened this season is extremely distracting (on top of her also moving around and talking to the kids) and that continues with the scene where Ravi tells her what Saxton did, as it drowns out the very emotional moment of defeat Ravi is feeling then.
  • Liv: “We’re brainstorming. There are some good ideas.”
    Ravi: “Like the one I had.”
    Liv: “And some not so good ideas.”
    Ravi: “Yours.”
    Liv: “Which inspire better ideas.”
    Ravi: “Oh my god—spy pen.” While Liv’s GoPro idea is bad, let’s not forget that Ravi’s first idea is to Cyrano Charli.
  • Major: “Quick question: Is any of that true or are you just doing the Tom Cruise monologue from Mission Impossible one for your own amusement?”
    Ravi: “Both.”
  • Of all the new bits and characters we’ve had to remember in this season, the best bit of continuity actually comes from something that didn’t seem that important at the time: with the fact that Liv was able to get Russian hacker brain by finally giving the manager at Le Dome the missing remoulade recipe (from “Filleted To Rest”).
  • Blaine: “Acrobat brain, huh? New man in your life? I’ll take that glare as a ‘no’. It’s probably for the best—you’re not that great with boyfriends, are you?” This is the episode’s first reminder that Blaine is, in fact, the worst. R.I.P. Lowell (who Blaine actually killed), Drake (who was a national treasure), Levon (who somehow got Paul Rudd to do a voiceover on a documentary that never should’ve existed), and Justin (who had escaped the curse of Liv’s exes, only to instead lose his personality after the break-up, betray his best friend, and then die)
  • There is no official proposal or engagement, but Ravi and Peyton both have moments that scream “I hear wedding bells.” They’re both on the same page too.
  • Clive: “The real get is Angelo de Marco, pickpocket, con man, petty thief. Rumor was, he could take the diamond out of an earring without removing the earring.”
    Liv: “The rotting brain of a dead pickpocket. This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever given me.” It really is.
  • Liv and Major go down memory lane—absolutely normal for a final season—and end up kissing before she leaves for Atlanta. This episode doesn’t quite sell that Liv and Ravi aren’t going to come home as well as it wants to, but as for the kiss itself? The season hasn’t earned it—in fact, it seems like it’s actively chosen to refuse to let them have chemistry together the rare times they interact—but the only version of the series finale I’ve imagined where they don’t end up together is one where Seattle is nuked.
  • While the Michelle plot this season was not great, that Dale (who is back!) made a friend out of it is. Dale remains Daddy.
  • Clive: “I mean, they need the Clooney. What’s Ocean’s 11 without George Cloney?”
    Dale: “Ocean’s 10, with Brad Pitt. Can I please tell you what the real problem is? You’re the Clooney.”
  • It’s the little things that matter. Like both Clive and Don E being so amazed that you have to go through a closet to get into Renegade house.
  • At first, I wanted to say “Like father, like daughter” when it came to Liv rocking Buffy’ wig from “Halloween;” but it worked as intended in the long run, with Liv ultimately channeling the power of Natasha Romanoff (in Iron Man 2).
  • Clive: “We are in the South now. You don’t put stolen jewelry in a black man’s pocket.”
    Liv: “It’s not in your pocket.”
    Clive: “I just made a terrible mistake.” Also, Liv speaking in heist lingo is one of those moments where a character just clicks for McIver. I believe it more than Liv’s tears over Martin from last week.
  • Liv: “Okay. So, here we go again. Last night’s pre-heist heist, was it flawless? No. Did we kick ass and take names? Metaphorically, we did. Are we finished? Not by a long shot.” Does this have the same structure as a particular scene in the Veronica Mars season four finale? Yes.
  • After all those Skypes, Charli finally exists in-person alongside other characters. She and Ravi finally meet! While he’s on his monthlies, just like when they first met via Skype. And she gets his praise, American Ninja Warrior-style. iZombie even pulls a Happy Endings, having Liv and Ravi continue their celebration through the commercial.
  • R.I.P…. I’m seeing that this coyote’s name was Stan. Look, names are hard on this show: Because Emy Aneke (who plays Spud/Tader) showed up in an early episode as a different character (Matthew Voss in “The Hurt Stalker”), now (this is recent) IMDB credits in every episode as that character. He’s not still that character.
  • Poor Don E is clearly miserable when Liv and Ravi are at the club, but they don’t even ask why. Not so poor Don E for being part of Blaine’s child-smuggling plan, especially since you’d think that would trigger his memories of Darcy (not just tacos).
  • Don E: “Here’s what I don’t get: how in the hell did the Ricky Gervais face-making-knob bag woman like that? The guy ain’t rich, he’s barely a doctor. I mean, yeah, the hair, whatever, and I guess the accent. But I do have to say, the sweater and the cords thing sometimes works for him.”
  • Ravi: “Yeah, and I’m the one who called you to say someone broke into your lab. My American accent’s on point.” Ravi is the best, but Rahul Kohli’s American accent? I saw his episode of Supergirl. American accents are hard.
  • They probably should’ve had Major get the Max Rager earlier, right? You know, just in case he was overthrown and left for dead.
  • While we’ve known Martin’s goal was zombie supremacy, we’ve never actually known what the plan was. Apparently, it hinges on the trained Romeros creating a new breed of even more dangerous zombies. Which explains Martin’s introductory speech about zombies’ role in the evolutionary chain, despite zombies seeming like a step toward devolution. Because once everyone’s a zombie, then what? No more human brains.


  • officermilkcarton-av says:

    The worst of the sound-mixing was when the background music (with extra-distracting vocals) playing while Liv was recapping the plan for the audience’s benefit. Had to turn on subtitles just to hear it.Other than that quibble it was the best episode in ages, possibly a season high. Having a couple of well-written brains for short bursts instead of an episode-long brain works well, and it’s a shame this is probably the only time they’ll get to do it.Don E.’s running low-key fascination with Ravi’s hair was hilarious.

  • torplelemon-av says:

    This was a really great episode

  • kevcar34-av says:

    Great review LaToya – the “Buffy” Halloween wig reference was worth the price of admission by itself.

  • kumagorok-av says:

    The heist was great (although, at some point I had a slight disconnect: they chose to do a lighthearted heist episode as the penultimate, with the stakes as high as the world being in danger?), but there was some real tone whiplash with the rest of the storylines being ultra dark, with Major in a gritty war scenario and Peyton begging Blaine for her life.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      Yeah totally agree. The heist stuff was great, even if the timeline was wonky with them sneaking out of Seattle & driving to Atlanta during a commercial break. But the other storylines were just miserable, with Major getting crapped on and betrayed yet again and Fillmore Graves now officially garbage with everyone lined up behind freaking Enzo. And I don’t think we needed Blaine terrorizing Peyton and kidnapping a bunch of  kids to reveal that he is the worst, I am pretty sure we all already knew that.

      • coolman13355-av says:

        As has been widely pointed out Enzo isn’t a great character, but this episode now that he isn’t someone’s number 2 and making his own moves I thought maybe they can do something cool with him in the last episode. It’s probably too little too late, but man it seemed to me he actually had some charisma when he rolled up on Major.You know what I thought of when Blaine did that, in the end he really is his father’s son doing whatever for money.Looks like my prediction last week that Blaine would kill Don E right there while he was mourning Darcy was wrong.

      • zxde-av says:

        I assumed they flew out to Atlanta.There’s suspension of disbelief, and then there’s a thumb drive with data that hasn’t been copied anywhere. The trope was hard enough to believe in the analog age, but in the digital age?

        • mythicfox-av says:

          There’s suspension of disbelief, and then there’s a thumb drive with data that hasn’t been copied anywhere. The trope was hard enough to believe in the analog age, but in the digital age?Saxon’s going to make a fortune out of it. Why the hell would he leave that data anyplace where anybody could potentially get ahold of it? The only way to keep it safe would be air-gapped. And it’s possible there is another copy out there, like on a computer at home, and the thumb drive happens to be the only copy the characters know about.

      • dp4m-av says:

        Also… It doesn’t matter how charming or witty he can be or how much he looks like Sark from Alias: He is evil…. Sark wasn’t evil? Him looking like Julian Sark isn’t a mark in his favor on the Good Scale…

        • coolman13355-av says:

          Not that I remember much of Heroes past season 1 (which I’m probably due for a rewatch), but he sure was evil there.

          • HRHDuchessNapsalot-av says:

            I don’t think David Anders has ever played a good guy?  He’s too good at being menacing yet charming, I guess.

    • coolman13355-av says:

      I actually thought the juxtaposition of the tones worked. It was like salty and sweet. For me it made Liv and Major’s phone conversation hit that much harder.

  • loopychew-av says:

    “I’m Only Happy When It’s Brains” has now been supplanted by “Feed Us Heist Superstars” as my favorite segment title.

  • raymarrr-av says:

    I’m not ready to let iZombie go!

  • crackblind-av says:

    It was great to get the meta from Charli. “That was easy, huh.”I agree that it would have been fun to see more them use brains for specific reasons and tasks. I think the onlky one that really stood out for me was when Blaine use the capoeira brain to beat up the Dead Enders harassing his clientele.I expect the finale to somehow hinge on Chekhov’s Dead Fiancee. Don E has to find out that Blaine killed her, not Freylich’s. That’ll be fun.BTW, is Don E a zombie? I can’t remember and it hasn’t really been addressed recently.

    • loopychew-av says:

      TV Tropes says that Don E asked Chief to turn him and I feel like we’ve seen him on brains before, but can’t remember when.

    • officermilkcarton-av says:

      Had to google it because I couldn’t recall anything either, but he took some WWII that had been soaked in blue liquid in Season 3.

    • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

      I’ve said since the first season that if Liv and Co were smart they’d be freezing portions of useful brains.  Never know when cat burglar brain, sniper brain, hitman brain, etc would come in handy.

      • nukethewhalesreborn-av says:

        As much as I don’t want call backs for the sake of call backs, I think using or having the kung fu brain from Season 1 and the hacker brain from the Dungeons and Dragons episode would be a nice “full circle” way to include earlier elements in the penultimate episode.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    So good to see Jessica Harmon as Dale again, loved her correctly telling Clive that he is the Clooney & giving him permission to go with Liv on the heist. I love that she understands how important Liv is to Clive. And of course she can take care of herself.

    • coolman13355-av says:

      If we only got Dale for one scene that was worth it.She’ll not take care of herself and their unborn child while Clive is gone, she’ll handle Michelle and that baby too.

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        Once again this season has not given Dale enough to do, but she has been fantastic anyway

        • coolman13355-av says:

          I feel this way for most of the cast, but man when this and The 100 (which I’ve kinda given up on) are done I hope bigger things are in store for Jessica Harmon.

          • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

            Given how the CW likes to cast the same people in different shows, Jessica Harmon would certainly seem to be in line to get cast as the lead on something

  • laurae13-av says:

    This season has been very hit and miss, but their scene in the lab reminded me that I will really miss the trio of Liv, Rav, and Clive. That and the dance rehearsal scene are my 2 favorite scenes this season.

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  • mrsouchi-av says:

    “and they are running out of brains” yeah remember, Liv made it worse with the whole Renegade thing and still no one cares about it

  • coolman13355-av says:

    When Liv and Major were making out I thought, “Don’t y’all have a hole to dig?

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      I could not be more indifferent to Liv and Major getting together, which was totally predictable–both that it would happen, and that I wouldn’t care.

      • coolman13355-av says:

        Yeah it’s like Latoya said, the only reason they don’t end up together is the nuclear option (basically Cassian and Jyn’s ending in Rogue One). It is just so inevitable it’s hard to not be apathetic about it.

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          I didn’t care that much about them as a couple to start with, given how many more dynamic pairings there are on the show (including Major-Ravi and Liv-Clive and Liv-Peyton, among many others), and they have danced around it too much.

          • mrpornjratbeardpoopypooliii-av says:

            I liked Liv-Major at first, but over the seasons it’s been increasingly clear that they don’t belong together romantically (despite what the writers clearly want you to think). Plus Major’s unpredictable chaotic energy was entertaining for a while, but he crossed some lines in season 4 that weren’t fully addressed and I think he has no business being with Liv after all of that.

    • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

      All I thought was “OHMIGODMAJORISGONNADIE!!”

  • partyboy22-av says:

    “How’s Peyton?”“Madly in love with me.”Boom! You go, Ravi! I just loved how he wiped that smug look off of Blaine’s face. Because for the longest time, Ravi has always held some jealousy in regards to Blaine. Only for him to realize that he has nothing to be jealous of. Blaine was clearly trying to piss Ravi off, only for Ravi to not give him the satisfaction. Telling Blaine that he and Peyton were going to spend their lives together while he only had Don E. was just the best way to end that conversation. Because Blaine was just silent after that. No witty retort or smug comeback. One of those rare instances where Blaine is pretty much rendered speechless.Not to take away from Jane Says, but that’s why Ravi is the best.

    • coolman13355-av says:

      That was an awesome moment for Ravi (and yeah Jane Says will probably bring it up).There’s been several moment this season where someone has one upped Blaine.

  • alanlacerra-av says:

    “Aly Michalka sells Peyton’s fear and resignation[.]” Good lord, was I feeling Peyton’s fear in that scene!

  • ashleytwo-av says:

    Rahul posted a sweet story about what his rage out scene meant to him and his family. Must be on his Twitter too but I’m not currently on it so here’s the Instagram link:

  • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

    Totally agree about Martin (now Enzo’s) plan. How are domesticated Romeros going to prevent Seattle from being nuked?

    And why hasn’t Liv told anyone she witnessed her father’s murder??  And the fact that there’s a sinister plot afoot that requires the disabling of zombie detectors at a Las Vegas airport?

  • hukilom-av says:

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  • notvandnobeer-av says:

    This season has made so little sense and had so many things that come out of left field that watching this I struggled even to care about the heist (which was really quite good). Why didn’t they establish the pharmaceutical company plot earlier? Just throwing it at us in a Ravi infodump in the very last episode was ridiculous. The gang could have obtained the tainted Max Rager much earlier in the season so the show could spend more time on this, and on the characters involved.The whole season has been like this, just an avalanche of far, far too many plots. A simple overarching plot with a tight focus on the main characters would have served them much better for a final season.

  • HRHDuchessNapsalot-av says:

    As soon as Liv and Major kissed in an open grave (man, what a weird show) and Ravi and Peyton confessed they were thinking about marriage, I knew 2 of the 4 were done for. Major’s clearly going to die trying to get Max Rager – not sure if it’s Ravi or Peyton who’ll die in that scenario. We all know Rob Thomas doesn’t like happy couples.The heist was great.  Greatest, though, was Clive’s dancing.

  • jpilla1980-av says:

    I’ve been playing Love Island game this summer and I just got to Casa Amor and one of the new guys is a dead ringer for Ravi. Of course I had to couple him up with my MC, especially since my love interest Bobby was torn away from me!

  • crazyphan23-av says:

    Do you know why Blaine addresses “Pops” at the well? Didn’t his dad die with a shot to the head at the end of season 4? Blaine didn’t transport the dead body back to the well, did he? Or did I miss something?

  • boymeetsinternet-av says:

    One more episode to go. Phew

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