Ke Huy Quan would “absolutely” do another Indiana Jones movie

The action choreographer and Everything Everywhere All At Once actor sounded very game to revisit Temple Of Doom's Short Round

Aux News Ke Huy Quan
Ke Huy Quan would “absolutely” do another Indiana Jones movie
Photo: Leon Bennett

Ke Huy Quan, who can currently be seen in Everything Everywhere All At Once alongside Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh, is totally game to go on a new adventure as Short Round.

The actor participated in an AMA on Reddit to promote his new film, which has brought him back into the public eye here in the States. Quan retired from acting in the ’00s to pursue a career as a fight choreographer and assistant director; as a choreographer, he worked on X-Men (2000) and with Jet Li on 2001’s The One. Best known for his roles as Data in The Goonies and Short Round in the divisive Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, a fan in the AMA asked if he would return to the role of Indiana Jones’ coolest sidekick.

“YES! Absolutely to more Indiana Jones movies,” the actor responded with a laugh.

A fifth Indiana Jones movie is slated for release in 2022 with Harrison Ford once again donning the fedora and leather jacket, this time teaming up with Phoebe Waller-Bridge for a new adventure set in the ‘60s. James Mangold is behind the camera, so it’s rumored that this could be Indy’s big send-off ala the director’s Logan. But with cinematic universes being Hollywood’s hottest trend, could a stand-alone Short Round adventure be in the cards? He’s been a fan-favorite character for decades, and Ford passing the hat and whip to Shia LaBeouf didn’t necessarily work out as planned. And Chris Pratt, he’s got enough on his plate; it’s Ke Huy Quan’s time to shine as a leading man and action hero. Audiences have already got three different takes on young Indiana Jones, why not just one on an older, wiser, Short Round following in the footsteps of his mentor pursuing fortune and glory?

Everything Everywhere All At Once is now playing exclusively in theaters.


  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    So send Short Round on a globetrotting, treasure-hunting adventure in the 1970s? I like the possibilities here — make him like Bruce Lee but with a bull whip.Or make him nothing like any Bruce Lee character, but have other people assume he’s a kung fu master, because, you know, racism.

    • coatituesday-av says:

      but have other people assume he’s a kung fu master, because, you know, racismI had a Japanese-American friend in high school who was never picked on because everyone was sure he was a martial arts badass.  He wasn’t at all, and his nerdy pals were pretty much protected for four years.

      • rkpatrick-av says:

        Back then, you’d figure he’d either know some martial art or he’d have a bunch of crazy gadgets attached to him that would foil your every move.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      1970’s huh? Then he’ll need a sweet mustache!

    • oh-thepossibilities-av says:

      Maybe he could be a stunt driver who moonlights as an adventurer while off set… since he was a pretty good driver as a kid, I’d imagine his grown up driving skills would be bad ass.

    • gterry-av says:

      If they are going to set it in the 70s it should be the very early 70s and end with him settling down in coastal Oregon and his wife having a kid. And him saying how he can’t wait to inspire his kid with all his adventure stories.

    • blpppt-av says:

      All Asians know Kung Fu. All Americans are fat and drive pickup trucks. All Canadians love hockey, maple syrup, and have beady eyes/floppy heads.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Short Round already demonstrated a degree of martial arts skills at the tender age of 10.  So hopefully he’d have matured into a real expert at this point. 

    • maulkeating-av says:

      Or make him nothing like any Bruce Lee character, but have other people assume he’s a kung fu master, because, you know, racism.Maybe give him a whacky French sidekick…

    • KingKangNYC-av says:

      You should see the movie “They Call me Bruce?”

    • erikveland-av says:

      From that thread (the_vert):The year is 1955. The war has ended, but a new threat for the world’s antiquities has emerged. Against the background of the cold war, the protege of Indiana Jones, once called Short Round but now a 40-something action archaeologist more commonly known as Wan “Shorty” Li, walks the world’s exotic places and battles nasty villains in search of occult objects that could define the balance of the world’s powers. “(Russian accent) Why they call you Shorty? You look normal height to me.”“It’s not about my height. It’s about my temper.” *throws KGB guy through a window*

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “Me too! I’ll do one too! Glad to! Sure thing! Whenever you’re ready!”

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    I would absolutely sleep with Charlize Theron if I was asked to. 

  • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

    The new film will have to acknowledge Harrison’s/Indy’s advanced age, but having his boy sidekick return as a 50-something man might be putting too fine a point on it.How about a limited-run YA series where Short Round (maybe now going by his real name) serves as the mentor to a gang of adventurous archaeology students? I might not watch it but I bet somebody would!

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      No, I think it needs to acknowledge Ford’s advanced age, not necessarily Indy’s — the dude drank from the Holy Grail and is therefore immortal. The question is how to handle that? Recasting? That sometimes works as in Bond and Dr. Who, but sometimes is just trash (like in NuTrek).

      • elphonseelric-av says:

        I thought the Grail’s immortality gift was only present if one stayed in the room and didn’t cross the seal.

        • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

          Is it? Okay, maybe. I haven’t seen Last Crusade in a while.

        • brianjwright-av says:

          I thought you had to keep drinking from the Grail, and make sure you don’t like, accidentally pick up the wrong Grail by mistake

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      (He had a real name?)

      • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

        Don’t most people?Anyway, I looked it up. His birth name was given as Wan Li in the novelization so they could go with that. All I’m saying is that in my nonexistent sequel series it might not make much sense for a bunch of archaeology students to call him Short Round. 

  • milligna000-av says:

    Wow, it’s so brave of him to want a lot of money for acting in a huge film franchise.

    • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

      I’m curious about this reflexive urge so many internet commenters have to equate any kind of enthusiasm or decisive statement as unearned bravery. Why do you say this? Why do you say, “Wow, it’s so brave,” when, like, nobody implied that? He’s doing publicity for a movie he’s in, someone asked if he’d do an Indiana Jones movie, and he was understandably like, “Hell yeah, of course,” and you’re so internet poisoned that you have to jump in with this exhausting sarcastic bullshit. I’m genuinely curious: Why do you do this? Have you ever done any self-reflection or evaluation of your actions to determine why you have this impulse? 

  • nogelego-av says:

    Here’s something that always bugged me about Temple of Doom. The movie starts in 1935 in a nightclub and Indy has this ride-or-die sidekick that gets killed and is NEVER mentioned again. So let’s say it’s New Year’s Eve 1935.
    That means all of Temple of Doom and whatever happened to Billie and Short Round so that they never existed, and whatever led Indy back to the US to his tenured gig at Marshall college (and his search for the golden idol in Peru with the guy from Boogie Nights, Jacques and his pet snake Reggie) all took place in an 18-month period (at most).
    What did Short Round do to make Indy dump him so hard and so fast? He may want to see Indy again, but does Indy want to see him?

    • blpppt-av says:

      “What did Short Round do to make Indy dump him so hard and so fast? He may want to see Indy again, but does Indy want to see him?”I think its pretty obvious, Willie eloped with Short Round.

    • christoast-av says:

      A supplementary book that came out around KOTCS mentions that after the events of Temple, Indy realized it was too dangerous to have Shorty coming on his adventures, and he and Willie helped set him up to get adopted by a family in The States. They kept in touch and Short Round was working to become an archaeologist as well.
      They should have brought him back for 5, because if anyone’s the true successor to Indy, it’s Short Round.

      • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

        There as a podcast in which the hosts try to come up with better sequels to movies than what we got. And what they came up with for Indiana Jones was exactly that — that Short Round basically became the successor to Indy.

    • lmh325-av says:

      In the Further Adventures comics, Indy brings Short Round back to the US in 1936. Indy then sent him to boarding school and when he was back from breaks they’d go adventuring.In the 1950’s, he actively searching for a special diamond and they’re basically still hanging out.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      He cheated at cards.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      A lot of shit can happen in 18 or so months. Yellowjackets, anyone?

    • rkpatrick-av says:

      He would have made a much better sidekick that Shia LaBouf trying to channel Wally Brando channeling Marlon Brando.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      It’s a prequel to Raiders, so maybe Short Round was like “Dude, you gotta quit hitting on Marion, she’s like my age” and that friction proved insurmountable.

  • gunnlauggr-av says:

    Jstoobs on Tiktok/IG had a great idea. It is a missed opportunity if they don’t use the new film as a handoff from Ford to Ke Huy Quan to breath new life into the franchise and kick off a new era with Quan as the lead for it. 

  • drzarnack-av says:

    My friends and I had the head canon that the funeral at the beginnning of Big Trouble in Little China was for the grown up Short Round.

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    More Short Round in more Indiana Jones: meh.
    More Data in more Goonies: I’m listening.

    • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

      I truly think the Goonies is one of the eighties movies that it really makes sense to make a nostalgia sequel for. A bunch of dudes had the craziest shit ever happen to them as kids, they discovered a pirate treasure, and probably became media sensations. You could deconstruct the media digestion cycle of child stars and our insatiable appetite for “Where are they now?” grown kids sequels.

  • npr-pledge-drive1-av says:

    Idk i feel like with the way things are now any new Indiana JonesHas to be about them breaking into a us government vault and bringing the artifact back to the country they stole it from and apologizing for wrecking their totally sweet heritage site that demonstrated they’re indigenous tribes advance knowledge of blow dart technologyI guess basically do Crystal Skull but subtract any mention of Shia LaBeouf and the racism of promoting Ancient Alien series

    • nenburner-av says:

      It’s really hard to imagine how a movie nowadays with the line “it belongs in a museum” could be met with anything other than hyper-online thinkpieces about how problematic Indiana Jones is for looting the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples.
      Which is also, like, not totally unfair? Why is the holiest object ever created for the Jewish people in a nameless vault somewhere in the US, instead of in Israel? What a dick move.

      • rev-skarekroe-av says:

        Jones didn’t want the Ark in a museum. He wanted the Cross of Coronado in a museum, which might as well be in one. It’s not like Coronado was using it.
        Swiping the idol from the beginning of Raiders is another story, though.

        • thorc1138-av says:

          “..and the museum gets the ark, yes?” Indy to Marcus, the scene in the study ..”They want you to go for it..”

  • leobot-av says:

    Just saw this this morning. Great, Michelle Yeoh is duh—fantastic. Surprisingly poignant, and a rollicking time for a 2+ hour movie.I’d never seen or heard of Ke Huy Quan before but he was really good! Handsome, too, in some of those scenes. It helped that his role was consistently supportive-sweet. That’s an inherently attractive thing for someone to be.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    Indiana Jones doesn’t deserve him.

  • skeeterpaw-av says:

    No thanks. It’s the only unwatchable Indiana Jones movie. Not entirely the character Short Round’s fault, but man, he’s easily the most annoying character in the entire Indiana Jones series of films.

    • egerz-av says:

      Temple of Doom is perfectly watchable. Crystal Skull, on the other hand…

      • davidwizard-av says:

        I disagree. Crystal Skull is absurd but at least watchable. But Temple of Doom is truly racist trash.

    • rev-skarekroe-av says:

      You find Short Round more annoying than Willie Scott or Mutt?

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:


    • lostlimey296-av says:

      He’s not even the most annoying character in Temple of Doom…

    • brianjwright-av says:

      Yeah, even when I was a kid I found Short Round a little much – I don’t extend a lot of license to the whole “martial arts grade schooler able to kick every adult’s ass” thing (with the exception of Sho Kosugi movies) and his whole presence as a sidekick to these insanely dangerous, traumatizing adventures (particularly that one!) feels wildly off and not in a fun way.
      But he’s still less annoying than LaBeouf.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      Congratulations on being so wrong on so many levels in so few words.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      He literally spends most of Temple of Doom providing stark contrast to the most annoying character in the franchise.

  • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

    Honestly, after seeing Quan’s comedic and action chops in Everything Everywhere, Crystal Skull could have been so much better with Short Round in the “next generation protegé” role, instead of Shooby LaDoof. Also -100% fewer CGI prairie dogs and +100% more Cate Blanchett doing a wacky Russian accent.

  • popsfreshenmeyer-av says:

    Forget doing another Indy flick! It’s time for Short Round to shine!Coming to a theater near you this summer:Short Round Saves Christmas.

  • amessagetorudy-av says:

    Goonies/Indiana Jones crossover starring Ke Huy Quan.Make it so.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    As much as I loathed every moronic frame of “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”, I would have forgiven the entire misbeotten enterprise if they had just tossed in Short Round in a friggin’ brief cameo at Indy and Marion’s wedding at the end.That omission was nothing short of criminal. Reportedly, they had asked John Rhys-Davies to appear in the pews, but he chafed at the notion of doing a cameo and wanted a bigger part.But I’m sure Quan would have done it! Utterly unforgivable.Hopefully he’s playing all Andrew Garfield about Indy 5 and actually is going to show up in it at some point, even if briefly. 

    • razzle-bazzle-av says:

      They got married in that movie? I have no recollection of that. Sadly, I do have recollection of many other parts of that movie.

    • cscurrie-av says:

      so, people wanted Quan as Short Round in Crystal Skull, clearly a middle-aged man by now, playing someone who technically should only be 20 years older?

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Huh? If Quan was in KOTCS, he would have been in his late thirties, while Short Round would have been his early thirties. It would have been fine.Just as Indy was only in his late 50s in the movie, while Ford himself was in his mid sixties. Now Ford is nearly 80 while the Indy he’s playing in Indy 5 is seventy. The only time Ford and Indy’s age closely matched was in Raiders, where Ford was 38 and Indy 37 (though Indy’s canonical birth year had not yet been established.)

      • anthonystrand-av says:

        It pretty much lines up. 2008 was 24 years after 1984, and Crystal Skull is set in 1957, 22 years after Temple of Doom.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        Quan is 50 now. Crystal Skull came out 14 years ago, so he would have been around 35/36 during filming which lines up well enough with him playing an older Short Round.

    • maash1bridge-av says:

      I cannot forgive the KCS without total remake. I mean it made no sense, it had the Shia whatever that has charisma of eggplant and especially because of the action.I mean Indy’s were famous of the excellent physical props and slightly realistic action skenes. Whit this it was this super bland CGI crap that’s everywhere.If they make another indy, I only hope that the script has larger budget than the on-scene catering and they do the action and props like they did in the Last Crusade. I mean that’s just peak adventure stuff what comes to visual side.

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    Ke Huy Quan was awesome in Everything, Everywhere, and so I’d absolutely love to see him leading an action-adventure series. I mean, why not? 

  • jboogs-av says:

    Indiana…. Let it go

  • bc222-av says:

    I saw the trailer for this movie, which I am legitimately excited to see, about 10 times, and I had NO idea it was the guy who played Short Round. Glad to see he’s getting another shot.

  • arrowe77-av says:

    Honestly, I would like a Short Round spinoff way more than an Indiana Jones reboot, where another actor tries to copy Harrison Ford but just sucks at it. A Short Round movie would be new enough to have a chance to succeed.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I mean, as long as we’re asking people nobody gives a shit about, I’ll do an Indiana Jones movie.

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    I always expected an older Short Round would return, and was hoping it was for what became Crystal Skull. Hold on to your potatoes!

  • hornacek37-av says:

    No time for love, Dr. Jones.  But definitely time for rejoining the franchise.

  • hornacek37-av says:

    Am I the only one who briefly glimpsed at that photo and thought it was Stephen Colbert?

  • VictorVonDoom-av says:

    Short Round remains one of Indy’s only competent sidekicks. I don’t get the hate for him.Also, “This is Miss Scott, this is Mister…Round….” is my favorite line from Temple of Doom.

  • mackyart-av says:

    Steven Yuen in a baseball hat is such a deadringer for younger/older Short Round, that I can’t help but pair both of them in an Indiana Jones side project.

  • erictan04-av says:

    That folks producing the fifth movie never thought of approaching him is ridiculous.

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