Indiana Jones whips Nazis and looks for a Great Circle in the trailer for his new video game

Indiana Jones is coming back for a new video game later this year from the Wolfenstein developers

Aux News Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones whips Nazis and looks for a Great Circle in the trailer for his new video game
Indiana Jones And The Great Circle Screenshot: YouTube

MachineGames, the developers behind Wolfenstein: The New Order and Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, are experts in making video games about punching Nazis, so it makes sense that they were tasked with developing Indiana Jones And The Great Circle, a brand new first-person action game starring pop culture’s most famous puncher of Nazis. Microsoft showed off the first real trailer for the game during an Xbox announcement stream today, revealing its title, release window (this year!), and the first footage of how whipping goons is going to work in first-person.

Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

It all looks very Indiana Jones, with some swinging and climbing and puzzle-solving in between the action stuff (which included Indy jumping from the wing of one plane to the wing of a Japanese fighter), plus there’s an appearance from the great Marcus Brody and a well-placed Wilhelm scream (Indiana Jones stories are the one place where that overplayed Easter egg is still acceptable). The developers explained during the Xbox stream that the game takes place between Raiders Of The Lost Ark and The Last Crusade, which mostly just means that the Nazis are still spreading their evil around the world and that Indy is supposed to be a college professor when he’s not tomb-raiding, and it looks like it’s going to be an appropriately Indiana Jones-y globe-trotting journey as Indy investigates whatever the heck the Great Circle is.

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle will be available on Xbox and PC (and that’s probably it, since Microsoft owns MachineGames through its parent company Bethesda) at some point this year. And if you’re wondering, that does look like Harrison Ford’s face, but it’s not his voice. EW says it’s actually Troy Baker from The Last Of Us, which makes sense because it sounds just like him.


  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    “…that does look like Harrison Ford’s face…”Actually, it’s very surprising that it’s 2024 and the couldn’t make the character’s face look more like Harrison Ford, unless it’s more that they wouldn’t.

    • soylent-gr33n-av says:

      I wonder if there’s a sliding scale of likeness rights — it kind of looks like Harrison Ford, but not exactly like Harrison Ford.Good job with the voice, although I was hoping for Mark Hamill’s dead-on impression.

      • gwbiy2006-av says:

        They should have gotten the guy who did Han’s voice for the new Lego Star Wars in 2022. There were times in there where I swore it was Ford doing it. 

      • drpumernickelesq-av says:

        Regarding the voice, obviously he doesn’t sound exactly like him, but it’s hard to go wrong with Troy Baker voicing your main character. 

  • warpedcore-av says:

    Basically a retread of Uncharted but using Indiana Jones. I’ll play it and it looks fun but I always pictured Uncharted just that. Another version of the Indiana Jones adventures. Ka is a wheel.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    That.. was pretty cute. From the Wilhelm scream at 1:36 to the punch,punch,punch at 2:03, you can tell they at least had a bit of fun making the trailer.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I hope it includes a mini game where you have to mark Indy’s students’ term papers.

  • dirtside-av says:

    [obligatory complaining about endless franchises]

  • maymar-av says:

    Great Circle? Was that the placeholder title and someone just forgot to come up with a real title? There was talk of angels, call it Heaven’s Belt or something (bonus points there as a red herring that everyone’s looking for a literal belt when it’s metaphoric). I mean, even that could be punched up a bit, but I’m also not getting paid for this.

    • coolgameguy-av says:

      Hey… don’t be a circle jerk.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      Indiana Jones and the Golden Circle.. no wait, that was Kingsman.
      Indiana Jones and Orion’s Belt.. no wait, that was Men in Black. Indiana Jones and the Global Reacharound. … that’ll do. Lunch everyone.

      • phillusmac-av says:

        Still stuck in the greys so no-one will see this but I do wonder how well an Indiana Jones story will translate to first-person. The very pulpy, derring-do, nature of the Indy franchise is designed to be witnessed from the third person, you’re supposed to see the “guys and girls want to be him, guys and girls want to be with him” side of things through him rather than ACTUALLY be him. Not to mention as a puzzler/adventurer the usual perspective would actually be third person.It’s not impossible for first-person to add something to a tired genre/franchise of course but I feel like the things I want to do in an Indy adventure aren’t through his eyes.

        • mifrochi-av says:

          It’s a counterintuitive design choice, but it distinguishes this Indiana Jones game from previous ones – and also from Tomb Raider and Uncharted, which have occupied the same niche for decades. 

          • phillusmac-av says:

            I agree that it does distinguish itself and I will hold full judgement until I play it however making it an RTS or a racing game would have had the same result and possibly (if my fears are realised) the same effect of not really being in the spirit of it.The trailer does show third-person on the regular in an interesting, almost fluid way so it may be that there’s some playing with perspective a bit which could be very interesting.

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Indiana Jones And The Great Circle will be available on Xbox and PC (and that’s probably it, since Microsoft owns MachineGames through its parent company Bethesda)

  • capeo-av says:

    Well, that looks very pedestrian. The environmental and NPC enemy textures are middling, and the actions the player can take seem pretty rote. Not sure how this could distinguish itself. 

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      looks super generic. i said this over on io9 but it really feels like how ‘john carter from mars’ was supposed to be this ‘finally! the thing that inspired all the things!’ but it really just came off as rote and derivative.looks like straightforward, closed off arenas that filter you through, leading to either combat or puzzles, cut scene, rinse repeat.

  • killa-k-av says:

    I watched it knowing Troy Baker is doing the voice, but wow. He does a fantastic job channeling Harrison Ford. I’m really thankful they recast Jones’ voice instead of dragging Harrison Ford’s 80-year old ass into the recording booth and pretending we can’t all tell he sounds much older (*coughs in From Russia With Love*)

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Could they not get Mark Hamill?

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      Well now I’m just trying to imagine the look on Harrison Ford’s face if anyone ever actually approached him and asked him if he wanted to do the voice for a video game.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      the worst part of that (pretty fun) de-aged opening in dial of destiny was the fact that he sounded 100 years old while looking like he did in 1991.

  • blpppt-av says:

    “are experts in making video games about punching Nazis”Something that needs to happen more often IRL. Mmmm….sexy.

  • sinatraedition-av says:

    Is Indian Jones crap the new Betty Boop?

  • gargsy-av says:

    “(Indiana Jones stories are the one place where that overplayed Easter egg is still acceptable)“

    The Wilhelm Scream is acceptable anywhere and everywhere.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Isn’t John Paval still around? He has to be one of the best Harrison Ford impersonators out there.

  • nihilistic-av says:

    I’m shocked people aren’t experiencing the most uncanny of uncanny valleys with that bargain-bin Harrison Ford impersonation. Seeing his character model look as picture-perfect as graphic cards in 2024 can process, while also having to stomach that terrible impression escaping over his lips makes me queasier than base-jumping off the Cheoah Dam. Troy Baker doesn’t have to do EVERYTHING when it comes to gaming in the 21st century. And in this case, clearly he should not.

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