It’s time to let Daisy Ridley make more cool movies

The Star Wars star mostly does indie dramas now, but she deserves a chance to be the next big action hero

Film Features Daisy Ridley
It’s time to let Daisy Ridley make more cool movies
Daisy Ridley in The Marsh King’s Daughter Screenshot: YouTube

This week, Lionsgate will release director Neil Burger’s new thriller The Marsh King’s Daughter, Daisy Ridley’s first real studio film since the end of the Star Wars sequel trilogy (and one of only a few studio films in her largely indie-bent filmography). And based on the trailer, it also looks like one of the only movies in her filmography that will actually let her use some of the talents she showed off in the Star Wars movies. Her career so far has looked a lot like Mark Hamill’s non-Star Wars work, with a lot of voice roles and some splashy one-off appearances, but she should be following the lead of her other space-mentor, Harrison Ford, and embracing the fact that she was an action hero in these movies and could easily be one again.

Not to say The Marsh King’s Daughter looks like an action movie, and not to say Ridley’s other film projects have been a mistake, but she is somewhat undeniably awesome in Star Wars—where she served as a physical embodiment of the idea that “Star Wars is exciting”—and if anything worked about the sequel trilogy it was more or less because of what she brought. Her character, Rey, seemed to have a genuine enthusiasm about being involved in a space adventure, which matched the genuine frustration and heartbreak she felt when that adventure didn’t work out the way she hoped it would.

That’s clearest in The Last Jedi, which gives her the most emotionally interesting stuff to work with, particularly when her flirty feud with Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren finally leads to them—temporarily—teaming up in what is one of the greatest fight scenes in the entire history of the Galaxy Far, Far Away (the moment where she rolls onto Kylo Ren’s back to brace herself as she kicks an evil goon remains one of the best things in the whole franchise). Ridley has another Star Wars in the works, but it would be a waste of how cool she can be if her career mostly comes down to “serious dramas” and “Rey.”

The Marsh King’s Daughter (2023) Official Trailer – Daisy Ridley, Ben Mendelsohn, Garrett Hedlund

Which brings us to The Marsh King’s Daughter, a movie that almost makes it feel like a clever twist in its aforementioned trailer when the nature of Ridley’s character is revealed. Her off-putting American accent tricks you into thinking she’ll be some kind of passive dope, as most Americans are, but then the trailer explains that she’s the now-grown daughter of a man who kidnapped and impregnated her mother, and then spent the next decade brainwashing Ridley’s character into being a weirdo survivalist like him until she and her mother escaped. Now her father has escaped prison, she’s free from his psychological control, and she’s setting traps and getting weapons to prepare for his eventual return.

It’s a fine premise for a movie, and Ridley clearly goes through some kind of transformation from “normal person” to “tough, scary person” that feels like something the Daisy Ridley of those Star Wars movies could pull off. The Marsh King’s Daughter might be terrible, but she should get to do more genre-flavored (or full-on genre) movies like this now that we’re a few years out from Star Wars. Maybe she doesn’t need another action franchise, like how Harrison Ford got the Indiana Jones movies, but she could do some Blade Runner or The Fugitive or Air Force One-type movies and still have room in her life for more straight-laced dramas (if that’s what she’d rather be doing, which seems to be the case).

There’s also the fact that there aren’t a lot of new, young action stars who could conceivably draw a big audience just on their name who haven’t already joined/gotten burned out on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Daisy Ridley could save us from a future where every action movie is made by a Hemsworth or an aging Vin Diesel. Or hell, maybe she should launch a new franchise that’s all her own and give everybody an action-y series that isn’t about superheroes at all. Few other young stars in Hollywood could do that, and even fewer could do it better than she probably could.

Assuming, of course, that she cares about any of this. Maybe those Star Wars movies, and her upcoming spin-off Star Wars movie, have satisfied whatever appetite she had for stunts and fight choreography. Maybe she’d rather be doing voices in Peter Rabbit movies and surprisingly crummy time-loop video games, which is okay. We’ll always have that lightsaber fight from The Last Jedi to fondly look back on.


  • milligna000-av says:

    I mean, she already did that and dealt with the ensuing bullshit for years. Indie dramas are way the fuck more interesting to an actor.

    • engineerthefuture-av says:

      The blow back on the Star Wars movies probably taught her to cash the Disney paycheck and then complete work that she enjoys.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Yeah, and if you LOOK at her filmography, she has made MOSTLY studio movies.

    • poopjk-av says:

      Mmm, especially if her agent was able to get that Star Wars money for the trilogy. Girl has talent and not the smallest reason in the world to do anything for the general audience given the neckbearded hostility. 

  • 4jimstock-av says:

    Love her in movies and think she is terrific. I was interested in this until I read the plot. Nope I do not watch movies like that. Sorry, childhood abuse and neglect survivor. Hard no on movies like this.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Remember when Barsanti’s stupidity was confined to weekends?

  • murrychang-av says:

    “she deserves a chance to be the next big action hero”I feel like she already did that though…?

  • taco-emoji-av says:

    “this actor should do the movies i want to see them in instead of the movies they choose to do”? what the fuck kind of dipshit thesis is this? at least come up with INTERESTING clickbait instead of this craven milquetoast idiocy

  • gruesome-twosome-av says:

    Barsanti gonna Barsanti. “Why isn’t she doing the exact kind of movies that I want to see her in??!?” Assuming, of course, that she cares about any of this.How good of you to finally at least bring that into consideration.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Maybe he’s just a fan expressing his fandom.
      I’d personally like to see Zendaya playing a lesbian pharmacist who accidentally gets mixed up in a big aspirin smuggling caper because her girlfriend (who is also a fire hydrant) innocently flirted with a gangster’s . . . um . . . dog. And the dog should be played by Abigail Breslin. Maybe she can piss on Aaron Eckhart . . . in a room filled with people, of course.

      • tx-gowan-av says:

        What the hell happened to Aaron Eckhart’s career? He came out of the gate with “In The Company of Men” and “Your Friends and Neighbors”, then disappeared only to reappear in “The Dark Knight” which he cashed in on for… (checks notes)…”The Battle for Los Angeles” and the …Has Fallen” movies?

  • gargsy-av says:

    “ (and one of only a few studio films in her largely indie-bent filmography)”

    What? Since 2015 she’s been in three Star Wars movies, Murder on the Orient Express, Only Yesterday, Peter Rabbit, Chaos Walking and this new one, which are ALL studio movies. Compare that to her three indie movies in Ophelia, The Bubble and The Inventor and then maybe let’s talk about “her largely indie-bent filmography”, shall we?

  • el-zilcho1981-av says:

    Neil Hamburger directed an action movie?

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    like, there’s an interesting way to phrase this and approach this, more of a ‘why didn’t daisy ridley become the next big action star?’ angle…but to frame it as ‘she deserves to be an action star’ is so baffling. first off, many of the best action stars are people who didn’t ‘deserve’ it, largely because they could barely speak english, were comedians, or were too old. second off, and i say this as someone who likes action movies, noone fucking cares about action movies. i’d rather see her doing interesting work than stuff like netflix’s ‘kate’.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “largely because they could barely speak english, were comedians, or were too old.”

      Why do non-English-speakers, comedians and the old not deserve to be action stars?

      Also, what the fuck is wrong with you?

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Yeah the implication seems to be she wants to do this but…hasn’t been permitted? I expect that coming off SW she could have jumped with both feet into big-budget action but have it a pass.

    • pogostickaccident-av says:

      I see this kind of thing a lot on the AV Club. “Anna Kendrick deserves better projects.” I mean, does she? Is she actually entitled to have someone create a film just so she can star in it?A great acting performance is something special to behold, but we shouldn’t forget that acting is a far more common talent than writing and directing are. I love actors as much as anyone else but I’ve always thought it was strange that actors are given far more credit for the quality of a project than is probably warranted. They are also often held up as the only good part of a bad one, because it’s much easier to lie convincingly on camera than it is to write a screenplay. 

      • beertown-av says:

        Another reason they’re held up as the only good part in bad movies is because entertainment sites would like to keep interviewing them in the future.And also, because they’re generally attractive, we inherently sympathize with them and don’t blame them for just reading the words they’re given.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        IMO acting is way harder than writing. writing is easy and requires no choreo. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “i say this as someone who likes action movies, noone fucking cares about action movies”.Pretty much this. I love a good action movie too, and some have had memorable lead performances, but usually the lead actor is secondary to things like the stunt work, the pacing, the plot and the villain. For a lot of action movies, anyone who can read the lines and flex will do the job.

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    “greatest fight scenes in the entire history of the Galaxy Far, Far Away”this is some next-level sarcasmI agree that she was very good in the Star Warses though.

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      She was okay, not great. But then Mark Hamill was likewise, so you can see it as an homage, I guess.

      • gargsy-av says:

        No, she was great. You don’t have to diminish her acting ability in order to prop up Hamill’s.

      • dijonase-av says:

        It’s funny, Hamill was good but not great in the OT, and everyone loved him. Then he went and gave an incredible performance in TLJ and everyone said it was the worst thing in the history of movies.

      • rogar131-av says:

        Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher occasionally rose above the material, but no actors have been that well served in any of the three trilogies. The films kind of matched the acting indifference of the movie serials Lucas mined for his original concept. 

        • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

          Still, it wasn’t just luck that Ford was the only one to have a successful career post trilogy (Hamill’s voice acting notwithstanding).

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      I mean, it looks cool, it’s just emotionally empty.  Much like the movie that surrounds it.

      • killa-k-av says:

        The whole trilogy that surrounds it…

      • andysynn-av says:

        Funnily enough, that’s also how I felt about Ridley throughout the entire trilogy. Flat, affectless, and seemed like she was reading most of her lines off cue cards for the very first time.But, reading between the lines, it does sound like her work in the indies is a vast improvement, which is always what you want to hear about any actor.

      • bedukay-av says:

        Does it though with the red guys fighting air and striking poses in the background while waiting their turn?

      • dijonase-av says:

        That seems like a weird take. People often complain that the choreography is bad, but I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anyone call it emotionally empty. Especially considering the raw emotion on display in that fight, and the nakedly emotional plea for Rey to join Kylo at the end of it.

  • jonesj5-av says:

    So, it sounds like this has absolutely nothing to do with the fairytale by Hans Christian Anderson called “The Marsh King’s Daughter”, which I find very disappointing, because that story kicks ass.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    She was not the problem in the sequel trilogy. They whole thing was a dumpster fire and should be wiped from canon, and our collective memories, but the actors were never the problem. Ridley, Boyega, Isaac, and Driver were all great casting.

    • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

      I was gonna say exactly this. I’m a typical jaded middle aged Star Wars fan; I grew up in the wake of the OT, I was there on opening night for Phantom (and left thinking what the fuck?), and after the prequels I thought I was done with Star Wars. Others like the prequels, I know; they weren’t for me, and neither was any of the animated series about those same characters, etc. Then The Force Awakens came out, and while the story was indeed just a paint-by-numbers rehash of ANH, the cast was brilliant, had amazing chemistry, and all of a sudden I dared to dream that Disney had righted the ship. All of that renewed hope came down to Ridley and the other major players doing a bang-up job.

      • deb03449a1-av says:

        Same. In hindsight, TFA was nothing but empty hope, but the chemistry and on-screen talent sold it. It’s only in retrospect, for me, that I can see how hollow TFA is. Still the best of the very bad sequel trilogy, though.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          I’m in the camp that TLJ was top-shelf Star Wars, so from my perspective it was the total WTF plotting of RoS that wrecked it. TFA was, as noted above, pretty much a remake of the original but it WAS entertaining.  2/3 of a good series is better than we got from the prequels. 

          • moxitron-av says:

            TLJ rocked. The most thematically rich SW since Empire and the level of craft; cinematography, design, acting, damn near everything, is just top notch filmmaking…

          • Ruhemaru-av says:

            Lets subvert/mock SW tropes for an entire film then immediately go back to them once we remember this was part of a trilogy.

          • beertown-av says:

            I also think TLJ towers far, far, far above anything from the sequel or prequel trilogies, but in hindsight it’s clearly such a wrecking ball that it needed to belong in its own trilogy. Like, I love that Rian Johnson felt the same way about Snoke as I did, but really that means he just shouldn’t have been handed Snoke.

          • Ruhemaru-av says:

            I still believe TLJ’s plot would’ve worked better as a Rogue One-esque sidestory focused entirely on the Rebellion and First Order’s non-force users. Poe, Finn and Rose could’ve worked on their own.
            To me, the
            movie didn’t seem like it actually wanted to be part of a
            trilogy. It put so much focus on subverting tropes and the random war
            profiteering messaging only to have to return to typical Star Wars stuff at the end because of the trilogy format.
            I can understand why people liked it so much but the overall narrative
            seemed all over the place to me and all of the lead characters just
            seemed like total idiots. I mean, Poe got the entire Resistance
            offensive force killed in the first ten minutes of the movie to attack a
            single ship. Rey went to save someone she talked to like 3 times and
            previously swore to kill. Finn and Rose instantly failed their mission
            because they refused to park legally. Even worse, they then succeed at the mission because of an actor cameo that can do everything that the guy they came for could with the addition of being a source of betrayal to hammer in the war profiteering message he brings.
            The stuff with the Force is what really messed up the film for me though. With Rey, it is kinda telling that you can’t really determine the passage of time for her parts. She goes to the middle of no-where to find Luke, trains for what appears to be a week at most, has a moment that scares Luke because she can apparently embrace the dark side with no negative side effects, gets put on a Force Skype call with Kylo by a guy she never met just because said guy feels like trolling everyone and uses the force like Tinder or something. Then she goes off to ‘save’ Kylo despite having done her best to kill him in the previous film and Kylo himself saying no. She instantly fails at the rescue, only survives because Snoke is trolling and unknowingly narrating his own death, and finally learns that Kylo is as crazy as he was in the previous film. Then she winds up on the Falcon at the exact spot needed to save the remaining Resistance members. The way the film shows things, it almost seems like Rey is a teleporting and can somehow ignore things like travel time.
            it wasted Phasma. All the extended media was establishing her as the
            next Boba Fett only with the potential to do all the crazy stuff on
            screen and then she became on-screen Boba Fett too. Even the lore behind
            her armor was that it was extremely tough since it was made out of
            Palpatine’s old Naboo Yacht and could shrug off blaster fire and angry
            Wookies.The saddest thing is that even with all my issues… I can see how TLJ is technically the best of the new trilogy. TFA was a nostalgia bomb that was fun but was merely setting the stage for something new. RoS was… 2-3 films worth of content shoved into one and set on fast forward that mainlined nostalgia so hard that it seemed like J.J. came up with his ideas in a manner similar to Key and Peele’s Gremlins 2 sketch. Stuff was just happening just to have stuff happen and nothing was consistent. Palpatine’s return was announced on Fortnite prior to the film for some reason and even C3P0 seemed like he was trying to get the hell out before R2 told him to sit back down.

          • deb03449a1-av says:

            I hated TLJ but 6 years later, litigating that has long passed its shelf life.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            If the prequels have taught us anything, it’s that there is no statute of limitations on a Star Wars property.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            matrix revolutions ruined matrix reloaded for me in a similar way. i loved how reloaded set up so many interesting things that reloaded either addressed in a very unsatisfying way or not at all. pirates of the caribbean 3 similarly.also, the discourse has completely zapped any enthusiasm i had for TLJ. hoping i can revisit it in a few years and feel that joy i had opening weekend again, but it really just represents a new false hope more than anything now.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            Other than a few back and forths on this site I haven’t really engaged with the people who feel super strongly about the movie, and certainly not the types who seem to find the movie some sort of personal affront worthy of a vendetta. I still enjoy it when I come across it.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            i haven’t engaged with them, but it was impossible to avoid for many years and it’s difficult to not have a big sigh when i think about it.the issue is also more that i looked at it as ‘wow this is what i want from star wars, can’t wait to see what they do next!’. now it basically just shows i was silly for thinking that and haven’t liked basically anything they did next.

        • morgenes-av says:

          Could not agree more. I’m one of those people who likes to pretend the sequel trilogy doesn’t exist, but I never had a problem with the character of Rey nor her portrayal by Ridley. I thought she did a fantastic job, same goes for the rest of the core cast.I just wish they’d been given better stuff to do.While TFA annoyed me by resetting the status quo, it did give me some hope for the future. Empty hope, as you said.

          • Ruhemaru-av says:

            Watching TFA, you can see that the entire cast seemed to be enjoying themselves.
            That apparent joy seemed to decrease with each film.

      • maash1bridge-av says:

        My main issue with the whole sequel trilogy, that did anyone even try to make a script, or was is just guys coming up with “bitching effect ideas” and some poor trainee had to scribble a bit of script around. Pretty sure the catering budget was larger than writing.And then there was Rogue One and Andor that were great. So it’s not like they don’t have talent, I just feel like they assume SW fan wants it bad, pretty and light as hell.Also it really bums me out, that with shit like that, all the marvel crap have so much money put into them and meanwhile we have really really good scifi books and series that could be put into film. Where’s Dan Simmons “Hyperion”? Iain M. Banks “Use of Weapons” or “Excession”? Arcady Martines “Memory Called Empire”? Or “The Prefect” from Alastair Reynolds? Or even “Old Mans War”-series from John Scalzi which would make excellent light “Starship Troopers” -like space action.

    • grimm12345-av says:

      Well except.daisy ridley who was almost fired repeatedly because she can’t act but yes it was a dumpster fire and ridley and her wide eyed mouth agape “acting” contributed to it

  • BlueSeraph-av says:

    We Bury the DeadDeadline reports Daisy Ridley is attached to star in We Bury the Dead, a zombie “survival thriller” from director Zak Hilditch (1922). The story is said to follow Ava (Ridley), “a desperate woman whose husband is missing in the aftermath of a catastrophic military experiment. Hoping to find him alive, Ava joins a body retrieval unit, but her search takes a chilling turn when the corpses she’s burying start showing signs of life.” Filming is expected to begin this February in western Australia.Well, she’s going to be in zombie movie. I think that says something.

    • dr-boots-list-av says:

      Woah, you did actual research instead of just blindly voicing an opinion? Unprecedented!

      • BlueSeraph-av says:

        Full transparency, that was posted on Morning Spoilers from IO9 about an hour after this article was posted. I noticed how some of the comments were criticizing the article’s title and the author way of writing that comes off as if there’s something preventing Daisy Ridley from hitting top action star status. So, I posted this from Morning Spoilers to illustrate the point that Daisy Ridley’s career is doing fine. I just should’ve added more context. From what I see, she has had a steady and consistent career since Star Wars. And since the author of the article didn’t really have anything from Daisy Ridley herself regarding her status as an action star, this article that is supposed to be promoting her next movie seems to veer into an opinion piece territory of where her career should be in his opinion. To be honest, this is pretty common for all actors after doing something on a movie or show that was global success, even with the controversy such as Star Wars. People wondered if Daniel Radcliffe would amount to anything after Harry Potter and escape the child star curse. And he has flourished. Same goes for the cast of Stranger Things. Who will have a steady career?So, yeah, should Daisy Ridley be a top action star sought after for action franchises? I don’t think anything is preventing her. Let’s ask her. So, perhaps the author of this article should’ve tried to get more info to back up his idea on why that it isn’t the case, or simply just promoted the movie and not focus too much on why she isn’t where he thinks she should be.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      If it’s going to be set in Western Australia, the villain’s got to be Gina Rinehart trying to figure out how to get zombies to mine iron ore ’cause you don’t have to pay them. 

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    Well I was going to comment but most of you have said it so much better than I would have. 

  • universalamander-av says:

    Can anyone actually explain what makes her such a great actress? Because I can’t see it. She’s a black hole of charisma.

    • timetravellingfartdetective-av says:

      Oh good, the incel is here.

      • Xavier1908-av says:

        People like you are so lame. Just because someone has a poor opinion of an actress does not make them an incel or a misogynist. If this article was about Ryan Reynolds or some other male actor and someone made a derogatory comment on their acting ability you never see someone posting a low effort comment calling them a misandrist or femcel. People like and dislike different things, which can include the acting abilities of actors, and I know this may come as a shock to you, but even actresses too! 

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      “She’s a black hole of charisma.”Another one of your on-target roasts of Hillary supporters, they’re constantly melodramatic like this.

  • loopychew-av says:

    The movie I want is the one where she and her sister Hayley Atwell go on a US roadtrip, conning everybody they meet.And if at all possible, they somehow end up in a cross-country con-artist rivalry with sisters Maitreyi Ramakrishnan and Iman Vellani.

  • warpedcore-av says:

    I can’t help it. When she walked into the sunset(s)? in The Rise Of Skywalker, I wanted to know what the rest of her story would be.I don’t think we will ever see it, but it is something that swims around in my head from time to time.With the Marsh King’s Daughter and Ben Mendelsohn starring in it along with Daisy, this will be on my list. 

  • killa-k-av says:

    she could do some Blade Runner or The Fugitive or Air Force One-type movies and still have room in her life for more straight-laced dramas (if that’s what she’d rather be doing, which seems to be the case).If that’s what she’d rather be doing (and I think there is a really strong case for that being so), then why “should” she be doing anything else? We’re not her agent or her manager, who are presumably competent and can tell her how much more money she’d make if she made more studio films. She doesn’t owe us anything. If you’re a fan of Ridley, check out her straight-laced dramas. If they’re not your cup o’ tea, c’est la vie.As far as women who should be getting more action roles and actually seem interested in it, look, say what you will about Geostorm, but I thought Abbie Cornish pulled off a convincing badass Secret Service agent. She also played a badass assassin in a movie with Anson Mount. I think her talents up until now have been underutilized, and I think she deserves an action franchise to call her own. Michelle Rodriguez is obviously long overdue to headline more action movies. I wasn’t a very big fan of No Time To Die, but between it and The Woman King, I think Lashana Lynch is capable of anchoring an action film as the lead (though preferably not a girlboss spin-off of the 007 franchise). The list goes on.None of this is any slight against Daisy Ridley; from what I gather, she doesn’t seem interested in those kind of roles. And that’s fine.

  • Blanksheet-av says:

    “It’s a fine premise for a movie….”—No, not really. I could do with far fewer movies about kidnapped, tortured girls and women.

    • Xavier1908-av says:

      We need more movies where a nazi, racist or maybe even Trump is kidnapped and tortured. That way we can actually root for the kidnapper/torturer, they are people too.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Well, if I remember right, Liam Neeson actually loved his daughter and wanted to get her back. I don’t think that particular trait runs in the Trump family. Nor do any of them appear to possess any special specific skill sets.

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    What happened to that movie with Spider-Man where she’s on a planet where everyone can see other people’s thoughts, but not hers? Or something like that?That was action-y, wasn’t it?

  • Maxallu-av says:

    “Her off-putting American accent tricks you into thinking she’ll be some kind of passive dope, as most Americans are,” Excuse me? 

  • stevegilpin-av says:

    she is “somewhat undeniably awesome in Star Wars”Huh?? She was great. The phrasing is so frustrating to me.Also, Neil Burger is a hack. His movies are terrible. 

  • iggypoops-av says:

    Um, maybe after having acted in a massive action/sci-fi series of films she actually *prefers* doing “serious dramas.” Just because you want her to be an action star doesn’t mean *she* wants to be an action star. “You know, it’s a shame that we didn’t have more shoot-em-up action films starring Meryl Streep… what a waste” (not that I am equating the acting ability of Daisy Ridley to that of Streep… Ridley seems more like Keira Knightley in terms of ability).

  • bedukay-av says:

    This is one time LOL is actually accurate: LOL! If you’re referring to the Snoke fight where the red guys not only show Mook chivalry they actively strike poses and attack air in the background as one of the best fights in Star Wars history idk what’s more laughable that you believe it or it’s true and all the other fight scenes are worse. Besides the Darth Maul one I can’t think of better ones but I’m sure they’re there and that’s even taking into account I think Yoda looked ridiculous hopping around spasticly.

  • pogostickaccident-av says:

    I never understand these takes that ask the question of why a performer isn’t making X type of film. The answer is that actors have to wait around for other people to write a fund a project, and then hope that they’re chosen to act in it. We should be asking why more people aren’t writing quality projects but that’s a complicated and boring answer (the current market doesn’t favor standalone adult drama films; screenwriting is an uncommon talent). I liked Daisy well enough as Rey but she didn’t strike me as like, a true student of the craft of acting. It’s as likely as anything else that she’s auditioning for better projects and not getting them. 

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    The wording of this headline bothers me in the same way as any that starts “We need to talk about…” whatever topic. Do we? Is it time? Do these types of headline do anything but obscure the fact that the writer is just expressing an opinion that no one else has any reason to care about? I’m not against expressing personal opinions, certainly not on an entertainment website, but the attempt to dress it up as some kind of Issue sets my teeth on edge.

    • thegobhoblin-av says:

      The thing that used to just annoy me but becomes increasingly frustrating every time I see “We Need To Talk About . . .” is that it makes the headline completely disingenuous. Articles aren’t conversations. We aren’t going to talk. It’s completely one sided and I, as the reader, cannot ask questions of the author or make a meaningful rebuttal in a way that will create a dialogue because any sane author will stay out of the comments. It’s how I know I won’t be reading the article.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Is there someone who’s actually been preventing Daisy Ridley from appearing in action movies, if so she wishes? Anyone? I’m looking at you, dirtside.

    • Xavier1908-av says:

      Who knows, maybe casting directors, directors or even studio executives have no interest in casting Ridley as the lead in a big budget action picture. There’s only so many female action leads to go around at any given time and Ridley might have to compete against Zoe Saldana, Gal Gadot, Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson, Danai Gurira, Michelle Yeoh, Zazie Beetz, Amber Midthunder or Eva Green for the role, all actresses who I would personally pick over Ridley.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      The Russians, I think.

  • south-of-heaven-av says:

    It’s going to he hilarious when the same group of people that overcame the gatekeeping of older Star Wars fans & turned the prequels into a beloved part of the franchise, turn right around & do the same thing to the kids who are growing up loving VII-IX right now.

  • branthenne-av says:

    “she is somewhat undeniably awesome in Star Wars.”Somewhat undeniably? So still sort of deniably awesome. Got it.

  • keithchris-av says:

    maybe she doesn’t exclusively watch childrens’ films

  • dennisvader-av says:


  • mykranili-av says:

    I mean sure, why not? I hear Bang Bros./Brazzers is looking for new talent…

  • mmmm-again-av says:

    My sceptrrrrrrrr, please –

  • donnation-av says:

    That fight scene in the Last Jedi is comically bad.  

  • DrLamb-av says:

    Why though? She is a lousy actress with barely any screen presence. As if Emma Watson and Orlando Bloom had a child.

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