It's time to dance to Maya Rudolph saying "bubble bath" from Big Mouth

Aux Features TV

Pop music is mercurial, changing in unexpected new ways as the result of an untold number of influences. Sometimes, a breakthrough artist puts on an old record to discover a new take on a forgotten genre. Sometimes, a technological innovation creates brand new sounds. And sometimes, as we’re now learning, DJs hear Maya Rudolph saying “bubble bath” on comedy series Big Mouth and are never the same again.

After Netflix’s Strong Black Lead Twitter account tweeted out a clip of Rudolph, playing the show’s Hormone Monstress, providing a decadent reading of the two foamy words, the internet soon discovered that there is immense musical possibility inherent to the clip.

Twitter user @fiveamsveryown first noticed that a few enterprising DJs could go a long way with these two simple words …

… and soon enough a bold and unexpected new genre was brought into this world: Bubble Bath Club.

The first, as presented by Dizzy Rambunctious, is below.

Another, which saw Stephon T mixing in samples from the show’s Charley Bradley intro, soon followed.

In the days since, both the official Big Mouth and Strong Black Lead accounts have endorsed this exciting new wave, eager to celebrate the floor-slapping hit they’ve helped wrought. As of yet, we don’t know what Maya Rudolph, the wellspring of Bubble Bath Club, thinks of her voice anchoring these future classics. Hopefully she, like the Hormone Monstress herself, would see the value in turning two ordinary words into a song drunk people might sloppily make out to in a club.

[via Vulture]

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