10 times J.B. Smoove was the best part of Curb Your Enthusiasm

Before the long-running HBO comedy kicks off its final season, let's toast the moments when Smoove's Leon Black stole the show

TV Features Curb Your Enthusiasm
10 times J.B. Smoove was the best part of Curb Your Enthusiasm
J.B. Smoove in season 12 of Curb Your Enthusiasm (Photograph: John Johnson/HBO) Graphic: Karl Gustafson

Those of us who felt compelled to rewatch beloved shows during the more locked-down days of the pandemic may have noticed a certain “ruckus” was missing from the earlier seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm. That’s because, if you’ve acclimated to the pace of the later seasons, especially nine through 11, Leon Black (portrayed by actor/writer/comedian J.B. Smoove) has been a force in defining it. Where Larry David is self-loathing, Leon is all self-love; when Larry has a wild idea, Leon either immediately cosigns it, or goes wilder. And Larry supports Leon’s big schemes as well, even driving him to different spots around town to step in for workers who need someone to watch their post as they go pee (a business endeavor Leon and Larry named Gotta Go in season 11). The comedic escalation that Smoove’s improvising chops have brought to this show is rare and undeniable.

Really, what better than to see Larry with a live-in best friend, an always-there sounding board who reserves what appears to be his one stated commitment, hosting “Big Johnson Club” meetings, for times when his pal is out of town? And Leon gets a sweet place to live rent-free in L.A. with all the cheeses and meats—and pickles—he could possibly want out of this deal. Larry’s other pals typically play the straight man to him. He needs a pal for antics, and that’s exactly where Leon comes in in all his confident and whimsical glory. So before the show enters its 12fth and final season on February 4, we’re counting down just 10 of the times Smoove was the best thing on Curb.

previous arrow10. Leon is “in the house” (“The Bisexual,” season 8, episode 7) next arrow
Curb Your Enthusiasm - Larry welcomes “LEON’S IN THE HOUSE!” - Season 8 Ep. 7

Larry is in New York City, staying in a swanky spot, and Leon road trips it his way to crash with him for no real reason (of course). It’s great when they go from the topic of Larry pursuing a bisexual woman who seems interested in both Larry and Rosie O’Donnell to assessing their level of attractiveness to each other if they themselves were bisexual. Leon really physicalizes how he would “regurgitate [his] own shit” at the thought of being with Larry. But the best part is more subtle. When Leon first walks into the fancy suite where Larry’s staying, he stands in front of the windows looking over an expansive city view and shouts, “New York City, baby! I’m here!” Then he turns to Larry and says “You’ve gotta tell people you’re here sometimes, right?” Leon: the king of great asides.


  • mantequillas-av says:

    Leon is Kramer with more profanity (not a bad thing!)His income, and how he spends his days, are a mystery. He constantly gives unsolicited advice – both good and bad. He’s an unapologetic mooch. He comically just seems to appear in situations where he’s not needed or wanted. He inexplicably does really well with women. He lives in his own reality, unconcerned with societal norms.Two of the greatest supporting characters in the history of comedy.

  • icehippo73-av says:

    Only 10?!?

  • bio-wd-av says:

    First off, yes, Leon is the best character on the show holy hell I wish JB Smoove was in more thingsSecond, wait what where’s the Michael J Fox episode? He says like 500 good lines iincluding I’ll turn him from Michael J Fox to Michael J Fucked up. Also the Bill Buckner episode has black man with glasses and the fuck machine line.  

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    The giddy pleasure of watching them in scenes together. Excellent.

  • earlydiscloser-av says:

    I know we shouldn’t pick at every thread but… does Leon have a job? Does Larry just pay for him to live with him now?

    • baggervancesbaggierpants-av says:

      yeah i mean, his whole existence on the show really makes no sense. especially when he just stays after his family leaves. but in a weird way, it makes it even funnier. like he stayed behind with this crotchedy old white dude to be his live in best friend.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      He’s black Kramer. Did Kramer have a job?

      • earlydiscloser-av says:

        I know he raided the fridge and such but Kramer didn’t live in Jerry’s house.

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          Who is the comment for?Do you really think anyone thinks Kramer, who is arguably most famous for entering Jerry’s apartment uninvited, lived with Jerry?Both characters play largely the same role in their shows – eccentric mooch who gets into hijinks, and Larry David has shown he’s not too worried about “how do these characters pay for things” in the past.

          • earlydiscloser-av says:

            It was for you.No, I didn’t, because they’d know he had his own apartment. (Leon does not, the difference I was acknowledging as it renders your ‘black Kramer’ comparison imperfect as an explanation).Larry David, as played by Larry David, has also shown in various episodes that he’s not keen on freeloaders, expects debts to be repaid, etc. I refer you to baggervancesbaggierpants’s response above which suggests I’m not alone on having mused on this topic. Thanks for your input.

      • marty--funkhouser-av says:

        He was the CEO of Kramerica. Duh.

  • gruesome-twosome-av says:

    The #4 moment on this list is probably the most I’ve ever laughed at a Curb scene (Leon telling Larry to “get in that ass!”). Not just Leon’s hilarious dialogue here, but also Larry’s active listening and enthusiasm in going along with Leon’s advice. “Eat Snickers, leave garbage!” lol

  • preparationheche-av says:

    The Danny Duberstein entry misses the funniest line of all: “Danny Duberstein is good at two things—that’s math and fuckin’!”

  • zwing-av says:

    TBH I really think Leon/JB saved the show. I don’t think it lasts another couple seasons, much less still being on in 2024, if they don’t revitalize the show with the Leon/Larry dynamic. And credit to Larry for recognizing that they needed something else to keep the show going. I’d say that post-Katrina season with Leon and the family and Parks and Rec casting Adam Scott and Rob Lowe and dumping Brandanonwitz are two of the best mid-series pivots ever (though Curb was already a much better show than Parks and Rec pre-pivot).

  • ragsb-av says:

    Not really a moment but in The Anonymous Donor (6.2), everything about Leon talking about the befouled bedsheet and when he keeps getting people’s jersey’s off them is hilarious 

  • jbelmont68-av says:

    How is “the stain” not on here?? Maybe the top 5 funniest moments on the entire show.

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