Jacob Elordi is under police investigation for allegedly assaulting a radio producer

The alleged incident occurred after the producer, Joshua Fox, made a joke about Elordi's bathwater from Saltburn

Aux News Jacob Elordi
Jacob Elordi is under police investigation for allegedly assaulting a radio producer
Jacob Elordi Photo: Arturo Holmes

Jacob Elordi got into a spat with a radio producer in his native Australia over the weekend, which kicked off an ongoing police investigation in New South Wales.

As first reported by the Daily Telegraph (via Variety), the alleged incident occurred after Joshua Fox, a producer for KIIS FM’s “The Kyle & Jackie O Show,” approached Elordi while he was walking out of a beer garden with some friends. According to Fox’s account as well as a bit of audio he recorded of his interaction with the Euphoria actor before the alleged assault occurred, Fox—while filming—presented Elordi with a Tupperware container labeled “Jacob Elordi’s bathwater” (a reference to a scene from Saltburn in which Elordi masturbates in a bathtub) and jokingly asked if he could send it back to the studio as a gift for the show’s host, Jackie O. In the audio clip, Elordi asks if Fox could stop filming.

From there, the situation allegedly escalated when the actor “got in [Fox’s] face” and asked if Fox could not only delete the footage from his phone, but also from his recently deleted folder. “I refused to because I’m like, ‘I feel really uncomfortable right now and this is the only evidence,” Fox said. “And then Jacob kind of just flips and he kind of pushes me against the wall and his hands are on my throat.”

Representative for Jacob Elordi did not immediately respond to The A.V. Club’s request for comment on this story. In a statement shared with Variety, the New South Wales police department said they were looking into the matter:

Officers attached to Eastern Beaches Police Area Command are investigating after a man was allegedly assaulted outside a hotel in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs,” a statement from NSW Police reads. “Police were told about 3:30 p.m. on Saturday 3 February 2024, a 32-year-old man was allegedly assaulted by a 26-year-old man. The man did not sustain any injuries. Inquiries into the incident is continuing.

On “The Kyle & Jackie O Show,” Fox and the two hosts reference the fact that Jimmy Fallon also “pretended to sell bathwater” so it’s a “thing in [Elordi’s] world.” While they’re right that the infamous scene was referenced during Elordi’s recent Tonight Show appearance, Fallon was actually joking about the fact that people have made candles “scented” like the bathwater. He was not actually trying to sell it or asking Elordi to make it himself, as Fox implied in his own approach. You can watch that clip below.

Jacob Elordi Smells the Infamous “Jacob Elordi’s Bathwater” Candle | The Tonight Show


  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

    If Elordi punched out any cunt involved with Kyle and Jackie O he’ll never have to pay for a beer in this country again.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Y’know what was better? Back when tabloid griftfucks were, like, a weird part of the entertainment sphere. A semi-large but containable pool of scum-sucking remora who knew they were scum-sucking remora, and who could be ignored as exactly that. Some folks would suck that shit up through a straw, the rest of us would ignore them in favor of doing anything else.Now tabloid griftfuckery is a good 85% of the modern Internet.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Kyle & Jackie O work for ARN, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, as is the Daily Bellowgraph, which is where Variety got the story from (and likely repeated in all Murdoch rags like the Herald Scum in Melbourne).Kyle & Jackie O were previously confined to the shithole on the Harbour that is Sydney, but since January this year ARN has been putting them on their breakfast show in Melbourne, and there’s been as media push by bloodless News Corpse to get them in front of as many eyeballs south of Wodonga as possible, as consistently pointed out by actual Australian – ok, trans-Tasman – radio legend and Pete Smith aficionado Tony Martin:It’s likely what all this about – media stunts, cooked up by a bunch of venal New Corp PR drones, in between lines of coke and fellating their bosses in exchange for a promotion or at least more bags. For those playing abroad, Kyle is basically an amorphous, hairy blob, and a voice like a stream of piss aimed into a Passion Pop bottle – a nasal, keening whine of a kid who got wedgied so much in high school he came to enjoy it, because it meant that the cool kids were paying attention to him. An angry Townsville bogan and too fat and annoying for the Army, he lied and cheated his way into radio hosting, infamously getting a job on Triple M with a fake resume.Jackie O’s only skill is being in the same room as Kyle. Well, that, and making sandwiches, which is both not a joke and also probably why Kyle keeps her around.

        • luasdublin-av says:

          You know between these chucklefucks , and the occasional huntsman hiding under a toilet seat , Australia may not be the total paradise I once thought it was. 

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            Huntsman’s don’t hide under toilet seats. They prefer places that simulate their natural habitat of loose bark hanging from eucalypts, like paintings, clocks, and – a favourite of theirs – your car’s sun visor so when you fold it down doing a hundred on the highway they drop into your lap and you slam your car into oncoming traffic. They’re fairly non-venomous, but they kill a few people that way. No, the traditional toilet-seat spider is the redback. Again, non-lethally-venomous. Mostly it just ruins a barbecue and leads to you divorce a decade or so later, but perhaps I’ve said to much. No, it’s funnel-webs you’ve got to watch out for. They can bite through a toenail, and kill within 15 minutes. Still, though, more tolerable than Kyle & Jackie O.

          • luasdublin-av says:

            I mean , I still love Oz , but you’re really not selling it here .My dad was a carpenter , and during the 80s my family considered moving to Australia from Ireland ,mainly as there was a recession here , where as being a Tradie in certain states was a licence to print money back then . I know we got as far as going through a lot of the visa process , and going to the embassy for forms and interviews (I think? I was pretty young), before a family member got pretty sick and we ended up cancelling . As a kid with arachnophobia the place would either have killed me or cured me

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            Yeah, we’re not letting you import dirt for pest control any more.I mean, if you really want to to be Irish and live in Australia just come over on a three month holiday visa and plant yourself in Bondi and never leave. They never check. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I’ve been waiting for the government to officially declare Kyle and Jackie O invasive species and then we can start taking them out with golf clubs like cane toads.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        I reckon we could get bungers decriminalised again if we lobbied by say we were going to shove them up their arses. Then again, that would involve have to get close to Kyle & Jackie O’s sphincters, which…actually, probably wouldn’t be as bad as you might think since all the shit comes out their other ends.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    “I refused to because I’m like, ‘I feel really uncomfortable right now and this is the only evidence,” Fox said.Uncomfortable like someone might get when approached by someone they don’t know making inappropriate jokes or comments to get a reaction they can record for personal gain?

    • coolgameguy-av says:

      “All I was doing was waving my hand within an inch of his face and shouting ‘I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!’ and the guy freaks out and hits me!”

    • ajvia12-av says:

      uh, yeah, the movie star was uncomfortable by the radio shock-jock trying to make a crummy joke about the very big movie/moment that has made this kid a famous star, and it was just so scary and unclear and he had to choke him out.Of course, sure. Poor Jacob Elordi, will he ever be allowed to just not have anyone mention or ask about his movie star status and roles and let him be? I mean, jeez, it’s not like the guy ASKED for fame, celebrity and radio show interviews or whatever, right?

      • nimbh-av says:

        He didn’t ask to have strangers request he jackoff in a fucking Tupperware while he’s hanging out with friends, you stupid twat. 

  • youcancallmeluke-av says:

    I think more people should start choking out random strangers that walk up and record them without consent.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Fallon was actually joking about the fact that people have made candles “scented” like the bathwater. He was not actually trying to sell it or asking Elordi to make it himself, as Fox implied in his own approach. You can watch that clip below.”

    Also, it was ON FUCKING TV, not outside a fucking beer garden in Randofuck, Australia.

  • mahfouz-av says:


  • zwing-av says:

    Unless someone is a public servant, police officer, or someone else along those lines, if someone explicitly doesn’t consent to being filmed, you should be liable if you continue filming them. 

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:


    • planehugger1-av says:

      Donald Trump is not a government official. As of today, at least, he’s a private citizen.  Should it be illegal to film him without consent?There’s no way to craft the rule you want so that it gets rid of dumb, invasive  tabloid dreck while allowing for recording people you think deserve public scrutiny.

      • whaleinsheepsclothing-av says:

        Bad example. Being out of office lowers their profile, but being a former US Pres makes you a celeb for life.

        • planehugger1-av says:

          Jacob Elordi is a celebrity right now. If you think he should have to consent anytime he’s filmed in a public place, it is hard to see how that wouldn’t also apply to Trump, who right now is a private citizen/famous person.Zwing’s comments is about legal rules. The comment’s about who should be “liable.” So the rule can’t just be, “Everyone who I think should be left alone, but everyone whose conduct I think should be under a microscope should be.” What’s the rule you propose for when a person can be filmed without their consent?

    • drewtopia22-av says:

      Most american states with a few exceptions have single party consent laws, which means that anything in public can be filmed and only requires the filming party’s consent. I don’t agree with it, but it’s how the law is currently writtenIt’s how they can film people on cops-type shows or news stings then put them on TV when they probably wouldn’t be ok with it

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        If you’re in a public place in Australia, you consent to being recorded. That’s how it works. You cannot expect privacy in a public place. And if you’re standing in a public place, you can record anything you can see and hear from that place. Trust me, as a journo I’m well aware of these facts.Remember, you walk past dozens of CCTV cameras each day, and if you get caught on one of ‘em stabbing someone for their delicious doner kebab, it’s not like you can just rock up to the judge and go “Your Honour, that video evidence is inadmissable because I did not consent to Big Abdul’s ‘Lamb’ Sanga Emporium recording me.”

        • drewtopia22-av says:

          interesting, Australian law is pretty identical to US laws in that regard but i thought in australia people only ate succulent chinese meals

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Not in Australia. If you’re in a public place you have no expectation of privacy.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    Meh, sounds like the guy got what he deserved. Don’t walk up to people filming them without their consent and making gross sexual comments and then get obnoxious about when they ask you to fucking stop.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “What is that, egg drop soup?”

  • billix0-av says:

    What’s this world coming to when you can’t confront a total stranger on the street with container of mysterious fluid and a camera crew and you have to worry you might get punched in the face.

  • taco-emoji-av says:

    All I know about this guy is his shitty SNL episode and even I’m on his side here

  • macis3d-av says:

    approached Elordi while he was walking out of a beer garden with some friends

    Invasion of privacy. If media people want to interview someone they have other options.

  • evanwaters-av says:

    Huh I feel you kinda buried the lede here

  • saxivore2-av says:

    Worst part of this whole incident is that the rest of the world will learn who Kyle and Jackie O are.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      I’m going to go out on limb and say Aussie Radio “Celebs?”I mean at least they didn’t prank call anyone into suicide , I guess ,although when I looked up the articles on that , (just to make sure it wasnt the same people) , the two presenters who did that prank call , actually reacted like human beings and seemed genuinely remorseful.

    • dodecadildo-av says:

      I only heard their names in a Stella Donnelly song and now with context it makes so much more sense. 

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Can we just collectively stop treating celebrities as if they’re not allowed to have boundaries and any half-arsed “joke” (read: harassment) should be inflicted on them at any time because they’re famous? I’m sure someone will accuse me of “caping” for a superstar or something, but this is just a shitty way to treat another human being, period.

  • drips-av says:

    Is there anything more obnoxious than radio hosts?Anyway, don’t know this guy but he kinda looks like a young Elias Koteas. Which is giving me… feels.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Totally on Elordi’s side here and fuck this Joshua Fox guy. 

  • Shampyon-av says:

    On “The Kyle & Jackie O Show,” Fox and the two hosts reference the
    fact that Jimmy Fallon also “pretended to sell bathwater” so it’s a
    “thing in [Elordi’s] world.”
    The delivery matters as much as the content. Kyle and Jackie O are a pair of fuckheads (examples: Hooking a 14yo rape victim up to a polygraph and interogating her sexual history; Telling the daughter of a Polish resistence fighter who survived the Lamsdorf Death March that she’d lose weight better if she was sent to a concentration camp). I doubt their producer is any better. Fallon’s a shit talk show host, but he’s not a malignant boil on life’s puckered sphincter like the Kyle and Jackie O Show.

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