Jake Gyllenhaal seems genuinely shocked to learn Dennis Quaid has played his dad before

The Day After Tomorrow co-stars Gyllenhaal and Quaid currently "reunite" in Disney's new animated feature Strange World

Aux News Jake Gyllenhaal
Jake Gyllenhaal seems genuinely shocked to learn Dennis Quaid has played his dad before
Look, do you remember every time you’ve touched Dennis Quaid? Photo: Koichi Kamoshida

Jake Gyllenhaal seems to have been genuinely shocked during a recent Yahoo! Entertainment junket interview for Disney’s new animated film Strange World—in which actor Dennis Quaid voices his father—to learn that it’s not the first time he and Quaid have shared that particular faux-familial relationship. When a questioner asks Quaid about the pair’s previous collaboration, 2004's The Day After Tomorrow, Gyllenhaal gives a very convincing, very confused-sounding “We did?” and then proceeds to declare his mind blown.

Now, we do feel moved to note here that it is literally Jake Gyllenhaal’s job to lie convincingly about what he’s thinking and feeling, and also that he’s pulled junket shenanigans before—most notably playing along with a joke about the pronunciation of the word “melancholy” with director Dan Gilroy during the Velvet Buzzsaw press tour. (Look: You find the fun where you can with these things.) That being said, it’s not entirely impossible that he might genuinely have forgotten his and Quaid’s connection: The Day After Tomorrow was 18 years and 30 movies ago, and the film’s structure is such that Quaid and Gyllenhaal only appear in person together in one or two scenes. (It’s not like they were spending a ton of time together on the animated Strange World, either, at least outside of these press appearances.)

Jake Gyllenhall ‘forgot’ he co-starred with Dennis Quaid before ‘Strange World’ #shorts

If nothing else, Gyllenhaal presumably gave the person asking the question a bit of a thrill; not since someone asked him last year about showering—and then forced him to give a bunch of later interviews in which he clarified that he was joking about not showering—does Gyllenhaal appear to have been so emotionally affected by a question. “We’ve been doing a lot of interviews,” he notes, “And you just blew my mind.”

[via Variety]


  • dinoironbody1-av says:

    Has any other two unrelated actors played parent and child twice by coincidence?

  • unregisteredhal-av says:

    I can’t remember what city I lived in 18 years ago. I’m not sure why people think actors are deeply invested in the plots of whatever crap Paul Verhoeven movie the acted in several decades ago, but it would honestly be weird if Jake Gyllenhaal did remember this kind of stuff.

    • dinoironbody1-av says:

      The Day After Tomorrow was a Roland Emmerich movie.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      It genuinely confuses me when people seem surprised that MCU actors sometimes know very little about the source material. It’s wild to consider the some of these hardcore fans think more deeply about it than the actual actors who performed it. But tis true.

      • been-there-done-that-didnt-die-av says:

        I dont expect them to be superfans that have read every single issue their character is in, but they should be reading some of the original source material.

      • themantisrapture-av says:

        There are actors who don’t reallt even WATCH MOVIES. Trained actors. Skilled. Talented. From the theatre. Rock up to movie sets, do their job, then fuck off back home.A lot of people think actors care about their movies in the same way we do, when in reality they might have watched that movie once, then completely moved on to the next job. 

    • dirtside-av says:

      I can’t remember what city I lived in 18 years ago.I can. You lived in Oakland.

    • volunteerproofreader-av says:

      Don’t bring Paul Verhoeven into this

    • killa-k-av says:

      Paul Verhoeven makes good movies.

  • pie-oh-pah-av says:

    Now, we do feel moved to note here that it is literally Jake Gyllenhaal’s job to lie convincingly about what he’s thinking and feeling, and also that he’s pulled junket shenanigans before

  • ohnoray-av says:

    Put him and Gwyneth in a movie together and they’d be shocked to find out each time.

  • usernameorwhatever-av says:

    Just going to throw it out here: this is clearly him making fun of the fact that they’ve been asked the same question over and over again.

  • drips-av says:

    most notably playing along with a joke about the pronunciation of the word “melancholy”

    And of course the mysterious pronunciation of his own name…

  • uselessbeauty1987-av says:

    Neither here, not there, but The Day After Tomorrow, while I fully acknowledge isn’t great, is a movie I generally watch once a year. It’s so fucking rewatchable and it’s an easy way to spend a few hours. 

    • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

      I’m an engineer, which means I’m much more a right-brained person than left-brained (although I know those descriptors aren’t all that accurate). But as a right-brained person, I can’t stand movies like The Day After Tomorrow, which tosses all known science to the wind and just makes shit up to fit the plot.I’m not saying I don’t like fiction.  But if you are going to make a disaster movie loosely based on climate gone haywire, at least make it somewhat believable.   

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        I thought right-brained were the arty people, and left-brained were the sciency people?

        • daveassist-av says:

          I thought the generally same thing?  That left-brained folks  were more analytical and logical while right-brained folks were more “big picture” and creative?

      • weedlord420-av says:

        I both get that complaint but also every time I hear it I go “well realistically climate change isn’t gonna destroy the whole earth at once, and the point of the movie is to just wreck the planet (aside from like, Mexico and other countries closer to the equator apparently) in one fell swoop, realistic is off the table”

    • shadowstaarr-av says:

      It would regularly air on AMC and every since time it was on while I was flipping through channels, I’d leave it on.  I honestly could not for the life me me tell you why I did.

    • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

      Anything with Sela Ward in it is re-watchable. The first 30 minutes or so, everything up until the end of the tsunami, is absolutely incredible. The rest kind of coasts on that awesomeness — running away from the SuperIce isn’t quite the same — but it’s still a fun movie.

    • avataravatar-av says:

      It’s a genuinely stupid piece of liberal disaster porn that ends with Dick Cheney apologizing for global warming, and I watch it every time it’s on TV, which is often.

    • thewayigetby-av says:

      WOLF SHIP. That’s all that matters. 

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      It’s genuinely a remote drop movie for me. It’s not a particularly good movie but it’s just inherently watchable.

    • hornacek37-av says:

      I remember in the theater it got a huge laugh when they announced that Mexico was letting Americans take refuge in their country by the U.S. agreeing to forgive all existing debt Mexico owed them.

      • max_tsukino-av says:

        Mexican here… in the movie theater, there were cheers and applause (and perhaps something that would be our “f*** yeah!!!” equivalent – once that part ended…

  • clonktonk-av says:

    Now, we do feel moved to note here that it is literally Jake Gyllenhaal’s job to lie convincingly about what he’s thinking and feelingThis is dumb 

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    I mean it makes sense, Gyllenhaal’s character and Quaid’s character are barely together in the movie and that movie came out a long time ago. It’s entirely believable that Quaid playing his dad isn’t a memorable aspect of his experience on set.

    • amkhzzz-av says:

      I can’t recall a scene in the movie they share together in person. It’s only phone calls between the two. They could have never saw each other on set.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        They’re together at the very end. Dennis Quaid gives Jake the fatherly nod of approval for managing to woo Emmy Rossum.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        They’re together at the very end. Dennis Quaid gives Jake the fatherly nod of approval for managing to woo Emmy Rossum.

  • funkbutter-av says:

    I mean, it’s obvious he’s 100% trolling the interviewer. But apart from this, I saw an interview he did during the pandemic where he talked about how much he enjoyed everybody on the Day After Tomorrow (including Quaid).

  • hornacek37-av says:

    To be fair, of the time Gyllenhaal spent working on this film, probably 95% of those days he was not in scenes with Quaid, and vice versa.Even though both of them are listed as co-leads, each of them probably felt that the other actor was just a cameo role appearing in *their* movie.

  • phillusmac-av says:

    Not to be cynical… but, “Actor says cute and humorous enough to be newsworthy soundbite, which clickbaity sites recycle ad nauseam thus giving the series the junket was for, much publicity” hardly seems like rocket science?Or maybe it is? I don’t know Jake Gyllenhaal’s proficiency with spaceships…

  • mrgreenbean-av says:

    Anyone that works “gig” jobs can relate. I’ve been a consultant my entire adult life. Sometimes I’m reminded, other times I do the reminding.

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