Jake Johnson and Omar Sy can't escape the dinosaurs, will return for Jurassic World 3

Aux Features Film
Jake Johnson and Omar Sy can't escape the dinosaurs, will return for Jurassic World 3
Photo: Frazer Harrison

Remember how much fun the first Jurassic World was in those pre-Star Wars: The Force Awakens days, where everyone was primed for some nostalgia-baiting action regardless of how good it actually was? Those were the days. If only there was some way to recapture the excitement of 2015 with some kind of… nostalgia-baiting action movie.

Actually, it sounds like that’s exactly what we’re getting with Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World 3, with The Hollywood Reporter saying that a pair of fairly ancillary characters from the first movie (or at least the first movie of this reboot sequel) will be rejoining the dinosaur fun alongside all of those actors from the actual first movie (as in, Jurassic Park). Specifically, we’re talking about Jake Johnson and Omar Sy, with the former reprising his role as Jurassic Park fanboy/Jurassic World control room guy Lowery Cruthers and the latter reprising his role as Barry Sembene, the raptor trainer who was not Chris Pratt’s character. Both of them evidently got far enough away from the dino drama to avoid Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, but now they’re getting back into the dino biz for this next movie. (THR doesn’t say anything about Vivian Krill, the control room operator played by Lauren Lapkus, but maybe they’ll save her for a post-credits scene or for her own solo spin-off.)

In addition to the aforementioned returning stars, both new and old, Jurassic World 3 will feature Mamoudou Athie and DeWanda Wise.


  • janeismadder-av says:

    Dino hunters in mech-suits is the movie I want. Let it take place in an urban warzone with so many guns the NRA will call foul. And there should be hand-to-hand combat between a mech-suit hunter and a raptor and it should end with the raptor split in half the way the Hulk split Wolverine in half.

  • jeninabq-av says:

    I haven’t seen any JP movie since the very first one. But I would so watch Lapkus in a spin-off film. 

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I think we all know there’s only one place for this series to go:“We’ve developed the ultimate weapon in the fight against these feral dinosaurs: cyborg dinosaurs that we can control remotely!”“Couldn’t the technology be hacked?”“Well, theoretically yes. But what are the chances of that happening?”Jurassic World: Dino-Byte.

    • Ruhemaru-av says:

      They kinda already did that. The Indoraptor from JW: Fallen Kingdom was created for that purpose. They just sorta forgot an off button/scent trigger to get the thing back into captivity once it was let loose. Granted, the one in the film was meant to be a prototype that after sufficient study should’ve been put down instead of put on the auction block. Not to mention it somehow learned how to play dead with total omniscience of when and where people were looking. Come to think of it, if they had any sense of actual scientific methods and animal care other than “lets splice animal traits together to make new life in vaguely dinosaur-ish form then leave them isolated in a cage for study”, they probably would’ve had an army of obedient super-raptors.

    • glorbgorb-av says:

      Wait, so LEGO predicted this?

  • storklor-av says:

    For all it’s inessential, bald-faced cash-in nature, I actually enjoyed JW. Certainly it’s the most entertaining film in the franchise since the original. Less said about JW2 the better. I will see JW3 because of course I will, but I’m not expecting greatness. 

    • yummsh-av says:

      I love the first JW because it was corny and ridiculous (Burt Macklin leading a pack of raptors on a motorcycle? One please), and I love the second because it pushed the level of weirdness right through the roof, and somehow morphed into a gothic haunted house story starring dinosaurs. I don’t watch these things to get my masters degree. Fun, please.That said, I couldn’t fucking stand Jake Johnson’s character in the first, and I hope he dies painfully and immediately.

      • storklor-av says:

        Also, Vincent D’Onofrio in military heavy mode is fun. Also, that one really incongruously lengthy death-by-pterodactyl.

        • yummsh-av says:

          Yeah, when D’Onofrio said ‘Easy, boy!’ to Blue when she had him cornered in the lab, my whole theater went ‘Oooooooh’. We all knew he was as good as a chicken nugget in Blue’s eyes.That long death scene bugs a lot of people, but personally I just saw it as a modern redux of all the extended deaths in the old monster movies I used to watch as a kid on Channel 5. I remember giggling at it. People take this shit way too seriously.

          • storklor-av says:

            The long death scene is of a piece with the lawyer getting chomped on the toilet or Sam Jackson’s severed arm in the original. But the actress in the pterodactyl scene really sells the bloodcurdling fear of the situation. 

    • nascarsux-av says:

      I’m in the same boat. JW wasn’t a brilliant movie by any means, but it wasn’t nearly bad enough to actively dislike, and I consider it the second best of the whole franchise (the original being first, obviously).Part of my unexpected appreciate of JW is that the ending is really satisfying, which the original wasn’t. In Jurassic Park, they just get unexpectedly saved by what I like to call T. Rex Machina, with no real rhyme or reason to it. In Jurassic World, Claire gets a nice hero moment when she lets Rexy out of her pen, leading to an awesome dino brawl.Fallen Kingdom was a joke, but I’m looking forward to JW3. My expectations aren’t high, but I wanna see it anyway.

      • storklor-av says:

        My biggest complaint about JP has always been that ending. It tracks thematically – the humans have no control over the situation when dinosaurs are involved, so it fits that they escape through no fault of their own – but it is kind of like “oh, look, they got away. Ok then.” And the “when dinosaurs ruled the earth” banner floating to the ground as Rex lets out a final triumphant roar is pretty eye-rollingly on the nose. 

        • yummsh-av says:

          It’s not as bad as JPIII when the movie just ends because the military shows up. The pterodactyl cage sequence is the best part of a pretty shit movie, but then the whole thing just… ends.The Jurassic World movies are the only JP sequels I like.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Spoiler Alert: In this one they think they have the dinosaurs under control, but then they find out that they don’t have the dinosaurs under control.

    • doncae-av says:

      They’re gonna re-open the theme park AGAIN?

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      But but but they spared no expense?

    • ap539-av says:

      That definitely sounds entertaining and original. Nothing at all like the previous five movies in the series.

    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      Considering the ending of Fallen Kingdom (and throwing out logic that a dozen dinosaurs getting away means they took over the world but whatever) I think they’re finally starting off with things aren’t under control at the start which is downright innovate for this series. 

  • labbla-av says:

    I hope they fight a dragon in this one. 

  • animaniac2-av says:

    The one thing I couldn’t look over in the first one is the gene editing thing: they fiddle with genes to create dinosaurs, which would be the greastest achievement ever in science: curing every single genetic disease, possibly becoming immortal… and they use it for a theme park.

  • kbbaus-av says:

    Listen, I’ll see anything with Jake Johnson, so this sounds good to me. 

  • cartagia-av says:

    Unpopular opinion I think:Fallen Kingdom was way more fun than the first FW. Yes, it is way, way dumber, but it also completely threw caution to the wind and went fully bugnuts crazy.  The first was a pretty safe and soft rehash, that only had hints and the true craziness it could have accomplished.

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