Jake Johnson on always playing the part of the schlubby, laid back guy

TV Features Interview

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Jake Johnson has played a long list of schlubby, laid back types—Nick Miller in New Girl, Luke in Drinking Buddies, Chilli in Tag, and now Peter B. Parker in the new Spider-Man movie, Into The Spider-Verse. In a recent interview, we spoke with Johnson about these various roles, his philosphy on acting, and getting out of his comfort zone as an actor.


  • tikkitikkitembo-nosarembo-charibariruchi-pipperipembo-av says:

    Yep, Jack Johnson does seem kind of schlubby and laid back.

    Wait, who?

  • whoisanonymous37-av says:

    Jake Johnson has played a long list of schlubby, laid back types—Nick Miller in New Girl, Luke in Drinking Buddies, Chilli in Tag, and now Peter B. Parker in the new Spider-Man movie, Into The Spider-Verse, the guy who gets into a barfight with Tim Allen’s character in Redbelt, the list goes on and on.

  • xample2-av says:

    What is with all of these videos?

  • cgo2370-av says:

    He should play a super-ambitious, cutthroat bastard just once to mess with us.

  • nennycakes-av says:

    He’s not laid back in BoJack Horseman, not by miles LOL. This is not meant to be a nitpick, because I’m seriously laughing just thinking about poor Oxnard the accountant, so thank you for that.

  • amfo-av says:

    I thought his main role was “Hey is that Oscar Isaa… oh no wait it’s that other guy”?

  • arundelxvi-av says:

    I don’t doubt it’s his real name, but if I went into showbiz thinking, “I want the vaguest, least memorable screen name, a name that will confuse people into thinking I’m someone else, and make their eyes glaze over with boredom as they scroll entertainment news”, I’d pick “Jake Johnson”. It’s like a name that parodies of Hollywood would use because they can’t use the names of real movie stars. Except Julia Roberts. So hot right now! Is she available, can we get her? (The Player, 1992.)

    • sourlips-av says:

      His name is Mark Jake Johnson Weinberg, but he dropped Weinberg when his father left his mother to raise 3 kids alone. I believe he was 2 when his Dad left and only in his 20s did he make amends with his Father. Mark was his uncle’s name, who died in a motorcycle accident, so I assume he preferred Jake growing up. This was all before he went into showbiz. He’s talented actor, who is underrated.

  • unspeakableaxe-av says:

    I love this guy. Seems like the kind of person you’d want to be friends with in real life, just sort of effortlessly funny all the time.

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