James Bond producer Barbara Broccoli says they haven’t even started on the franchise’s future yet

The franchise will change to reflect modern times, but that's all anyone knows

Aux News James Bond
James Bond producer Barbara Broccoli says they haven’t even started on the franchise’s future yet
Daniel Craig Photo: Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for EON Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, and Universal Pictures

The Daniel Craig era of James Bond movies conclusively did away with the fan theory that “James Bond” is a codename and that all of the movies exist in one very complicated timeline, mostly by confirming that “James Bond” is his birth name, but then it also established a very clear delineation between that run and whatever comes next by having Craig’s Bond blow up at the end of No Time To Die. That means the people behind the Bond franchise—including longtime producer Barbara Broccoli—have to start from scratch for whatever they do next, and according to Broccoli herself, they… still haven’t even started on figuring out what that means.

This came up in an interview with The Guardian, in which Broccoli said that there’s a “big road ahead” before Bond is “reinvented for the next chapter” and that the franchise’s producers “haven’t even begun” working on it. Broccoli says the next film will have to change Bond in a way to reflect the way the world has changed in the many years since Casino Royale, but—taken with the reveal that they’ve haven’t started working on what’s next—that’s about as meaningful as saying that you’re going to develop a new jigsaw puzzle strategy before you’ve even considered going to the puzzle store to look at their puzzle selection.

Still, Broccoli’s confidence in the Bond team’s ability to come up with something comes from experience: She noted in the Guardian interview that the franchise was in a similar place before GoldenEye came out because the Cold War had ended and there was “no need for Bond” since the world was at “peace” and there were “no villains” anymore (which, she noted, wasn’t really true).

This also means that, other than the fact that it won’t be Idris Elba, any other rumors about who might be the new Bond are (probably) totally false—unless it does end up being the winner of Amazon’s 007: Road To A Million reality competition show. Speaking of Amazon, despite the owner of Prime Video now controlling the franchise, Broccoli did note that the franchise’s producers insist on making “feature films” for “the big theatrical screen.” So that’s good.


  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    Barbara Broccoli. You made that name up. 

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      The Broccoli family (really! That’s their real name!) has been in charge of the Bond franchise from the beginning with Dr. No. The only two in which they weren’t involved in some way were the 1967 parody version of Casino Royale and 1983’s Never Say Never Again (a remake of 1965’s Thunderball created because the screenwriter of that realized he still had the movie rights to the story, so why not?)

      • cordingly-av says:

        The James Bond drama is some of my favorite drama.

        TWO studios had the rights to make Bond movies, most people don’t realize that Never Say Never Again isn’t an “official” Bond movie because of Sean Connery’s involvement in it.

        It’s kind of crazy we didn’t see competing films.

        • ol-whatsername-av says:

          But we did, didn’t we? “Octopussy”? NSNA actually made more than Octopussy, I think.

          • cordingly-av says:

            Octopussy was Eon but it came out before Never Say Never Again.

            Roger Moore wanted to be done with the series at this point, but when the studio learned that Connery would be returning, they convinced him to come back.

    • drew8mr-av says:

      I’m pretty sure the Broccoli family claims in some way to be responsible for the vegetable as well.

      • daveassist-av says:

        I so have a new film idea that involves the Cantaloupe family vs the Broccolis!

      • dudull-av says:

        The Broccolis of Carrera is the family that plant the vegetables in Italy and brought it to US. Although in Italy, broccoli also mean vegetable farmer back then.

    • mckludge-av says:

      Nah, she’s part of the Veggie Tales crew, with Catherine Cauliflower and Zelda Zucchini. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      Don’t make fun of her name! That gets her really steamed.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    The franchise will change to reflect modern times, but that’s all anyone knowsjams bond get tiktok

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    The Daniel Craig era of James Bond movies conclusively did away with the
    fan theory that “James Bond” is a codename and that all of the movies
    exist in one very complicated timeline, mostly by confirming that “James
    Bond” is his birth nameIt could have been just a coincidence though. “Your birth name is the same as the code name we’ve been using for 50 years? Brilliant! You’ll have no problem remembering it then!”

  • drew8mr-av says:

    Oh goodie. More “direct action” Bond. You know, if you set it the OG time period, you could still have somewhat actual espionage going on.

    • thefilthywhore-av says:

      I think it’d be kind of cool to see a new James Bond film set in the 50s or 60s, but more realistic and without all the silly tropes and gaudiness so often associated with the series.

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        That’s what the Craig era was supposed to be: back to basics Bond. Honestly, I don’t think I’d mind if they went in the opposite direction and leaned into the campiness of it all. The world’s a flaming shitshow right now–give us pocket hang gliders, secret underwater bases, and plots to nuke Mount Everest. Drown us in cheese!

        • dirtside-av says:

          “Basics,” for Bond, of course, means attracting a ton of attention by punching/shooting people in public and blowing things up. Just like real spies!

    • mikolesquiz-av says:

      Start from the end of World War II and set each one six to twelve months after the last one, I say.

      • drew8mr-av says:

        Did Fleming ever fill in Bond’s WWII backstory? I’ll buy tickets right now to Commander Bond of the Royal Navy in WWII.

    • dudull-av says:

      This could be a starting point for young Bond. Serve in the Royal Navy and rose to the rank of Commander while thwarting the Axis silly plan like the Japan I-400 class Submarine or just a silly German musical. Dressing as a cow is mandatory

  • nogelego-av says:

    So we’ll be looking at one James Bond movie every decade or so – at least until Barbara dies and the family members who don’t care what Albert wanted sell the character off to Disney. Then we can get the good shit. I think an AI-generated Connery-Niven-Moore-Brosnan team up in the Bond multiverse with Dalton as the bad guy would work as a 10-episode limited series, acting as a lead-in to the young-Oddjob movie.

  • khalleron-av says:

    Is Bond without all the misogyny really Bond, though?

  • benjil-av says:

    “Broccoli says the next film will have to change Bond in a way to reflect the way the world has changed in the many years since Casino Royale”It’s exactly what they should not do. Stay close to what makes the character. If you want something modern, do something else.

    • drew8mr-av says:

      Especially since the gadgets are just micro electronic bullshit now, instead of analog. Moving Bond to the present just makes it Bourne or MI. And you’re not out MI’ing MI, even if the last one was so stupid I never even made it to the big stunt sequence.

      • alferd-packer-av says:

        I watched it in sections. The big stunts at the end are pretty good, if two hours overdue.

        • drew8mr-av says:

          I tapped out when they are standing around in front of a gratuitously obvious green screen (and I was watching a 1080P torrent ffs) that’s supposed to be some kind of nightclub. You couldn’t fix that shit in post?

          • alferd-packer-av says:

            Ah, well (spoiler alert)… that actually turned out to be an IMF agent in a nightclub mask.

  • maymar-av says:

    The “James Bond is a codename” theory only holds up of your viewing of the series ends the moment Lazenby quips “this never happened to the other fella.” Literally in the same movie, he’s shown reminiscing over events from the Connery movies. Diamonds Are Forever opens with Connery out for vengeance over Tracy Bond’s murder, Roger Moore visits her grave, and even Dalton is shown bothered by it. Three separate sociopaths aren’t getting that emotionally invested in their coworker’s dead wife.“James Bond is a timelord” is where it’s at.

    • admnaismith-av says:

      The Timelord Theory best fits the facts.It’s just science.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “You’ll have to abandon your old life. Everything you were, everyone you knew, that’s gone now. You will become this man, this Bond. Can you do that?”“I know the assignment. I’m ready.”“We also need you to be sad about this dead lady called Tracy. Like, really sad.”“…why?”“Look, do you want the job or not?”

  • gildie-av says:

    “How can we modernize Bond… I know! You hear a lot about cryptocurrency nowadays. How about a villain who uses crypto?”

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      “And AI. AI is big now. Damn, Mission Impossible beat us to that one!”

      • waystarroyco-av says:

        The villain is Billionaire Rocket Scientist/Social Media CEO…Arthur Eye…who’s distinguishing characteristics are he has an eye patch and he’s (twist) an AI hologram gone rogueMr Eye plans to short the worlds supply of crypto currency from his secret lair hidden deep within a Siberian Gold Mine and cripple the global economy, replacing all money with Eye-Bucks.Bond meets an androgynous Nuclear Chemist and Chinese member of the United Nations, Hi Shi, and together they embark on a whirlwind adventure that takes the globe to the brink of global financial annihilation.This summer…a spy’s life is too short…inA Bond Called Due

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “Now, pay attention, Bond. You can use multiple slurp juices on a single ape, so if you have one Astro Ape and three slurp juices you can create three new apes.”

  • killa-k-av says:

    As a long time fan of the franchise I’m really bummed that it’s been this hard to get another movie off of the ground. They used to pump out a new movie every two years. Even replacing the lead actor rarely slowed them down. So that sucks, but it’s hard to not feel like they’ve lost too much of the spirit that kept the movies vibrant and malleable for its first 30-40 years.

  • universalamander-av says:

    No Time to Die was so confident it was setting up the next 007 as a black woman, who I have no doubt would also be queer. What a shame.

  • rolfwiggum-av says:

    Isn’t that all she produces? If she hasn’t begun, what is she doing? Why do an interview to say you haven’t done anything? 

    • americanerrorist-av says:

      EON has been making a few other films recently (Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool, Till, The Rhythm Section, etc.).

  • badkuchikopi-av says:

    Aw that’s a shame. I wanted to believe the rumor that they were going back to adapting the books as period pieces. 

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      Hoo boy, have you read them? People think the Connery Bond movies were sexist and racist. They were exemplars of progressiveness compared to what Fleming actually wrote.

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        No I haven’t. I was just excited about the idea of them being set in the fifties. I’m curious now though! Cause yeah re-watching the movie series last year it was shocking how sexist and racist they were. 

        • shillydevane2-av says:

          If you watch a fun Bond movie and immediately think sexism and racism, then guess what?YOU’RE THE SEXIST AND RACIST!!!

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Regular schedule (not every other year like in the old days, but regular), always start with the gun barrel, Martin Campbell directs the first one, keep the emotional stakes low and be playful but not so playful you’re driving invisible cars in space with slide whistles, cast a Black dude, and keep Wishaw forever whoever else you cast.

  • waystarroyco-av says:

    Good cause no one else has thought for 1 second about James bond since the last movie either

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “[T]hat’s about as meaningful as saying that you’re going to develop a new jigsaw puzzle strategy before you’ve even considered going to the puzzle store to look at their puzzle selection.”Seriously, what in the holy fuck is this analogy?

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      Purchasing jigsaw puzzles should not be undertaken lightly. You can’t just do it on impulse. You should first check the reviews in Jigsaw Puzzle Monthly, cross reference those with reputable jigsaw puzzle experts on Youtube, and ideally purchase them at a dedicated jigsaw puzzle store staffed by skilled jigsaw puzzle dealers who can give further advice. But in short, as an analogy for movie producing rather than as simple good advice for people getting into the jigsaw hobby, I have no clue what it means.

  • kilgore502-av says:

    I think it’d be cool if Bond leaned more into spycraft triller and less into action movie. Set it starting during the end of WWII when the German scientists were up for grabs. The Americans, Russians and British are all vying for an important scientist. The British have aspirations of restoring their empire and positioning themselves as the dominate post-war power. Bond struggles ethically with the scientist’s Nazi ties, etc., etc. Anyway, the cold war is back baby!

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    I was going to comment but my invisible car just got rear-ended… again.

  • dirtside-av says:

    What do we, as an audience, even want out of Bond any more? The essential elements that make a Bond movie (as opposed to other spy fantasy movies) are well-worn by this point, and it’s been quite a long time since any of them really did anything new. At their best lately, they’re solid action movies that are well-crafted, but Bond as an archetype is unarguably outdated for our cultural moment. Like… do we actually need another 25 Bond movies?

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      “Supervillain holds world hostage until studio delivers 25 new James Bond movies”

      • dirtside-av says:

        Now there’s an idea for a Bond movie.M: Bond, Doctor Darius has taken the UN’s general secretary hostage.Bond: That fiend. What does he want?M: He wants you to sign a contract allowing him to make a movie about your life.Bond: …but also, like, he wants a billion dollars, right?
        M: No, he figures he can shoot it for $150 million.Bond: *long pause* Who does he have in mind to star?

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i wanna hear the theme song in a movie theatre and it would be cool if they brought back a jaws type henchman. that’s truly all i want!

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      Shag birds, shoot motherfuckers, toss off one-liners, and drink.Craig’s emo Bond needs to bite down on the cyanide capsule.

    • bennyboy56-av says:

      Twenty Five James Bond Films Are Not Enough….

  • 4jimstock-av says:

    Why not go back and make movies following the plots of the books but make them happen it the time and date they were written. Moonraker as written would be a great movie. Movies with Bond driving a Bentley Blower would be cool. Retro them from the books They would take place from 1951-63, Retro is cool right now. (The racism and sexism would be a bit of work to edit.) 

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