James Gunn denies Superman rumors, bodies Logan Lerman along the way

James Gunn used the Mariah Carey defense against accusations that Logan Lerman was Gunn's pick for Superman: Legacy

Aux News Logan Lerman
James Gunn denies Superman rumors, bodies Logan Lerman along the way
James Gunn Photo: Frazer Harrison (Getty)

James Gunn is, ostensibly, supposed to be directing the new Superman movie. But unfortunately, like many of us, James Gunn tweets too much. Distracted by an army of YouTubers—who, in an effort to grab views, make shit up, throw it onto Twitter, and reap the sweet benefits of engagement—Gunn is shooting down Superman: Legacy casting rumors left and right, and he’s taking Logan Lerman down with him.

Amid signal-boosting fan castings, Gunn cleared a few things up, namely that he has not cast anyone. “Not true,” he tweeted. “Haven’t had a single talk with a single actor about the role. Just making private lists, prepping material for auditions.”

As a sufferer of chronic can’t stop posting, Gunn continued to shoot down rumors without a care for the damage he wrought. That’s how actor Logan Lerman became an innocent bystander of Gunn’s handing out Pinocchios to YouTuber Grace Randolph’s tweets. When Randolph responded to his “not true” tweet, she took it as an opportunity to grab even more eyeballs via Gunn and declared Percy Jackson Gunn’s top choice. He, of course, denied the rumor, using the Mariah Carey defense. “For the record, I don’t know who that is.”

However, Gunn, who is probably a lovely guy and didn’t mean to deliver the bodying of a lifetime to Lerman and his team, clarified that it isn’t the actor’s fault Gunn doesn’t know who he is. “It’s certainly not any fault on the part of the actor if I don’t know their name,” he wrote. Gunn’s absolutely correct. This is a failing of branding and PR. We know he isn’t Percy Jackson anymore, but c’mon, we didn’t need to drag Lerman into this.

On the other hand, maybe Lerman’s seed has been planted, creating buzz around the water cooler, saying things like, “This Lerman is all anyone’s talking about”—will get him the gig. In the meantime, can someone send Lerman an edible arrangement in the process?


  • 10cities10years-av says:


  • captain-splendid-av says:

    Best job he never had.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “James Gunn is, ostensibly, supposed to be directing the new Superman movie.”

    No, he’s currently writing it, and isn’t going to be directing it until at least later this year, if not next year.

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    This guy needs to get off Twitter.

    • jbbb3-av says:

      I was about to say the same thing. Gunn is a lot better of a person than Elon Musk, but they both have this thing where they conduct business via tweeting answers to randos. Log off, my guy.

      • kbroxmysox2-av says:

        It’s an ego thing, like with Musk. Gunn is at least more talented and not an evil scumbag!

      • gcerda88-av says:

        After being fired from an old Tweet, and being rehired, he’s being a little overly cautious. But at least he’s honest and transparent. Unlike some people. *sips coffee*

    • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

      Everyone who isn’t a white supremacist and/or named Elon needs to get off Twitter.

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Grace Randolph is complete trash.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    “On the other hand, maybe Lerman’s seed has been planted”.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    James Gunn denies that he’s Superman. Did anyone think he was?

  • carlos-the-dwarf-av says:

    Nearly had a stroke trying to read this article…and I wish my blood pressure finished the job 

  • themantisrapture-av says:

    Being that there’s no photos of the dude in this article, I’m dropping this comment also having absolutely no clue who Logan Lerman is. I’m sure I’d recognise him, but I have zero memory of this guy. Or whoever the fuck Percy Jackson is. 

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    Logan Lerman is 5-8. That right there is enough to disqualify him from playing Superman.

    • iggypoops-av says:

      Superman can wear platform boots and always stand on a box. Plus, they can cast an even shorter actress to play Lois Lane… maybe Rhea Perlman. She’s short. You know what? Why not go ahead and cast Danny DeVito as Superman. It’s about the only way I’d pay to see another Superman movie because they pretty much all have sucked. He’s just not a very interesting superhero. 

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    Check back after Logan kills Al Pacino and Hitler on Amazon.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    I fucking hate it when rando accounts just make up who got cast in what for likes and attention. I hate even more that it works. Fuck these people. Anyway, I’m the new staff writer for AV Club, Bam Sarbanti, signing out.

  • iggypoops-av says:

    Is “bodies” a verb as in “to body”? I clicked on the article with the hope of making sense of the headline. What does that mean? #IamOld

    • mrlylelanley-av says:

      Yes. Basically means kicked his ass, or in this context, humiliates him. 

    • luasdublin-av says:

      ‘Stop trying to make Body happen”.Seriously though , I avoid twitter mostly , and what I do see is 100% not the breathless twitter bubble a lot of the writers here are in , so I have no idea if body ( body check? Bury? Bodies bodies bodies??) Is actually a thing or something the writer just made up.

    • zendex-av says:


    • centipededamascus-av says:

      The meaning of “body” as in “to murder someone” was submitted on UrbanDictionary 18 years ago. It is almost certainly even older than that.

  • greghyatt-av says:

    The moral of this story is that nobody should take Grace Randolph seriously.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Bodying?? Pinnochio’s??? Jesus, can us over 40s get a cheatsheet so we can read articles here??

  • gcerda88-av says:

    Is AV Club Snyder DC fans? Or is it specifically this bloke? Sure is a lot of bias in one article.

    • ambassadorito-av says:

      No one cares about some “Team Snyder vs Team Gunn feud” except got some sad people online who think that way. People should be able to say or report on some not-100%-positive things about Gunn without being labeled as “Snyder fans.” He’s not a god, he’s just a guy who makes comic book movies.The article even says: “However, Gunn, who is probably a lovely guy and didn’t mean to deliver the bodying of a lifetime to Lerman and his team, clarified that it isn’t the actor’s fault Gunn doesn’t know who he is.”

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