James Gunn reminds Dave Bautista that he's his one and only Drax

Film Features Gunn
James Gunn reminds Dave Bautista that he's his one and only Drax
James Gunn and Dave Bautista Photo: Frazer Harrison

It’s rare that you see an online interaction about superhero casting that makes you genuinely go “Aw,” but such is the relationship between James Gunn and Dave Bautista. Earlier this week, we reported on a Digital Spy interview that Bautista recently gave, outlining his reasons for starring in Netflix’s Army Of The Dead over appearing in Gunn’s upcoming The Suicide Squad (bigger part, useful connections, “a lot more money,” you get the gist). In that same interview, Bautista also noted that the upcoming Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3, slated for May 2023, would probably be his last turn as highly literal breaker of foes Drax The Destroyer.

But when IGN reported that news, stating that it was likely to be the last time we saw Drax in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Bautista humbly pushed back, suggesting that the part might be re-cast with a younger actor. Which is where the “aw” kicks in, because Gunn wasn’t having any of that, swiftly responding that “There’s no Drax for me without you, buddy!” (He also voiced his full support for Bautista taking whatever acting parts he wants, presumably as a reference to the Squad/Army situation.)

Of course, there is that whole “for me” aspect of the above comment; Gunn also made it clear, in a subsequent Twitter exchange, that there’s a pretty solid chance that Vol. 3 will be his last Guardians film. In response to a question about a hypothetical fourth movie, Gunn stated that, “Never say never, but I see Vol. 3 as the end of the Guardians’ story I started telling back with Vol. 1.” And since Marvel is still right in the middle of figuring out how it’s going to weather the need to cycle new stars in to replace its departing cohort of initial heroes, there’s no especially good way to predict whether a later director might not have an idea to reboot the Guardians in a younger form. Still, though: Gunn’s made it clear that Bautista “could never be replaced.” Which, again: Aw!


  • coolgameguy-av says:

    Terrance Howard is still waiting on his tweet from Jon Favreau.

  • imodok-av says:

    Apropos of nothing, I would love Gunn and Bautista to team up on a Doc Savage movie.

  • pocrow-av says:

    The Marvel Universe is huge. How about they play the string out a bit more and work their way a bit further through the Handbook of the Marvel Universe before recasting anyone? Drax deserves his peace and quiet after Vol. 3. There are plenty of other characters who can appear in the Guardians or other cosmic MCU movies.

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      I mean there’s no real indication whatsoever that Marvel is looking to recast Drax or portray a younger Drax.

  • thants-av says:

    Hopefully the writing for Drax improves so he doesn’t spend another movie shout-laughing at other people’s pain and telling women how ugly they are.

    • rfmayo-av says:

      There’s an opportunity to really explore Drax’s character now that his main purpose in life – to get revenge against Thanos – has been taken away.I expect instead that GOTG3 will be another bloated, exhausting mess that asks you to care about too many characters again.

      • schwartz666-av says:

        another bloated, exhausting mess that asks you to care about too many characters again.May be if you have the emotional depth and attention span of an actual raccoon.

        • rfmayo-av says:

          I’m going to ignore the lame insult and actually engage critically – did you *really* find all of the character arcs in GOTG2 satisfying? You’re asked to care about Starlord reconnecting with his dad; about Rocket being ostracised from the group for being an asshole; about Gamora and Nebula *also* having absent-father issues and reconnecting; about Yondu sacrificing himself; shit, even about Drax opening up to Mantis (regardless of the OP’s very fair criticism of how that was written). I don’t think that Gunn handled that anywhere near as persuasively as he handled the team coming together in GOTG1, or the Russos handled all of the timelines and groups in Endgame.

      • ghboyette-av says:

        If you hate the movies so much why are you commenting on a lighthearted article about the movies and being a whiny little bitch?

        • rfmayo-av says:

          Dude, I fucking *love* the marvel films, I just think that GOTG2 is the worst one after Ultron. Similarly, GOTG2 is particularly annoying for me because of the significant drop in quality from the excellent first film. I don’t *hate* any of these films because that would be a ridiculous overreaction. Why are you projecting that onto what I wrote?

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Those two should just go ahead and fuck.

  • paulfields77-av says:
  • south-of-heaven-av says:

    Seeing John Cena, Dave Bautista & Sasha Banks, among others, storming through the door that Andre the Giant and Roddy Piper inched open & Dwayne Johnson blasted off its hinges continues to be the best thing. A lot of pro wrestlers are legitimately great actors and I really hope this trend continues (Miz for Johnny Cage!).

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Miz has the persona, but he’s not a martial artist. (and he’s kinda shlubby) I need a Johnny who’s cut, and that can fight! Honestly, Morrison’s right next to him and would be even better. Movie star looks, arrogant because of his legit skills. He’s got it

      • south-of-heaven-av says:

        Oof, I kinda hate Morrison, although I see your point. Legit, I don’t care if they use a stunt double for the fights, I just want Miz to bring some of that Linden Ashby fun to a series that really needs some fun.

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        For his participation in Real World alone, “Miz” should be executed 

    • hamiltonistrash-av says:

      your disrespect in not including “No Holds Barred”, “Mr. Nanny”, “Suburban Commando”, and the 1998 masterpiece “3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega Mountain” is telling, brother

  • daveassist-av says:

    Year 2001:  You see that wrestler?  He’s gonna be a beloved actor someday!

  • jshrike-av says:

    Gunn’s relationships with his actors is one of the things I like most about him. He got all these B-listers to be in the dang MCU! Michael Rooker is great as Yondu, for example, and I doubt that would ever have happened if someone other then Gunn was directing these flicks.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Karen Gillan as Nebula should get her own Marvel movie. Maybe team her up with John Cho as Nova

  • endsongx23-av says:

    Been watching older marvel cartoons, there’s easy stories to be made minus the current Guardians team under the Guardians name. 

  • tombirkenstock-av says:

    I was not familiar enough with Marvel to know who the hell Drax was before the Guardians movies, but he quickly became my favorite of the entire MCU. That’s how good Bautista was in the role (and I didn’t even like the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie that much).

  • freshness-av says:

    I mean, Drax wasn’t really a massive character, his stock has risen because Bautista/Gunn have made him really funny. There’s loads of other characters, so would be happy for them to retire Drax if Bautista doesn’t want to do it anymore.Although let’s face it, there absolutely will be a Vol. 4 given GOTG’s popularity, probably negotiating Gunn back in to do it.

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