Jamie Clayton was born to raise hell in first photo from Hulu’s Hellraiser

The new Pinhead for the new Hulu series looks like a fun hang

Aux News Hellraiser
Jamie Clayton was born to raise hell in first photo from Hulu’s Hellraiser
Doug Bradley as Pinhead in Hellraiser 3 Screenshot: Dimension

With so many Cenobites these days, it’s hard to stand out, especially when you’re the Pinhead honcho. Luckily, our new master of ceremonies looks terrifying for the upcoming re-imagining of Hellraiser. Earlier today, Jamie Clayton, the woman who would be Pinhead, shared a horrifying vision of the future: the first look at her in costume. The pins are one thing, but those black eyes are next level.

We’re not the only ones who are into Jamie Clayton as Pinhead, the original, Doug Bradley, also tweeted his excitement for the casting at Clayton. “Contrary to any rumors, I am fully supportive of your casting and looking forward to your performance! Peace and Pain, Doug.”

Speaking to EW, the film’s director, David Bruckner, said that Clayton’s Pinhead won’t be a “Doug Bradley impression.” “We just didn’t think that’s possible to do,” he said. “There will be suffering, but you’re going to get a sense of what Pinhead’s desires might be in a way that hits a little different.” This Pinhead hits different is all we needed to hear.

Hellraiser | Only on Hulu Oct 7

Bruckner also primed audiences for the first of several new Cenobites named “The Masque,” which he called one of his favorites. We imagine the suffering will be legendary, but Bruckner would love to return to hell for a sequel if the viewership is also legendary. “Hellraiser is a unique challenge, I think, for a group of filmmakers because, you know, it could be a guy in a mask, but it’s not, it’s inter-dimensional demons that shoot chains at you from an endless labyrinth. It’s complicated not just conceptually but also logistically. I feel like I speak for our whole team, the SFX, the VFX, the production design, we learned a lot on this. It is tempting to think we’d have an amazing grip on it going forward, should there be an energy and an appetite for it.”

Hulu will solve the Lament Configuration to unleash Hellraiser on October 7.


  • murrychang-av says:

    I’ll be over here imagining how awesome it would be for someone to actually make an Imajica series rather than rehashing Hellraiser for the umpteenth time.

    • orbitalgun-av says:

      Don’t hold your breath. The Thief of Always is basically tailor-made for a film adaptation, and even it’s been in Development Hell for over 20 years. None of Barker’s novels has ever made it to film, just his short stories. Cabal, a novella, is the closest we’ve ever gotten. And even then he had to make it himself, and it still got taken away from him and released in a butchered studio cut.

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        Luckily, I think they were able to reassemble a Director’s Cut for Nightbreed with the deleted scenes put back in.

        • capeo-av says:

          The director’s cut of Nightbreed is much better than the original release but it’s still not particularly good. Barker is not a good director. Particularly of actors. It’s just not his thing and he shoots in a very pedestrian manner. Even still, the three movies he has directed, Hellraiser, Nightbreed and Lord of Illusions, hold a special place in my heart in the horror movie canon. Mainly because, even in his middling attempts to try adapt his work to screen, they still have moments of grotesquery and originality that set them apart just in concept alone.

        • diabolik7-av says:

          Arrow released a version in 2019 with about twenty-three minutes restored. Barely an improvement. The Cronenberg scenes are still the best part of the film. 

      • murrychang-av says:

        I know, Thief of Always might as well be a screenplay as it is.  It just sucks that they keep remaking Hellraiser stuff and that’s not even close to his best work, never mind what garbage it turned into after literally the first movie.

    • pie-oh-pah-av says:

      Decades ago I wanted that, but now I’m 100% positive it would get fucked up beyond all recognition.

    • mullah-omar-av says:

      IMAJICA or WEAVEWORLD, both would be great limited-run series.  The cinematography falls right off the pages.

      • brainlock-2-av says:

        We’ve finally reached the point where Weaveworld would rock everyone’s socks off. GIVE ME THE FUGUE, HOLLYWOOD!!!

        • diabolik7-av says:

          I was at a film festival where Weaveworld was announced to be in active pre-production by either Geffen Entertainment or Gladden Entertainment, can’t remember which, and which has to be in the early 90s. Then it was going to be a 1995 mini-series, then a 2001 mini-series, then a 2005 mini-series, then 2015…. Don’t hold your breath.

    • noturtles-av says:

      We won’t get Imajica any time soon, unfortunately.The Hellraiser film series went off the rails into DTV obscurity a long time ago, and I remain hopeful that this new project could be good.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      I’d be happy with a weaveworld one myself.

  • surprise-surprise-av says:

    This thing looks like a Syfy Original Movie and the fact that they’ve completely rehashed Bradly’s Pinhead look and Clayton isn’t playing a creature with gold bejeweled pins and an elaborate gridwork tattoo covering its head and tongue, seemingly allowed everyone in the writer’s room to design their own Cenobite like the Key and Peele Gremlins 2 sketch, and the story is going to focus on a woman struggling with addiction looking for her missing brother just proved that people defending this with “They’re staying true to the source material!” jumped the gun with that defense.

    This really seems to be on the same level as the Dimension Films straight-to-video Hellraiser films of the 90’s and 00’s. Which is a shame because I would have loved a straightforward adaptation of Barker’s original novella which was less a story of creepy S&M freaks and more of a suburban gothic novel dealing with themes of unrequited love.

    • v-kaiser-av says:

      It is also troubling that even Barker has decided to get in on having the Cenobites be fancy demons from hell that torture sinners in creative ways.

    • knappsterbot-av says:

      Dude what are you talking about? Oh no they’ve done new cenobites and they’ve got a different story that’s also very much suited to a suburban gothic setting, obviously that means it’s Syfy/Dimension 90s quality. Hey maybe wait for like literally anything to come out about it that would actually indicate the quality or just jerk off rewatching the movie(s) you do like.

      • surprise-surprise-av says:

        I’m talking about the fact that anytime someone criticized this film, they were shot down with, “It’s true to the source material!” When it was never planned as an adaptation of the source material and they’ve just copy-and-pasted the Doug Bradley makeup onto Jamie Clayton.

        And dude, I’m not basing my opinion on nothing. Hulu released images from the film and they look like shit. They wouldn’t be out of place on the back of a VHS box for a Hellraiser film circa 1999. This is Hulu’s second collaboration with Barker, their previous collaboration (Books of Blood) was shit. It wasn’t even enjoyable as a bad horror film, it was just pure mediocrity. So at this point, if it looks like shit and it walks like shit… I would be happy to be proven wrong but I highly doubt that’s going to happen.

        The Hellbound Heart is a pretty well regarded horror novella. I wanted to see someone give a unique take on that in their own adaptation. It would have been cool to see if someone could do some of the novel’s more surreal elements absent from the original film with a bigger budget and modern technology. But instead I guess we’re just getting a story about someone with moral failings getting pulled into a mystery that involves the Cenobites. Which, that’s basically all the post-2000 Dimension Hellraiser films. They would literally buy cheap scripts completely unrelated to Hellraiser and then rework them to be Hellraiser films.

        And if you have an issue with someone criticizing a straight-to-Hulu horror film on a website devoted to discussing film and television, maybe you should just shut the fuck up and watch the shitty, mediocre horror films that you apparently like.

        • capeo-av says:

          LMAO. Sure, bud. If you think that looks like an image from the back of a VHS box, you’re out of your mind. You have no clue what the actual story entails, Bruckner’s last film was gorgeous, surreal and highly acclaimed, and Hulu originals have been uniformly good, not least Prey. Concern troll more.

          • oh-thepossibilities-av says:

            I think this person was just auditioning for AVC with their overwrought, single sentence paragraph.

        • tdkz-av says:

          Stop, stop hes already dead!

    • volunteerproofreader-av says:

      I’ll bet it’s going to really be about grief and/or trauma

    • antonrshreve-av says:

      “A Chatterer?”
      “Yeah. It’s a Cenobite….that’s just… a huge mouth of teeth…chattering.”
      “A teeth. Chattering. Cenobite. Well guess what! THAT’S GOING TO BE IN HELLRAISER 2!”(personally I didn’t hate the first two)

    • hankholder1988-av says:

      You saw it? There’s no footage out as far as I know

    • coolgameguy-av says:

      “We have such wonderful slights to give you, Lando…”

    • diabolik7-av says:

      This looks like what is really is – Hellraiser 11 (Eleven)

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    If they do manage a sequel, if Doug Bradley is interested, I hope they can work him into a clever appearance and not just a cameo.

  • volunteerproofreader-av says:

    Jesus wept

  • bhlam-22-av says:

    Love Jamie Clayton, love Hellraiser. Hope this thing rules.

  • c3poscereal-av says:

    Much like Prey, I hate that it’ll be exclusively on Hulu.

  • sosgemini-av says:

    So is Barker still into the PNP lifestyle. When are they going to make a biography on his life? Now that’s a Starz or Peacock mini-series I’d watch. 

  • dresstokilt-av says:

    Reminds me of this:

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