Jane Krakowski auditions for Peter Pan Live! in this Funny Or Die clip

Aux Features TV

30 Rock may be off the air, but the spirit of Jenna Maroney, the impossibly vain actress who tormented Liz Lemon with her delusions and tantrums for seven straight years, lives on. Jane Krakowski, who played Jenna, recently stopped by Funny Or Die to film her “leaked” audition tape for NBC’s Peter Pan Live! In it, she goes full-bore Jenna, bringing her Tony Award into the audition room, sexualizing the kid-friendly songs, and insisting the producers clap for her before she can continue performing for them. Tonight, NBC will broadcast Peter Pan Live! with Girls’ Allison Williams in the lead role. It is expected to be an earnest, straightforward take on the classic musical that can be enjoyed by the whole family. If the network ever tires of the direct approach and wants to try brutal self-parody, it has Krakowski’s number.

Leaked ‘Peter Pan Live!’ Audition Tape with Jane Krakowski from Jane Krakowski

[via The Daily Dot]

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