Jared Leto says he and Elizabeth Holmes had a “nice and lovely” friendship before that whole Theranos scandal

Leto offered to give Holmes' number to The Dropout star Amanda Seyfried

Aux News Jared Leto
Jared Leto says he and Elizabeth Holmes had a “nice and lovely” friendship before that whole Theranos scandal
Elizabeth Holmes and Jared Leto Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris

Out of all the major Hollywood power players, Jared Leto does seem like the most likely candidate to befriend a disgraced Silicon Valley healthcare startup CEO. Still, it’s pretty trippy to hear him discuss his relationship with Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes.

To be precise, Leto was pals with Holmes before she was disgraced, as he told Amanda Seyfried during their Variety Actors on Actors conversation. Seyfried, as Holmes, name-dropped Leto in an episode of The Dropout in which the CEO brags about receiving an award from the 30 Seconds to Mars frontman.

“I had heard her speak, before that, on stage. She was incredibly smart, and I met her after that. I liked her a lot,” Leto said, recalling his real-life interactions with Holmes. “She was really sweet, really kind, and no indication that things weren’t great in her life and at the company. And then I gave her an award.”

“We stayed in touch after that and talked a few times,” Leto added later. “But my experience with her was always quite nice and lovely, and I think what’s interesting about bringing a character to life—not everyone is one thing.”

Leto would know, as he’s not only an actor but also a rockstar and sometime cult leader. But his firsthand experience with Holmes actually seemed to make Seyfried a bit jealous: “As an actor, I care about my character. I’m there with her, as much as I can be, as an actor, outside of her world, having nothing to do with her. I’m kind of in awe of anyone who’s spent time with her, because she’ll always be far removed from me. Because we were not allowed to meet.”

Leto, who played fellow fallen business leader Adam Neumann in WeCrashed, replied, “Yeah, I kind of had a similar situation where I wasn’t allowed to meet, but I did anyway.” Ever the rule breaker, Jared Leto. He’s willing to share the wealth, though, despite no longer being in touch with Holmes: “Do you want me to pass your number along or something? I could.”

“It’s not the time,” Seyfried decided. Ah well. Maybe someday they can all have a very odd meeting of the minds.


  • ohnoray-av says:

    pass the blunt nightmare.

  • dirtside-av says:

    Please confine your bitching about how much you hate Leto/think he’s overrated to this thread. Thanks for keeping the comments tidy!

  • psergiosomatic-av says:

    of course Elizabeth Holmes is our world’s Harley Quinn.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Does “Jared Leto” and “nice and lovely” belong together in the same thought? Ever?

  • hulk6785-av says:

    Of course Jared Leto was friends with Elizabeth Holmes. 

    • elsaborasiatico-av says:

      Someone introduce them to Martin Shkreli so we can complete the unholy triumvirate!

      • sulfolobus-av says:

        That’s almost the story of Anna Sorokin — she partied with Billy McFarland and Martin Shkreli before any of them went to prison.  (!)

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    “always quite nice and lovely”Yeah, the bad guys don’t wear black hats. They don’t break in and steal your stuff; they charm you into giving them all of your stuff.

    • nonotheotherchris-av says:

      Also, they think they are the good guys.

    • murrychang-av says:
    • inspectorhammer-av says:

      I think people’s reactions to this might be the flip side of their reactions to finding out that someone whose professional work they like is actually a jerk/creep/sex pest in real life. I’m fully willing to believe that Elizabeth Holmes is a nice person, someone pleasant to be around, who nevertheless bit off more than she could chew and perpetrated fraud in her working life.I mean, it’s also possible she’s a total see you next tuesday.

  • alexdub12-av says:

    Elizabeth Holmes looks so fucking weird in this photo with Leto, even weirder than usual. It’s like she’s an alien in human skin suit that doesn’t fit right.

    • bembrob-av says:

      She gives me Piper vibes from OitNB

    • maulkeating-av says:

      Part of me really wants to see what the outcome would be like if she and Zuckerberg had a baby, but most of me is grateful that her spacelizard cloaca is incompatible with Zuckerberg’s 68-pin monodirectional replication cable. 

  • sgt-makak-av says:

    “I had heard her speak, before that, on stage. She was incredibly smart,
    and I met her after that. I liked her a lot,” Leto said, recalling his
    real-life interactions with Holmes. “She was really sweet, really kind,
    and no indication that things weren’t great in her life and at the
    company. And then I gave her an award.”Jared Leto is so unbelievably stupid and oblivious.

    • maulkeating-av says:

      “I invited her over to my house for a chat, and then, the next day, she even helped me file the police on the trio of black guys she said she saw break into my bedroom and steal my watches while I was in the kitchen making coffee. That was great of her, since none of my neighbours nor my CCTV system saw any intruders on my property, so it was lucky that she was the only witness.”

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Leto is hardly unique in buying what this person was selling. She had two former Secretaries of State and one former Secretary of Defense on her board of directors, along with a former head of the CDC. 

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    It was research for Morbius.

  • capeo-av says:

    WOW! I mean, I know AV Club has turned into taking verbatim snippets from Variety, HR and Deadline, (Often just literally cut and paste), and you want some Leto snark, but, the fuck? That interview is crazy good, and would make a nice think piece, but none of that’s here. Seyfried wasn’t “jealous.” She outright says that she has concerns that her show might sway a fucking jury in real life because there are still people in trial. That’s a way more interesting point to examine when it comes to an actor’s responsibility than, Leto is weird.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    That image is the sort of thing you inscribe on a space probe under the heading “White People.”Imagine how disappointing it would be for the alien species that finds that probe and rushes over here to destroy us only to find that we’ve already done ourselves in.

  • leonardoyates-av says:

    Yall mentioned everything except how he’s known for grooming underage girls, even James Gunn called him out on it.

  • redwolfmo-av says:

    I feel like we need a new episode of The Dropout to explore this unholy union

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