Jason Reitman's Ghostbusters sequel to give the fans what they really want: Finn Wolfhard and Carrie Coon

Aux Features Film

Fulfilling his mandate to give traditionalist—which is to say, angry, online, and male—Ghostbusters fans the purist delights they’ve been craving, Jason Reitman is reportedly working to provide the people the Ghostbusters that they really want: Stranger Things’ Finn Wolfhard, and TV favorite Carrie Coon.

He read our letters!

Okay, okay, so it’s actually pretty unlikely that either Wolfhard or Coon—who are both still just in talks for Reitman’s movie—will actually suit up for some Onionhead-blasting action. Per Variety, the duo would likely play clients of the actual team, with Wolfhard as Coon’s presumably precocious son. Still, it’s not like Finn doesn’t still have his old Stranger Things costume, right? (We may not understand how Hollywood costuming works.)

Reitman—who didn’t get the job on this new film solely because he was the original director’s kid, but also, it probably didn’t hurt—has stirred up controversy with his plans for a fourth Ghostbusters movie, suggesting that it’ll be “for the fans”. That’s the kind of ambiguous phrasing that seems tailor-made to either make fans of the 2016 Ghostbusters movie angry, or to get fans of the earlier movies mad at them, or to get people in the middle mad at everybody, because really, if there’s one core value that Ghostbusters fans really embrace, it’s getting pissed off online. So hey: Maybe Reitman’s sequel really does grasp what this franchise is all about!


  • laserface1242-av says:

    But I wanted Ghost Nappa…Either that or JMS writing the script. Or at the very least recycle a plot from one of the early seasons of The Real Ghostbusters. 

    • volante3192-av says:

      Speaking as someone watching The Real Ghostbusters on Netflix right now (available til the end of the month apparently)…no…let’s not do that…

      • laserface1242-av says:

        Just the stuff JMS wrote before they made it the Slimer Show featuring The Real Ghostbusters.

        • volante3192-av says:

          There hasn’t been an episode yet that made me go, “I want to see -more- of this plotline.” And that’s included some JMS episodes.(I haven’t made it out of the 2nd season yet, which Netflix combined into the 1st season, which ended up making it 78 episodes long.)

    • docnemenn-av says:

      I mean, heck, there’s a Real Ghostbusters episode where they fight Cthulhu.Just sayin’.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Reitman has in fact said he sorely regrets phrasing things that way and never meant to imply the 2016 film wasn’t for the fans. And the early word is that there will still be women in the new team.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      Women!!People that bust ghosts can’t be women!!! It’s so unrealistic. Women can only be gods, possessed by demi-gods or snarky secretaries!

    • thecapn3000-av says:

      now now,  lets not go easing the angry rhetoric

    • gildie-av says:

      How many true fans are there, anyway? I really think Ghostbusters 1 is just beloved because it’s peak Bill Murray, nobody’s ever been clamoring for more ghostbusting by different actors.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        I’m a true fan. I grew up watching those and the cartoons. Rebooting that world is cool with me. The 2016 one I was on board with too, but it was unfortunately not very good. 

      • firedragon400-av says:

        People have been clamoring for Ghostbusters 3 to be an adaptation of Extreme Ghostbusters for at least a decade now.

        • 555-2323-av says:

          Ghostbusters 3 to be an adaptation of Extreme Ghostbusters …and… I read that as Extreme Prejudice. Might work.

      • docnemenn-av says:

        I’m a Ghostbusters nerd. 

    • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

      Yes, have some …women

    • theaccountanttgp-av says:

      I can only accept fake ghost science wielded by the hands of the venerable Y Chromosome!!! And the early word is that there will still be women in the new team.The casting call for the female lead literally refers to her as “an airhead,” so while it appears there will be women in the field, not any 21st century women, sadly.

    • dr34dk1ng-av says:

      But it’s the truth: 2016 wasn’t for the fans. How could it be when it pretended the previous films never happened?

  • polkablues-av says:

    “More Carrie Coon” is always the correct answer.

  • asdfasdfadsfadsfadsfas-av says:

    As a fan of the original Ghostbusters, I never wanted another to begin with, certainly not two more. If the original cast isn’t involved I seriously don’t care about it at all.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Where in the Variety article does it state they’ll likely be clients?

  • norwoodeye-av says:

    Well, Coon *is* the new Sigourney Weaver.

  • peterjj4-av says:

    Millie Bobby Brown has taken most of the backlash against the Stranger Things cast, but I hope Finn is ready to hear all about how much he hates women, today, tomorrow, a year from now, and ten years from now (if we even have a planet by then).

  • brianarmstrong-av says:

    Literally EVERYTHING else about this aside: are there FANS of the 2016 one? I haven’t wanted to like a movie so much in a long time, but that thing was true crap. I went in hoping to own the cons and wound up feeling used. Those actresses all deserved better.

    • nilus-av says:

      Sure. I’ve met people that really like it. My 11 year old son and his best friend are big fans.  I personally thought it wasn’t a bad movie for the first two acts.  The third act is a mess though. 

      • cartagia-av says:

        So a blockbuster from the late 2010s, then?

      • brianarmstrong-av says:

        Yeah, you might be right. I kinda remember thinking it was a solid movie but just a lot less funny than I’d hoped. Did really fall apart in the last bit though; kinda left a bad taste in my mouth I guess.

    • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

      My nieces love it. I think there are plenty of kid fans. It’s basically a children’s movie anyway.

  • colbyday77-av says:

    The snark is palpable here. There is something seriously personal between this blog and the Ghostbusters franchise. Also Carrie Coon is a treasure.

  • gwbiy2006-av says:

    A FOURTH Ghostbusters movie, you say? I don’t remember them ever making one sequel to that classic, much less two of them. You remind me of those guys that always talk about a fourth Indiana Jones movie, as if Spielberg and Lucas didn’t  realize that IJ riding into the sunset with his father in Last Crusade wasn’t the perfect ending to that series.You wacky guys and your made-up sequels!!

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Thank you for informing me there’s a human being named Finn Wolfhard. I thought it was an herbal sex supplement.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      There is also a Finn Witrock, less on the nose, but much more appropriately aged to be throwing porn / sex supplement jokes at. 

    • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

      That’s “Hard Wolffinn” I believe

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      Are you one of the rare breed of humans who *hasn’t* seen Stranger Things, or are you like my brother who never bothers to remember the names of actors in things he watches?

      • nycpaul-av says:

        I know actors going back to the silent film era. I just don’t watch much of anything these days. My wife is a huge “Stranger Things” fan, though. (She’s the type who doesn’t remember names!)

  • highmodulus-av says:

    Look, trying to remake or follow up Ghostbusters is a fools errand. Even the original cast failed badly at it in Ghostbusters II. The remake failed badly, not because the gender swap, but because you can’t improve on that movie. This one will fail badly too, and hopefully that will be that.
    Generally, trying to remake any of the “apex” Bill Murray movies is going to end badly.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Fulfilling his mandate to give traditionalist—which is to say, angry, online, and male—Ghostbusters fans the purist delights they’ve been cravingGuys, quit trying to stoke Ghostbusters outrage. I know you get tons of clicks this way, but there is literally nothing here that calls for outrage.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    fans of the 2016 Ghostbusters movie

    I’ve met people who liked it, but fans is a strong word.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Okay we’ll allow one woman, but she better get possessed like in the first oneSincerely, MRAs

  • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:
  • firedragon400-av says:

    There was a rumor a while back that the “Next Generation” Ghostbusters were going to be kids instead of young adults/college kids, so Finn may very well be one of the lead roles.

  • extraordinarylandmine55-av says:

    Hughes, are you congenitally incapable of not inserting your gender politics into a story? Knock it off, nobody gives a shit.

  • scottscarsdale-av says:

    Let’s see if they timeshift things a little bit, and Finn is playing Oscar, with a father-figure hero-worship thing with Venkman.

  • lazerlion-av says:

    I’m noticing that the kid who plays Lucas in Stranger Things is barely getting any big leading roles compared to Finn Wolfhard or Bobbie Millie Brown? I have a feeling that this kid is gonna be on the same path as Ernie Hudson or Rachel True went down.

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