Jeopardy! tries to appease the internet with meme-inspired categories

Aux Features TV
Jeopardy! tries to appease the internet with meme-inspired categories

Are you happy, internet? Alex Trebek is 76 years old, and on the January 12 edition of the deathless quiz show Jeopardy!, he had to say embarrassing things like “yas queen” and “keyboard cat” in front of a live studio audience, a TV crew, and three contestants, and the whole thing was broadcast on national television. Trebek didn’t sound too thrilled about it, either. It was all part of a meme-themed Jeopardy! round in which all the categories had names plucked from the internet. These included “What Color Is The Dress?” (that alone was enough to provoke a worried “uh oh” from the host), “Keyboard Cat,” “Yas Queen,” “Dad Bod,” “Squad Goals,” and “’Me’mes.” And this wasn’t an act of sly sabotage by the writers. The show planned this in advance, as demonstrated by this promotional tweet:

Was the internet pleased by this blatant pandering? The episode was at least deemed worthy of a Twitter moment where reporter Terrence T. McDonald helpfully created a looping GIF of Trebek saying “yas queen” over and over, as if that were the name of every category forevermore.

Others, however, found the whole ordeal unbearable:

And some of the scorn even seemed to be directed at the contestants as well:

So let’s maybe leave this as a one-time thing, Jeopardy!. You know, like that time they had Pat Sajak guest host.

[via AOL Entertainment]

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