Jeremy Clarkson is a terrible person. So is there anything of value left in Clarkson’s Farm?

The new season of his reality show on Prime Video begs the question: Why are we putting up with this guy's shtick?

TV Features Jeremy Clarkson
Jeremy Clarkson is a terrible person. So is there anything of value left in Clarkson’s Farm?
Clarkson’s Farm Photo: Prime Video

Jeremy Clarkson was always an asshole. That’s the not-so-secret truth that any fan of his long run on the BBC’s Top Gear will tell you. He was always rude to people on the show, he was always immediately dismissive of things he didn’t like, and he always had an air of completely unearned superiority. He’s a man who traveled the world and had fantastic adventures and experiences with other cultures and other people, and the only thing it ever taught him was that his experiences with his culture and his people in England were far better than anything anywhere else. But he can also be very funny, and he’s self-aware enough to recognize that making himself the butt of the joke is really entertaining, which is the whole appeal of his current show, Prime Video’s Clarkson’s Farm.

The reality series, which kicked off its second season on February 10, chronicles the former motoring journalist’s attempts to maintain a working farm near the small village where he now lives. Clarkson doesn’t know anything about farming and is just kind of picking it up as he goes, so The Joke is that he oafishly bumbles around at, say, putting up a fence, and then some competent farm person (usually a young worker named Kaleb who has lived in the area his whole life and was the breakout star of the show’s first season) comes by to fix his mess and call him an oaf. He knows that looking stupid or incompetent is funny, which is a neat trick for a guy who’s extremely wealthy and has a huge fan following.

That same routine is why the classic Top Gear combination of him and fellow presenters Richard Hammond and James May (later transplanted to Prime Video’s The Grand Tour) was so potent: At any point, they could all turn on each other and really underline what was stupid about the others. Yes, Jeremy Clarkson was an asshole, but through some alchemic magic it became okay because everyone he interacted with on TV would happily tell him that he was an asshole—and then he would agree, with a big dumb smile on his face, just like he does now on the farm.

But letting Jeremy Clarkson pull that gag in 2023 requires a lot more work on the part of the viewer than it did in the early 2000s. He was fired from Top Gear in 2015 for getting into a fight with a producer over catering (Clarkson was unhappy with the meal provided for him), and that one incident crossed a line for the BBC that evidently hadn’t been crossed by the many other things he got in trouble for doing during his time on the show—the casual racism on his Top Gear is just astounding, going way past Clarkson’s gleeful xenophobia right into the use of actual racial slurs.

But last year, coming forward as the spokesperson for white people who despise Meghan Markle for “no reason” (we all know the reason), Clarkson wrote a column for British paper The Sun in which he described laying awake at night, unable to sleep because he couldn’t stop thinking about how much he hates Markle (“on a cellular level”) and how he wishes she could be paraded naked through the streets like in Game Of Thrones, all because she … uh … well, nobody knows! Just kidding, it’s because she’s Black. And American. And, hell, a woman. How dare she … exist … and have zero impact on Jeremy Clarkson’s life. Yeah, she should be ashamed!

And if the column didn’t turn everyone against Clarkson, his response to the overwhelming backlash—it received a record-breaking 25,100 complaints from readers and is now being investigated by the U.K.’s media watchdog organization—should be the final nail in that coffin: Pressured to apologize to Markle, Clarkson initially issued a private apology just to Prince Harry. He couldn’t even bring himself to say sorry to the woman he had attacked in the press; he had to talk to her husband first. It may have been, without exaggeration, the biggest piece of shit move in the history of pieces of shit.

Which brings us back to Clarkson’s Farm. Is there any reason to continue putting up with his shtick? He’s been given more chances than most people get in their whole lives, and he’s offered no indication that he’s ever going to change his “ain’t I a stinker” act. Amazon has effectively cut ties with him, saying that it will still release the projects they’ve already agreed to (another season for Clarkson’s Farm and a few more Grand Tour specials), but that will apparently be it, and this new—now-penultimate—season for Clarkson’s Farm doesn’t exactly make a powerful case for giving him more attention.

Top Gear’s Most Crude Moments

Watching it now, with all of this context, Clarkson’s Farm is more self-indulgent than self-aware. Clarkson throws in The Who needle drops, he takes time to hit right-wing talking points (the government telling him how to run his farm is a major plot point), and the whole thing is very clearly a commercial for his farm shop and a restaurant that he’s trying to launch on his land. To the show’s credit, this season regularly reckons with the fact that nobody in the surrounding area likes Clarkson, since his cows keep getting loose and his shop is so popular among his fanbase that it creates constant traffic jams when it’s open. The townspeople are mad because he’s completely upending their quiet countryside lives with his boorish shenanigans and vanity projects, all so his farm can make money that he doesn’t even need because he’s a rich TV personality, and they are 1,000 percent correct to be annoyed.

And Clarkson is not shy about the fact that he hates the townspeople as much as they hate him, so unlike the Top Gear days where everyone was laughing at themselves, Clarkson tries to come through all of this as the protagonist. He’s trying to seriously get this farm going, and they’re not giving him a chance! He’s doing everything he can to appease them, and they’re not being fair! One sequence in the new season that is probably more uncomfortable to watch than the producers intended involves Clarkson getting into an argument with his girlfriend, Lisa Hogan, because she’s not doing a good job managing the muddy mess in the field where customers at his shop are supposed to park. She explains that he gave her the job of running the shop and that’s it, plus cooking for him, and then he snidely notes that she doesn’t even do that often enough. He’s mad about not being fed! That’s what got him fired from Top Gear!

The real damning thing about Clarkson’s Farm is that it would probably be better if he weren’t there. The people who know what they’re doing would get more done, certainly, and even if you somehow still have patience for Clarkson, it’s hard to have a lot of sympathy for the rich guy who is constantly buying expensive new farming equipment that he doesn’t know how to use, breaking stuff, and then complaining about how nobody understands how hard he’s working. To put it simply, he’s just an asshole. And now he’s not even a funny asshole.


  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    i mean, i do not give a shit about his farming but i’ll watch the rest of those grand tour specials. he’s absolutely an asshole but he doesn’t benefit from me torrenting these things (and it doesn’t matter anyway).

  • iamtylerdurden79-av says:

    Why don’t you just write I’m not reviewing the show because I hate him and you should to?

  • BookonBob-av says:

    “(we all know the reason)“ Clarkson is almost certainly more offended by her Americanness than her race.

    • sirslud-av says:

      I guess that’s one way to try and establish a position that he’s 0.006% less of an asshole

      • meinstroopwafel-av says:

        He’s the poster child of when you’re an ass, no one (understandably) gives you any leeway about any story that suggests you’re an ass. (The Falklands Argentina thing, for example: it was clearly not an intentional slight, but considering they had a habit of making jokes around national stereotypes before, it certainly seemed like something they would do.)

      • BookonBob-av says:

        I don’t see any difference between hating someone due to nationality or race.

    • xpdnc-av says:

      To people like Clarkson, American is a race.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      No. It’s because of her race.

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      They do love to play the race card.  Apparently any criticism of Meghan is racist.

      • nimitdesai-av says:

        lol when the article itself, so in his own words, says he has “no reason” to hate her, what else do you think it is? Because she’s beautiful and famous? Doubtful……..but good job on outing yourself as a complete used condom of a human being. you’re the frozen hot dog water of ice cubes, bud. 

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          Still waiting on proof of racism, son. Does he hate the white half of her too?
          “but good job on outing yourself as a complete used condom of a human being. you’re the frozen hot dog water of ice cubes, bud.”I’ll admit this projection made me chuckle!

          • deselby-av says:

            It’s only racism if you say the word! The English standard.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            “It’s racism cuz I said so!” is not any better.Then they turn around and call black conservatives Uncle Tom’s lol.   Racism for me but not for thee.

          • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

            Would you prefer I called you a racist based on your absurd defense of it in others?I can happily do that, you racist chud.You’ve failed in life because you suck… not because of non-white peopele.

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            Lol’m sure the fact that we need laws protecting interracial marriages says everything you need to know about how racist smegma stains see mixed race people. but again, in his own words, he has “no reason”. now, either that’s true and he’s, idk, mentally unstable, or he’s not able to reveal the reason. Now, what reasons could there be that would get him in even hotter water than his comments already would?I appreciate you trying, but get a vasectomy so that whatever poor girl you inevitably date rape doesn’t have to carry your rancid seed inside her for any amount of time. 

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            “but again, in his own words, he has “no reason”. now, either that’s true
            and he’s, idk, mentally unstable, or he’s not able to reveal the
            reason. Now, what reasons could there be that would get him in even
            hotter water than his comments already would?”I dont know the reasons, all I know is you haven’t proven the reason is “racism”.
            “I appreciate you trying, but get a vasectomy so that whatever poor girl
            you inevitably date rape doesn’t have to carry your rancid seed inside
            her for any amount of time.”I love how unstable you people are. Now I’m a date rapist? Lmfao. 

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            okay, what do you think he meant? What reason do you think he stays awake at night, and “dreams of the day when [Markle] is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her”? I’m using all the evidence he’s given us, and drawing an informed conclusion. Same with what I’ve done with you:people who defend racist assholes tend to also be racist assholes. those people, statistically, have less luck with consensual sex (see: incels), and also subscribe to misogynistic beliefs as well. People with higher tendencies to see women as less-than will have less issue committing violent sexual crimes against them, due to their own impotence and entitlement. 

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Yeah you defend that lunacy kiddo.

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            “Yeah you defend that lunacy kiddo”
            -this guy

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Man you really hit it out of the park with this response. The entire comment section is clapping right now.Stunning and brave, just like Meghan 😉

          • gargsy-av says:

            “Man you really hit it out of the park with this response. The entire comment section is clapping right now.”

            Pretty much.

            But you do you, winner.

          • nimitdesai-av says:
          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            *begins the slow clap*You earned it, sport.

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            It seems like you’ve figured it out by now, but that dude is the new resident troll. Just let the champ continue blowing hot air.

          • ihearinmono-av says:

            Hey Champ,You seem like a cunt.SincerelyKiddo, Sport, Son or whatever other title you choose to use in an effort to diminish, speak down to, insult etc ad nauseam.ETA – Just in case Kinja puts this comment somewhere nonsensical, this is aimed at that trolly fella chest Rockwell.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Okay son, concession accepted.  Anything else?

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

          • ihearinmono-av says:

            HahahahahahahahahahaNot particularly, your response says it all.Thanks for playing boyo

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

          • nimitdesai-av says:

            okay, what do you think he meant? What reason do you think he stays awake at night, and “dreams of the day when [Markle] is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her”? I’m using all the evidence he’s given us, and drawing an informed conclusion. Same with what I’ve done with you:people who defend racist assholes tend to also be racist assholes. those people, statistically, have less luck with consensual sex (see: incels), and also subscribe to misogynistic beliefs as well. People with higher tendencies to see women as less-than will have less issue committing violent sexual crimes against them, due to their own impotence and entitlement. 

          • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

            Wait, you’re a date rapist?

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            It’s what he claims.

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

          • gargsy-av says:

            “Still waiting on proof of racism, son. Does he hate the white half of her too?”

            Well, there’s proof of someone’s racism.

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

      • argiebargie-av says:

        Just because you choose to ignore blantant racism, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          And just because you say somebody is blatantly racist doesn’t mean they actually are racist. Funny how that works, isn’t it?What racist things has he said about Markle? 

      • bashful1771-av says:


      • mikaruihi-av says:

        As Bill Maher would say about Megan: She actually thinks there is a race card. I remember a BBC kids program on Saturday morning where kids could ask celebrities questions. One kid asked a journalist why they report on the death of British person when so many people a dying in the war. His answer was because the British press class one Brit as more important than 100 war victims? Don’t blame Clarkson for being so popular. Don’t forget USA have their kardashians. I know which one I prefer and ain’t the kardashians!

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          Yeah and I won’t say that there is no racism directed towards Meghan. I just think she and her fans use it to deflect any criticism. I’m sure everyone has had the experience of another person rubbing them the wrong way for reasons they can’t quite put their finger on.  It’s not an automatic sign there is racism behind those feelings.   

        • evanwaters-av says:

          We’re not blaming him for being popular, we’re blaming him for being a piece of shit.And the fact that you think medium-talent Bill Maher is a wit worth quoting tells me your standards pretty well.

        • recognitions-av says:

          Lol quoting Bill Maher in 2023

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        Keep sucking that Clarkson dong!

      • dirk-steele-av says:

        Shut the fuck up, chud

    • doclawyer-av says:

      That . . . makes it better? 

      • BookonBob-av says:

        I don’t see any difference between hating someone due to nationality or race. Where did I say it was better? Just different.

    • lmh325-av says:

      IDK, his repeated use of and defense of the n-word makes me think that it might be both things.

      • BookonBob-av says:

        Really? You have multiple sources of him using the N Word AND defending the use thereof? 

        • lmh325-av says:

          Did you not watch Top Gear? He used the n-word in a show and was told it was his “final warning” or he’d be fired (back before he punched a black guy who didn’t bring him a steak). When he apologized, his defense was that he “should have obscured it better” not that he shouldn’t have said it (after originally denying he said it then admitting he did). Danny Cohen, who was then the head of BBC TV, said he and Clarkson had repeatedly disagreed on offensive language and that Clarkson felt his use of racial epithets was fine including beyond the n-word, his racist nonsense about Mexicans and Thai people on Top Gear.The guy is racist.

          • BookonBob-av says:

            Mmm… So I suggest you google the word MORE. He is MORE offended by her being American THAN her being black MEANS he is offended by her being BLACK. 

    • capeo-av says:

      Utter bullshit.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      I cannot understand why so many idiots want to try so hard to act like a shitty old racist is just shitty and old.

  • escobarber-av says:

    A rare example of Barsanti using his powers of scold for good. Clarkson is such a massive unrepentant shitstain, and has been for an extremely long time. His career should have been over after the Top Gear firing – which, to issue a slight correction, wasn’t a fight, he literally just punched the guy. The only reason he’s still had work is because he appears to his fellow arrogant xenophobic English fuckwads, the kind of people who read The Sun newspaper to begin with.

    • kahlessj-av says:

      but he still is repeating the bullshit line that clarkson was fired.  they never fired him, they were too afraid.  they just didnt renew his contract. 

      • lilnapoleon24-av says:

        That’s functionally the same thing you pedantic chud

        • kahlessj-av says:

          no its not.  firing them shows you are telling them what they did was wrong and you dont agree with their bullshit.  not renewing their contract means you could just spin it as going in a different direction without having to have a spine and tell him hes a fuckup. 

    • trentgein-av says:

      Pure bullshit

    • doclawyer-av says:

      Yeah it’s weird he doesn’t have a rep as a diva. We think throwing a hissyfit because you don’t like the catered options on set as something a teenage instagram diva would do, never a middle-aged man with masculine-coded hobbies. Because that’s what he is. An English Kardashian, but more useless. 

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Must be some shitty-ass catering if a British guy is complaining about it.

        • cleretic-av says:

          Alternatively: it might be too good if a British person is complaining about it. I don’t know the context, but it might’ve been something just too far outside of his palate.

        • luasdublin-av says:

          I believe it was the lack of any catering , shitty or otherwise that caused him to go full Diva . If someone had had a snickers bar to placate him with at the time he may still be working at the BBC now.

      • pgoodso564-av says:

        It’s the same rube-ass nonsense that makes people vote for a billionaire that lives on the top of a literally gold-plated apartment building in the middle of Manhattan because he told them that his opponent was a New York elitist.

    • luasdublin-av says:

      Also , he called the Irish producer a shitty anti Irish slur when he did it .( I mean him getting hangry and slappy is one thing , but that prejudiced shit simply isnt done anymore) I mean he’s actually quite entertaining a lot of the time , but he’s an ultra gammon,the kind of brexit voting , tory loving, ‘ oh why do the Eurocrats want to straighten our bananas ‘) who’s shtick is being anti PC (kind of like an English Shock Jock).Actually he was anti Brexit apparently,  which surprises me.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “( I mean him getting hangry and slappy is one thing , but that prejudiced shit simply isnt done anymore)“

        Why is him hitting someone because he’s hungry acceptable?

  • kahlessj-av says:

    yeah caleb is worth something.  that poor kid has to put up with that belligerent old coot and run the farm and fix all his idiot mistakes. 

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    On one hand, pretty much everything you write is true. On the other hand, either Jeremy Clarkson is the greatest actor in the world, or he actually does care about his farm and the countryside around it. And not just for the money. 

  • chestrockwell24-av says:

    “he always had an air of completely unearned superiority”Something he has in common with most of the progressive posters here…

    • crazyjoedavola-av says:

      No, we are superior to i”people” such as yourself. I’m sure you surround yourself with even dumber “racism doesn’t exist” incels and “poor little white me” nitwits. By all measures, you’re less of a person and equate to a dark stain on the tight whiteys of like

    • pushoffyahoser-av says:

      Hey, at least we feel unearned superiority because of our opinions and beliefs, rather than our skin color and place of birth.

    • sharculese-av says:

      you seem really worked up about something stupid and should maybe have a little nap until you’ve calmed down a bit

    • gargsy-av says:

      And now, for our next exhibit: a pot that has acquired the power of speech.

      Surprisingly, he has a problem with something that’s black.

    • bashful1771-av says:

      And in common with 100% of the conservative posters.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Yeah, and now that I think about it, it is 100% of the progressives here too, good catch.

        • capeo-av says:

          LMAO. You’re liking your own posts. I mean, you already are a pathetic loser in real life but that’s a comically desperate cherry on top.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            The banality of the kinja troll. There were dozens before him, there will be dozens after him, and they’ve all thought they were the novel exceptions to dipshit troll pathology.Sad!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I’ll be honest: sometimes it might happen accidentally if im posting on a phone. But check out my posting history, plenty of comments with zero likes. This is a mostly progressive echo chamber, I dont expect many likes.If you can tell me what posts, I can try to undo the likes.

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I upvoted all these, you earned it sport!

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

        • dirk-steele-av says:

          Shut the fuck up, chud

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      Why are racists always such pathetic losers?

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Something he has in common with most of the progressive posters here…”

      But not you, right?

    • dirk-steele-av says:

      Shut the fuck up, chud

    • getyerhotdogs-av says:

      bro you sure have a weird fetish for humiliating yourself

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        Facts hurt ya feelz?

        • getyerhotdogs-av says:

          omg you dont know what facts are thats so cute

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Awww the facts made ya mad 🙂

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:

            actually spit some facts and find out

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I already did: progressives here have an unearned sense of superiority and confidence. They are the Kevin Federline’s of the AV Club comment section.The fucking adorable part is they think they have earned it. 

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:

            lmao your fanfic isnt facts bb

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I spoke the truth, if it makes you angry that is not my problem 🙂

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:

            i love starting friday with a hearty laugh thank you dear

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            You right now:

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:

            sorry kid i dont speak internet

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            You’re flailing, my child.  Just put the shovel down.

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I definitely hit a nerve.

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • chestrockwell24-av says:
          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Triggered you something fierce I see.  Good 🙂

          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


          • chestrockwell24-av says:
          • getyerhotdogs-av says:


  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    So is there anything of value left in Clarkson’s Farm?There was never any value to begin with.

  • largeandincharge-av says:

    There is an old episode of Top Gear where he is interviewing Jaguar’s then designer, Ian Callum. In front of them is Jaguar’s lovely new XK, and Clarkson is clearly upset that he can’t bait Callum into a rant that the EU is demanding(!) new cars include pedestrian impact safety measures. Brussels, Calrkson says, like it’s its the scourge of the world. Callum (who is Scottish) calmly explains that manufacturers must do this – look after people – while Clarkson can’t believe he was shut down so easily. Class meets the Oaf.This is in 2006 or 2007. About a decade before the Brexit vote. It is exactly the moment I think of when anyone wonders why the UK managed to so completely f-itself over and self-sabotage: a nation full of Clarkson wannabes desperate for an idiotic fight. That man is garbage is ways Americans can’t even imagine.

    • iamtylerdurden79-av says:

      You do realize Clarkson was always loudly against Brexit. He brings it up several times in the new season of Clarkson’s farm. 

    • mike_smith-av says:

      “Brussels, Calrkson says, like it’s its the scourge of the world.”You mean “like it’s the scourge…  of the world .”

    • aaronvoeltz-av says:

      You don’t know what we’ve been through, man. We’ll blind trade you a Marjorie Taylor Greene or George Santos for anybody you got.

    • g-off-av says:

      We let Trump be president for four years. I assure you we can imagine.

  • tshepard62-av says:

    Face it, Clarkson is an idiot who blatantly went racing around Argentina with a license plate specifically designed to be offensive to the Argentinian people…then acted like a complete innocent when the local populace rose up and forced him out of the country. I stopped watching Top Gear after that, it was no longer funny.

    • TeoFabulous-av says:

      Yeah, that whole special was the nail in the coffin for me for a long time. Then I went and checked out The Grand Tour and its subsequent specials and found that whatever alchemy Clarkson, May, and Hammond had with Top Gear had curdled into something completely unwatchable.But the thing is, guys like Clarkson get hired and enjoy huge amounts of leeway because consumers get off on their awfulness. Hell, we elected a president in 2016 as a direct result of those impulses. Their downfall inevitably isn’t their natural awfulness, but just offending the wrong person in power.Humanity, amirite?

    • chestrockwell24-av says:

      So just to be clear: you’re in support of a person being booted from a country if the locals are offended by his license plate?

      • nimitdesai-av says:

        Lol you must be Clarkson’s fluffer or something. I have never seen someone suck a celebrity’s asshole with such conviction other than trump supporter. 

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          You have clearly never seen any Meghan and Harry stans then.

        • pvthudson79-av says:

          Or perhaps at least in this specific instance of Clarkson’s controversies people are hesitant to take the side of nationalists still supporting the Junta, one of the most murderous regimes in history.

        • trentgein-av says:

          Oh no surprise. You have nothing to add but childish bullshit. 

        • liebkartoffel-av says:

          There hasn’t been a trans rights-adjacent article for a couple of days, so he’s been jonesing for a new fix. Thus far, “iF yOu ThInK cLaRkSoN iS rRaCiSt ThEn WhAt AbOuT jOe BiDeN” hasn’t been his strongest effort, but he’ll take whatever attention he can get.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            Good sir! Are you aware that hypocrisy exists!? I just found out about it, and it’s EVERYWHERE!

      • geralyn-av says:

        Your strawmen arguments aren’t all that, dude.

        • necgray-av says:

          Now now, at least a(D)(D)ress them the way they wish to be a(D)(D)resse(D), Katman(D)u.You see how funny it is when I (D)o that?

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            I’m sure the dude trolls the Breitbart or Red State forums as well, so as to expose hypocrisy on an equal opportunity basis. Y’know, in the interests of fairness and integrity! 😀 

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Admittedly trolling fans of steven crowder and the quartering on youtube is more my style than trolling breitbart. They are quick to ban there.Though the hypocrisy of the right gets noted plenty, so I don’t feel it’s the same.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            So it’s basically, mainly the trolling, then. Points for consistency!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I like to point out the hypocrisy.Like why are republicans crying about kids transitioning but then some wanna lower the age of consent for sex? Isn’t that weird?Nominee for FCC commissioner Gigi Sohn is being grilled by republicans over offensive tweets.   I mean maybe they are offensive, but they didnt give a shit about trumps tweets. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            I mean, it’s pretty much an evergreen hobby. Hypocrisy been a thing since we stopped chucking handfuls of shit at each other and started crafting ideals.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            I am aware it is not new, but each side seems to discuss it like they couldnt imagine a world where they themselves are also hypocrites.
            You see me calling out left wing hypocrisy a lot here because this place mostly shits on right wingers. This is why it is funny when people call me a Trumper, if only they saw what I say to conservatives…I admit to taking a special glee in trashing their religion, I can’t help it. Sure not all conservatives are religious, but most are. I don’t even know if “trolling” is the proper word because it’s not like I don’t believe what I’m saying.
            EDIT: Plus not *every* post I make on here is “trolling”.  I just cant help myself though at times.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Wait who said it was meant to be funny?  Just meant to illustrate it’s always (D)ifferent when it’s someone who shares your politics.

        • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

          Hey now, if you’re not going to loving erect a strawman that you then proceed to try to windmill kick into the sun, are you even Interneting? 

      • aaronvoeltz-av says:

        Probably. I’ve never found pranks funny. This is the same type of behavior as those old videos where a white dude would drop a handful of change in front of black people. He’d then yell, “Look at all the nickels!” and start crying and saying he’d done nothing wrong when they all get up to kick his ass. You can say whatever you want as long as you’re willing to accept the repercussions of your actions. We can tell when you’re being a baity little shit. It’s not ground-breaking.

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          I mean I’m not saying I approve of pranks, but booting dude from a country because some folk got offended seems like a bit much.  What happened to just calling someone an asshole?

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Wow, do you have to work overtime to be a racist asshole, or does it come naturally to you?You can go fuck off now.

      • andyryan1975-av says:

        “you’re in support of a person being booted from a country if the locals are offended by his license plate?”He didn’t say that. He said Clarkson acted innocent as if it wasn’t a deliberate provocation. 

        • chestrockwell24-av says:

          Gotcha, it just seemed like motherfucker was more outraged dude was provocative than the whole bullshit of getting booted from a country cuz of sensitive assholes

          • andyryan1975-av says:

            To me it’s equivalent to a guy marching into a bar where he knows everyone is a (soccer team) Man United supporter, shouting “Man United are a load of crap”, and then acting innocent when they throw him out. I don’t condone violence, but I’d also say that guy was an idiot for doing that.

      • getyerhotdogs-av says:

        this is some try hard pathetic shit

    • iamtylerdurden79-av says:

      That’s completely not true. You had to do mental gymnastics to connect the plate number with the war. And then it’s not possible in the UK to get a custom plate on an already registered car. That plate was the original to the car. So you are taking the side of nationalist asshole who are still supporting the Junta, one of the most corrupt murderous governments from history

      • paulfields77-av says:

        “mental gymnastics”? Maybe a gentle mental forward roll. Knowing Clarkson, I believe the connection to the Falklands War had occurred to him years earlier, and when the trip to Argentina was planned, he thought it would be hilarious to take his old Porsche. And my guess is that you don’t have to be a Galtieri supporter to be offended by this as an Argentinean.

        • iamtylerdurden79-av says:

          That’s not his old Porsche. It was scouted by the show. Also it went beyond being offended as it resulted in violence. Go on defending through. Shows a lot more about you then him. 

          • paulfields77-av says:

            My mistake on the ownership – it seems I misread an ambiguous comment about it elsewhere – but sorry I’m not buying that it’s a coincidence. Whoever first saw it thought it would be funny, and Clarkson would have agreed. They’d found similar stuff hilarious in relation to Germany on other shows but forgot how much more raw the Falklands is, especially for Argentineans. And the fact that some people were moved to violence does not give the person causing offence a free pass.

          • iamtylerdurden79-av says:

            I see nothing wrong with causing offense. I’m just saying he didn’t do it. The Falkland’s war was the Junta trying to deflect from their atrocities and get regular citizens to rally against the British. Regardless as to colonial history the actual people who live in the falklands have always made it clear they want to remain British citizens. Good people can get swept up in it reasonably. But it doesn’t change that it’s a jerk position. And it doesn’t change that it was not possible to rig the plate number. It is a coincidence on order of winning the lottery. Plus by that logic there any number of alphanumeric combos they could accuse of alluding to the war. You are just wrong on this but don’t want to admit that something negative you read about him was misreported because that sentiment fit with your preconceived notions. 

          • paulfields77-av says:

            It seems we are never going to agree on this. I do agree on the reasons for the war and the desire for the inhabitants to stay British. But given it was a relatively recent war where hundreds of conscripts were killed (many in extremely controversial circumstances on the Belgrano) a degree of diplomacy is not much to ask of a visitor.And as for the “coincidence” you do realise that undermines your argument rather than strengthens it don’t you? That a car has the reg H982 FKL is happenstance. For it to have been used by a known reactionary “patriotic” Brit with a history of xenophobia on a trip to Argentina accidentally would be at your “lottery” win levels. For it to have been noticed by a researcher (or the man himself) and used for a desperately unfunny joke is highly believable.

    • hydroxide-av says:

      There’s really no reason to give him yet another chance. He’s blown through enough of them.

    • jacquesitch-av says:

      OK, as someone that has enjoyed the boys on both of their shows and struggles with that because, yes, Clarkson is a nonce …

      The car had that plate on it when purchased. Clarkson flatly said if he’d wanted to antagonize anyone with his plate he’d have had a custom one made to read “WE WON.”

      Which would’ve been extremely gauche, but they didn’t do it. All three were effusive in their love of the trip until they got down into the south and the trouble started. Don’t really think he was out to incite a murderous mob.

      Clarkson’s ‘problematic history’ is a mix of him being a douchebag and people interpreting things he did innocently as being the act of a douchebag. I’d say he gets a bad rap, but the fact is he knowingly does enough that you can’t feel sorry for him.

      But we should at least be honest.

    • jacquestati-av says:

      He did something similar in the US south too, it was really funny

    • hendenburg3-av says:

      Or the time that he specially commissioned a replica PT boat to take down the Mekong River in Cambodia and Vietnam?

  • iggyzuniga-av says:

    I know he’s a total asshole.   All your critiques of him as a person are totally valid.   However, I can’t help myself, I still find Clarkson Farm engaging and entertaining.    I still laugh at his schtick, even as it is getting a bit old and predictable.   I do believe that his show is serving a greater good, at least for English farmers.   Yes all the things he struggles with on the farm are really not a major problem for a fantastically wealthy TV celebrity, but they ARE real issues that English farmers are facing, when it comes to things like the severe weather that plagued the farm the first season, and avian flu, bovine TB, and the effects for Brexit this season.    It does raise awareness of these issues.

    • paulfields77-av says:

      Lots of people who really don’t like him have recommended the show to me, despite not liking him. We watched the very first episode, and didn’t hate it, but ultimately I don’t really want him in my lounge on a regular basis so won’t be bothering to watch a second.

      • necgray-av says:

        So many people I respect and like are fans of It’s Always Sunny and I have watched episodes and laughed. But I hate those asshole characters SO MUCH. I’ve never been able to get through more than a few episodes.

        • capeo-av says:

          That’s not an apt comparison. The actors on Sunny are playing, and skewering, wildly ignorant assholes. Clarkson is, in real life, the type of wildly ignorant asshole they are making fun of.

          • necgray-av says:

            “but ultimately I don’t really want him in my lounge on a regular basis so won’t be bothering to watch a second.”Fictional assholes who are satirizing IRL assholes are still assholes and I still find it unpleasant to watch them. The comparison is apt if you’re talking about the entertainment value of assholes.You know how some people don’t think that ironic racism is funny anymore? That’s how I feel about some versions of ironic assholery. The difficulty I run into is that *some* assholes I *do* find entertaining. The Bluth family, for instance. Or Archer, speaking of Jessica Walters shows, RIP. For whatever reason the Sunny gang gets on my nerves easily. Everything Seinfeld/Larry David related, too.

          • capeo-av says:

            Well, no, the differences between people satirizing assholes, and Clarkson being a massive asshole in all his series, and his own words, is monumental. Clarkson isn’t an actor, and all the reality series he’s been in, and kicked off of, have just solidified that he’s a raging asshole. He’s not acting. He’s not playing a “fictional asshole” for satire. He is, very much, that IRL asshole.

          • necgray-av says:

            Jesus. H. Criminy. Christ.Some of you people are just bound and determined to jump on my last good nerve with this nitpick shit.I GET the difference between a real, living, breathing bad person and someone PLAYING a bad person. I GET IT. Truly.MY response was *directly* related to the proposition of finding an asshole entertaining. Hence the section I quoted.I don’t know if you really hate Clarkson and thus don’t like that I would even compare him to fictional people. I don’t know if you’re a big fan of It’s Always Sunny and feel compelled to defend it as fiction. Hell, maybe something in my post rubbed you wrong for reasons entirely outside of the contexts I just guessed.Whatever the reason for your response, I. GET. IT. Clarkson is a genuine asshole, the gang from the show are playing assholes.

          • capeo-av says:

            Seeing my response now I see how it could come off as ignoring your point. It was rushed, and repetitive as I was heading off to bed and should’ve just waited to respond until later. Apologies.I do get your point and understand finding the ironic misanthropy/assholeness of stuff like Sunny grating and unpleasant. You’re certainly not alone in that view. Even as fan of that type of comedy myself I have to be in the mood to watch it. When it comes to Archer or Arrested Development, I could see why, though they are in the same vein of comedy, you would still find them entertaining. Not every main character is an asshole, and even the ones whose assholeness is mined for comedy aren’t 100% assholes all the time, still have some redeeming qualities and show some character growth over the course of the shows. In comparison, the characters on Sunny (and to some degree Larry David’s stuff) start at the baseline of complete asshole and stay there. Any “lessoned learned” is the complete opposite of what they should take from it and they don’t really have any redeeming qualities.

          • necgray-av says:

            I was also in the middle of getting rightly flamed for a couple of iffy, if not outright dumb, posts when I got your response. So I was feeling a bit piled on. Not your fault.I think you’re right re: redeeming qualities. Because the Sunny gang are also a bunch of idiots. I tend to not mind asshole characters as much if they’re smart or competent. I enjoy Succession and there’s a fair bit of that interplay in that show. (Although some of the intrigue of that show, imo, is figuring out which of them, if ANY, actually is competent or smart.)

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Not sure you totally get fiction.

    • mikaruihi-av says:

      I love what you say. I think he is doing a fantastic job for farming in general. I think council/government bureaucracy is a greater issue and far more of a concern than anything he says. I doubt we have her the last of him – I hope not!

    • tboa-av says:

      Indeed, and while the author here took his asside about government control of farming as a right wing statement it was clearly to me a statement that brexit fucked farmers hard and the government hasn’t addressed it at all and the government for years has been Tory.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      I thought it was amusing how Barsanti writes:
      He’s trying to seriously get this farm going, and they’re not giving him a chance! He’s doing everything he can to appease them, and they’re not being fair!

      .. like that’s an argument against Clarkson, when the (let’s be honest) rich people in the village council actually weren’t giving him a chance and weren’t being fair.
      Charlie Ireland pretty much confirms this, and say what you will about Clarkson, but Charlie knows his stuff. 

    • thegrandgrandmaster-av says:

      Exactly. You judge a man for what he does, not what other accuse him of doing. He’s actually doing allot of good for Farmers, and his local community; as his shop donates to the local trust (charity). His show could even lead to changes in legislation that can better everything, we hope. But haters just want to dig on his on screen personality, and as a result, throw his good deeds out the window. And that’s where they become the bad people. They throw stones to feel better about themselves. And they destroy good people, so no one looks better than them. 

    • rlfletch-av says:

      My feelings as well. The show is actually educational about farming and the plight of framers. The people around Jeremy are genuine and funny. I wish he didn’t gain anythig from this show but I’ll continue watching with a guilty conscious.

  • iggyzuniga-av says:

    I know he’s a total asshole.   All your critiques of him as a person are totally valid.   However, I can’t help myself, I still find Clarkson Farm engaging and entertaining.    I still laugh at his schtick, even as it is getting a bit old and predictable.   I do believe that his show is serving a greater good, at least for English farmers.   Yes all the things he struggles with on the farm are really not a major problem for a fantastically wealthy TV celebrity, but they ARE real issues that English farmers are facing, when it comes to things like the severe weather that plagued the farm the first season, and avian flu, bovine TB, and the effects for Brexit this season.    It does raise awareness of these issues.

    • recognitions-av says:

      I’m your username after reading your comment. I’m sure there are many, many people who are knowledgeable about farming in the UK who could host this show and not be racist, women-hating shitstains

  • hankdolworth-av says:

    …despise Meghan Markle for “no reason” (we all know the reason)…Because she parlayed looking attractive on camera with no other discernable skills into marrying into the British Royal Family, while attempting to paint herself as a victim?I don’t know Jeremy Clarkson outside of his Amazon stuff, but to imply he’s a racist because he doesn’t like a person who tries so hard to be unlikeable…tells me someone needs to spend time outside their echo chamber.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      well what about 25,000 other people that complained about the piece first and the fact that’s it’s being investigated? also…all the other evidence from the last 20+ years that he’s very racist. like all the racist stuff he says and does.“well like i said i don’t know him outside of his amazon stuff”cool man.

      • chestrockwell24-av says:

        is Joe Biden racist for all the racist stuff he’s said over the years, or is that (D)ifferent?

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          yeah man! joe biden sucks! but considering clarkson is 20 years younger he should know better.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Biden is old enough to know better too.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            great, so we agree they’re both racists.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Im fine placing him on the list of racist people as long as Biden is on there too. But we won’t be pretending Bidens racism is more understandable due to his age.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            that was merely a joke about how old both people are. feel free to throw me on the ageist list.

          • crankymessiah-av says:

            Im glad you recognize how relevant Biden is to this discussion of Jermey Clarkson. You utter fucking dipshit. Fuck off with your aggressively stupid and pathetic whatabout-ism bullshit. Moron.

          • gargsy-av says:

            “Im fine placing him on the list of racist people as long as Biden is on there too.”

            He ALREADY AGREED WITH YOU, you sad fuck.

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

          • necgray-av says:

            (D)ismiss that shithea(D). They’re a “troll the libs” i(D)iot who thinks it’s clever to make cheap, obvious anti-(D)em jokes using the letter (D). They’re a (D)umb (D)ipshit.

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            i agree in general, but in this case i won.

          • ajvia12-av says:

            or young enough. that just feels like a false equivelency- Clarkson should know better but the guy we elected POTUS is excused because he’s…20 years older.Cool reasoning, but I think if it was 78 yr old PREVIOUS GUY IN OFFICE we’d PROBABLY not be so quick to say “well, he’s old, you know, he doesn’t get it.” Am I wrong?

            NOTE: I don’t care for J. Clarkson, either. Just saying.

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

        • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

          Don’t pull any muscles stretching like that!

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            So often I find the people here cant be consistent when it comes to racism.  They sure as fuck care if a celebrity is racist, but when it comes to the guy they most assuredly voted for it is sometimes (D)ifferent.

          • dirk-steele-av says:

            Shut the fuck up, chud

        • crankymessiah-av says:

          I cant overstate just how fucking stupid and pathetic this comment is. What the fuck does Biden have to do with anything, dipshit? Take your amazingly asinine whatabout-ism bullshit and shove it up your amazingly stupid ass.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:


        • lilnapoleon24-av says:

          Yes, he’s also a rapist. Why did you bring up something irrelevant?

        • dr-darke-av says:

          Awww, do you feel all manly now that you’ve pointed out that the Democratic Party is as huge a bunch of bigoted assholes as the Republican Party is, chest Rockwell? You’re not going to get traction trying to “own the libs” about Joe Biden, The Last Dixiecrat—in fact, the strongest evidence he’s not running things are the intermittent stabs as quasi-Progressivism his administration makes!And people wonder why I voted for Bernie Sanders, twice….

        • thegrandgrandmaster-av says:

          This. Joe is a real racist. And his party has a long history with racism.

        • marenzio-av says:

          How do these dipshits get to post and I’m in the grey for two years?

        • dirk-steele-av says:

          Shut the fuck up, chud

        • turbotastic-av says:

          Joe Biden is racist by Democrat standards. By Republican standards he’s practically John Brown. This is not a compliment toward Joe Biden but an observation of the white nationalist racial hysteria that dominates the current GOP.

          • chestrockwell24-av says:

            Biden is racist going by the definition of the word racist(and to be clear, anyone can be racist no matter their race or station in life). But anyways: so democrats voted in and support a racist? Noted.I’ve seen activists say if you know JK Rowling is a “transphobe” and buy the game anyways, you support her “transphobia”. So those who voted for him knowing he is racist would, by the same logic, be racist. Do you agree with the activists logic?
            I know your response will be some variation of “our racists are better than your racists”. Yet I’m still glad you acknowledged the racism on both sides.

      • hankdolworth-av says:

        well what about 25,000 other people that complained about the piece first and the fact that’s it’s being investigated? Since Google tells me the population of the U.K. is 67.33 million, I guess I’d say that less than 0.04% of the country has a stick up their…bum. Probably close to the same percentage of Americans who will complain to the FCC about Sam Smith’s performance at the Grammys, which was also calculated to get a rise out of people and which I also don’t really care about.I tend to not impute actual intent into the things people say when making a joke, even one that’s not particularly funny.  I take it from your post you choose to read the worst into people.  Have fun with that.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          you’re the one defending a racist, slick. have fun with that. 

        • hydroxide-av says:

          Since Google tells me the population of the U.K. is 67.33 million, I guess I’d say that less than 0.04% of the country has a stick up their…bum. Probably close to the same percentage of Americans who will complain to the FCC about Sam Smith’s performance at the Grammys, which was also calculated to get a rise out of people and which I also don’t really care about.But of course, what YOU care about is the ledger by which the universe should be measured. Maybe someone should punch you in the face and declare you shouldn’t have such a stick up your bum when you consider that untowards?

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            if someone needs to use math to explain why something isn’t racist they’ve really lost the plot.also his math is wrong anyway. should be comparing it to the circulation of the newspaper, or even the viewcount of the article itself. but it’s all goalpost moving anyway. ‘this is a bad faith argument by one person who wrote this hitpiece’, ‘well what about the tens of thousands of people who complained?’ ‘well that’s a small number compared to the entire population of the country’.

          • necgray-av says:

            The percentage of people who get a sock in the mouth for being an asshole is .17%. I think you’d be well within your statistical rights to throw them bones.

          • dr-darke-av says:

            Hank_Dolworth must have never heard the theory that for every one person who publicly protests somebody’s bigoted behavior, a hundred people agree but choose to vote with their wallets by changing the channel instead.

        • nbatts-av says:

          he’s a dumb racist piece of shit who is liked by other dumb racist pieces of shit, like you. it’s not complicated. 

        • ubiqui-cat-av says:

          I live in England (my family roots run deepnl into at least the 1800’s on all sides and I’ve the pasty skin to prove it), and can tell you that yes, Clarkson is racist. And sexist, and a massive hypocrite. The only reason things didn’t blow up sooner is because of his buffoonery. The irony being that two people he has had the most public disagreements with are Piers Morgan and Boris Johnson. England, sadly, has this strange acceptance of ignorance if the person comes across as a fool – only in every situation, they actually mean what they say (this is true of Jacob Reese-Mogg also). We have a serious, deeply embedded mean streak that I think the rest of the world is seeing as our dirtiest secret. It was hidden for so long behind crooked teeth smiles and seemingly affable sorts, but it has always been there. Most of our (in)famous sarcasm is drenched in an impotent rage at our place in the world, which of course has only gotten worse in recent years. The only people who seem to have an issue with Meghan Markle over here are racist. Not just because she’s black, but also because she’s not British. I genuinely think there’s a large number of people here who actually believe the Royal family are inherently better than everyone else.

      • trentgein-av says:

        Oh please. Get off it. 

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        So if 25,000 evangelicals complain about something their opinion must have validity? 

      • thegrandgrandmaster-av says:

        There is no evidence of racism. And people like your self have nothing but blind accusations, most of which, if not all, are not acts of real racism.

    • gotpma-av says:

      she seemed to also live the life of pretty privilege where her blackness wasn’t a real problem until now she got married to literal royalty. And to be so shocked that all this happened to her is kinda proof. 

    • sethsez-av says:

      Because she parlayed looking attractive on camera with no other discernable skills into marrying into the British Royal Family

      Still more qualifications than it takes to be born into it, which is why nobody else gives a shit.

    • pushoffyahoser-av says:

      Weird, I feel like there was another attractive woman with no discernable skills who married into the British Royal Family recently and no celebrities felt the need to pen strident op-eds about how they felt an unexplainable hatred for her. I wonder what might cause that difference? Oh well, better ignore centuries of British racism and, more specifically, decades of racist comments by Clarkson in particular, and assume that it’s just about echo chambers.

    • murrychang-av says:

      If what you’re saying is true, there’s no reason he couldn’t have written it in the column. He didn’t, so yeah, odds are that he’s a racist twit.Along with the other racist stuff he’s said and done over the years.

    • mike-mckinnon-av says:

      You can imply he’s racist because he’s been on camera for years being racist.

    • astfgl-av says:

      But even if all (or ANY) of that is true……how does it affect Jeremy Clarkson? How does one person’s (alleged) fame-grabbing entitle him to write a screed calling for her public humiliation in a globally-read news outlet?

    • boba-wan-skysolo-av says:

      Thank god Hank Dolworth is here to stick up for the royal family. I’m sure your invitation to the 325th annual Twixington Ball for Cousin Fuckers of Acceptable Breeding is in the post.

    • gargsy-av says:

      Sure, go ahead and pretend that people didn’t hate her from the literal beginning.By the by, what were the discernable skills that Kate Middleton brought to the British Royal Family? Or the discernable skills that Princess Diana brought, or that Fergie brought, or that Camilla brought.

      Go ahead, racist. I’ll wait.

    • 50centcoordinator-av says:

      Oh yeah the royal family needs discernable skills, like Queen Elizabeth’s ability to change exactly one tire in the 40’s and…. Being exempt from British employment discrimination laws? What are you on about, the royal family is useless on its face, it doesn’t matter if someone marrying into it is also useless. They don’t have real jobs and never will. 

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      “Because she parlayed looking attractive on camera with no other discernable skills into marrying into the British Royal Family,”I’m curious what “skills” you think are required for someone to get married? What “skills” did Kate Middleton have? Is she a carpenter or something?Anyway, hi Jeremy.

      • nbatts-av says:

        exactly…”i’m mad because she got married to a guy without uhhhh proper marrying skills(?)…uhhh i’m definitely not racist.”

      • liebkartoffel-av says:

        Watching British people twist themselves into pretzels explaining why they don’t like Meghan Markle without *really* explaining why they don’t like Meghan Markle is an amusing pastime. Bonus points if they claim to hate the monarchy but are just so indescribably angry that that…woman wormed her way into THEIR royal family.

      • jjdebenedictis-av says:

        I’m curious what skills Hank thinks the royals themselves have that require their spouses to be so impressively well-qualified.Because I’m fairly certain “being squeezed from the right vagina” is the sum total of their job qualifications.

      • fever-dog-av says:

        I’ve never even met her and so I have no idea what her skills are. Nunchucks, bow hunting and computer hacking for all I know.Ms. Fever Dog makes a mean shrimp and grits tho.

    • hydroxide-av says:

      It’s funny when someone who by their own admission knows jack sh*t about the issue at hand feels qualified to lecture others over their supposed “echo chamber”. Congratulations, you just demonstrated that being a violent asshole (and not just verbally violent) to you is perfectly negligible. No, this isn’t the first issue of racism on his part, nor is it the first instance of abuse, and maybe if you weren’t so busy defending a certified a…hole, you’d have time to actually educate yourself on the guy instead of masturbating on the idea that both manners and laws are useless piffle that the world is better without.

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Yeah, Clarkson has always been on really thin ice with his bigoted commentary—but the BBC, showing off exactly how much they care about that, kept him on because TOP GEAR vied with DOCTOR WHO as one of their most successful shows globally. What finally seems to have gone “beyond the pale” for the Beeb was him screaming racist epithets while slapping the (Irish) segment producer around. They put him on suspension and made noises about not having him back, whereupon he did one of those “You can’t fire me, I just quit!” things. Richard Hammond and James May said they wouldn’t do the show without him, for which they got fired by the BBC. So the three of them shopped themselves around and picked up a production deal with Amazon Prime Video.

    • paulfields77-av says:

      I think plenty of stuff he does implies a certain level of racism, but I kind of agree with you that going with “because racism” as the overwhelming reason for the article is a huge reach. I’d also argue that the far more concerning element in the article was the staggering misogyny. Of course I haven’t actually read it, as since it appears in The Sun and I’m from Liverpool, I haven’t read The Sun in nearly 34 years, but that’s another (made up) story.

    • earlydiscloser-av says:

      He’s been a despicable fucking racist for years. Do your research.Also, fuck the parasitical Royal Family. The sooner the rest of them move to America, the better.

    • suzzi-av says:

      What a revolting response. Shame on you!

    • ghostofghostdad-av says:

      Hey check it out this dude cares about the British Royal Family. You’re just like my racist boomer stepmom. She also fucking hates Meghan Markle. Do you too have a room just filled with Princess Di memorabilia? Did you also spend a ridiculous amount of money for the Beanie Baby?

      • dr-darke-av says:

        Does your stepmother know it’s not just any Princess Di Beanie Baby, it’s the “heavy pellet” Princess Di Beanie Babies only that are valuable?Apparently this is really a thing—Red Letter Media’s Mike Stoklasa and Rich Evans discussed it while pulling a stunt to turn a VHS copy of Nukie into a collectible!

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      You don’t know Clarkson, which measn you defend him.Nor though, do you know Harry or Meghan… yet you know the foundation of their relationship is good looks (as if Harry didn’t have access to dozens if not hundreds of equally attractive women).It’s almost like you’re just making shit up based on your feelings.

    • doclawyer-av says:

      What, unlike the other members of the royal family and their spouses, who spent decades studying for a degree in Royalty? Meghan Markle is at worst, harmless. She married someone and does the same vague meaningless charity work she did before she and Harry left being royals?  Jeremy’s rant, where he compares who to a serial killer and fantasises about having feces thrown on her, was deeply, deeply, unhinged. It made him look psychotic. 

    • imoore3-av says:

      “I don’t know Jeremy Clarkson outside of his Amazon stuff, but to imply he’s a racist because he doesn’t like a person who tries so hard to be unlikeable…tells me someone needs to spend time outside their echo chamber.”You really need to look outside his Amazon stuff.  You’ll see what he’s like in real life.  And he’s more than racist.

    • kahlessj-av says:

      so youre mad that a celebrity married a prince???  were you mad that the other prince married a good looking woman too or were you ok with that since she wasnt famous

    • crankymessiah-av says:

      Thanks for stopping by to let everyone know that you’re an aggressively pathetic dipshit, I guess.How dare she be attractive! How dare she get married! How dare she complain about the racism that she definitively experienced!Such a sad, pathetic, scared dipshit….

    • gizmo666-av says:

      So she has the same skill set as the rest of the worthless Royal family then

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Hey, not everybody can look attractive on camera.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I mean, he’s racist cos he’s racist. The Meghan Markle stuff is the highest profile thing he’s done recently, but google Jeremy Clarkson and racism and you’ll get plenty of stuff proving he’s pretty racist. He has regularly used and tried to justify use of the n-word and other slurs. The episode of Top Gear where they went to Mexico was deemed so racist that the BBC had to apologize to the Mexican Ambassador.And he also has a history of suggesting the mass execution of striking workers, beat the shit out of the BBC worker who failed to bring him a steak (the reason he was fired from Top Gear), and has a history of homophobic and ablest rants. Whether you think Meghan Markle is a golddigger or not, writing a column about how you want her violently attacked is not okay.

      • ruefulcountenance-av says:

        To be very grudgingly fair to the man, that striking workers thing was a poor attempt at a joke taken out of context.He is, however, an unpleasant bigoted tosser generally.

        • lmh325-av says:

          I think you could make that argument about most of the things he’s said, but a racist joke is still racist even if you think you’re on the right side of the situation.

      • picvegita-av says:

        Well said.. I say this as a guy who used to love Top Gear (for the car stuff not Jeremy’s “comedy/old man whining”

      • hendenburg3-av says:

        Oh, I was going to point out the Grand Tour episode where they were in Colombia and did an entire segment on some village where the men were supposedly f***ing goats.

    • capeo-av says:

      Wow, you’re a raging asswipe who has no clue about about… anything.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      People like Sam should be grateful, because now there’s a whole new pile of grist for his shit content mill that he, as an American, previously wasn’t aware of. It’s hilarious: an American commenting on other’s not being accepting of different people while forcefully only viewing the situation through an American lens is quite the height of hypocrisy.

    • lilnapoleon24-av says:

      You are also a racist

    • dr-darke-av says:

      But you’re not a White Supremacist at all, are you, Hank_Dolworth?

    • oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy-av says:

      As someone from the UK, I can confirm Clarkson has been openly racist in this newspaper column for fucking decades. He’s a cunt.

    • thegrandgrandmaster-av says:

      This. These people are so blind with hatred. They accuse and rage, but they don’t even take the time to watch the show. 

    • andyryan1975-av says:

      She was a successful actress – I’m sure that counts as a discernible skill.“but to imply he’s a racist because he doesn’t like a person”
      He’s happy to use the n-word and other racial slurs on TV, so no, that’s not the only reason. As for the ‘echo chamber’, even his own daughter called his article disgusting, and he later apologised for it saying he couldn’t defend it. Maybe it’s you in the echo chamber.

    • swearwolf616-av says:

      What exact skills should she have had to get married? 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Because she parlayed looking attractive on camera with no other discernable skills into marrying into the British Royal Family”

      So, she did literally nothing wrong.

      “while attempting to paint herself as a victim?”

      I love this. So SHE is the one who treated her like absolute shit, forcing her to “paint herself as a victim”? Imagine if you weren’t a vile, racist piece of shit…

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Which makes her different from everyone else who ever married into the royal family because…?

    • hendenburg3-av says:

      Which is different from Kate Middleton how, exactly?

    • noinspiration-av says:

      Being attractive is more than the rest of those parasites have going for them

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Since when do you have to have skills to be part of the royal family? Is waving from a balcony while wearing a shiny hat that someone else paid for considered a “skill” now?Here is a truism: If you can qualify for a job just by being born, then no skill is required.Markle is just as qualified to be part of that family as anyone else. She just got there first, and the fact that a brown person crossed that particular finish line is 100% of the reason why people are so spiteful toward her.To be clear, the royal family are a bunch of inbred shitheads, but they’re inbred shitheads with money so congrats to Markle for playing the game and winning.

    • queefyleathers-av says:

      Yeah that’s still not a good reason.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    So now I have to start actively boycotting this show, instead of just not knowing it exists.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    UK has more of a problem with shitstains who have mainstream success.  Say what you will about the US, and please go ahead, but even the Scientology slaves who fix Tom Cruise’s motorcycles are kept in their pens, he’s not like “look at my slaves!!!”  I mean, we sent Piers whatthefuckisthatloser’sname packing, good on us.  Is it depressing that Mel Gibson might direct a remake of the Wild Bunch and that apparently Michael Fassbender has agreed to be in it?  Yes, but at least that might fall through.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      isn’t gibson already confirmed to be directing lethal weapon 5 either way?

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        I just want my bad guys penned off so that Gibson is only making movies with Emile Hirsch, I don’t want them infecting my Fassbenders. It’s like when Ben Affleck was making movies with J Lo, I only had to skip one movie instead of multiple movies, everybody wins!That said, I’m disappointed Danny Glover would participate.

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        Isn’t he too old for that shit?

    • gargsy-av says:

      “UK has more of a problem with shitstains who have mainstream success.”

      Hey stupid, did you see who was president of the USA from 2016-2020?

    • paulfields77-av says:

      If you really wanted some credit you’d have taken pity on us and kept Piers Moron over there.  You’d have had our eternal gratitude.

      • anathanoffillions-av says:

        it is amazing that people here just stopped paying attention to him (maybe because he got canned pre-Trump), while no matter what the hell he says over there he stands in for impotent white male aggrievement so steadfastly that they report his hijinks in real time. I mean, obviously his problem is that he didn’t put “fatuous ass” higher on his resume and go to Fox instead of CNN. CNN has no actual backbone and once trumpeted Stormy Daniels’ now-imprisoned lawyer as a potential presidential candidate (no really) but it was a chode too far at the time.

    • trentgein-av says:

      Who gives a shit? Don’t like it, don’t watch it

    • happyhippohats-av says:

      Much as I find Clarkson to be an insufferable pratt it’s worth remembering that he did once punch Piers Morgan in the face, so at least he’s got that going for him.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    I am not accusing him of fucking those cows.

  • rauth1334-av says:

    still not sure if they hate meghan more for being black, or for being american. 

  • skc1701a-av says:

    Clarkson proves a point though.That being the intelligentsia – the social elites who claim farmers are stupid rednecks whose jobs are easy – are the true idiots. The same people who claimed to “trust the science” were dead fn wrong that the population would crest in the 1970s bc farmers couldn’t keep up with demand – only to have 40% of Americans (and much of the so-called ‘civilized world’) end up Obese. Clarkson proves time and again that throwing vast amounts of money at something isn’t worth a damn when the art & science of farming is a helluva lot more than “plant seeds and watch them grow”. He’s no more of an arrogant blowhard than (insert almost any D or R politician’s name here).

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    The Top Gear episode where they drove to the north pole & he made a martini in the car once they were driving on ice that was in international waters was very entertaining 

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    It’s pretty telling that Hammond and May will sometimes make cameos on each other’s shows; but outside of Grand Tour you never see them with Clarkson.

    • 4jimstock-av says:

      Hammond and May seem like decent guys with that one a$$hole friend. 

      • a320232-av says:

        “decent guys”May said that all Mexican food looks like vomit. And Hammond said that it was a horrible thought to think of even being Mexican.Would you like to rethink your statement?

        • 4jimstock-av says:

          oh that ok May seems to be a decent guy. I forgot that people are irredeemably damed for eternity for everything that they have said since birth. Guess I am canceled also now?

          • a320232-av says:

            I forgot that people are irredeemably damed for eternity for everything that they have said since birthYet you have no problem calling out Clarkson for the garbage he’s said.I’ve yet to hear anything that he said that was worse than pontificating about how horrible it would live life as a Mexican person.Consistency is key when it comes to criticism.

    • trentgein-av says:

      That doesn’t mean shit

    • thegrandgrandmaster-av says:

      Hammond and Clarkson are actually very close friends. He admires James, but he’s not that close. 

  • jrcorwin-av says:

    Ok. I enjoyed the second season. I enjoyed all his years on Top Gear. I have enjoyed all of the Grand Tour seasons and specials. I don’t always agree with Jeremy. That’s okay. It’s okay to not be addicted to outrage. Try it out and you might find you feel better. 

  • fallfromgrace-av says:

    right wing talking points…you don’t know many farmers do you? Sometimes people should just stick to what they know. 

  • earlydiscloser-av says:

    the biggest piece of shit move in the history of pieces of shit.Should’ve been the headline. Pleasantly surprised at the actual criticism of him in the article given the open question in the title but you should have realised he was a terrible person a hundred years ago (give or take) and stopped watching him long before Amazon Prime existed.

  • trentgein-av says:

    You’re without a doubt one of the worst writers on this site. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. This isn’t a review so what’s the point? Other than you being an equal opportunity asshole. Embarrassing

  • somethingwittyorwhatever-av says:

    I wasn’t interested in a second season of Clarkson Farm until Sam Barsanti went on this rant.

  • jhhmumbles-av says:

    Man, I liked it better before I read the article when I’d never heard of this guy.  

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “He knows that looking stupid or incompetent is funny, which is a neat trick for a guy who’s extremely wealthy and has a huge fan following.”
    What is he, British Tim Allen?

    • lostlimey296-av says:

      That’s a pretty apt comparison, just less cocaine involved with Clarkson.

    • cleretic-av says:

      If I’d give Clarkson anything, it’s that while Tim Allen is a pretty good comparison, there was a lot more self-awareness in Clarkson’s shtick. Or perhaps the same amount, but Clarkson’s lasted longer. Tim Allen devolved into ‘I’m the only one with common sense’ and lost pretty much all his appeal as he stopped letting himself be the butt of the joke (a pretty common trajectory for right-wing comedians), but at least Clarkson even now seems to know the comedy in being the overconfident idiot that’s about to have everything fall apart on him.Even that seems to be wearing down at this point, but it’s equal parts seeming to be Clarkson actually wanting to be right and the world just getting too tired of him for that to keep working.

    • hendenburg3-av says:

      No, he’s Boris Johnson with a better haircut

  • lmh325-av says:

    Didn’t he get fired from Top Gear for punching someone over the catering? I mean it was a bit more than just being whiney.I liked Top Gear, but then they started doing the international episodes. At first, it was interesting. Then it got real racist real fast. He told us exactly who he was.

  • kevinsnewusername-av says:

    I had no clue Markle was black.

  • filmfreak95-av says:

    I agree that Clarkson is an asshole but this is incredibly unfair to Clarkson Farm as a whole. He has said that the farm does indeed need an income and the majority of his projects have been for the good of the other farmers, all struggling as a result of Brexit. It’s also rather strange to characterize his criticism of the red tape and bureaucracy from the council because it would be reasonable to say the majority of the hurdles he had to go through are indeed ridiculous and unfair. The laws on badgers for instance are obviously outdated and only harm farmers. His reasoning for the car park and the restaurant all make complete sense and just show a bias from the council, especially regarding the farm trail. If anything, this shows the insane rigamarole farmers who are already struggling face. The show should make give us greater appreciation of the agriculture industry. For all this faults this is an endeavor definitely worth watching

  • the-unbrain-av says:

    Can’t believe i’m coming here to say this, but Clarkson’s Farm is a genuinely good examination of the issues facing farming in Britain that wouldn’t have got made without Clarkson. I don’t think the amount of red tape farmers encounter exactly classifies as a right-wing talking point. It’s a genuine problem.

  • tinyepics-av says:

    A racist, misogynistic, homophobic, environment raping cunt for sure.

  • covend-av says:

    Well going to raise my hand and say I’m a big fan. Love the show, binged both seasons and really looking forward to the next. If nothing else, at least you can agree he has done a lot to raise awareness to how bloody hard it is for farmers to make any kind of living, especially without government grants to keep them afloat. It’s a dying profession and one we still rely heavily on. If he continues to fly the flag for those many voices going unheard then hes got my support. Besides we all know the royal family is a shit show. They won’t be getting any sympathy from me. Or from most of the country.

  • crithon-av says:

    huh, sounds a lot like Alan Partridge but without any talent?

  • thegrandgrandmaster-av says:

    Oh wow. The unbridled hatred and judgement in this article is just insane. You must think your a pure saint to judge a man so harshly for simply being a bit boorish on camera. Jeremy Clarkson is actually a great guy in real life, and no real testimony to say other wise; except the opinion of people who never met him, like Sam Barsanti. Jeremy donates money to the local area charity: Do you? He doesn’t hate the environment, as he demonstrates in his show: He just has criticisms about the politics around it, which is every one’s right. And he hates Megan Markel because she’s a terrible person who treated the royal fam like garbage, in his opinion: and that’s it. you are the racist who brought her race into it! He never said anything of the sort! But you’re all intent on not just making false judgments and throwing the first stone, you’re dumping a whole truck full of on him so you can feel like you’re a good person, when you’re probably not: and all over nothing. How about becoming better people! Help people! Donate to a charity and make a difference! Cause Jermy Clarkson has done that. What about you?

  • Spoooon-av says:

    Thank god I tapped out of Top Gear after one episode. My friends were all going “Dude, watch the show! It’s awesome!” – but as the end credits rolled, I went ‘The show was fine, but fuck that asshole host’ and never looked back.My Spider Sense was working extra good that day, it seemed.

  • ajvia12-av says:

    He couldn’t even bring himself to say sorry to the woman he had attacked in the press; he had to talk to her husband first. It may have been, without exaggeration, the biggest piece of shit move in the history of pieces of shitIf this is the “Biggest” POS move you’ve ever seen/considered, I beg to switch lives with you.Life and humanity is SO, SO much worse than “not saying sorry properly” to someone, even if it’s sexist or whatever. There’s SO much worse evil, ugliness and BS in this world, this is not even remotely close to “things that make someone the worst POS in history”.

  • revjab-av says:

    The reason “we” dislike Meghan Markle is because she is a narcissist, liberal, and gold-digger. It is the racists who insist “we” dislike her because of our fictitious racism.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    I think the popularity of it speaks for itself. I checked last night, it was #1 on the service with a 5 star rating.

  • dayvie_e-av says:

    Everyone should just watch Richard Hammond’s Workshop on Discovery+ instead —- the more wholesome show by the more likeable cast of the original Top Gear crew. Basically the same idea of the Clarkson show, but with likeable and competent people and no forced buffoonery.  

  • clarksonfan-av says:

    If you don’t like Clarkson or his shows, nobody is forcing you to watch them. Everyone on OAN or Newsmax is an asshole and a terrible person, and nobody is forcing me to watch those networks. Everyone makes mistakes, and nobody is perfect. I applaud Clarkson’s effort to use his fame and platform to draw attention to the problems and issues that real farmers face, and educate his audience (in a very humorous way) about how farms work. He even engages in sustainable practices on his farm. Having a popular farm shop encourages people around the world to support their local farmers and buy local, homegrown produce. Let’s face it, the increase in visitors to the part of the country that Clarkson’s farm brings puts a lot of money into the local economy and helps support the people that work there. Personally, I do not agree with everything Jeremy Clarkson says or does. However, I along with millions of other people still enjoy watching him on TV. It is okay to disagree with someone’s words or actions. In this case, however, cancelling Jeremy Clarkson is not appropriate nor is it warranted.

  • sunbury2023-av says:

    Sorry, I am a left of centere suburban woman who doesn’t support racism at any level and I think this article completely misses the point. It comes across as a personal grudge than a well thought out message. The show effectively highlights the plight of farmers and the endless red tape they have to ensure. Seriously, allowing badgers with TB to wander around livestock with no way to eliminate the threat is extremely concerning and short sighted. Regardless of whether he is a jerk (which I think he is), I appreciate the show for what it does do for farmers who don’t have the money or media resources to plead their case. The writer of the article needs to understand that if the show wasn’t entertaining then no one would watch and if no watches, no one will hear the important message. As for the Meagan issue, his comments were ill-advised and of poor taste, but Meagan’s mini-series was self-absorbed whining. Neither of them make particularly good decisions about what they do or say to the press.  And I have to ask the writer whether he and his significant other have ever had an arguement about who is responsible for what and who makes the most meals?  At least they have the guts to admit it isn’t all fun and games.

  • gz1217-av says:

    There is no doubt you can find Jeremy Clarkson to be an awful person. Many of the things he’s said are not defensible. I don’t think that many people would call him a “good” person. You’re right about all of that.But I do take umbrage with the posited question: “Is there anything of value left in Clarkson’s Farm?” Yes, there is. People can watch this as a silly form of entertainment and may actually enjoy the goofiness of him on the farm. That’s ok! Others may tune in because they are genuinely interested in farming, while others have learned about many of the hardships that your typical farmer faces. There’s undoubtedly value in that. I, personally, enjoy seeing the shots of the fields being drilled into and harvested – seeing a combine harvester do work can surprisingly be fun to watch. I’m sorry you didn’t like the show. I’m sorry that your disdain for him doesn’t allow you to see any entertainment value in it. But some of us do. You must be so fun to be around during parties.

  • sirgilmonti-av says:

    Council: All the farm store’s customers’ cars are parking on the roadside verges (medians) and causing traffic problems.Clarkson: Can I put in a gravel parking lot on my own land to accommodate them and end the problem?Council: No.Clarkson: Can I build a small restaurant (using an existing building) that will provide jobs for locals and help the local farmers, all of whom are going to go bankrupt because of government-created problems?Council: No.
    Clarkson: Why not?Council: Because you don’t have a parking lot to hold the customers’ cars.
    We get it. You don’t like Clarkson because you think he’s a racisthomophobetransphobecrank. But the show was extremely entertaining and did a fine job of exposing how the government crushes small businesses through insane regulation. Let’s not forget the badgers causing TB which kills cows and shuts down farms. Can you hunt down and kill the badgers? Nope, they are protected. So, sorry about your dairy farm but there are badges to be protected so…

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:
  • abona-av says:

    Why is Clarkson’s Farm revered by actual farmers? Is it because they’re all racist, sexist buffoons? Or because it’s the first time the realities of farming – and not the urban fantasies – have been shown to the public (who wouldn’t watch a gritty documentary on it)?Clarkson’s exaggerated persona (who knows what he’s actually like when the cameras aren’t on him?) is pompous and attention-seeking. But he’s no fool, and the issues he raises in between being offensive are real and worthy of being raised. When we put assumptions of one man’s character above shining a light on livelihoods and a way of life under threat, we miss the point.

  • kingme-av says:

    The real damning thing about Clarkson’s Farm is that it would probably be better if he weren’t there. The people who know what they’re doing would get more done, certainly, and even if you somehow still have patience for Clarkson, it’s hard to have a lot of sympathy for the rich guy who is constantly buying expensive new farming equipment that he doesn’t know how to use, breaking stuff, and then complaining about how nobody understands how hard he’s working. To put it simply, he’s just an asshole. And now he’s not even a funny asshole.
    That is what makes the show though. The fact that he has no idea what he is doing, all he does is make a mess of everything, and he acts like a stupid idiot all the time. Jeremy Clarkson is not what makes Clarkson’s Farm Funny, its the people that interacts with him are. It’s not funny, but its definitely entertaining.With that said, Jeremy Clarkson is most definitely an stupid asshole and Amazon should  make a show featuring Caleb instead as a spinoff.

  • JRRybock-av says:

    The problem with any complaint about Jeremy Clarkson being a jerk is that there is no refuting that. It’s just an objective fact. But that’s what makes it entertaining… I mean, look at some classic shows – Frasier Crane was a pompous ass, the four main characters on Seinfeld were self-centered A-holes. But that’s where the humor comes from, from that exaggerated sense of self and thinking they know what they’re doing and setting themselves up for failure.So, we check into Clarkson Farm because we know him from Top Gear… and his love of cars leads him to buy a Lamborghini branded tractor without even thinking if it could fit in his barn, where we don’t know in the moment what the problem will be, but we are sure there will be a problem because Jeremy is too sure of himself. Then you get him taking some sheep to the abattoir, facing a reality of what he’s been doing that he hadn’t bothered to really consider. Then a cut to him enjoying a Shepard’s Pie made with one of them and deciding he could get over it… again, all the things that make us think he’s not a great person is what makes it entertaining.And I disagree that the show would be better without him… it works because – or maybe despite – of him. His dealing with the results of bad decisions he’s made because he thinks he’s being clever is the entertainment. But, it wouldn’t work without Caleb… like Top Gear, he needs a foil on screen to call him out for some dumb ass choice he made… he then can try to explain why he’s right, which is just setting up for the eventual fail or falling short. 

    • JRRybock-av says:

      One thing I would add was when he’s being told he made a total of 144 pounds of profit over the last year… yes, you can say that in general terms he’s a bit of a twat, but in the moment he asks about “real” farmers – for someone without an Amazon film crew, for those who don’t host “Who Wants to Be A Millionaire” on the side… he can live with 144 pounds profit from the farm, as he has other incomes, but he’s immediately asking about others whose farm is their SOLE income. I’m fine calling him a twat, but he’s a very self aware, and thinking of other people who may be in his position but without the benefits he has. And, as a chef who wants to understand how what I cook gets to me, he is, in the end, higlighting that there are major issues in our system to feed everyone.

  • garryuk-av says:

    Jeremy said in jest what 70% of the uk public think they may be our Royalty well not her she is a low life who lies creates false stories to try gain popularity .As far as the Clarkson farm I like it think its its entertaining never massive Clarkson fan but its good watch and lets face it if UK as it as massive viewing figures breaking records then bring on more of it , because i wont be watching anything the poison dwarf Markle broadcasts we can leave that to the American public but think there bored of her by now ,

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