Jim Carrey says he’s “fairly serious” about wanting to retire after Sonic The Hedgehog 2

The former Kidding star doesn't seem to be kidding about wanting to take a break

Aux News Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey says he’s “fairly serious” about wanting to retire after Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Jim Carrey Photo: Jon Kopaloff

Jim Carrey’s taken on every kind of role, with an even mix of brilliant, career-defining roles, and some not-so-good ones. With the exception of his Showtime TV series Kidding, that ended in 2020, Carrey hasn’t exactly had the meatiest roles lately. His most recent one is playing villain Dr. Ivo Robotnik in Sonic The Hedgehog 2. And Carrey’s feeling ready to call it quits after that sequel.

In a new Access Hollywood interview, Carrey confirms he’s strongly considering retiring. “Well, I’m retiring. Yeah, probably. I’m being fairly serious,” he says. “It depends. If the angels bring some sort of script that’s written in gold ink that says to me that it’s going to be really important for people to see, I might continue down the road, but I’m taking a break.”

He adds, “I really like my quiet life and I really like putting paint on canvas and I really love my spiritual life, and I feel like—and this is something you might never hear another celebrity say as long as time exists—I have enough. I’ve done enough. I am enough.”

As much as Carrey claims it’s rare for a celebrity to say they’ve had enough, he’s hardly the only Hollywood star to retire from acting. His The Mask co-star Cameron Diaz decided to retire in 2018, and Meg Ryan also opted to take a break in 2019.

But Carrey likes to troll, so it could be possible he’s pulling an April Fools’ joke on his fans. After all, he mentions it a bit too casually in his chat with Access Hollywood, and this is the kind of announcement actors usually make in a far somber way, with an Instagram text post or a New York Times profile. Either way, it certainly drums up plenty of publicity for the Sonic sequel.


  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    “…If the angels bring some sort of script that’s written in gold ink that says to me that it’s going to be really important for people to see, I might continue down the road, but I’m taking a break.”CUT TO:

    “Jim Carrey comes out of retirement for Sonic the Hedgehog 3″

  • bogira-av says:

    The 90s stars had huge pay days. It makes sense that they can walk away rather than keep starring in films into their 60s and 70s. Diaz and Ryan had roles dry up for them a decade plus ago, one because she wasn’t terribly good, the other because she ruined her face trying to save her career (which is tragic unto itself).  But Carrey could have anything he wants on a streaming service but I think he just doesn’t care.  He did his serious work, he has his “Majestic” and “Truman Show,” what else is there?

    • milligna000-av says:

      Fulfilling work with great collaborators at the top of their game? Oh right. None of those people want him these days.

    • iamamarvan-av says:

      I think you mean his Eternal Sunshine and I Love You Phillip Morris

    • bcfred2-av says:

      I wish the streaming explosion had happened sooner because it would almost certainly have meant more roles for older actresses, potentially reducing the incentive for these awful plastic surgery hail marys.  Sure Ryan was cute but a big part of that was her personality.  That hatchet job was just unnecessary.

      • bogira-av says:

        It was always her personality but you can’t go back on stage/screen with such an insanely bad face job like that.  I don’t mind getting older, I just wish the idea of ‘aging’ wasn’t so frightening for so many. 🙁

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Not a lot of acting mountains for him left to climb. He’s nailed humor, nailed drama. Sure, he doesn’t get enough respect for the latter, but it’s not like he hasn’t put in the work.

  • frasier-crane-av says:

    Like the saying goes: Always go out at the bottom!

  • milligna000-av says:

    What a shock considering no good directors want to hire him for anything.

  • unfromcool-av says:

    There’s gotta be some Cold War deconstruction film kicking around in Hollywood somewhere that can get greenlit quickly enough to cast Carrey as Reagan, no? I think either that, or some sort of moody near-sci-fi starring vehicle would do the trick for me. 

  • butterbattlepacifist-av says:

    Sonic kills Robotnik in Sonic 2 confirmed

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    always have a soft spot for the man, nothing will ever top being a kid in 1994 and every 3 months getting the funniest movie you’d ever seen up until that point, but yeah, just rest my guy. we don’t need ‘the number 24′ or anything.

  • jennymanythoughts-av says:

    I’ve heard a few comedy podcasts where folks talk about how much they admired him until they saw the Netflix behind the scenes doc that nailed down his Andy Kaufmann “method acting.”  I wonder how much of a pain in the ass to work with he is these days.  

  • amoralpanic-av says:

    Kidding deserved another season.

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