Jimmy Fallon tries, fails to out-Travolta John Travolta

Aux Features John Travolta
Jimmy Fallon tries, fails to out-Travolta John Travolta
Screenshot: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

John Travolta’s played many roles, nearly all of which send him way the hell over the top. You can see Danny Zuko’s hair-combing, greaser antics just as clearly as Vincent Vega’s “Elvis-man” ways. Luckily for Jimmy Fallon, he’s a pretty good impressionist, and did pretty well in acting out some Travolta classics on the Tonight Show. Travolta, of course, was right there with him, adding a bit of stress to Fallon’s performances.

Travolta is sporting a shaved-head do, which makes him look a bit less like his usual self. But as soon as he starts reciting lines from his iconic roles—shout to Face/Offit becomes quite evident who the true Travolta is here. Unfortunately, Travolta didn’t land on Edna Turnblad, but the two did perform a dance-happy impression of Vinnie Barbarino from Welcome Back, Kotter. Maybe next they could take turns trying to pronounce Idina Menzel’s name?


  • stegrelo-av says:

    I won’t watch the video because I can’t take that much Jimmy Fallon, but I do want to say how happy I am that Travolta is finally embracing his baldness. Dude looks so much better now that he isn’t wearing that hideous rug all the time. I like seeing him not trying to hide who he really is, though I wish he would do the same in all aspects of his life. 

  • durango237-av says:

    Remember when all those masseurs accused Travolta of sexual harassment?

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      What? If anything, he should’ve gone to the Better Business Bureau for not getting all those happy ending he paid for!

    • arundelxvi-av says:

      Pepperidge Farm remembers. With a leering prurience that at times feels unseemly.

  • anjouvalentine-av says:


  • martianlaw-av says:

    Hot take here. I don’t think that Random Generator is as random as we’re made to believe. We’re talking Quiz Show scandal here.

  • anjouvalentine-av says:

    I love how game John Travolta is for this. He is effortlessly charismatic.

    Jimmy Fallon seems like he doesn’t trust the laugh track to make audiences applaud at the right moments, so he constantly breaks the fourth wall to let the audience know that he’s in on the joke. Because otherwise, if Jimmy Fallon isn’t laughing, how would you know that it’s funny?

    • graymangames-av says:

      It makes me long for the days when Letterman didn’t give a shit if you laughed or not. If anything, he’d let a joke bomb and just stew in it to show he could. Fallon is so desperate for people to like him it has the opposite effect and makes him insufferable.

      • ghostiet-av says:

        My favorite talk show bit was always Craig Ferguson’s awkward pause. It got me every single time, whether it was with someone who seemed completely taken aback or people like John Cusack, Evangeline Lily or Sarah Paulson, who devoured the opportunity.Contemporarily, it almost plays like a response to Jimmy Fallon’s insecurity about people laughing, manifested in his phony laugh and constant need to throw games and shit at the screen.

        • lazerlion-av says:

          I miss Craig shooting the shit with Geoff and Secritariat.

        • jessicarozic1991-av says:

          Craig was phenomenal, and you could tell he really went out of his way to make guests feel comfortable (about the important stuff, he’d love a little awkwardness!) 

      • tampabeeatch-av says:

        And then throw the blue note cards at the fake window!

      • yummsh-av says:

        And for that, he’d get called a grumpy old man. Everyone under 30 is an absolute moron.

        • graymangames-av says:

          It makes me think; I briefly tried stand-up after college (wasn’t good at it, so I stopped) and one thing I could never master is not giving a fuck if the audience laughed. You have to accept early on not every audience is gonna respond to your jokes, and if they sense you’re desperate they’re gonna eat you alive. You have to be confident in whatever it is you’re doing on stage, and Fallon clearly is not.

    • tampabeeatch-av says:

      I’m 45 and fell in love with John Travolta when I was around six years old via Welcome Back Cotter and Grease being on cable all the time. The man still turns my knees to Jell-O and makes me giggle like an idiot. I HATE Scientology, and if he is gay or bi I wish he’d just come out, but whatever, he’s my catnip!

    • lazerlion-av says:

      That’s pretty much Fallon’s deal, aggressive overcompensation. 

    • jessicarozic1991-av says:

      Fallon is the worst late night host I can think of. 

  • cosmiagramma-av says:

    >shaved head>shaved

  • thatguy0verthere-av says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but the premise here is to ask John Travolta to….do a line from a character he has played?

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    “Fails to Out Travolta”Because we already know?

  • jasonscreenname-av says:

    I’m not sure about the shaved head, but Travolta is 65. I figure 65 and up you can do pretty much whatever you want. He’s throwing lines and dancing jigs better than I’m sure I’ll be able to at that age.

  • nextchamp-av says:

    HA HA HA!It’s so entertaining cause Travolta is an insane man part of an insane, illegal cult! And his cult views got his son killed due to not giving him medicine on time!

  • stevie-jay-av says:

    A faggot and a Jew. How very American.

  • millstacular-av says:

    Is it me, or is John Travolta kind of daddy hot now?…asking for a friend.

  • thegentile-av says:

    oh thank god i haven’t seen an article about jimmy fallon yet this week

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